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SCI Funeral Services of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Office Lic. #AAC001835 JAN 3 1 P.OMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN ArchitecturePlus International Architecture 1 Interior Design Retail Design Food Retailing Master Planning Packaging Graphics ArchitecturePlus International 2709 FlockyPoint Drive, Suite 201, Tampa, Florida 33607 Tel. 8132819299 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEETING NOTES Januaryy 26 1994 Meeting Date: Subject: F'r, o Meeting Location: Present: Purpose: Items Discussed: January 11,1994 HILL.CREST FUNERAL HOME Vero Beach, Florida API Project No. 9350.00 St. Lucie County, Florida Dept of Community Development Codes Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Ave., Room 211 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982-5652 407/467-2167 Richard Van Doren, Plans Examiner Richard Hartmann, ArchitecturePlus International CODES REVIEW MEETING 1. Mixed Occupancy- Assembly & Business 2. 2-Hour separation required between Assembly (Chapel) and Business. UL assembly number required. 3. Exit access corridors required to be 1 hour rated (w/20 minute rated doors). UL assembly number required. Walls required to go to underside of roof decking. 4. Walls around HVAO Mechanical Area to be 1 hour rated with insulation, dampers in HVAC ductwork penetrating walls and all other penetrations protected. 5. Local Fire Marshal requirement -1 hour rated walls around all storage rooms. 6. Fire Alarm System is to be permitted separately. 7. Site Plan must be approved prior to submitting plans for Building Permit Review. 8. G.C. must submit plans. Architect or Owner cannot submit plans. 9. Building Permit Review fee is$150.00. Fax 8132819292 ArchitecturePlus International 10. Building General Permit Fees areas follows: $742.50 for first $500,000.00 construction costs, plus $0.75 for each additional $1,000.00 construction costs. 11. Project jurisdiction for utilities: Fort Pierce Utilities 407/466-1600 Mr. Dave Mellert Mr. Joe Vandergrift 12. Fire Marshal is Mr. John Hayden, phone number 407/467-2312. 13. Building Permit submittal: •3 Sets of Drawings •1 Project Manual •3 Sets of Structural Calculations •3 Sets of Energy Calculations 14. Mr. Van Doren will allow the following areas to be deducted from the gross square footage for the purposes of calculating plumbing fixture requirements (this is in addition to the normally deducted square footages allowed by the Standard Plumbing Code): *Selection Room (caskets) -Prep Room with Storage -Dressing Room The following are calculations for determining the required Plumbing Fixtures: Assembly Area (Chapel, Chapel Vestibule, Family Room, Staterooms #1 and #2.) 2,526 Sq. Ft. divided by 70 Sq. Ft./Person = 36 Persons Required Fixtures per SPC 1991: WC Lays Men 2 1 Women 2 1 Potty Parity Requires the following: WL Lams Men *2 1 Women 3 1 1/2 of required WC's can be urinal. I ArchitecturePlus International Provi e : WC Lays Men 2+1 Urinal 2 Women 3 2 In addition to the above toilet fixtures is the following: Toilet #1 for employees Toilet#2 by Family Room. The preceding is our understanding of the items discussed and/or conclusions reached. If you have any corrections or additions to this memorandum, please notify us in writing immediately. Prepared by: Arch itecturePlus International Inc. Richard Hartmann, Project Manager c: Jeff Delisle, Service Corporation International Mark Smith, Service Corporation International encl. SheetA1.1/Floor Plan r ,3 IF Z n _.Fy `Na .ann .a GAua a n 31'onr . -. J 1 I �hx4 1 • I 33607 32819299 iazd la P e I � { I 32819292 y g o y �� € I e ri�Hl'9Sp 1 t lh F"t 1. � 4 i 1 \ J Yef r � PuW4Gt�9- 4+(n 0 ■ L002 FLAN F :!�- &- r I PLIe't-le' e. I nn ca Q) Q) o �cornrn 1T T rs Co Co Q i O � a. R3 4 v wLL ri cr- 'C N C� Q 9 Oa El II ©- 0 a a i N oI i1 ±� a I o, < it Ile =w_ z=_ y�3 <c� _ z =JCW _gzy wo�< z-'== iazp W gnu z - <�-z uzo= « w �Lzc �<yy 3�cLL =z�< <u T r) o) N O c o 0) 0) tm ��NN dCI) Cr) Co � o c Micc OU 4' Cl IN N �h C t— � s a p-: t P y.. CD6 t) c pad L2 ,k o AO N ®' U Gi B Q � E N y IK y v i i Y LIJ -- +� - y' 4e f A y 4 J Y ♦ RF,._ a i „y t.VA t s t I-. V 4%4 IHIJ4 zw� y�3 zz� <Nz �z<y < Z=.. �z <`zL z3�o _Udell - -z o< y 8<n i � Tt�rnN C N C N N CO O O CO co co j1011) •zaCoCo CA . .� U Ll cc O N � t~ 0 m Ft ,r t ry 1 r b I m I n I A P,' ' II I . m III i (V I qp p �' JAl e'SiLrrxY :.^9.'Ak�.. .. ♦ Cl ,,. >N a ,. £.�v . n.., i6 .»i � .. .I Sirr. "El * � ,fir. � � .. I i I WOMEN MEN 101 weer 39 o o 40 x E Y i n 1w C � � u ,tS I n . i. k L S V y" it R !�r a „ j. a A s1� r i C T e r 103 CL SET f� . _ I — --- -- I I"Y. 1` I El Zvi+' _— — $t .ks PLAN NORTH Gr 109 HALL ttl �ZLOIJN6E al wo M ^b 4t rR #� s H I'A fE V IF{V.j{..y. fr� T r� 'Jp§4 f 3 M d AY b Y J • o V}� yf n � r M . u + Wfi yy k .K.{�eK gyyg y rr�r