HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubContractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division - BUILDING PERN11T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT RECEIVLd MAR 0 3 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Nome/individual Name) ,the Electrical Sub-contractorfor GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at i 3L'i - (Project Street U - 002cc - Oct — or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Seib -contractor notice. William Handier/GKBVGHO Homes LLC State = CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Smto or Fiorida, County or St Lucie 'riio foregoing instrument nas signed before mo this day of O-WLADN 20gby William Handler Who personally knmrn or has produced a -- STAMP RebeccaGIG060676 �Pit�apaiontlotat'1 Banded 11+N Revised 1111=016 X L1-� SU➢-CONTRrICT RSIG )ZC (QunllRer) � 1CtVli � Yet TNAME rC 1306L�1�� COU\ rY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or nurida, County or The foregoing instrument uns signed before me this May or CA IM 20 2-"y PERMIT q ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1 3 ' 1 •r Building & Code Compliance Divisio RECO C-D D ---- 4- BUILDING PERMIT MAR 0 3 2020 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sf. Lucie County, Permitting RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be PLUminAG menridividual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 1 33 Li — - wo - O It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang of Subcontractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing Instrument was signed before me Ihbe day et .xg-b,ny ti L/ t �Grtr.1l r whoi^pcnocallykaown X arbmproduces Sig stun drNcJmy Publle Print Name of Lary Public Revised 111162a16 SIl ONTRA RSI IATURE(Qudtrier) GREGO KOZAN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate ornorida, County or FLORIDA 9 The foregoing innrumeal was signed before me lhlf day of ,qA_ :o 19 by GREGORY KOZAN who is personally known %( or has Producctla aJs Identification. \ �} STAMP STAMP 511ture of Notary Public Rebecca Dinla Commission d BG960�971 wres, daMIEW 20 Banded thto Pamn Print Nome arNotary Public • aATnlfre, Y.FSLL %�\ •xsp PuFc-Srre C-laoya ...-, v, trn•a•r .•T id17 EEI ISSUE DATE• tiC0-,,UNTV IF, h o_-R 1 o rl-: -" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECE�VE� MAR 0 3 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting _ have Bgreed to he tyunlllnlly L`I"•• alnulyAwma1GRBK-OHO HOMES, L.L.C. ilia- Still-coniroctor for ('ljpa orTra lo) (Printery Contractor) Tor the projecL logated -CM-0 It 19 mtderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our partlolpution will, the above mentioned project, ilia Itil ing and Code Regulntion Division of St. Lucle Coturiy will be -advised pursuant to the flung of u of Sub -contractor notice. ntaeae. UNb enllnfr! — §tl .f.: NflNta'OIt1f(fNAThI ,[uuullneq �!� r lii II11N'1'NAMS p ,YL•YC'a'1711CK ItIN enl� 9Bii "'ys Slain nrl9nrWy 6mnly llf L.11A Ie 1 1 Thrnlregalnp lmhnntonnfn rlBned bdorc metab'Z�tloy or .11 RebBGGa Nils sg0' fd' Commissltin SS9C6m76 , t(o aefum unanma ';�,` Bonded thin Aaron B1atY x �*_ Exphes: January ann n &IA14; CA e I 'oaN11' Call'f1PICATIpN NIIDt117.1t State of Plurlh. Caualynf CLAUL 7p TUp foregolnRlmlrnmrnl uvee4utra heaae Ina Ihh p-) �n3' of Iello 4 proununy Iwmrn._ar Ima pratinto a o<itleollnea errmn, Signature of Nullify PIR1 It V..I L49Q44 {i._ Clar Mal Name arNaalry Puhllf VICTGRIA L GLGB 4•tS' My COMMISSION 0 GauraB46 jA 81NIREa irewiry07,2021 PERMIT # 1 1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DIrMLOPMENT SERVICES �..I.;r — •.•� r� • Building tSf Code Compliance Division '(,��47(d s I;.� .rt,,:T, •�'. € P ' RECEIVEn-- -- :;:,_�^_„_•^re-n�rsrr+-;n BUILDING PL•'RN111' SUB-CON11LAC•01kACRECAICNT MQR 03 2020 ST. Lucie Gaunty, Permitting —.-�� 200 •f.y�t liiL• _ _ ompmly Naniclindividuat N:nttt;;' the n Sub -contractor for Typcof•Itadc) I'or the project located at � 1 — 5 (DU (Project Street Addiuss or Propc _- —)rave agreed to be GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Primary Cuntrl¢lor) U -CCO— O It is understood that, it there is any chango of suduS regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tilingoi'nChange 'Sub-conivacturnotice. i ri1V.'n'1' Clafll F'Ira97uRpr- •hltSAl ata< State of Florida. Cmmlf• or..1 GA (J e l'hr furegoing inhuman tuns rlgned hrrore lilt tilt,,, _d$$day ur h1' (J;11I a.jp , (4+,,.1 L "-- x an Is pmunnlir hi:mun �ur hro prudtmrd u r mat IJn�tijtcat5u,,— i i 1 !I —� STAMP s(iiuNlir .,mntnr• - F 1'rh:tNane oflCaln�"19iulie aeea GGa�a76 TA'v .'¢G�,{yo'0 COIalN55l0a 9 2�1 1100allolaN SI'II•t'pl'I'H.1f'ti .It.. ,1TURE ttfuallnesl rats, s tan: _kJ1eL 000_13Z 3Z3 - rrnlsrvr•ERTIVI IVI'10�Xrauuat —` sin t air Fiuridn• Cnmttr ul�y The fattening Instrument um signal lmferr air 1116 - dar or n1m lsprrsmnJil•6nmun _ar haspru...... CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI MY COMMISSION # G131001603 r tr�. EXPIRES June 13, 2020 1n0r13WOW FIaWeNCY somed.arn PERMIT A ISSUE DATE AQ f the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVISO SUU•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAR 0 3 2020 ST. Lucie Caunty, Permitting have agreed to be Sub -contractor for �d 1764eks1 (Primary, Conrracor) or Property It is understood that, if there is any change orstalus regarding our participation with fire above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change of Aub•conlractur notice. Smtr ofFlorhla. Couetyof � f:[, f The feragotue instrument gat signed before: me ehisZO ddayef rAL :af�hyl�'I�iikt-n undl8� w61'4pero�mtn �tuu pmdaeed o SfAJIp Remd II116,2016 SUB. NTRACfORSIGNATUREtQaanrxr) I'RfNT NAME COUNTS CEIrr1F1C8flos(S�6�'�N�aER Slate of Florida. County ol,.)T- e The foregoing Instrument am rsignedheWm maNday of Tpp B Zorlw Is erronatly known has produced ✓ .L mQ than P)W23 -2-9/' yE: -yl9-4 rANIP S Nmury LC Ca. �• 43 'a8ta !�\ P tNamaofsetw7pubur ke]pn0 g sin"_Iff , b atM+O' O