HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020168 Jun-14-2002 01 :05pm From-SAVANNA. CLI'" +5618785656 T-~€a P.001/OOl F-T61 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia A venue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 . el. R\\)~" (772) 462--2172 C;¡~ ð;?01-- 8l68" CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREA TME CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # ~ L C'" () "7(>" ~ ð Ie K' JOB ADDRESS i07~/ 'S ()C£ff/V fYZ. ß¡/g JF.JJ5EjJ ߣ#1-, BUILDER l1EL -12ef (ðN5í· PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR DffT/¿;cl¿ £~í){\., f . I PEST CONTROL LICENSE # L/~~ c.¡ Square feet of area treated: d9 I t..j Pen~Dtage of solution: · 75 Lj - 20 ~. 01 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-deser-ibed construction for subten-anean tennites in accordance with the standards of the Natiorlal Pest Control Association. Chemicals used: D/20ßl.)i Id Ie 1 TotaJ gallons used: f) 9 / Time of Treatment: ·9 *' c.¡ c¡ Date or treatment: QFooting [J 1 s( Treatment ~ [J Re-treat ..,.... Slab &i 1 st Treatment a Re-tteat CJ Driveway o 1st TreatIIlcnt r.J Re-treat o Pools [J 1st Treatment CJ Re-treat CJ Other lJ 1 st Treatment [] Re-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection FBCI04.2.6 Ctrtificatt of Prout/ire 'freatmtnijorprevention ojtenniter. A weathe.r 'esi1umtjob~it~ po~ti1J8 board jhall be provided Jt) rec~iYt: duplicate Treatment C~rtificates aJ each reqrlired proreclive rreatment is completed, prDviding ~ copy fòr the pST.son ¡he permit ;$ Lt.sued to and anoth~r ~opy fot the buüding pt;rmÍt files. The Trearmenr Cerrt.,flcaJe Jhall Pl'l)vtd, the pfoduct ussd, id21ltlt}' I)fthe applicåtor, tím~ and date of the. treatment. sil~ location. area treated, chEmictJl ustd, percent CQllCenlrQtion and n"".u,tr of gaUons Uj~dl lQ establish a v~rifiable record of protective treatTr¿11I. lflht soil ch~a1 barTÚ71tltThodfor ternlits prevention Ï$. used, fuzä1 t:Xt~rior trt.atrn.enr shall be completed prior to fin~ building approvaL St Lucie County requires for the finallnspediðn fo.r CO, a Permaneot Sticker to be plàt:éd OQ the electrica.l panel box cover, lIsting åll the treatments and dates of applications. f~Çd~tf~ Signature of externunator NOTE.· There must be a completed lonn for èåCh required treatment Of' re-tremment 411d this f()17n must be On the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled in,fpection. will ¡ail and are-inspection f6e chârged. R.vit«l6IlJIOJ dmt