HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040099 FROM : ALR I TTER CONSTRl,r -~ T ON FAX NO. :772 878 3955 Ma~. 29 2007 07:33AM P2 E C ...,... .\ ...-.... ,.... R E. rv t=.. ì..; U A V ,. l. ~~:--"'~f~ 7 PIt\ I I.~:... ...... ;J · Publi'~ \\, ,j ~ io<,. s St. Lucie (:: r> '..: t~t ~ i ~.~; NOTICE OF COMMBNCHMENT Pemñt No. D 74) <; .. ~:ð 'I f Stare Of rt "rax.ID#3..2~~I.Dð .. Dt!:Ið~ - ¿§ø~/1 CouncyOf ~ LU~/ø: w THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be mack to certain real property~ aad in acœTdance with C'bapter 713, Florida. Statutes, the {oUawiu& informatian is, provi<k:d in this Notice of Comm.encement- Legal Description of property and stIect adcbf:ss, if avai1ab1c LCI"T:. ¿ - DE; n " J..¡~ I oJ&' ". snn R-t.. '"FA-. Ie.. L.lrt'.,~.ll~ Ìb "?Jßt tb.sh"..-f .s ,..,rÞnl~J ,À F8"31t ..~. 3'~ ^'- H:t' e.f.hf,~ 1l- r~.s. ~T" J J~ I~ "'-,HJAJ"T"Y Fi..ð.t:I'bA ' General description of improvemt:ats ,/ AJ~ r *t-L Rrß/Ø IU Ð~ ~~ :SM-urr~ 1!íÞ~£~ ~"'DR.I! F«"-.J T Q 0) Owner 1:> I't P ~eA? Rc. $ Ss ,....G. Address ~~1 IV W ~ All ?ø~ P,/t~/:Þ r!.fiACH Ft.. ~~~ OwneT's interest in site ofîmprovemeDt ~££ ~~AJI rLf¿ Fee Simpl~ TitJe hoJd£r (if otbexthan owner) Address Contractor Air ~ &ow« ~ cÞ4J ~,.re.ù c: 'Tt ~ C. 7. A.') c w Addxe$S 'J '- ... I='CL ~ LAaoAJ (;!øt/' £ Þø ið- ;57'" ¿ u¿ t & rL:! yJ B' POOœ#77Z.~8~3q~~ Fu: II Pboøe # Fax # Surety Address Amount of Bond $ J;ender 5, ~ A...J -rtl:.... V ~ T BA-...> K Add~8S 51 ~ f£ - 1 As ¡It)/ A:S -&L\IT) V., Phone # 'i5c . ~'-~- 71.0/.. tt LA-Ù:bl&.2.b~1i. P ~þ Fax' Persons within the State of Florida desigøated by Owntt upon whom notices or other docmnena may be served as provided by Section 713-13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: N~e ~ooe# Address Fax "# In addítion to bitnSe1f: owner designates of' (phone # Fax # _~ to receive a copy oftbe, I...ïenoñ Notice as proVided in Secdon 713.I3(1)(b)~ FlOrida Statutes. Expiration date OÍ notice of commencammt .í~ one year fcom tm: date: of ~ ~ it ðifFercøt date is spccifiod.. (Date) I~Q 4Þ~J . OWNERS SIGNA TUIŒ STATEOFFLORIDA~ COUNTY OF ~".__lV9E .. .. A~kn:Wled~ed ~~ore me tbis ~ day of µ/J-Y -J 20.4.,? ~by ~fElL ,(-,_. who ~naI:l.~~~ t».:. W 0 as pr uc as identification.. ~ ~ (seal) '---~OTARY ./ 1YPB OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY ---.-. -- .-- EDWIN M. FRV, Jr or? CLERK OF THE CiRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY F'le.. 3052755 0510912007 at 12:32 PM OR BOOK 2814 PAGE 920 · 920 Doc Type: NC RECORDING: $10.00 NOTARY PUBLIC 1111.:8 COl\.{1\fiSSION NUMBER ~\~~~IIIJ Rosemary L. Ritter :'~." " ~~\ O>tnmÌS$ÍOn #00289829 ~;:.~.;;l Expíres: Feb 26, 2008 '","f~ òi: .~~~~ Bonded ThN .1'; Iii P \ \" Atlantic BOnding Co&, In¢.