HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval.�, EVALUATION REPORT OF METAL SALES MANUFACTURING CORPORATION `26 GA. 5V-CRIM0 PANEL' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6TH EDITION (2017) FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL FL 14645.3-R3 ROOFING METAL ROOFING Prepared For: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation 545 South 31a Street, Suite 200 Louisville, KY40202 Telephone: (502) 855-4300 Fax: (502) 8554200 Prepared By: Bala Sockalingam, Ph.D., P.E. Florida Professional Engineer #62240 1216 N Lansing Ave., Suite C Tulsa, OK 74106 Telephone: (918) 492-5992 FAX: (866) 366-1543 RECENED MAR 2 5 1010 Permitting Department St. Lucie County This report consists of Evaluation I stall on Details (1 Page) eport (3 Pages. g cover) ,```,�S0GKAL/ -*# 0.01 . No 62240 •: * :. �-P STATE OF Repo wiffi3E FOR �°'�/CVIPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY. SOCC G,G.2o� Manufacturer: J Product Name: Panel Description: Materials: FL 14645.3-R3 C2182-3 9.9.17 Page 2 of 3 Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation 5V-Crimp 24" wide coverage with (5) 1/2" high ribs Min. 26 ga., 50 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel (ASTM A792) or painted steel (ASTM A755). Deck Description: Min. 19/32" plywood or min. 3/4" thick wood plank (min SG of 0.42) for new and existing constructions. Designed by others and installed as per FBC 2017. Deck Attachment: 8d x 2:5" long ring shank nails or #8 x 2" long wood screws @ 6" o.c. (Minimum) in the field and @ 4" o.c. at edges. Designed as per FBC 2017. New Underlayment: Minimum underlayment as per FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.5.1. Required for new construction and optional for reroofing construction. Existing Underlayment: One layer of asphalt shingles over one layer of 430 felt. For reroofing (Optional) construction only. Slope: 1/2:12 or greater in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.2. Requires applied lap, sealant for roof slopes less than 3:12. Design Uplift Pressure: 41.6 psf @ fastener spacing of 36" o.c. (Factor of Safety = 2) 74.8 psf @ fastener spacing of 16" o.c. 196.75 psf @ fastener spacing of 8" o.c Fastener Pattern Type: #9-16 or #10-14 hex head wood screws with sealed washer. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8". At panel ends @ 6" o.c. across panel width At intermediate @ 12" o.c. across panel width Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with TAS 125-03 `Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems'. + Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4. Product Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable sties' design. The maximum support spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity FL 14645.3-R3 - C2182-3 9.9.17 Page 3 of 3 Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and current approved roofing materials directory or ASTM E108/UL790 report from an accredited laboratory for fire ratings of this product. Supporting Documents: TAS 125 Test Reports Farabaugh Engineering and Testing Inc Project No. T181-05, Reporting Date 7/21/05 (Tests #1 & 2) Project No. T240-09, Reporting Date 9/22/09 Architectural Testing, Inc. — West Palm Beach, FL (Formerly Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC) Project No. 0103-0712-09, Reporting Date 9/l/09 EXISTING SHINGLES SEE DETAIL 2 SEE DETAIL 1 NEW UNDERIAYMENT FASTENER AT PANEL FIAT SV-CRIMP (OPTIONAL) �- / -� \� (REQUIRED ONLY FOR REQUIRED FOR PANEL (PANEL OVERLAP) NEW CONSTRUCTION ENDS ONLY. I _ / ik , , 0 1 / It It EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT ` (OPTIONAL) P/REEL FASTENER PER ALLOWABLE MINIMUM ATTACHMENT: PRESSURE TABLE ON THIS SHEET. Bd z 2.5' LONG RING SHANK Will OR $B x r LONG WOOD SCREWS SPACED 0 6' O.C. IN THE FIELD & MIN. 2X— WOOD RAFTER/JOIST/ 4' O.C. AT PLYWOOD EDGES IKUJ. Al MN.. Z4 U.C. TYPICAL PANEL INSTALLATION X-SECTION #9-16 OR #10-14 WOODSCREWS NEW UNDERLAYMENT WITH SELF SEALING WASHER AT (REQUIRED ONLY FOR MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36' O.C. NEW CONSTRUCTION)-. SV-CRIMP EXISTING SHINGLES MIN 26 GA. (OPTIONAL) � Ak EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT J (OPTIONAL) PLYWOOD 19/32'THICK (MIN.) DETAIL 1 19-16 OR #10-14 WOODSCREWS NEW UNDERLAYMENT WITH SELF SEAUNG WASHER AT (REQUIRED ONLY FOR MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36' O.C. NEW CONSTRUCTON) ST IX SHINGLES 5V-CRIMP I, F MIN 26 GA. EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT (OPTIONAL) D ETAI L 2 THICK (MIN.) ALLOWABLE UPLIFT PRESSURE FASTENER SPACING (IN) PRESSURE (PSF) 36 41.6 6 74.8 B 196.75 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA, BUILDING CODE (FBC). 2. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE MIN. 26 GA (t = 0.01691. EFFECTIVE COVERING WIDTH OF PANEL = 24'. 3. THE ROOF PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER SHEATHING & STRUCTURE AS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING, 4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT. THIS PANEL SYSTEM MAY NOT BE INSTALLED,WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS ARE GREATER THAN THE ALLOWABLE WIND LOADS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING. S. ALL FASTENERS MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING & THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THIS DRAWING & THE CODE. THE CODE SHALL CONTROL B. RAFTERS/JOIST9/IRUSSES MUST BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND WIND LOADS AS REQUIRED FOR EACH APPLICATION AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. a N