HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalFlorida Building Code Onliire Business 'Professional Regulation aQS.M_oma � ln➢7n IUarsJleyt6Yron I otTopiaS� SVamik SurdanG: I �StdaaFKC 610pproval r t.Bh�� use tr- �"`F -" "" ProA : ane rMnm .> ppdLLaor AooRaHon Seerth a Andlgaan Lists Appnueon peteli FL p FL756144' t- .�.—... Applicatoo Type Revisidn Code.Version 2017 Application Status? Approved MAR 1 3.2020 ST. Lucie County, Comments Archived j Product Manufacturer Elite Aluminum CorporeHon Address/Phone/Email ry 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut'Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3206' dkOdoklmengineering.net Authorized Signature Do Kim, dk�dokimeng Ineering.net Technical Representative Bruce Peacock( Address/Phone/Emali 4650`Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek; FL 33073 (954)949-3200 bpeaciick@el Itealum Inum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Prcducts- Introduced as a Result of New Technology Compliance. Method Evaluation -Report frcm:a:Flodda:Registered Architect or -"a LfixisalFlorida — Professional Engineer `u Evaluation Report - Hardcopy ReceNed Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Do Kim, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License 'PE=49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance COnfractEjcpiratldn Date' IV30120221 Validated By James L. BucWner, P:E. VCBUCK,'Inc� t Validation Checkllstj- Hardwpy Recelv_ed; Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By _. Sections from the Code 1709.2 Mtps:fModdabuflding.orglp*/ epp_dtiaspx7pama--wGEVXQwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCecN82ve%2bRBYM6sOHgAlm6*A3di 7 y 1/2/2018 M1l Product Approval Method Date'Submitted Date Validated Date'Pending:FBC Approval :Date'Approved q Florida Building Code Online Method 2 Optfon B 08/15/2017 08/16/2017 08/20/2017 10/10/2017 :Summary ofProdum- FL �Name ,Number or 15561:f"" `"'� , . :. -. '-m - -- `A17i minum/Numindrn`Co_ p items 'I -- 3y4"[651D0244'icilb?EPS Compodi�PaneTr3�`:s!�9'!6'x,0,035[11d;'� �a�ls EPS.Cbmposite P6ne1, 3,'/4 /6'XO,'B24a>ala p. S Uniposita . Q---_—� ....__ ., � ' PageT�'3 /4aj6�lB�Q3Q'Xtlb•,EPS Cmn^,_posRe_Pa�f. Inatellation Instructions i Approved fur- use In'XVNZt Yes I 1 FC7S61 R4 II 2D17 FB -bite Aluminum Coro-lnstall ,f Instruct odr Approved foS use outside &HE Yes Impact ReabdaMr No f.VeriOed By. Do' IQrt; P.E:. PE'49497 DePlgn *;e Jwi're: +86/40 Created by Independent Third Party_ Yes Otiter In HVH2r not to:be'.used:In:strutdures"considered',living Evaluation:Reputts areas per FBC Section 1616 unless Impact protection is I ; F17561 R4 AE Fl. 7561 Evaluation Reoort-2017 FEC.odP CCreated'by.Intlependent Thlyd:Party: Yes 'I Orevided. See lhsFallatlon'drawing.fornoininal.ailowable'destgn pressures and spans. anah WM fbn�a Ue :: Ifie1 Blair Stane Roee. Tallahassee R 32359 Friona: eSa.16}.I6I4 na Sf of Florida Is m AAM50 Pkrn Caovrlaht tea)-]e13 StMe e/ rieMa.:: -,:; ArlesNblaty SLtammt::, RaA1nE smmmm � CifB�l��r //Card, r SirlP. f --_ i v https_//Hoddab-ullding.grgipripr app_oUzspx?parem=wGEVXQWtDgsgjkzX72BeuCerN82vc%ZbRBYIMsOHgAjmo%3d 7/2 Y na ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 3,'")( 0.024-'xi I---LH EPS'.PANELSI (ALLOWABLE. CLEAR.SPAN CHARTS). ;NET fALLNVABLE LOAD (PSF)1 IytiX. ALLDVABLE SPAN (FT) - u , r _ , V80 I L/320 I L/180 I L/240 __ a Izzx 1 e w: ,1 az • 30-, 4 3]9 fr - 0 331 BG Pb{ �- 4.-x -9.024 u11 LB EPS,PANELS! (ALLOWAELEd.CLEAR SPAN CHARTS), 'NET--, .ALLOWABLE- I AX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (rT) e ) _ _ LOAD WPS . ILV80 .L/120:I L/IHO I L/240 1 .1 AL 1 J 1 ]4l A I G ' W7 . 169! m9l 119) LZ2 m 3. a r 3 6' x'-0.024 xtl =.LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWAE LE CLEAR SPAN -CHARTS), !NET.J 1 J:ALLOVpHLE+ LDA➢ tPSFP/ $N XAL(.OVAHLE_SPAN;U;i) Pi r 1180 'L/120 1V1B0 L/240 L q,] p03 PO -NL6 6LL 006 SO 2 ,0 1 ff� W u )0 mA( SW I. V 3. 3' -a( 0.032 )0 -, LB EPS PANELS- (ALLOVABLE CLEAR SPAM CHARTS) NET., 1 r ALLOWABLE--� MAX. ALLDVAHLE'SPAN(FT), `LOAD. (PSF)1 L/N 1V120: VIW I L210 691 R M 1 i 6 r el r 3- We 0 9 P] &46 0 ] r 4!>i �0032 x 1 - LB EPS-PANELS (ALLOWABLE- CLEAR SPAN.:CHARTS) 1�+ !- ,ALLOW BL .'LOAD (PSF) I MAX; ALLOWABLE -.:SPAN.(") rL/80 L/120 V180 L/240 10. Ce90 aa� ,. l 1 , 1 A IS] 1A N Y 10 Ib]2 1S14 4 O 0 1 1 99 98 m' L r A In9 W 9 m qv { 0032"x-1" `LB EPS-PANELS (ALLOWABLE_CLEAR SPAN'CHARTS) /NETI fALLOVpBLEt rygXFgLLOWAHLE SPAN -(FT) ;LOAD (PSF)1_ V80 L/120 L/180 L/240 - - �. Pl'� [1w G3E1. E 022 ,v 44ac S1 1 Ifl,> MAG. r r 9 - ZAC 3'nx 0.024'x 2;-^LB,-EPS-PANELS (AL`LOWABLE,CLEAR_SP.AW CHARTS)' —NE-1— Al LDVABLE :LOA➢ (PSFR. -MA ALLDVABLE-SPAN-67)i L/80- L/I20 L/180 I V240 rm 19in qsa m � v 1604 '{ Z,6 6 IL4 I 26 8) -4 `,x-0.024-K 2! - ;LB"EPS`PANELS (ALLOWABLE 'CLEAR SPAN' CIiARTS) NET'--- LOAD (PS�Ii MM-ALLOWABLE? IPAf ffiJ - L/e) L/120 I L/180 I L/240 1 A6 4171 IL 1633 51 m ( 9 V 9. q r R Nm m r 1 9m Ssl 6' x 0024 x 2!- LB EPS PANELS .(ALLOWABLE -'CLEAR SPANLCHARTS) - NET ALLOWABLE _ LOAD WSH L "il X ALLOWABLE -'$PAN (FT)'t' L/80 L/120 L/IBO. L/240 m m e3Go eE( ELn 9 q 4 N2 T O! AS) VG 1 1 l.N m j3 fxr0.030 x 2 =-LH EPS_PANELS. !(ALLOWABLE'CLEAR SPAN -CHARTS) ALLOWABL LOAD (PS6 ,HA% ALLWABCE. SPAN tR)i. L/80 V120 L/I80 L12M r-a10. E 1A4 nq �A u a 30 y 6 Q 14' yx 0.030 'x ff-- ALB-EPS PANEL'S (ALLOWABLE -CLEAR SPAN -CHARTS) AET._, ALLOVABD[[ LOAD (PSPY- MAX. ALLOWABLE-VAN(FT)IL '- 1/BO L120 L/l80 L/210 OF ]d9l :JO, 3- GMi e® 91 • 1 1 Y6 b{ q 6 '.f)0.030 x 21 - LB-EPS PANELS 'AL LOWABLESCLEAR SPAN CHARTS). ALL MET! r- -LOAD (PASF). XAX ALLOWABLE.SPAN:(FMJ L/80" C/12D1 L/180 L/240 d_I ®, w w qm { r -, 4 3 A. E IS nel mu _ _I r AO me falnM t eri PCF ASIM C•578®MW brogFPSS. s-_u mxr vlm Cm1lWlmis eNaxom GI==tobcb)ODupandpmdun&c*In DDts01 aplgwed. 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O zwi therequirerm)uef(he Flodda R4S l4e Code . O O O O'O O r 0,0 CLa"BSecdon SO3.(Teu AlatedrcOnL44&A D¢Id tomrcquhed au ; L ...,w:.... $ .icrmw; Ible ked9 fora0e saeelfq load wod'alamfineWdIng •_.. - -. --_. Im 1 kRn9ftJMrLJAHVH7Iif dull be uM .-.-. - r Pva1)0w33 Nvt{ir•i/xeTarrmol¢. I-PWrcdkloam+mo%h.HWNZ 0ea0000Q000' d : o a000000' 7�i CPa_W¢ ILB w ¢La .. o from tallogin ezoed4naut3e OGShcees frc •'� "'Kypgp jpt]mt - o OfPmRb for B011dln6CWINNOIL� KWS a I✓r1GRIDA4 pJ D60C T01uva G IE He'f1TI-054 ,HETI.OT-I H1 c UI-0 -19 2 fILTI-03.790A, IIPT7+[e-1991, NEII-0bxOTl' u S19SS,HET9d B- scti>zao ID)� rtiw.ta� craw,zrml¢ a m nticvi•Si m 'aHETI-05-2➢a, FhTI-02030. HE1-053011.-Him.0-2049, WTI- igs ml Artl utRn ogoaxrt q�r1R naN o itb.W An bcaw. Derign pr°h'-Moll°mgI°e!W° FPC.Rf1f1F PANFI./CPGN.r1CC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS W BQ(im]0 T�OIM� Do Kim &ASSOCIATESr LLG. CON®ULTINGI STRUCTURAL ENouNrcwa Florida Board of Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 26887 Product Evaluation Resort Date: August 10, 2017 Report No.: FL# 7561-R4 Product Category: Roofing Product sub -category: Products Introduced as a-Result.ofNew Technology, Product Name: EP.S'Foam':CorewlAluminum'SldrrCompositePanels Manufacturer: Elite Alumin`uiii Corporatioh 46%Lyons Teclifi6logy Parkway Coconut Greek, FL 323073. 'Phone: 800�21-068 Scope: This product evaluation report issued by Do Kim and Associates, LI C andDo Kim rP.E. for Elite Aluminum Corporation is based on Florida Department of Business and Pf6fasi6iel Rb7&dti6n-R7ule 61 G20-3.005 (2) Method 2 (b) of the State of Florida Product Approval. Re-evaluation of this FTddiict shall be required following pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or updafes_ Do Kim and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in thei. company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any otheventity involved4n:the;approval:process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, 6" Edition (FBC) and where pressure and deflection requirements, as determi6eddry C&P d-16 of ilia Florida Building Code, do not exceed the design pressures as shown on the approval. Do Kim, P.E. FL #49497 P.O. Box 10039 813.857-9955 Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokM=gineering.net Sheet 1 of 3 .I L Do Kim & AHSCCIATEH9. LLG CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SuDporfine Documents 1. Code Compliance a. The product assembly describedherein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 6ih Edition (FBC); Section 1'lOQ.2. 2. Drawings: a. Drawing No: FL4001 -titled "FPS Foam.Core.Composite Panels", Sheets 1 and2 prepared by Do: Kim'and'Associates, US;C, signed'and'sealed'by Do'.Kim,'P.R .31 Testing a. Testing pet:ASTM E72=05 as pdfoimed"by Hrniioa`ne Big-iheexiiig:& Testing, -Inc. (HETI), and r`enorted`in tesf=re55rt iiuivbei's HETI-05=1988! HE1I-06-2fo4. HET1 6- 06-2072 HETI,06-20.73, 1`1E7I-06-2074, HETI-05,1996, HETI-05A989, HETT_05-1993; HETI-054985, HETI-05-1995, HETI-05_1990, HETI=054997; HETI-05-2037,:HETT= 05-2029,,-HETI=05-2039, HETI=0512030, HETI=05-2041, HETI=05-2048; HETI-05-2036; NETT-05-2031, HETI=05-2038, HETI-05=2065; HETI-05-2040; HE11:05-2042. 4. Calculations a. Panel p'e fiiranae eagineerin'g analysi's fortested loading 611ditions have been prepared based on comparative and1or rational analyais,,prepareil and suiimitted by Vo Kim, P.E. $7 (')flier a. Quality Assurance Agreement verified with Quality Auditing -Institute, LTD. (QAI Laboratories; -LTD:) (FBC Organization.#QUA7628). P.O. Box 10039 Tampa, FL 33679 ._1 J 813.857-9955 a dk@dokimmginecring.net Sheet 2 of 3 3 DO Xim & ABBOCIATESp LL& CONCULTING'STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Limitations.and-Coffdition of Use 1. Code Compliance a. The.product'assemblydescribed herein has.demonstiated°compliance with'the Florida' �Building'Code'6t° Edition (FBC); Section 1709M 2. 'Large and"sinall missile impacfresistaace liac NOT been tested'tb or "dated for ib dff app per 3. Eroval. In HVHZ, t>iisproduct shall tie used=in striictttres "niit to be constderedliving areas - Section 1616 unless impact resistance in accordance m the HVHZirequuements are met acli product listed abov_eshall�be tnstalledgmm along withf allncomponennoted hduot Evaluation Document and site ecificen ereina 4. Use ofeach product,shall be in strict acwrdance_with:ita:Product Approval Evaluatiosand 1111mitations,of.Use. 5. Composite'.panels'shall be-conslructed'usmg type 3003-H154:'aluminum:facings, I or PCF .ASTM C-578MyplasTPtoducts LLC ldand EP&M m ids-ulation (NOA No. 16-1129:05) adlieie to Wfi inum facings *itb Kaliland-Chi mica12020D-1SO,gii .,Fabrication to lie by, Elite panel oducte onl' iii accordance with cued fabrication methods. i x ">n - - 6. }31it'0 roof panels mainfam a u11715 (nt) class `B' (ext) rating and are NER-501 approved Y- 7. This specificat on has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of the FBC, compositepanels;complyth Chapter 7 Section 720; Chapter 8 Section 803; Classl A interior finish and.CSapter26 Section 2603. All local buildmg code:emendments'shall be' adheredto`as-required. 8. The designershall determine by'accepted-engineering=p'ractice-the allowable toads for site specific load!cofditions (including load 6ffhbifi&i6ns) usi#g t5e data"fromA a alliiWbblii load's tables and spans' MEWS- approval! 9 Det]ecuon Itmits and allowable spans liave been listed to meet }?BC tncluil fing tlie_ HVHZ (I li30. _: or spans < 12' 0" and L/180 for spans > 12' 0' ). 10. All supporting host structures shall be:designed:to;resistallauperimposed loads. - It. All:components.which are,permanentlyinstalled shall be.protected•aga*st corrosion, contamination;-and:othersuch damage. 12. Size and Span Limitations'. a. Coiiipo'site panel's shall be limitEd:tb those specific panels fdt d-iiithe DWG. FU1001. li! Pan'el spans "shill not exceed those listed in the tables of DWG: FL'1001. 813.857-9955 P.O. Box 10039 Tampa, FL 33679 dk@dokb=gineering.net Sheet 3 of 3 n DO KIM & ABBOCIATEBI LLC CGNBULTING BYRUGTURAL ENGINCERB 11 u Florida Board of Engineers Cettificaie of Authorization No. 26887 Certificate oflndenendence Do Kim and Associates, LLC. and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor willacquim financial interestin the, company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity'imolWed in1hei-approve! process ofthe product named in the accompanying Florida Product Approval WYM:m..%rlud + FL #;9497 '- A P.O. Box 10039 - ._:. _._ _._-- 813 37C6321 ._.._..' -- -- Pampa, FL 33679 8 13.3 74.0322 (fax) 0