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2007-0'-18 14:36 (fl..4bb.UbUY Leeu-~L\. r I" RECEIVED APR 1 8 2007 \ L 0 éf)?J - O-lå!-f Public Works St. Lucie Countv _ 1;1 r~.~ ""_4Wrq-VOi,g.~Ul~I.U~!_ _----.. "'_ , INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE I()T~ OJ .oc.~K;......-- SE(~l·J()N: _ '__ J( JtjN: ~~8§0 ,h~)K NAM~: Hitkuna Residence Jf)R ^¡)DR.tì,S~: 2Ø Nattl05 Btw Jonsen bf)ch 'r~~ undersigned her~by ,en¡firt' th~. ¡nt\ulølion ba.~ been infl-.Ucd at the øbovt ~I.scritaed pr(lperty as ft..U'I\"~ . I. r'~Atcrior CDS w~ll:¡. h;'&"tC b4..*\:u in¥uhitcd with .. ........ H"~~ ~u.....+ ",C~hcçk nne (') Spt'3Y un t.cnuh~, tt,' II Ihickn~~)i of NJ^ lI\Ch"~~:r wl1it.:h Ih;t~"'~~, ~ordlng to ,h4:. (, ) FÎhc.,"gliJ~s bh,nkct~ n1JlItlJîh(:t.tlr~r_ Fj, f-Olt ( ) A IIIII"nun1 t:-'(\i1 rÀ~n~'1)' N/A WlìJ ~h:ld aD ··R~· v~.III~ of 4,' ( ) ~hcr JZxlu"t()r Frotr"t \"'uU, h)tv.:; been IIlmhd.ed wid. .uh' ........,........ .~u..(~hcck ~lIIC () SprlY on c;eUul(,)~ (\) C( Hli(:kncs~ uf 6 .25 juch\~~, which d.'ckncsh. IQ;.,,1Ii"l "'. 11\&: IJ) 1'-'b(.,-rUJt&~» bl..ßtœI~ n\.UllI 4 flcn,rl-T, c",rtainT~J ( ) Alumjllunt FiliI I kn~il Y NI A ~'in Y Ie id ~'n "I{" value of' 19 ( ) (JthC,f ~JJf~Y F(HlM 2, (~cihn~~ Lc'Ktf h~v~~ hltC" ì,Iwlah..-d with ,......~..+".......' ".(,;b~,~k one ( ) FibcrKI..~ bb,,,ket~ W JI thi(!k nUS' or 6. 5 jl1çhC'~1 whi~h ih\c:kl\t'-IS, accon[il'l~ to 1 he, ( »Píber~I8i~ Inos&: fill mürlufa\:u.aC'eIA" Cort*r~Toed ( ) A1urt\iL1Urn t·'()i\ l)ur.*-,tf}' N/A WIU yu.~MI liD fiR'" valU\: ul 19 ( ,) ()t.hc..~. }CellulOSe t L~i ~ U'~N C"thêt1r3' h~,. vC b~"\~" .ntuhLtcd wit,11 ,.. " I'" ............... .Check o~ (J) I:¡bcrø.}ü§ b111nk.cts 1.0 ¡, thic;kn\;:t:r. uf 6.2~ Itt(.ht:~, wbich thï&;"ncs~. H.tcotdit1' to th~ ( ) I~ ib4:rgl&i1t 14')()5C 'in n}autJi'~Cr'urcl., CendtnTeed ( ) I\hllnitun Fuit I)cn~i'.v N/ ",ill yh.Jd :UI "'Rn v.aluc ur 10 ( ) ()thcr (·cllùlt~~ SAR ~~, Interior knee \1(..11" hti\ t; t)('~n IU~dta,C(i with., --. ...u"...... ............ ",.(:hcck one (.1I·Îbc:llJtas~ blankc:'~ to ~ Uu(;~n(~s~ (,f 6.25 il..chç'jt ",hi~¡i IhttkJ~. 1U;c.;fJrdinx to tbe ( ) P('lyureChllnc n1,*nuf;'~~'~¿rcr. C.l1a'flT"~d ( 't Spray on c,~Uùtoøi.~ l~n~itv NlA "';U ~d(~',1 ~11 "R" value or 19 ( ') (Jdlcr Cel'ú&œe ,., (it.tfag~ l)illtilion w:ill~ of ~'.,.ndtl*,1t\\:d hVIJ\r; ah~1t; have been I n ~ 11 hu ~., with, . 00, ". 00 ." . " 00 " .. . .. .. 00 , ... . .. . . .. . . . . d . .. . .. d' .. . I . " I . .. C ~ hee k UßC It, :) th¡cknc~!) It.· :!.~o 1t14.~hc'. whtch Lhl¢kn~", according ',(1 the Inan,,(n~rurt~r, Cet1HtnT e....i Ih:,,~jly N/A WIlt yn;irl aln HR." VNI~ or 11 ( ) t"ibcrgJass ""In. ël. ( .> SprlY (1ft cellulose C. ) t'o'Ylltetb..~ ( ) o.,tu:r MUl,'I'1 FAf\1IL Y RI4:SII )J;N'I'IAI~ (·.~(")N!i'I·ltlJt~t·tf'N ()NL y~ '¡~hc conWOr' fpart~) w.ll~ aÞ~J'¡,r.tir,.: cJjtf~rttlt I~nah',~ ~haU f>.: lñ~U~ a~ ll.U()WS - "·raIŒIMctal ~tl1d waUl It, 11 (Min.). CBS br CtUM;retc waU5 R· ~ (Mrn.)~ by ~ncrgy f'\)()4~ ~,u;f,~mcnb, See F,ttefJY (,4*, RtW, ti8', ptrlgraph ~)03A2(b), on P_lt 9-17. Iftl,~,L t:.Jårit)n. 't ~hctÞ~ ··.,ua)imu.n\, Icvel~ of in~l1httiOf1" arc n~,t in(,luded in u~ SM'IY CI"~ut.~it"11, but ~hatJ he in~(I,1Jed ill U,c field. NC )1''':: I)cll~ltics of ~prayctl ('0, hM)s"~ fJU~ OJ ~.)' other ~.,mlklsed-~ ~itc in~uJatiolJ «ha (Iblfn I 'lVC'r"u~' ilfthf'(~1! (.n ''nR V SA MrLfS" ofact.-al inst.I1¡d;on. ~ ~ ' L.efD f:]~F.r~()ûF1~r~~ _ _..__~. ~ ~ ---.... ,_.... '~.. _ h,~uhl"()U (~.'nht.k-h,)r hll\Ilalinn (:c)n\ra~r Sif;M."U~ _ _,,/~4~ I)atc or &~å;~n {; t", [~.F . ..~"r.IfJ ~ounty" SP 0:).';74 (i,,,uiãi~ (~~~~~.. u~·~(~:(:'" ~I';;;~L~"'" p' Uü¡ldJr'~·Œ~N .....-.-.-............. f ~ AOIIønA ,~ '~~' CøtMllDI*~ . ,.,.... 1-1, : ,P..~~ £KIJÞMS 5I1.,flO10 I ~~~ '''''~AIM. !II~J ;................................-......... . ~/~ d £t't'929t'2LL « ~t'L~2£22LL NOI1:)n~lSNO:) NMf 6£:£~ 8~ -t'O-L002