HomeMy WebLinkAbout07050190 06/05/2007 12:23 9544318520 EDWARD AIRS PAGE 01 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK 0), A IŒ CIRCtrIT COURT - SAINT LUCIi. JUNTY FILE I 3062797 OR BOOK 2826 'p~E 2763, Recorded 06/01/2007 at 12:11 ~ PermltNa. S~~··Qc\C S'" Ól q·O State or . ç, ~~ 'L rÍh..... J«fuæ OF COMNENCEMHNJ" . ~~'o;~ lL{~~ ~ ~~~Z~;~~Q/~ '11m 1JNDBRSIGNED hereby Jives ftOtice tlJat ÌI1iprÌIYeøïmt wiD be ..de to c:ertain ... prOperty1 .ad iD 1IœoÑUiœ with Chapter "13, PIoricla Stabltèi, the fo1JowiaC irifbnDadòn II prOYicIed ill tbis Notice of CommencemeD~ 0eeèraI dtm;riptioa OfÄDpnwemcDb(-~~.v~ ~ '" .. . =Q~!~~;: ~~fA.~:'~ \JJ-i~..r~~..~N_~~~o~~ Owøer's interest in site of ÎJDpfoveœent . I --'-. ïre'i~le Tide holder (if other tho OWM1") A(~ . _ AddIas - ~ pr ~~~~~~~~': ~f~\r-~~~~ ~;.~=~~~~~:~~- ~'~~~:ax~~~it-'~~~~· $ __WI'II___ SnRty Addras ~mmmt of ~ønd S Phoot 1# Fax # Lender Addrcras w Phonc # Fax # Persons withhs the State ofPlorid. daiBJ1Btcd bY' tNmct UPOD whom DOnc Section 713.13 (I) (a) 7., FJorida SÞtuk:8: Name AðdrcÞ In .dditió;t~ hilh.lr,. owner desiptes Pax .". ) to receive a copy or the Liœws NDbce as lhpiratiOD dIIte of aotice of cOll1lMllCë~øt .is one yerd from the (Date) y be served às pJovíded by Phone N PaxN - wJw Ì8. PcR~d1y_b~~mc g( ~--~$~'~ SJ 1\ 11.JRB OF NOTARY ~~.~ ~ ?:..~ TYPB 0 PRINT NAME OF NUfARY ·NOT,ªY PUBLIC TIlLE 'Ç) ,(} ~'l ~ '" COl\Od1SSION NUMBER. RECEIVED JUN 0 6 2007 PERMIT1-ING St. L~cie County, FL 06/05/2007 12:25 9544318520 EDWARD AIRS PAGE 01 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr. I CLERK O:h ./IŒ 'CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE. _í~TY FIL2 '3062797 OR BOOK 2826 'P~B 2763, Recorded 06/01/2007 at 12:11 ~ Ndnœ OF COMNENCIN&r:r . Permit No. $ \.... C:. .rQ~ C 5.- ð l ~'O State or ç ~ ~ , '... .jJ.,~ ~'o~~~~~_~t!~~;~{l~~ 1'HB UNDBJtSIGNIID heJeby Ifva øoâee tbat ~t wilt be ..de to c:ataiD tal prnpaty. md in aœordaliee with Chapter 713t PJorida Statutes~ the followiDS iDtanÐ8t.Son ¡; prtMded iD this N~e ofCommencanent. 0eDmI daçrfption of imprtw-emeDb ~~~~,,~ 4 ' , ' =~t~~ ~t~~;~~~k~~~. ^'~ O~",O~~ Owøefs interest in aite or~ ~, '- Ft:c; Simple Title holder (if other ... O1nIeIl............... M1 - : _ __ Addna ,~~ ~i~~~~I~ ~~' J4A ..../ Safety Address ~mount af",-,Ski S PhOD~* Full Le:nder Addrea.J !L~ Phone#- Fax # Persons vrithiD the State of Florida designated by 'OIhH:t upon wham notic SectlòQ 713.13 (1) (a) 7.t Florida Statu..: Name Aåmea In adðltioD t~ ~Ir. owner designates Fa #I -J to reœivc a copy of the Lieft~ Notice as d in Expiration date of DOtÌCe of commencemè'dt is 0Iè ybr from the date 0 (DåtG) y be served as pJ:ov;ded by STATE OF FLORJDA, COUNIY OF , Aclmøwledpd before me dúe ~ &y of -b... who has pttJduC8d Phone "II FuN ,. - --- who ~ ~oøaJJy b~) me or ~~.~ S1 TURB OF NOTARY ~~:- St ~._- TYPE 0 PR1NT NAME OF NOTARY ·NOTAItY PUBLIC TITLE t) ,0 5f\~' ~ '-\ COMMISSION NUMBER 06/05/2007 12:27 9544318520 EDWARD AIRS PAGE 01 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLEB O! .. * 'e IN-cot T COtJRT - SAINT LUCIE JUNTY FILE t 3062797 OR BOOK 2826 'p~ 2763, Recorded 06/01/2007 at 12:11 PM Penait No. $l-c.··O~ Q -S'" D \ ~. 0 State or V ~ *- "\(.. '. ~ }I1nœ OF COM ~'O¡~1~~~'~~~!~~7i~Q/2- '11m UNDBRS1GNBD hereby aWes aotice that h.bYarimt will be made to CèJ1àÎD æaJ prOpc:rtyt and in I<=cornmce with Chapter 713t F10rida Statates~ the folkAriDl iÞfarm8tion ilpriwicled iø tbîs Notice ~fCommeReemeDt. 0euenI d~oa of ÎmpJ"OVCJDèDtI ~~~"" ~ ~ \0 . =O~~~~~~ ~t~~ -t \li1k",~.~ N~ Owucr's iDtcrat in site of improvement ' -- Fee Simple lit1c holder (it other thm OWMI) · A.(~ - _ A~ -~ . ~~t1:~~~~~:: ~ð~~~~~:t~~=~j~,~~~ ~.~~ ,~:.:n\1~~4~ :¡a_ii ~ ~t . }.i~ &n.ety Addras AJDOuDt or aøQd $ PhOQè #I- Fax # Lender Address ~ PhODC # Fax # Persons withia the State ofPlorida designated by 'OWner upon whom Qotic Section 1t~-J3 (1) (a) 7-. Florida Sbtntes: Name Aðdress 1. additiOD to birnJe1f) ~ d.ipatœ Pax'll' ) to receive a copy of the Lieft~ Notice as Expiration thte of ootke of OOIIIIM1Ieemeat .is oDe year from 1be (D.1e) STATE OF PLOIlJDA. COUNTY OF . AcImowlcdaed before me this ~ day of -h. . who ha produced -- who i~ ~oua1Jy tn;;!d ~ or '$~'M~ SI nJRB OF NOTARY C'~--\}.. ·1~ <;~..--- TYPB 0 PRINT NAME OF NOTARY ·Nar.AR.Y PUBIJC nTLE t\'O ~" ~ \..\ COMMISSION NUMBER