HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Contractor AgreementPERMIT A the For die project located ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ Building & Code Compliant: BUILDNG PCIUT - Lvisit EV p SUWCONTRA)CTORAG`R EdlEt T MAR. 0 3 r"".J2R ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be Sub -contractor forte f��l (Pr(man• Contractor) or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ,It s Staa ofRorlda, Couat7af, )'i'rAA�"� The fareQalne tournament %us stoned rA L IU-dby fi A. serial tl WA16 M01116 •fi dzof o —� SrA,IF SUB- ATRACrORSlrti.\TUREtQoanaar) �err�1� �Ya &.lea /7-- t'RINTNAM couRrT CERrIFICS710N NUMBER Stole or ReNdu. County ak G44U e The fo da teaaloe Gutrummt am styaed hefora ma Ihis28da7 of ! I& .26 by f lc..t j Ay-,j e 4±4 vhakpersonallyhna,rn _orhasprcdateda rr OL. w 4asU--P)423-Zell'y�-y/ry-4, PERWIIT # ISSUE DATE — =-? PLANNING Sc DEVELOPMENTS Nactes kR� Building Sf Code Compliance ivisionRECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT MAR 0 3 ?OG70 SUI3•CUN'I'IlACl'OR ACRRLNICN'i' ST. Lucie County, Pern goofh'� In(-. --- ._ ..._ have agreed to be ontpnny Nnnte/Individual N:nibW — Ihe A r. Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. Type 0f'ftade) 7 (Primary Cuntniclor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of sBdus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, theBunand Code Regulation Division of SC Lucie County will he advised pursumlt to the tilingnfa Change pl•Sub-conu:lcWr notice. i•in!a7•r (airtirualim ratw1 nac State of Florida. county or. f�Ga [i e. i'hrffor9e_going instrument inns signed Warr mr this 115 day or .20-2by .[r );III a lm-FJ-SJtij.L�-_ nlul Is prrsoually 141e1v11 -Zee Ios prohueJ a ,. ne�lao ,lit lm. Sfgunlnr of\near 'uhl' ✓ f! Prins \awe of \olnr)' 1'uhli[ pima „i, , Reber 0 % orfi � Q% t<� Commission Reviled 11111112016 st'II•CUN171,it'li .IL. ATI1RF tUuallneri mu�r�IdIP. CCC_139 13Z3 - rcua rY f•atrrunt •,� i ins siauuat stale or flurida, CmmtyulR f' ''��� The for��e�gooyinmtm g Inslnunt ns signed before e this L)da%,nr! �—.2019. hr Lu+_l(oL %Thu is Presumedly kronen—., has prudaeedn ... rV9114, CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI -Y: MY COAIMISSION O GG001003 'iltERg" EXPIRES June 13, 2020 N!"I J6860106 FkvtlnNau aemer,vrn PERMIT# 1 1. ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance ID 'on WILDING PERMIT SUB.CONTRACTORAGREEMENT MAR 0 $ 9070 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to he I the ...1..... ........ �.... Sub-conlrnctor far GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. �Uu�c (T)puor'Italc) — (PriOuvyCantnldor) for the project logated at 2R 9 Z k,,;L I �� r • _-- (Proleat Stmal Addrass or PraPanY Tox 10111) It is understood thpi, if there IN any change of slalus regatding our participation with the above mentioned projcoA the ZelorSub-conlractax ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cdunty will be -advised pursuant to the Flltng of u Cnotice. p l,rryceti�ll, t n1ttnr�" 1UKt 81nlP nfMneltly (Smnly l,f dY.1., .Q, Tito rnrepPlup Imirnmonr IrnarlgneJ bdorc me (h6 Z g8 APy or G1>` 2LLIIY J]Ilta hA ASJ0J.1.o -. It RabEFca lima ¢V Ov, Commi20 ssion p GGOBOB76 E1tPltea: IN1111TV nttslaN Itaybrd ll/1611aIa 'y�iR...: - Bonded ih Sa d: N'('IIAC1111 SIGNAT111 .ItluYllarr) 4RU66 M GGq 11/j ,_- PHINTNAMa - aW* Car1.21ys-a1C 5 Ni'1• Calt'r1PlptTinN ntlMul"11 IitPlP of PIe�WP, f:nnnly nl iNOs��(JEii. TaP fore2aln¢Imtrnmrnl xar (q(ned helurrnm lhd �.}. Un)' or 74—N ,� by ✓ f,Llde7_ IrUu Is prDunully lulmrq_Pr w proanto P as iatPllarP Pa. ftiaduraurrNulary Puhlle .. VIL491 & / Clar Mitt NAtnt arautury Puallt' :tAti+ VICTORIA L CL08 ���'+ MY COMMI9810N 090070545 E1tPJIMS F¢NNar 07, 2021 I PERMIT # ISSUE DATE thy^'..^"^—.^.•---^.x••�. C U NTnY , F' L O. R IjL10� A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAR 0 3 STST. Lucl�Permitting RIDmG�nEyWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be P C mealyG me4ndividuatName) the MB IV Sub -contractor for GRBKGHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located BE 2 9 3 2. Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER slide of Florida, County or St Lucie The rorogoing Instrument was signed berate me this � day of �CVi` ,xdJ`! by 6t)711 i a 11l fianr.11.t whole e__ has produced a SU ONTRA "Sir ATURE (Qualifier) GREGO KOZAN 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state ar 19arido, county or FLORIDA The raregaing inelmmrnl was signed before me lhUL$ day or c(A_ xc lg by GREGORY KOZAN who is personally known 2L.r has produced ��,atLl/d�eo_llrar�alipoa \ � } � STAMP ^_¢t AJ,vt3.`. !J�'-L�r--1 STAMP 51joblure Wintery Public _ eA°FGyf Rebecca Dina CBmtlilsSIOR 6 GG9fi0 621 ` q Expires: AM N Aamg Notary yia i Beaded thm Revised I1116P016 N:nmo�� Print Name of Notary Public KATeLFF416F-tL gyp• =CG"7s'C 7s^dtd t^:.91 %.: rra: hrny A," PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divf��on BUILDING PERaII'r SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEalENT MAR ® $ ",29 ST. Lucie County, Permitting AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Nome) thC, Electrical Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the iiliitg of a Change of Sy b-contractor notice. William Handler/GITBK/GHO Homes LLC State = CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Sorts of Florida, Caunly of St Lucie Tiiu foregoing Instrument , n�ns signed More me this ay of 01"M .,� by William Handler less produced a STAati' Rebecca Duna �oa8 GG9666�1 pytplles: danualY GROW SO,, l lhN A� ttcviscd IIfI6R0Ia SUB -CONTRACT RSIGNATURE (Qualifier) (nCtYLI (, VufaY1� PRINT NAMEI rC )30C)L4I�g COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of naridu, County of Theforegoing instrument%vas signed before me thfs2 /t day of rua ,3a?C tsy