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Steven Dobbs - 2017-016 WAWA KINGSGATE 20200409 Wawa Full Set SS
Survey Information: Boundary and Topographic data provided by: INDEX OF SHEETS Phone: (863) 824-7644 Consulting Engineers 1062 Jakes Way - Okeechobee, FL 34974 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 ENGINEERS PROJECT No. 2017-016 LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. SITE FOR Lying In Sec. 11, Township 35 South, Range 39 East St. Lucie County, Florida Construction Plans Kingsgate Center CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW VICINITY MAP Project Location VERO BEACH HARBOR SAFETY PENSACOLA TALLAHASSEE FT. MYERS MIAMI TAMPA WEST PALM BEACH FT. PIERCE JUPITER STUART GAINESVILLE ORLANDO PALATKA JACKSONVILLE PORT ST. LUCIE OKEECHOBEE for BP - OK, LLC SCALE: N.T.S. KingsGate Center © 01 of 22 02 of 22 03 of 22 04 of 22 05 of 22 06 of 22 07 of 22 08 of 22 09 of 22 10 of 22 11 of 22 TITLE SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN MASTER PLAN HORIZONTAL CONTROL, STRIPING & SIGNAGE PLAN HORIZONTAL CONTROL, STRIPING & SIGNAGE PLAN PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN SITE UTILITY PLAN UTILITY DETAILS UTILITY DETAILS UTILITY DETAILS 12 of 22 13 of 22 14 of 22 15 of 22 16 of 22 17 of 22 18 of 22 19 of 22 20 of 22 21 of 22 22 of 22 PRIVATE LIFT STATION DETAILS PRIVATE LIFT STATION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS S.R. 68 TURN LANE - ROADWAY PLAN S.R. 68 TURN LANE - STRIPING PLAN S.R. 68 TURN LANE - CROSS SECTIONS PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP) PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP) PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP) PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP)THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC.JOB No.: SHEET OF REVISIONS1062 JAKES WAYOkeechobee, Fl 34974Phone: (863) 824-7644FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206Steven L. DobbsEngineering, LLCNo.DATEBY02 22 2017-016KINGSGATE CENTERfor BP - OK, LLCLOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDAExisting Conditions Plan111/26/19CMBGENERAL REVISION - RIVISED PER COMMENTS212/26/19CMBREVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS301/29/20CMBREVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERSCALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW SCALE: 1"=40' 0 20 40 80 TRACT 2 ORANGE AVE.S. KINGS HWY.LAND USE: MXDF85 F/B 2020.00 (6,119 SF)5 7 7 8 6' x 6' VENT STACK E-STOP 4'x 3' AIR MACHINE ICE BOX DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 88 ZONING: CG LAND USE: MXD BIKE RACK 4 R 4 0 ' 6 20' 28' 39.55' 30' 12' x 30' LOADING ZONE REQ'D PK = 54 AVAIL. PK = 54R40'R 4 0 'R20'R15'R 1 5 ' TRACT 1 2.00 AC TRACT 5 1.70 AC TRACT 6 1.67 AC TRACT 7 0.46 AC TRACT 8 0.09 AC ESTORM MANAGEMENT AREA (DRY PRE-TREATMENT) PROPOSED HANDICAP STRIPING PROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN PROPOSED HANDICAP SIGN (TYP) PROPOSED HANDICAP SIGN (TYP)PROPOSEDHANDICAPSTRIPINGPROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN PROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN PROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN 12' SHARED USE PATH (ASPHALT) 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK R 1 5 'R15'30.29' "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING"PER FDOT INDEX 522-002"DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 41.75' CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 CROSSWALK STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 PROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 304 "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 32.29' FUTURE SHARED USE PATH (BY FDOT)6'6' 55' 20' 10' TYP 32' 28'20'20'28'19'10'TYP10'TYP10'TYP33.5'10'TYP20' 10' TYP 5.83'28'33'28'26'12'15'8' 10' 23' 8' 11' 8' 11'14'130'30'25'5'11'10'30'12'6'12'5'5'12'5'12'5'28'12'16'12' 28' 13'8'15'10'10'R 5 0 'R50'26' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTGEN24.77'PROPOSED STOP BAR & STOP SIGN R 3 0 'R40'R30'38.52'R30'R30'R30' "DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 R30'R30'"DETECTABLE WARNING"PER FDOT INDEX 522-002"DETECTABLE WARNING" PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 "DETECTABLE WARNING"PER FDOT INDEX 522-00240'R25'R2 5 ' 35'R40'16'14' PAVEMENT STRIPING PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DE-WATERING OF STRUCTURES, SEWER LINE, DRAINAGE PIPE AND WATER LINES. SCALE: 1"=30' 0 15 30 60 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 04 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Horizontal Control, Striping and Signage Plan111/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW LEGEND ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6" STANDARD CONCRETE 8" HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE CONTINUED ON SHEET 05 ORANGE AVE.S. KINGS HWY.LAND USE: MXDF85 F/B 2020.00 (6,119 SF)6' x 6' VENT STACK E-STOP 4'x 3' AIR MACHINE ICE BOX DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE ZONING: CG LAND USE: MXD BIKE RACK 12' x 30' LOADING ZONE ESTORM MANAGEMENT AREA (DRY PRE-TREATMENT) 12' SHARED USE PATH (ASPHALT) 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 19.20PROPOSED TYPE "F" CURB (TYP) 1 8 . 1 6 1 9 . 0 0 18.701 8 . 9 0 87 LF, 12" PVC CO-17 I.E. 16.14 CO-19 I.E. 15.83 C.E.= 17.2SWALE CB-6SD-12B B C C MINIMUM F.F.E. = 19.50 PROPOSED F.F.E. = 20.40 TOP OF BANK EL.= 18.4 MATCH FDOT SHARED USE PATH CB-7 96 LF, 12" PVC CO-14 I.E. 16.53 150 LF, 12" PVC96 LF, 12" PVCCO-15 I.E. 17.40 CO-13 I.E. 17.40 CO-9 I.E. 16.33 CO-11 I.E. 15.73 CO-10 I.E. 15.83 CO-1 I.E. 16.83 CO-8 I.E. 16.53 CO-3 I.E. 17.26 CO-2 I.E. 16.96 CO-6 I.E. 17.12 CO-4 I.E. 17.46 CO-7 I.E. 16.93 35 LF, 8" PVC CO-5 I.E. 17.31 CO-18 I.E. 15.45 34 LF, 10" PVC 38 LF, 8" PVC CO-18 I.E. 15.79 45 LF, 12" PVC MINIMUM PERIMETER ELEVATION 18.4 CO-16 I.E. 16.44 1 8 . 9 0 1 8 . 4 16.00ADJUST SEWER VALVE TO MATCH PAVEMENT PER ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITY CRITERIA TYPE "E" INLET No. 13 GRATE EL.= 17.20 S. INV. EL.= 13.50 TYPE "E" INLET No. 14 GRATE EL.= 16.00 N. INV. EL.= 13.50 19.5059 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000)79 LF, 18" CPP(A-2000)160 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000) TYPE "E" INLET No. 2 GRATE EL.= 18.60 N INV. EL.= 15.00 W INV. EL.= 15.0020.35TYPE "E" INLET No. 3 GRATE EL.= 19.40 E INV. EL.= 15.00 N INV. EL.= 15.03 W INV. EL.= 15.00 152 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000) 2 0 . 3 1 TYPE "E" INLET No. 4 GRATE EL.= 18.50 E INV. EL.= 15.00 N INV. EL.= 15.00 SW INV. EL.= 12.50 1 9 . 9 0 101 LF, 24" CPP (A-2000)TYPE "E" INLET No. 6 GRATE EL.= 18.50 W INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 7 GRATE EL.= 18.50 E INV. EL.= 15.00 W INV. EL.= 15.00 N INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 11 GRATE EL.= 18.50 S INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 8 GRATE EL.= 18.50 E INV. EL.= 15.00 S INV. EL.= 15.00 W INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 9 GRATE EL.= 18.80 N INV. EL.= 15.00 S INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 12 GRATE EL.= 18.50 E INV. EL.= 15.00 112 LF , 1 8 " C P P ( A - 2 0 0 0 ) 80 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000)25 LF,18" CPP80 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000)26 LF, 18" CPP 66 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000)TYPE "E" INLET No. 10 GRATE EL.= 18.80 N INV. EL.= 15.00 S INV. EL.= 15.00 82 LF, 18" CPP (A-2000)40 LF, 36" CPP (A-2000)40 LF, 36" CPP DRY PRE-TREATMENT OUTFALL PT-1 TYPE "E" INLET (MODIFIED) GRATE EL.= 17.20 S INV. EL.= 11.50 (SEE DETAIL) DRY PRE-TREATMENT OUTFALL PT-2 TYPE "E" INLET (MODIFIED) GRATE EL.= 17.20 S INV. EL.= 11.50 (SEE DETAIL) PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP) PROPOSED SILT FENCE AROUND PROJECT PERIMETER (TYP) VALLEY CURBVALLEY CURB CURB CUT CURB CUT E19.10FUTURE SHARED USE PATH (BY FDOT)312 LF, 36" CMPPROPOSED TYPE "F" CURB (TYP) TYPE "E" INLET No. 24 GRATE EL.= 17.00 S INV. EL.= 13.00 E INV. EL.= 13.00 PROPOSED SWALE 4' B.W. @ INV. EL.= 13.00 3:1 SIDESLOPES 18 LF, 36" CMP INV. EL.= 13.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 1 GRATE EL.= 18.50 W INV. EL.= 15.00 S INV. EL.= 15.00 TYPE "E" INLET No. 25 W/STEEL RETICULINE GRATE AND TWO TRAVERSABLE SLOTS PER FDOT INDEX 201, 232 GRATE EL.= 16.60 E INV. EL.= 11.60 135 LF, 18" RCP 24" YARD DRAIN WITH TRAFFIC RATED GRATE GRATE EL.= 16.60 E INV. EL.= 11.60 GEN18.801 8 . 6 018.601 8 . 7 0 1 8 . 8 5 1 9 . 0 0 18.8 0 19.0019.0018.8 0 1 9 . 3 0 19.651 9 . 1 018.751 9 . 6 5 19.101 9 . 0 2 19.381 9 . 3 8 1 9 . 2 0 1 9 . 3 8 18.751 8 . 8 019.0018.9018.6518.7218.8918.8018.6019.0018.9019.501 9 . 5 019.8019.4019.2019.001 8 . 6 0 1 8 . 7 0 19.2019.2019.2019.101 8 . 5 018.601 8 . 6 018.7018.501 8 . 5 0 1 8 . 8 0 19.001 9 . 0 0 1 8 . 4 0 18.301 8 . 2 0 1 8 . 2 0 1 8 . 4 0 1 8 . 4 0 1 8 . 5 0 18 . 6 0 18.801 9 . 2 0 1 8 . 7 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5 2 0 . 0 5 2 0 . 0 519.7519.7519.751 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 9 . 6 0 2 0 . 0 0 2 0 . 1 5 2 0 . 1 5 2 0 . 1 5 2 0 . 1 5 1 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5 1 9 . 9 5 20.1520.002 0 . 0 0 20.1520.1520.1520.1519.7519.7519.7520.3520.352 0 . 3 5 2 0 . 3 520.351 8 . 5 0 18.501 9 . 2 0 1 8 . 8 0 18.801 8 . 4 0 1 8 . 1 6 18.401 8 . 4 018.401 8 . 3 018.2018.401 8 . 1 6 18.4018.761 8 . 1 6 1 8 . 1 6 1 8 . 1 6 18.761 8 . 7 6 18.401 8 . 6 0 1 8 . 4 0 18.501 8 . 4 0 18.5018.5018.901 8 . 5 0 19.001 8 . 9 0 19.0018.501 8 . 6 5 1 8 . 5 0 1 9 . 0 018.361 8 . 5 5 1 8 . 4 0 1 8 . 6 0 18.161 8 . 2 0 1 9 . 0 0 1 8 . 4 1 9 . 1 4 1 8 . 4 17.201 8 . 7 6 1 8 . 2 018.301 8 . 5 0 18. 8 5 2 0 . 1 5 1 8 . 8 4 19.501 8 . 8 2 18.75 1 8 . 6 018.6018.50 1 8 . 7 5 1 8 . 7 5 1 8 . 5 0 2 0 . 0 5 19.501 9 . 1 019.661 8 . 9 019.101 8 . 9 0 1 8 . 6 5 19.601 9 . 2 0 1 9 . 6 0 1 8 . 6 5 1 9 . 4 819.4818.65 18.6519.5019.54 1 9 . 5 0 1 9 . 6 6 18.961 9 . 5 018.861 9 . 6 0 18.7 0 19.4 0 19.5018.8019.5 0 19.501 8 . 4 17.38 17.01 17.18 16.75 16.88 17.20 16.82 16.32 16.12 15.75 15.65 PROPOSED FLUSH HEADER CURB CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITIONCURB TRANSITIONCURB TRANSITION PROPOSED FLUSH HEADER CURB PROPOSED FLUSH HEADER CURB CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION 1 9 . 0 0 EXISTING GUY POLE TO BE REMOVED/RELOCATED BY OTHERS FFG G SCALE: 1"=30' 0 15 30 60 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 06 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan North View111/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS 4 03/24/20 SLD ADDED SECTION F-F AND G-G CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW CONTINUED ON SHEET 07 NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DE-WATERING OF STRUCTURES, SEWER LINE, DRAINAGE PIPE AND WATER LINES. LEGEND ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6" STANDARD CONCRETE 8" HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE F:\A - 006 Wawa\2017-016 Wawa - Ft Pierce\03-DWG\2017-016 WAWA KINGSGATE 20200324.dwg, 3/24/2020 2:25:51 PM, DWG To PDF.pc3 TRACT 2 0.86 AC ORANGE AVE.S. KINGS HWY.LAND USE: MXDF85 F/B 2020.00 (6,119 SF)6' x 6' VENT STACK E-STOP 4'x 3' AIR MACHINE ICE BOX DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE ZONING: CG LAND USE: MXD BIKE RACK 12' x 30' LOADING ZONE TRACT 1 2.00 AC TRACT 5 1.70 AC TRACT 6 1.67 AC TRACT 7 0.46 AC TRACT 8 0.09 AC ESTORM MANAGEMENT AREA (DRY PRE-TREATMENT) 12' SHARED USE PATH (ASPHALT) 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6"x 12" TAPPING SLEEVE/VALVE SAMPLE POINT No. 2 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY #1 SAMPLE POINT No. 1 (INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT FACING NORTH) 154 LF 1 2" PVC POTABLE WATER SERVICE TO TRASH ENCLOSURE CO 4 CO 3 CO 6 CO 8 CO 7 CO 92" FORCE MAIN (DR 9)PRIVATE LIFT STATION 40 LF, 6" SEWER LATERAL @ 1.0% SLOPE MIN.35 LF, 6" SEWERLATERAL @ 1.0%SLOPE MIN.46 LF, 6" SEWER LATERAL @ 1.0% SLOPE MIN. 43 LF, 6" SEWER LATERAL @ 1.0% SLOPE MIN. 72 LF, 6" SEWER LATERAL @ 1.0% SLOPE MIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE AT GRADE 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.33 14.86 15.05 15.01 14.76 13.60 13.17 CO No.RIM EL.INV. EL. SANITARY CLEANOUT SCHEDULE 6" TEE 6" x 2" TAP CAP DIRECTIONAL DRILL UNDER ORANGE AVE. 80 LF, 6" HDPE DR 11 2"x12" TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE 44 LF, 6" PVC, C-900 DR 18 WATER MAIN 2" PVC WATER SERVICE CO 2 CO 1 CO 5 CO 10 1,250 GAL OIL/GREASE INTERCEPTOR 8 LF, 6" SEWER LATERAL @ 1.0% SLOPE MIN. PARK FUTURE SHARED USE PATH (BY FDOT)3'2" GATE VALVE 2" CHECK VALVE (SEE FPUA GRINDER STATION CONNECTION)GENSAN. SEW. UNDER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) PROPERTY LINE200'INSTALL MEGA COUPLING 3806S OR EQUAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS WATER MAIN TO PASS UNDER EXISTING SAN. SEW. WITH 12" MIN. SEPARATION PIPE TO PIPE (CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF EXISTING SAN. SEW.) 1.5" METER / BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 2" GATE VALVE 6" 45° ELBOW 10'6" 45° ELBOW 2" 45° ELBOW 2" 45° ELBOW WATER UNDER STORM (MIN. 12" PIPE TO PIPE) WATER UNDER STORM (MIN. 12" PIPE TO PIPE) WATER OVER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE)WATER OVER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) SAN. SEW. UNDER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) SAN. SEW. UNDER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) WATER OVER SAN. SEW. (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) PROPERTY LINE SAN. SEW. UNDER STORM (MIN. 6" PIPE TO PIPE) NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DE-WATERING OF STRUCTURES, SEWER LINE, DRAINAGE PIPE AND WATER LINES. SCALE: 1"=30' 0 15 30 60 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 08 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Site Utility Plan 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW N.T.S. DIRECTIONAL DRILL DETAIL NOTE: SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS 80 LF, 6" HDPE DR 11 DIRECTIONAL DRILL S.R. 68 WESTBOUND GRASS MEDIAN S.R. 68 EASTBOUND 80" MIN CLEAR (10 TIMES MAX. BORE) TYPICAL EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN EXISTING 12" SAN. SEW. PROPOSED 6" x 12" TAPPING SLEEVE/VALVE PROPOSED WATER T0 PASS UNDER EXISTING SAN. SEW. WITH 12" MIN. CLEARANCE (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH OF EXISTING SAN. SEW.) PROPOSED 80 LF, 6" HDPE DR 11 INSTALL MEGA COUPLING 3806S OR EQUAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 09 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Utility Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 10 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Utility Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 11 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Utility Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 12 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Private Lift Station Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW PUMPS: ALUMINUM COVER w/ (LOCKABLE) ACCESS HATCH FIBERGLASS WETWELL H-20 LOAD RATED w/ 20 YR. WARRANTY S.S. HINGES "A" VENT FIBERGLASS VALVE BOX (LOCKABLE) NOTE: PUMP CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE LOCATED 3 FEET FROM WETWELL PERIMETER AT POINT "A" OR "B" CONCRETE AS REQ'D BY ENGINEER TO PREVENT FLOTATION CU. YDS. MAKE MONOLITHIC POUR WITH BOTTOM SLAB & BALANCE OF CONCRETE AROUND WETWELL. BASIN ANTI-FLOTATION FLANGE CONCRETE BASE SLAB AS PER SPECIFICATIONS w/ #4 REBAR 18" O.C. INTEGRAL FIBERGLASS SLOPE CAST-IRON FLANGED CHECK VALVE (2") CAST-IRON FLANGED BALL VALVE (2") (32" x 30" x 24" DEEP) FIN GRADE 132.50 EMERGENCY PUMP-OUT w/ BRONZE BALL VALVE 2.64 36" MIN.CAST-IRON PLUG VALVE FRP VALVE COVER 16" x 16" x 16" DEEP ISOLATION PLUG VALVE RILEY 'TDH PRIMARY PUMP CAPACITY PRIMARY TDH PUMP MANUFACTURER PUMP MODEL # R.P.M. HORSEPOWER ELECTRICAL/ VOLTS / PHASE FULL LOAD AMPS/ PER PUMP GPM PUMP DATA 3497 20 39 RCSEG 1.6 208V/3 2" After the H-20 load rated wetwell has been installed, the ASTM Certification Number and Serial Tracking Number must be visible. The H-20 Load Rated Fiberglass Wetwell Must Be Manufactured By L.F. Manufacturing, Giddings, Texas, Which Includes A Written 20 Yr. Warranty. Certification of the wetwell H-20 load rating must be supplied with submittals. H-20 certification must be signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of Florida. 3- (2") FIELD INSTALLED KNOCKOUTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONDUITS 2' MIN. FIBERGLASS VALVE BOX 72" 24" 6" 6" INTEGRAL FIBERGLASS SLOPE 316SS LIFTING CHAIN 48" HLA LAG LEAD OFF ALUMINUM HATCH (LOCKABLE) 2" PVC DRAIN ("P-TRAP") INLET FIELD INSTALLED 6" RILEY & COMPANY 3" ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FILTER VENT 8"1 316SS CABLE BRACKET HDPE SDR 11 w/ HEAT-FUSED CONNECTIONS SLIDE RAILS 1" SCH.40 AISI 304SS PIPE 2" COMPOSITE WATER-TIGHT INLET SLEEVE w/SS NUTS & BOLTS 6" ALUMINUM HATCH (LOCKABLE) (3 YEAR WARRANTY) 2" F.M. CONNECTION TO PUMP 2 1 3 4 5 6 21 345 6 WHEN THE PUMP STARTS, THE VALVE OPENS FOR APPROXIMATELY 10-30 SECONDS, SHOOTING OUT A POWERFUL JET STREAM THAT FLUSHES ALL SOLIDS INTO SUSPENSION, READY TO BE PUMPED AWAY. BECAUSE THE FLUSHING SEQUENCE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PUMPING CYCLE, FLUSHING OCCURS EVERY TIME THE PUMP STARTS. THIS REDUCES GREASE AND SOLIDS BUILD-UP AND REDUCES UNPLEASANT ODORS. MODEL RC0194 FLUSH VALVE LIFT STATION WILL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. NO SUBSTITUTIONS - NO ALTERNATES H-20 LOAD RATED WETWELL WITH LIFTING LUGS: The fiberglass wetwell must be H-20 load rated with integral lifting lugs, fiberglass slope in bottom of wetwell and valve box.Certification of the H-20 load rating must be supplied at the time of submittals to Engineer. The wetwell shall be manufactured of fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) of depth and diameter as shown on the lift station elevation detail. The wall thickness shall be adequate for the depth of the wetwell to maintain the H-20 LOAD RATING. EXECUTION: Installation shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations in the locations shown on the drawing. INSPECTION & TESTING: A factory representative shall be provide for a one (1) time start-up and shall have complete knowledge of the proper operation and maintenance of complete system. Megger the motors. The pump motors shall be megged out prior to the start-up to ensure that the insulation of the pump motor/cable is intact. The pump controls and pumps shall be checked for mechanical reliability and proper operation. MISCELLANEOUS: All wiring on the back panel shall be contained within the wiring duct. All wiring between the inner door and the back panel shall be contained with in a plastic spiral wrap. Each wire shall have a wire number at each end to correspond to the as built drawing for field troubleshooting. The control panel must be manufactured in-house by lift station supplier and be a TUV (UL508A Certified) facility. FASTENERS & APPURTANCES: All fasteners, lifting chains, float cable bracket, hinges, and appurtenances shall be made of AISI 316SS. A 316SS slide/latch assembly shall be provided tor holding the doors open on the wetwell and valve box. Slide rails shall be made of SCH.40 AISI 304SS pipe. Pump lifting cables shall be made of AISI 316 SS. Pump lifting bales shall be made of AISI 316 SS. PUMP DISCHARGE SIZE 8.0 TOP OF WETWELL INLET INVERTS HIGH LEVEL ALARM (HLA) 2nd PUMP ON (LAG) 1st PUMP ON (LEAD) PUMPS OFF (OFF) BOTTOM OF WETWELL WETWELL DIAMETER ELEVATIONS 22.00 48" 1. Water service with hose bibb and reduced pressure backflow preventer to be installed near lift station. (See Electrical Riser Illustration Page 2) 2. Control panel shall be NEMA 4X fiberglass enclosure (30" x 30" x10" Deep) 3. All wiring shall be copper and shall meet all NEC and manufacture's requirements 4. Control panel and top hatch shall be located above the 100 yr. flood elevation. 5. Wetwell access cover, valve box, and control panel shall be pad lockable. 6. Control panel shall have audible and visual alarm system, motor overload, and phase/voltage protection. 7. Electric service cable and conduit shall be sized per NEC and local codes. 8. System shall be operated and maintained to provide uninterrupted service as required by Chapter 62-604.500. 9. Approved Operation & Maintenance Manual(O&M) shall be kept available at a site acceptable to FDEP for use by operation and maintenance personnel or inspection by DEP personnel. 10. All fastners inside wetwell shall be stainless steel. 11. A weather resistant emergency contact sign shall be installed at the lift station and made visible to the public (Lettering shall be min. 2" in height.) (SEE ELECTRICAL RISER PAGE 2) WAWA PREFERRED PRE-FABRICATED PUMP STATION VENDOR: RILEY & Company, Inc. Sanford, FL 32773 (Ph. 407-265-9963) WAWA, INC. TYPICAL FLORIDA PUMP STATION DETAIL 2- 5' DBL. GATES (10' OPENING) C L CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 6' TALL COMMERCIAL GRADE - CHAINLINK FENCING, WEED BARRIER, AND 6" OF #57 STONE INSIDE FENCE AND AROUND LIFT STATION. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR OVERALL FENCE DIMENSIONS. WEED BARRIER #57 STONE (6") 3'3' 3' 3' 01-28-19 8"1 2.5" SS (0-100 PSI) PRESSURE GAUGE w/ SHUT-OFF VALVE 20.50 19.50 14.00 17.00 17.50 18.50 Submersible grinder pumps shall be RILEY Model RCSEGL. i nstalled in the H-20 GP FRP wetwell utilizing a dual slide rail system. pump and the Sch.80 PVC discharge piping. Stator winding shall be open type with Class F insulation and shall be heat- shrink fitted into the stator housing. The use of pins, bolts, or other fastening devices is not acceptable. winding and shall be connected in series with the magnetic contactor coil in t he control panel to stop motor if winding temperature exceeds 140 C., but shall automatically reset when the winding temperature returns to normal. Two heat sensor thermostats shall be used on three phase motors. The grinder unit shall be capable of macerating materials normally found in domestic and commercial sewage into a fine slurry which will pass through the A heat sensor thermostat shall be attached to the top end of the motor The pump motor grinder shaft shall be AISI 430F SS threaded to take the pump impeller and the grinder impeller. Upper & lower mechanical seals shall be Silicon Carbide vs Silicon Carbide. SECONDARY TDH 55 23 'TDH 'TDH SECONDARY PUMP CAPACITY "B" HDPE FITTINGS & CONNECTIONS MIN. 1/2" DIA. x 3" SS BOLTS WELDED TO A (2" x 18" x 1/4" ) SS ANCHOR PLATE EMBEDDED IN FIBERGLASS WETWELL BOTTOM BOLT DETAIL PUMP DISCHARGE BASE THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 13 22 2017-016 WAWA AT KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Private Lift Station Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS: All circuit breakers shall be molded thermal magnetic. The mechanical interlock shall prevent the normal and emergency main breakers being energized at the same time. An emergency generator receptacle shall be supplied in accordance with DEP standards. The generator receptacle shall be adequately sized to meet the equipment operating conditions and shall meet IEC60309-1 & IEC6039-2 for interchange ability and compatibility. All motor short circuit protection devices must provide for under voltage release and class 10 overload protection and thermal protection on all phases. Visible trip indication, test, and reset capability must be provided without opening inner door. Open frame, across the line, contactors shall be rated per IEC standards and properly sized per the motor requirements. Contactors shall provide for safe touch power and control terminals. Lightning Arrestor shall meet UL1449 3rd Edition or exceed the requirements of ANSI/IEEE Std. C62.21-1984 section 8.6.1. and 8.7.3 shall be supplied by electrician and mounted on the bottom side of the switch disconnect ahead of the pump control panel. Surge Protection shall be provided within the control panel and will meet the UL1449 3rd Edition Type 4, Type 2 locations and UL60691 for visual fault & indicator , replaceable Modules and remote signalization. A voltage monitor shall be supplied for single phase service. A phase monitor shall be supplied for (3) phase service. A green pilot light shall be supplied for each motor. The pilot light shall illuminate each time the motor is called to run. Each pump shall have an Elapse Time Meter to record the accumulated run time. The ETM shall be 2" diameter, non-resettable, six digit, totally encapsulated unit. A Red pilot light shall be supplied for control power. The pilot light shall illuminate when the control power is available inside the control panel. Relays shall be ice-cube plug in type. Relay contacts shall be rated 10 amp minimum, DPDT. Twenty (20) terminals shall be supplied for field connections. The terminals shall be rated 25 amps minimum. Each motors over-temperature contact shall be connected to the terminal strip and shall open a contact to de-energize the appropriate motor upon a high temperature within the motor. A 15 Amp GFI duplex receptacle shall be supplied and mounted on the innerdoor. Ground lugs shall be supplied and appropriately sized for each motor and for service entrance. NEUTRAL TO BE SUPPLIED FOR 208V 3PHASE SWITCH DISCONNECT CONTROL PANEL (208V / 3PHASE) GENERATOR RECEPTOR MODEL UL 1686 SCM460 GALVANIZED UNISTRUT 3/4" HOSE BIB 3/4"GALV. RISER SLEEVE REQUIRED ELECTRIC METER OR PULL POWER FROM BUILDING 2" CAPS LIGHTNING ARRESTOR FIELD MOUNTED BY ELECTRICIAN (3) - 2" SEAL-OFFS PUMP POWER CABLES (2" RIGID CONDUITS) 2" RIGID ALUMINUM POSTS 5'MIN.CONCRETE AROUND POSTS 12" DIA. x 24" DEEP TO SERVICE LOCATION (VERIFY w/ POWER CO.) ELECTRICAL RISER FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY TO WATER SUPPLY REDUCED PRESSURE (RPZ) BACKFLOW PREVENTER TO BE INSTALLED IN WATER SUPPLY LINE TO LIFT STATION "FEBCO WATTS" (OAE) NOTE:GROUND ROD18"FLOAT SWITCHES (2" RIGID CONDUIT) * ELECTRICIAN NOTES: 1. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES 3. ELECTRICIAN SHALL SEAL OFF CONDUIT RUNS 4. ELECTRICIAN TO MOUNT LIGHTNING ARRESTOR AT SWITCH DISCONNECT 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY POWER SOURCE PRIOR TO ORDERING EQUIPMENT 6. NEUTRAL TO BE SUPPLIED FOR 208V-3 PHASE POWER. 7. ELECTRICIAN MUST RUN WIRING AND CONDUIT FROM LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL TO REMOTE AUDIO & VISUAL ALARM PANEL INSIDE BUILDING. DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL: (3 YEAR WARRANTY) The Enclosure shall be NEMA 4X, minimum 30" high x 30" wide x 10" deep fiberglass with 5 point latching system. The enclosure shall have external mounting feet to allow for wall mounting. The following components shall be mounted through the enclosure: 1- ea. Red Alarm Beacon (Light) 4" x 4" Minimum Diameter 1- ea. Alarm Horn (minimum 95 DCB) 1- ea. Generator Receptacle w/ weatherproof cover(SCM460 -UL 1686) 1- ea. Alarm Silence Pushbutton The back panel shall be fabricated from .125, 5052-H32 marine alloy aluminum. All components shall be mounted by machined stainless steel screws. The following components shall be mounted to back panel: 2- ea. Motor Contactors 1- ea. Phase Monitor (3 Ph) w/2 N/O & 1 N/C Contacts 1- ea. Silence Relay Module 1- ea. Duplex Alternator w/ Pump Selector Switch 1- ea. Model RCBB5AH Battery Back-Up w/ Smart Charger For The High Level Alarm System 20- ea. Terminals For Field Connections 6- ea. Terminals For Motor Connections (Single Phase Only) 7- ea. Grounding Lugs 1- ea. Seal Failure Relay The inner door shall be fabricated from .080, 5052-H32 marine alloy aluminum. The inner door shall have a continuous aluminum piano hinge. The following components shall be mounted through the inner door: 1- ea. Main Circuit Breaker 1- ea. Emergency Circuit Breaker 1- ea. Mechanical Interlock For Emergency And Main Breakers (UL Listed) 2- ea. Short Circuit Protectors w/ Auxiliary Contacts 1- ea. Control Circuit Breaker 2- ea. Seal Failure Indicator Lights 1- ea. Hand-Off-Auto Selector Switches 2- ea. Pump Run Pilot Lights 1- ea. Power On Pilot Light 2- ea. Elapse Time Meters (Non-Resetable) 1- ea. GFI Duplex Convenience Outlet To insure complete unit and warranty responsibility the electrical control panel must be manufactured and built by the pump supplier. The pump supplier must be a TUV (UL508A CERTIFIED) manufacturing facility, with a minuimum of 5 years history in the manufacturing of electrical control panels. REMOTE ALARM PANEL: (3 YEAR WARRANTY) Audio And Visual Alarm Panel w/ Alarm Silence Button FRP Enclosure (6" x 4" x 4" Deep) MISCELLANEOUS: All wiring on the back panel shall be contained within the wiring duct. All wiring between the inner door and the back panel shall be contained with in a plastic spiral wrap. Each wire shall have a wire number at each end to correspond to the as built drawing for field troubleshooting. The control panel must be manufactured in-house by lift station supplier and be a TUV (UL508A Certified) facility. FASTENERS & APPURTANCES: All fasteners, lifting chains, float cable bracket, hinges, and appurtenances shall be made of AISI 316SS. A 316SS slide/latch assembly shall be provided tor holding the doors open on the wetwell and valve box. Slide rails shall be made of SCH.40 AISI 304SS pipe. Pump lifting chains shall be made of AISI 316SS. Pump lifting bales shall be made of AISI 316SS. WAWA LIFT STATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2ND REMOTE ALARM TO BE CONNECTED TO MANAGER'S OFFICE . CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH WAWA MAINTENANCE GROUP FOR CONNECTION DETAILS. 2. VFD'S SHALL BE USED TO CONVERT SINGLE PHASE INCOMING POWER TO THREE PHASE TO POWER PUMPS. START/RUN CAPACITORS WILL NOT BE USED TO START PUMPS. 3. FORCE MAIN PIPE SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-INCH. PIPE MATERIAL SHALL BE AS PER THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. RILEY AND COMPANY, INC. WAWA PREFERRED PRE-FABRICATED PUMP STATON VENDOR: RILEY & Company, Inc. Sanford, FL 32773 (Ph. 407-265-9963) WAWA, INC. TYPICAL FLORIDA PUMP STATION DETAIL (Page 2 of 2) 03-13-19 NOTE: REMOTE ALARM (3/4") CONDUIT TO BUILDING REMOTE ALARM TO BLDG. (3/4" RIGID CONDUIT) 4. ELECTRICIAN NOTE: 3/4" CONDUIT FROM CONTROL PANEL TO MANAGER'S OFFICE INSIDE BUILDING THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 14 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Construction Details 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW AS PER AASHTO T-99, TO A POINT 30" BELOW PROPOSED BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 100% OF MAX. DENSITY ABOVE THE TOP OF PIPE. THE SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED. INITIAL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE HAND PLACED TO 12" UNDER THE PIPE AND HAND TAMPED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPRINGLINE OF THE PIPE. MATERIAL SHALL BE CONSOLIDATED HAUNCHING MATERIAL SHALL BE HAND PLACED TO THE UNIFORM AND ADEQUATE LONGITUDINAL SUPPORT UNDER THE BOTTOM UP TO GRADE. BEDDING MATERIALS SHALL PROVIDE A BEDDING IS REQUIRED PRIMARILY TO BRING THE TRENCH IN CERTAIN SOIL CONDITIONS A FOUNDATION MAY BE PER AASHTO T-180. AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE UTILITIES ENGINEER OR PERMIT AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION, DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PREFORMED AT AREAS DETERMINED BY BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98% OF MAX. DENSITY AS PROFILE GRADE OR EXISTING GRADE. THE FINAL 30" OF PIPE. SIDE SUPPORT. 5. 4. 3. 6. SPRING PIPE OF NOTES: LINE REQUIRED. 2. 1. SEE NOTE NO. 5 FINISHED GRADE MATERIAL EMBEDMENTINITIAL BACKFILL 12" (IF REQUIRED) REQUIRED) (MAY NOT BE FOUNDATION BEDDING, 6" MIN. HAUNCHING 12" 4" MIN.SAND STONE AND GRAVEL BACKFILLAND OVER EXCAVATIONALTERNATE FOR MACHINE EXCAVATION12" MAX.6"ADJACENT TO THE PIPE TRENCH. TAMPERS (MAXIMUM 6" LAYERS) COMPACTED WITH MECHANICAL LOCATIONS: AND THEN EVERY 2 FEET BETWEEN STRUCTURES AT THE FOLLOWING A DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED TAMPED TO A MINIMUM 100% OF MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO AND BARREL FINISHED GRADE 4" HAND EXCAVATIONINVERT HAND PLACED SELECT MATERIAL 12" MAX. APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO THAT OF THE SOIL NOTE: IF PIPE IS NOT UNDER PROPOSED PAVEMENT, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A FIRMNESS (RCP, DIP) AND 98% FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE. TO WITHIN 2 FEET OF SUBGRADE BEGIN TESTING IN THE FIRST FOOT METHOD T-99 FOR NON-FLEXIBLE PIPE BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 12" MAX. LAYERS, EACH LAYER TO BE MECHANICALLY TO RECEIVE PIPE BELL QUADRANT TO BE SHAPED N.T.S. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL N.T.S. BACKFILLING REQUIREMENTS NOTE: 3,000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYSR=3/4"R=2"8"18"6"6"PAVEMENT TYPE "D" CURB DETAIL N.T.S.3'-0"SODDED SLOPE SILT FENCE DETAIL FABRIC FENCE SILT-BARRIER BALED HAY SILT-BARRIER PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 2. BEFORE REMOVING SILT BARRIER, CONTRACTOR SHALL COLLECT AND DISPOSE OF HAY OR FABRIC FENCE TYPE SILT BARRIER IS ACCEPTABLE. THE BARRIER MUST PROJECT SITE ON TO ADJACENT PROPERTY. INSTALLATION OF EITHER BALED HAY 1. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ANY SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE NOTES: ANY ACCUMULATED SILT. TOE OF SLOPE EXISTING GRADE (2) 2"x 2"x 4' STAKE ANCHOR BALES WITH TWO THROUGH EACH BALE VARIES TRENCH 18" BACKFILL TOE IN FLAP DIRECTION O F F L O W FABRIC (FABRIC FENCE) SILT-BARRIER REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 8" LIMESTONE OR COQUINA BASE COMPACTED TO 98% MAX. DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD. BASE SHALL MEET LBR 100 PAVEMENT SECTION 1 1/2" TYPE SP 9.5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 12" STABILIZED SUB-GRADE FBV OF 75 PSI COMPACTED TO 98% MAX. DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD. SUB-GRADE SHALL MEET LBR 40 OVERLAP 2' MIN. JOINT 12" 12" Min. Min. ISOMETRIC VIEW ELLIPTICAL PIPE VARIES JOINTS 12"12" WOVEN OR NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC TYPE D-3 (SEE INDEX 199) SECURING DEVICE Min.Min. VARIES JOINTS 12"12" Min.Min. WOVEN OR NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC SECURING DEVICE ROUND PIPE PIPE SECTIONS FOR ALL PIPE TYPES COST OF FILTER FABRIC JACKET TO BE INCLUDED IN COST OF PIPE CULVERTS FILTER FABRIC JACKET PRE-CAST TYPE 'E' CATCH BASIN 12"Ø WEEPHOLE W/ROCK/FILTER 8"VARIES2" CL. GRATE 2"SECTION 8"8"8"8"PLAN SEE INDEX NO. 201, SH. 4 & 515' MAX.FOR REINF. MOD. FOR DEPTHS 13' TO 15'4'-4" 3'-0" 4'-4" 3'-0"5'-10"4'-6"2 1 4 #4 BARS @ 12" CTRS.2" CL.SEE BOLTSEYE INDEX 201 RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE: 3'-0" WALL-24" PIPE x x STRAIGHT BARS 2"x BANDS RETICULINE BARS 3'-4"22 BARS @21 SPACES @APPROX. WEIGHT 215 LBS.BANDBAND3'-4"4'-4"4'-4"1'-5"1'-5" 3'-4" 2"2"2"2"APPROX. WEIGHT 465 LBS. 2" NOTICE: WITH TRAVERSABLE SLOTS AND ON INLETS WHERE BICYCLE TRAFFIC IS ANTICIPATED. PIPE PIPE FABRIC 1.) STEEL GRATES ARE REQUIRED ON INLETS 2.) ALL INLETS WILL BE CAST TO PROVIDE A 18" SUMP BELOW LOWEST CULVERT INVERT "2 1 4 " 5 3 4 " 2 1 2 " 1 1 2 "1 1 2 " 1 1 4 " 1 4 "316"1 1 2 3 16 "34"218"134"212"2516"41116"4' - 18" 6" 3,000 PSI CONCRETE (FIBER REINFORCED) CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION 12" STABILIZED SUB-GRADE FBV OF 75 PSI COMPACTED TO 98% MAX. DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD. SUB-GRADE SHALL MEET LBR 40 Edge of Pavement or Back of Curb 6" WHITE STRIPE 2' or Face of Curb Wheel Stop 6" WHITE STRIPE 20' Overall Stall Length 10'2' Overhang 6"6"DRIVE 2-#5x18" LONG INTO PAVING 6'-0" DRIVE 2-#5x18" LONG INTO PAVING 1'-0"1'-0" 36" * 36" (TYP) 24" WHITE STOP BAR 12' MAX 6' MIN 8' MIN20' MAXEDGE OF PAVEMENT PAVEMENTEDGE OF NOT LESS12' MAX 6' MIN THAN 7'SAW CUT EXIST. PAV'MT.& BASE NEW PAV'MT.12" EXIST. PAV'MT. & BASE 18" ADS N-12 PIPE CONCRETE COLLAR 18" INLINE DRAIN N.T.S. STOP SIGN LOCATION DETAIL FOR PAVED AREAS - N.T.S. TYPICAL PARKING STALL FOR PAVED AREAS - N.T.S. TYPICAL WHEELSTOP DETAIL CONCRETE WHEELSTOP N.T.S. SAW CUT DETAIL TYPICAL YARD DRAIN N.T.S. #4 CONT.Std.7 1/2" 3/4"R 18" 3"R 24" 2"R 6"6"6" 8"6"HIGH SIDE SECTION VIEW Type 1 Concrete (See Specifications)12"LOW SIDE 2"R 6" 24" 18" 8" 3"R Type 1 Concrete (See Specifications)12"6"6"SECTION VIEW 1. 3. 2. NOTES: unless otherwise shown on plans. When used on high side of road, the cross slope of the gutter shall match the cross slope of the adjacent pavement and the thickness of the lip shall be 6", 3/4"R Section 520 and FDOT Roadway & Traffic Design Standards index number 520-001. Saw cut contraction joints on 10' centers max. within 48 hours after pouring curb. All materials and construction shall be in accordance with FDOT Specifications TO BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ALL ROADWAY LOCATIONS EXCEPT FOR CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS AND DISABLED RAMPS d Maybe Substituted 3/16" Saw Cut Joint (Typ.) 1/4"R 1/2" d/4 1/4"R CONTRACTION JOINTSEXPANSION JOINTS 1/2" Pre-molded Expansion Joint Material NOTES: Provide contraction joints 5' center to center.2. 1. Sod shall be placed below edge of sidewalk to allow drainage.3. 6" see plans for width 3,000 psi Class I Concrete Determined by AASHTO T-99 of the Maximum Density as Compact Subgrade to 95% 2 %Slope Per Cross Sections Provide expansion joints 20' center to center, at PC & PT of curves, junctions of existing & new sidewalks, and where sidewalk abuts curbs, driveways & similar structures. BOLLARD NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. ROUNDED CONCRETE TOP 4'3'3"24" DIA CONCRETE BASE 7' LONG x 6" DIA STEEL PIPE FILLED WITH CONCRETE (SEE NOTES) Sidewalk with 6"x6" No. 10 welded wire mesh throughout this project.4. 2' Dimensions permitted to allow use of 12' standard pipe lengths. 19'15.03'18.65'3.22'15.43' 23.11' 10.10' 23' 13.37' 9.25' 13.03' 11.03' 9.71' 4.09' 4.03' 15' 3'6"Pipe THE MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS OF THE PIPE SHALL BE 0.188". ALL POSTS SHALL HAVE 2 COATS OF YELLOW TOP COAT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE PRIMER COAT SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF FDOT 971-5. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE FDOR CLASS 1. *Slope: TOP VIEW-SINGLE PIPE WWF 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 Concrete Slab, 3" Thick, Reinforced With 2'SECTIONSod 2:1 For Pipes 24" And Larger. Sod To | Pipe For Pipes 18" And Smaller5.5"1.5'M1.5'D8'-6" 48"6'-9" 5'-1" 7'-8" 6'-0" 60" 4'-3" 54" 42" 2'-7" 24" 2'-10" 36" Triple 3'-5" 30" CONCRETE (Cu. Yds.) X 15" D 18" Slope V a r i e s - S e e D i t c h T r a n s i t i o n Sheet 6 o f 6 Note: See Sheets 5 and 6 for details and general notes. Paid For As Pipe Culvert And Pa v e m e n t M o d i f i c a t i o n D e t a i l s2'Fastener 1'1. 5 R Beveled Or Round Corners 1'1' Grate Width 6"1'Above GLConstruction Joints Permitted FConcrete slab shall be deepened to form bridge across crown of pipe. See section below. Dimensions permitted to allow use of 8' standard pipe lengths. 14.58'7.83'2.65' 3.56' 3.39' 6.42' 17.49' 19.55' 10.40' 19.03' 6.25' 17.03'20.88'21' 9.00' 3.05' 3.00' 16.08'2.83' 17.50' 8.42' 2.53' 2.36' 2.70' 11.31'2.87' 7.18' 5.12' 9.03' 7.03' 16.42' 5.03' 14.18' 11.95' B 2.27' 7.48' A C E 6.36' 2.00' 2.45' 1.73' 2.24' 17' 1.41' 13' 11' 9' 13.25' 10.33' 11.75' 7.25' 6.67' 8.92' 4.92' 7.75' 5.50' 8' F 6.08' 1.22' G Double Pipe Single M 7.21' Pipe 4.63' 1.81 3.261.42'21.33'28.08' 26.00' 23.75' 34.50' 31.42' 1.50' 3" 4" 4"3.78 3" 1.46' 4.36 Pipe 2.28 21.92' 2.03 GRATE SIZES Standard 25.25' 18.83' 16.83' 14.58' 13.42' 15.75' 19.25'1.38' 12.33' 10.58' 1.33' 1.29' Pipe 1.25' 1.21' Pipe 9.79'12.37' Weight N 1.19' Triple Quad 3" 1.983" 2.83 2.38 1.28 1.40 1.60 1.581.02 0.85 Extra Single 1.23 Strong Pipe 1.16 Double Pipe Pipe 0.76 Grates S p a c e d 1 4 " c . T o c . Saddle F (Pipe To Be Included Under Unit Price For Mitered End Section) Connector No Pipe Joint Permitted Unless Approved By The Engineer PipeD 2' E Not Less Than D A 3" Concrete B 4:1 1' Max C 6"6"N6"2' Sod6" Ditch Grade Min.1' Construction Joints Permitted 3" 1815 24216.144.70 2' Sod 8.50 7.28 6.43 5.54 22 20 18 17 2925 2723 SODDING (Sq. Yds.) Triple 5.26 4.24 3.50 2.75 2.17 4.04 3.33 2.74 2.15 1.71 17 15 14 12 10 14 13 12 10 9 Single 1.941.54 Pipe Quad Pipe 108 Double Pipe 22 20 17 13 19 17 15 1513 12 1211 Quad PipePipe DIMENSIONS & QUANTITIES N.T.S. BOLLARD DETAIL FDOT INDEX 520-001 TYPE "F" CURB & GUTTER N.T.S. TYPICAL SIDEWALK N.T.S. SINGLE AND MULTIPLE ROUND CONCRETE PIPE SIDE DRAIN MITERED END SECTION 3.5" 3.5"2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" INSTALLATION PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS PER LATEST VERSION OF FDOT INDEX 430-022 PER LATEST VERSION OF FDOT INDEX 522-001 PER LATEST VERSION OF FDOT INDEX 520-001 PER LATEST VERSION OF FDOT INDEX 300 6.75" SLOPE TO GRADE 3/4" FILLET (TYP) SEE NOTE BELOW 1'-2"10" 2'-0" 8.0" VALLEY GUTTER CURB DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: 3,000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS 2'-0" 8" NOTE: 3,000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS FLUSH HEADER CURB DETAIL N.T.S. THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC.JOB No.: SHEET OF REVISIONS1062 JAKES WAYOkeechobee, Fl 34974Phone: (863) 824-7644FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206Steven L. DobbsEngineering, LLCNo.DATEBY16 22 2017-016WAWAAT KINGSGATE CENTERLOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDAConstruction Details111/26/19CMBGENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS212/26/19CMBREVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS301/29/20CMBREVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERSCALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW $250.00 FINE INDEX 711-001 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC.JOB No.: SHEET OF REVISIONS1062 JAKES WAYOkeechobee, Fl 34974Phone: (863) 824-7644FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206Steven L. DobbsEngineering, LLCNo.DATEBY17 22 2017-016WAWAat KINGSGATE CENTERLOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDAConstruction Details111/26/19CMBGENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS212/26/19CMBREVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS301/29/20CMBREVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERSCALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC.JOB No.: SHEET OF REVISIONS1062 JAKES WAYOkeechobee, Fl 34974Phone: (863) 824-7644FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206Steven L. DobbsEngineering, LLCNo.DATEBY18 22 2017-016WAWAat KINGSGATE CENTERLOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDAConstruction Details111/26/19CMBGENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS212/26/19CMBREVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS301/29/20CMBREVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERSCALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW 26'- 8" x 20'- 8" FLSQ17- L 135° CARDBOARD RECYCLING CONTAINER MPT TRASH COMPACTOR 6" CONC. PAD W/ 6" STONE BASE. SLOPE: 1% 26'-8" (O.A. FOUNDATION)20'-8"10'-0"6" BOLLARD TYP. CANE BOLT RECEIVER SLEEVE, TYP.2'-0"POWERWASH HB LIGHT LIGHTSLOPE: MIN. 1%8' X 10' SHED 7"12'-4"10"12'-4"7" 12'-0" CLEAR12'-0" CLEAR TC DISC TC CONTROLS / SONOZAIRE1'-4"4'-0"135° 135°135° 24"x24"x6" CONC. PAD TYP. LIGHT 2'-0"2'-8"2'-0"2'-8" 24"x24"x6" CONC. PAD TYP.2'-0" THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BY STEVEN L. DOBBS, P. E., SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO STEVEN L. DOBBS ENGINEERING, LLC. JOB No.: SHEET OFREVISIONS 1062 JAKES WAY Okeechobee, Fl 34974 Phone: (863) 824-7644 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. 00029206 Steven L. Dobbs Engineering, LLC No.DATE BY 19 22 2017-016 WAWA at KINGSGATE CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA General Notes and Specifications 1 11/26/19 CMB GENERAL REVISION - REVISED PER COMMENTS 2 12/26/19 CMB REVISED UTILITIES PER COMMENTS, REV. SHEET NUMBERS 3 01/29/20 CMB REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS -REV. SHEET NUMBERS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG IN FLORIDA, IT'S THE LAW GENERAL NOTES 1. Contractor is responsible for checking actual site conditions before starting construction. 2. Any discrepancies on the drawings shall be brought to the attention of the engineer before commencing work. 3. Contractor shall obtain all required building permits before commencing work. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for location of all existing utilities. The contractor shall contact all concerned utilities at least 48 hours in advance for construction operations. 5. No field changes or deviations from design to be made without prior approval of the engineer. 6. All construction shall be completed in accordance with the applicable ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida. 7. Contractor shall supply density tests to engineer on all sub-grade and base. Tests shall be prepared per AASHTO T-180 method. 8. Slope grades from elevations shown to existing grade at property line. 9. Engineer shall be notified at least 48 hours in advance for any inspection. 10. All traffic control devices shall be in accordance with M.U.T.C.D. Standards. 11. Erosion and sedimentation control techniques shall be incorporated during construction as follows: (1) silt screens shall be maintained at the project perimeter. (2) No off-site discharges shall occur during construction. In the event discharge is required, hay bales and/or turbidity curtains shall be incorporated at the discharge point as necessary to control turbidity. 7. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The sediment basin shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the anticipated sediment loading from the land-disturbing activity. The outfall device or system design shall take into account the total drainage area flowing through the disturbed area to be served by the basin. 8. After any significant rainfall, sediment control structures will be inspected for integrity. Any damaged devices shall be corrected immediately. 9. Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain structure. 10. Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. 11. Sediment will be prevented from entering any storm drain system, ditch or channel. All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment-laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. 12. Before temporary or newly constructed stormwater conveyance channels are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel. 13. When work in a live watercourse is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest extent possible during construction. Nonerodible material shall be used for the construction of causeways and cofferdams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures if armored by nonerodible cover materials. 14. When a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles, a temporary stream crossing constructed of nonerodible material shall be provided. 15. The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized immediately after work in the watercourse is completed. 16. Periodic inspection and maintenance of all sediment control structures must be provided to ensure intended purpose is accomplished. The Developer, owner and/or contractor shall be continually responsible for all sediment leaving the property. Sediment control measures shall be in working condition at the end of each working day. 17. Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria: A. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. B. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. C. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off-site property. D. Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. 18. Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by tracking onto the paved surface, where sediment is transported onto a public road surface with curbs and gutters, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as to larger land-distributing activities. 19. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, in the opinion of the Reviewer. Disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. 20. Properties and waterways downstream from construction site shall be protected from sediment disposition and erosion. 21. Phased projects should be cleared in conjunction with construction of each phase. 22. Erosion control design and construction shall follow the requirements in Index Nos. 101, 102 and 103 of FDOT Roadway and Traffic Design Standards. 23. The Reviewer may approve modifications or alter plans to these erosion control criteria due to site specific conditions. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES Construction activities can result in the generation of significant amounts of pollutants which may reach surface or ground waters. One of the primary pollutants of surface waters is sediment due to erosion. Excessive quantities of sediment which reach water bodies of floodplains have been shown to adversely affect their physical, biological and chemical properties. Transported sediment can obstruct stream channels, reduce hydraulic capacity of water bodies of floodplains, reduce the design capacity of culverts and other works, and eliminate ethic invertebrates and fish spawning substrates by siltation. Excessive suspended sediments reduce light penetration and therefore, reduce primary productivity. MINIMUM STANDARDS: 1. Sediment basin and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land-distributing activity and shall be made functional before unslope land disturbance takes place. 2. All sediment control measures are to be adjusted to meet field conditions at the time of construction and be constructed prior to any grading or disturbance of existing surface material on balance of site. Perimeter sediment barriers shall be constructed to prevent sediment or trash from flowing or floating on to adjacent properties. 3. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain undisturbed for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left undisturbed for more than one year. 4. During construction of the project, soil stockpiles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant is responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as soil intentionally transported from the project site. 5. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved that, in the opinion of the Reviewer, is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. 6. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. ENGINEER OF RECORD INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR TO CALL CONTRACT ENGINEER OF RECORD 48 HOURS ADVANCE FOR FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING 2. DRAINAGE PIPE (UNCOVERED) 3. PAVEMENT SUBGRADE 4. PAVEMENT BASE 5. FINAL ALL TESTING SHALL BE TAKEN IN A STAGGERED SAMPLING PATTERN FROM A POINT 12" INSIDE THE LEFT EDGE OF THE ITEM TESTED, TO THE CENTER, TO A POINT INSIDE OF THE RIGHT EDGE SQUARE FEET LINEAR FEET 300 300 300 PER INSP. PER INSP. 10,000 10,000 10,000 SQUARE FEET LINEAR FEET 200 300 ---- -------- ---- 10,000 5,000 SQUARE FEET LINEAR FEET 200 300 300 -------- 10,000 10,000 5,0005,000 ---- ---- --------ASPHALT ----SHELL ROCK ROCK BASE ---- COMPACTED OR STABILIZED GRADE 200 LINEAR FEET SQUARE FEET THICKNESS MAX. SPACINGMAX. SPACING L.B.R.DENSITY MAX. SPACINGMAX. SPACING F.B.V. ENGINEER OF RECORD INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Earthwork and Drainage Specifications 1.Clearing and Grubbing: Clearing and grubbing shall be performed within the limits of the project work in accordance with Section 110, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Specifications. This item shall include, but is not limited to, the complete removal and legal disposal of all trees, brush, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, rubbish and other undesirable material to a depth of 18 inches below natural ground or proposed finished grade, whichever is lower. The areas to be cleared generally consist of the entire site with the exception of areas specifically noted on the landscape plans as preserve areas or as areas to remain un-cleared. Care shall be taken to insure that no preserve areas or wetland areas are impacted by the clearing operation. Prior to initiating the clearing operation, all adjacent wetland and preserve areas shall be marked and flagged in accordance with the St. Lucie County and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) requirements All such areas immediately adjacent to the clearing operation shall also be protected by the installation of temporary silt barriers in accordance with the requirements of The St. Lucie County and the SFWMD. Further erosion control shall be accomplished by seeding and mulching all disturbed areas as soon as they are at final grade, per the specifications for seeding and mulching found elsewhere on this sheet. All material shall be removed from the site and shall be legally disposed of in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements. 2.Earthwork and Grading: All earthwork and grading shall be performed as required to achieve the final grades, typical sections and elevations shown on the plans. In all other respects, materials and construction methods for earthwork, embankment, excavation and grading shall conform to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 120. Any plastic or otherwise undesirable material within 36 inches of finished road grade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material. The contractor shall also refer to the Soils Report, if available. The specifications and recommendations included in that report shall be considered as a part of these plans and specifications. Should there be any conflict between that document and any requirements of these drawings or specifications, the most restrictive requirement shall govern. 3.Paving Improvements: All areas proposed for paving shall be constructed in accordance with the design grades and typical sections shown on the drawings, and in conformance to the requirements of the St. Lucie County and Florida Department of Transportation. A.Asphalt: Prime Coat and tack coat for base course and between lifts of asphalt shall conform to the requirements of Sections 300-1 through 300-7 of the FDOT Specifications. Prime Coat shall be applied at a rate of 0.25 gallons per square yard and tack coat at a rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Asphalt surface course thickness and material shall be as shown on the typical sections and shall in all ways conform to the requirements of FDOT. B.Base: Limerock base material shall be compacted to 98% of maximum density per AASHTO T-180. All limerock shall meet the minimum requirements of FDOT Section 911. As an alternate, cemented coquina conforming to FDOT Section 915 may be substituted and shall be subject to the compaction specifications detailed above and included in the Soils Engineer's report. C.Sub-grade: Sub-grade shall be compacted to 98% of maximum density per AASHTO T-180, and stabilized to a minimum FBV of 50psi. Sub-grade shall be thoroughly rolled with a pneumatic tired roller prior to scheduling any sub-grade inspection. D.Valley Gutter/ F-Curb/D-Curb/Flush Curb: Shall be constructed per the typical section by extruding machine or forms as shown on the plans. Minimum concrete compressive strength shall be 3,000psi after 28 days. Sub-grade shall be moistened at the time concrete is placed to insure a uniformly damp surface. Ready-mix concrete shall have a slump of between 2 and 4 inches. No water shall be added to increase workability. Test cylinders shall be made for the strength testing of each batch of concrete for at least 7 and 28 day testing. E.Sod: A minimum of a two-foot wide strip of sod, or as otherwise shown on the plans, shall be placed along the back of curb of all constructed pavement to aid in prevention of erosion and soil stability. Sod shall be placed in conformance to FDOT Section 570, 575 and 981. Generally, the sodding requirements shall be as specified on the landscape plans, prepared by Others. F.Seed, Fertilize and Mulch: All disturbed areas shall be stabilized with seed, fertilizer and mulch upon completion and acceptance by Engineer of final grading. Seed, fertilizer and mulch shall be in conformance to FDOT Sections 570, 575 and 981. The Contractor is responsible for establishing a stand of grass sufficient to prevent erosion prior to removal of the temporary silt fences. This applies only to those areas not covered by the sodding specified in the landscape plans, prepared by Others. G.Testing: The Contractor shall secure the services of an approved independent testing laboratory to conduct all required testing on sub-grade, base, asphalt and concrete. Locations required for these tests shall be as required by the St. Lucie County, and/or in the case of the turn-lane improvements as required by the St. Lucie County. At a minimum, testing shall be as recommended by FDOT. Should any tests fail, contractor shall at his own expense, repair the deficiencies and retest the work until compliance with the specifications is demonstrated. H.Traffic Control: The installation of Traffic Control Devices shall be in conformance to the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, The St. Lucie County. Maintenance of traffic During Construction shall be as required by FDOT. Earthwork and Drainage Specifications - (continued) 4.Drainage Improvements: All labor, materials and construction methods shall be in conformance to the minimum engineering and construction standards of the St. Lucie County and FDOT Specifications. Trench excavation and back-filling operations shall meet or exceed the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 125. The Contractor shall provide the necessary back-fill compaction testing required to demonstrate compliance with this section. The pipe trench shall be dry when pipe is laid and the pipe shall be bedded per the details and per FDOT specifications. The Contractor shall comply with Chapter 90-96, Laws of Florida, which requires the Contractor performing trench excavations over five feet in depth comply with all applicable trench safety standards and shoring requirements as set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) excavation and safety standards, 29 C.F.R. 19926.650, Sub-part P and incorporated as the State of Florida standard, as revised and/or updated. The cost of compliance with this requirement shall be included as a separate line item on the Contractor's bid. Otherwise, Contractor certifies that the cost of compliance is included in the unit cost of all items of work to which this requirement applies. A.Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP): RCP shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specifications C-76, Class III, Wall Thickness “B”, latest revision. All joints shall be soil-tight. Pipe gasket shall conform to FDOT Specifications, Section 942. B.Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP): All CMP shall be Steel, round, helical-wound corrugated pipe conforming to AASHTO-M 36 and FDOT Section 943. Pipe ends at joints shall be reformed to a minimum of 2 annular corrugations for the complete band width. All joints shall be soil-tight. All connecting bands shall be corrugated annular coupling bands. A Neoprene gasket of at least 7 inches wide by 3/8 inch thick shall be used for all pipes of 36-inch diameter and smaller. Larger pipe sizes require gaskets of at least 10-1/2 inches in width. All CMP shall be installed at maximum lengths to reduce the number of joints. C.Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (CAP): All CAP shall be aluminum alloy, round, helical-wound corrugated pipe conforming to AASHTO-M 196 and FDOT Section 945. Pipe ends at joints shall be reformed to a minimum of 2 annular corrugations for the complete band width. All joints shall be soil-tight. All connecting bands shall be corrugated annular coupling bands. A Neoprene gasket of at least 7 inches wide by 3/8 inch thick shall be used for all pipes of 36-inch diameter and smaller. Larger pipe sizes require gaskets of at least 10-1/2 inches in width. All CAP shall be installed at maximum lengths to reduce the number of joints. D.Corrugated High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE): All HDPE Pipe shall be resin conforming to ASTM D3350 minimum cell classification 435400C, round, only annular corrugations and conforming to FDOT Section 948-2.3. All joints shall be soil-tight. All connecting bands shall be corrugated annular coupling bands. A Neoprene gasket of at least 7 inches wide by 3/8 inch thick shall be used for all pipes of 36-inch diameter and smaller. Larger pipe sizes require gaskets of at least 10-1/2 inches in width. All HDPE shall be installed at maximum lengths to reduce the number of joints. E.Contech A-2000 PVC drainage pipe (A-2000): All A-2000 corrugated pipe with a smooth interior shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation F949 & F794 Dual Wall Corrugated Profile (DWCP) Pipe. Pipe and fittings shall be homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions or other injurious defects. Pipe shall be manufactured to 46 psi stiffness when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method D2412. There shall be no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaking when the pipe is tested per ASTM Test Method D2412 and F949 section 7.5. The pipe shall be made of PVC compound having a minimum cell classification of 12454B as defined in ASTM Specification D1784. F.PVC Drainage Pipe: PVC Drainage Pipe shall be C-900 with push-on joints (no glued joints) and shall be as specified for sanitary sewer construction, except that it shall be white in color. Any portion of the PVC storm pipe that may be exposed to sunlight, such as its outlet to the detention pond, shall be painted to protect it from UV light. G.Inlets, Manholes, and Junction Boxes: All drainage inlets, manholes, and junction boxes shall be precast concrete conforming to ASTM C-478 and 64T. All concrete shall have not less than 4000-psi compressive strength at 28 days. Structure sections shall be joined with a mastic sealing compound. The remaining space shall be filled with the cement mortar and finished so as to produce a smooth continuous surface inside and outside the wall sections. All openings in precast structures shall be cast at the time of manufacture. Holes for piping shall be six inches larger than the outside diameter of the proposed pipe. All spaces between the manhole and the pipe shall be completely filled with mortar and finished smooth. Mortar used for concrete structures shall conform to M C-270. Mortar material shall be mixed one part Type 2 Portland cement to two parts aggregate by volume. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C-144 and aggregate shall conform to ASTM C-144. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the ENGINEER with shop drawings of all precast structures for his approval prior to fabrication. Shop drawings shall show all dimension, reinforcing steel and specifications. Storm Manholes shall be constructed with a traffic bearing cast-iron slotted grate. H.Trench Backfill shall be as shown in the Drainage Details. In addition, testing under paved areas shall be as follows: One test location midway between structures and one test location adjacent to each structure. Engineer may request additional locations. Testing in each location shall begin in the first foot above the culvert with tests every two feet to within two feet of the sub-grade. Density shall be to 100 percent of maximum as determined by AASHTO T-99. I.Control Structures: Shall be constructed per the above specifications for Inlets, Manholes, and Junction Boxes except that the structures shall include the bleeders and weirs as shown on the detail. J.Rip-Rap Energy Dissipaters: Shall be constructed per the details and as shown on the drawings at the control structures CS-1, CS-2 & CS-3, the downstream bubble-up structures. The rubble shall be of material and placed in accordance to FDOT Section 530-2.3 (material) and FDOT Section 530-3.3 (Construction Methods). Should broken concrete be used as the rubble, it shall be free from reinforcing bars or wire mesh. The contractor shall use care in the placement of the stone so that it is not dropped on thew fabric in such a fashion that tears the fabric. The fabric shall be as specified in FDOT Section 985 and shall be of the woven design and as specified for use with riprap per Table 1 of this section. The bedding stone shall be of the type typically used for drainfield rock and shall meet the requirements of FDOT for drainfield rock.