HomeMy WebLinkAbout05080697 ·...·02/25/2007 23:01 ..... 111111 \ ·II·"-II--I·'~"_'~"_'_'_'~. .(.""......,.£1. \ --r--..' ,..r-'" ... ...n. n,"' n.r. ",~:.t "'I 1)',,1 ':'<\~('o{ -'''f II II )};::;;. \./~;r:~" !~~ f~~"J::"'~" 'o' ·ri!) ~\11ó1o\c'n!111{i.~I\\tt, ';Y~ I'.o'~·'~ II II "~IJ~ ;.~,~':~ ':o': (J &," .~, ~. b.,.:", .'1: ..,~ ~ .. ~.:. ". :,] . " 7724625267 ST LUCIE CO us PAGE £11 Residential Roof Dry-In Affidavit St Lucie County, Public Works Department Code Compliance Division. Building Permit # D :2 a CtJ - D La q v¡ ~J-: U eSú/A A i+mo[)-" Owner's .A.ddress ~ J LJ S . ~ S·~ ~ W') \.-Dnû Contractor's Address LDolo'f) ~ \f)')Q;\J(JL} Owner's Name Con,tractor ,,I I certify that: The required Lapping and Fasteners of the underlayment (roof felt); hot mop, if required and flashing have been installed in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Florida Building Code and Chapter 9 of the Florida Building Code, Residential \vith approved revisions and meet the requirements of the product approval. I understand that by executing this Affidavit I hereby relieve 8t Lucie· Connty of any liability with respect to the installation of these materials. /~ ; ,:' . .. /1. l /'. . _ J -I h'/ !.. IvC') ¡.. (L.Q L /rc o",,·~ ~l HOMEOWNER'S SIGNATURE ~~.; v ~~~/ T)'pc or Prinr Name QfNomry · ø.~:;'~ Commission No. (Seal) ,,'. Cornmjssion No. '~a!t-~~' No Faxed Copies, Only Original Notarized Copy will be acce. ~ _fI STATEOFFL~t .~ COUNTY OF . JU Cml revised 1/17 tJ.007 STATEOFFLO~ COlTNTY OF . , APR. 27. 2007 7:25AM 77..~TEIN ALUMINUM ST LUCIE CO NO,7229 p, 5GE 81 ,~ . Building Permit # D:2 a ~ - D La q rr U es tI,t e A A- tYì (J D T ~. Owner's Addr.ess '~ ) LJ S ' ~ Contractor S·t~., W.) l ~Yl (; · Contractor's Address Lao lo A ~ rnctK.J(JLt Q,ce Owner) s Name I certify that: The required Lapping and Fasteners of the underlayment (roof felt); hot mop, if required and flashing have been installed in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Florida Building Code and Chapter 9 of the Florida Building Code, Residential with approved revisions and meet the requirements of the product approval. I understand that by executing this Affidavit I hereby reUeve St Lucie, County of any liability with .~espect to the installation of these materials~ /¿~~~tt. ~ c. Jìa~..~ HO~OWNER'S SIGNATURE \ STATE OPFL COUNTY OP STATEOFFLO~' !~ 11. · COUNTY OF D.L... ~ , . ~r "" ""'" ',~ ~ , ~ ~~'f/ T~'pc Of Pot! r Nnme of N otlill')' ."', ~:. \.' (f;:\:'::.L;~~~ . ,:!J (: ,'0., { .~ ~;~~.~ yp IH N .IUO of N Olary r_~ ~ ~ : ; .: l:/p .,:tG3: M.~ V , I~, ~~ 1:3 . '.. , ..J.I,"!"ì Comm,ission No. <¡' "n~:> ~(Sðäl~n~,II!:;\!iCm~L.~~!Vc~::':~Comm,is8ion No. (Sea~ f1:.~"" I ~ ~ No Faxed Copies, Onl~ Original Notarized Copy will be acee. Cml revised I J17/~007 ,~