HomeMy WebLinkAboutManual & Specification ChartTH"1�rL0Zr/ PREMIUM DECKING SOLUTIONS n. ThruFlow Legacy Specification Chart Colours Available Maple - 'Light Grey' Seafoam Base Material FRPP - Fibreglass Reinforced Polypropylene Sizes -(LxW xH) -. - -, ^+ _• '' inch 12,x 36 x1.2 12 x47.9x12' °12 x:60x 1.2 48x48:1x1.2 mm 305x914x30 1305x,1219x30'. 305x 1524.x 30 1219x 1221 x30' Support Span inch 18 16 15 16 mm 457 406 381 406 Weight.._ - . ". s P Ibs'.. 4.4,.. ,. 5.6 -_ ;. - 7.2 24.6... ' - ° _ •° _ Kg _ 2.0 .. 2.5 3.3 11.2 Load Capacity at 0.125" Mid Span Deflection Ibr 328 427 571 364 N 1,459 1,899 2,540 1 1,619 LoaclZapacity-.Peak . Load ;=_ -_ `" :, Ibf - 1;387 ^,1,594 1.974 1,452. " .. a -'N �6,170 ::.. ;;: 7;090 '8,781_.�6;459 _ Concentrated Static Load - Peak Load lb, 715 683 964 881 ASTM E661 N 3,180 3,038 4,288 3,919 Coefficient of Friction' Static - _ �0.78 - ASTM D2394-83 -Kinetic 0.76 ° Thermal Expansion 11-F 1.40 x 10' ASTM D696-03 1/°C 2.52 x 10s Light Avaiiability° " ' Surface % -� 43 ` ,.. •`_ -'18";Dock Height % ,;.. 61. `_,60'„Dock Height %_.-_.... _ .__... _ ° ". 84' UNUght Properties I UN Stabilized by Additive Warranty "' :"','=r ',-. - Lifetime Limited Warranty - ''See website for full `warranty,'-.. For full test reports please contact ThruFlow Inc. 700 Gillard St., Wallaceburg, ON, NSA 41-3 F R N p. 1-888-478-3569 /sales@thruflow.com fit% ' UNB Wood Science and Technology Centre - Report# WSTC2014-044 16 z Cambridge Material Testing Limited - Report# 3561551-04 4 3 Cambridge Material Testing Limited - Report# 356155D-04 Fv Permit Number y 4 Cambridge Material Testing Limited - Report# 354661-04 A t' (1-0159883-004-EE SoutheastDistrict y �0 y �o �ayss- C O C Q I-V TJ Z v� CL Electric Thru Flo PVC Electric Service One 8"Piles 2x8 String Decking Service 400 Open Control Box Attached to Bottom d U. s 16" O. /8 Bogs P of Water Datum u A through Pile At thm gh s ace Dock Elev. Dock NGS Station 8722371 y Each Bent Support 7.5 4.3 SEWALL POINT Typ MHW (88) 0.72 1 MLW (88) -1.50 0 a NAVD 88 0.00 MHW-0.72 NAVD Y y C W 88 h MLW -1.50 (NAVD) A L d C ZJ n9 y Electric Service C M Enclosed Box Line Bun 8" s ` 00 Min Landside, Attach t k W °�-4 over Land Bottom Elevations J OF E N p Dock Piles 8' Shown as NGVD (29) T j o* Min Embed m u FEET 4 Z� a Lift Pile 10, 4 Permit Number s Min E bed r 4 a'g 56-0382388-001-EE 25 E< s ; 2 N c pSoutheast District y° G r ev O m COO Y Z y AO O ,� OF 8N e 4 Permit Number 56-0382388-001-EE o Southeast District 0 Jd Max. 4 3/8" Between Through Bolt-- 4x4 Rail Post c Bolts 6" and 14" Down from Deck 4x4 Column CCA0.6 Through Bolt to 5/8" 316 SS Anchor to concrete w/4x4 ss angles, 3/8" SS Red head fay S~. gap bss 1h n 4 W ' ROUNHaWRa#AbMffe 45 , B.ck g Plate n Mfl 2x10 Support Joist 1=-xst. Reinf. concrete Slab on grade 2x8 Stringers 16" O.C. TYP Flo-Thru decking 2-2x12 Step Stringer Inner Cut 6 112 " Rise, 11 " Tread Deck with 2-2x6 Tread %z" Lip over Cut. 2x8 Bent Between 2 piles, Seat for Steps e IJ Jrp< 4YOA Qv C31 4 �p W 0 On w ro no N 3 < w OD Z F m 1? op O 3 4 y ' C 7 C) n C o r' �o M o } vti y 20 Nd �y3 S apY F girnm 0l� m a �m c9 mK ' n 5�mm on y 0 oo j Fm S i.1 5.0 O1 y i& RoT N o o N � N N N a j 10 C m as 0 �mm i� x am rn om3. gn top o yo S6 Ran, 0 xeam� NO C N� 5.0 z g z�iv+l2n , s�g'�y,fCe 3 y t; s O 6 o'go t4 D O N i Notes: PCN4511.510-0088-000.7 _ 1 Jeffrey P. Anton _ PE FL 46527 Dock Sections Scale NTS erragone Development Services, Lac ed DKISnJPAy 361 MD.b.ny Tenace, Jensen Beach, FWrW. M957 Brian Grumstrup Residence . Phone: Q1212914177 ' Emaltenlonpee@ooha Lnel 10701 S Ocean Dr. 887 By araw JPA CeNltrale of AWhmtratWn:27451 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Wfe Jon 14,2019 TYPICAL DOCK AND ACCESSWAY CROSS SECTION (N.T.S.) has been designed and al work shall be in accordance with the 2017 Florida Building Code (6th Edn.). All codes reference hereir are per the latest adopted edition. STRINGERS: L 2"x8" 0.4 ACQ spaced at max.16" with min.112" SS lag bolts on.each-piling (lap spliced) Blocks: 2"x6"x12" 0.4 ACQ stray blocks @mid stringers (fastened w/min. 3 ea. min. 3" SS screws/nails) 6' min. penetration TH/tLOlU P88YNY 8[LEI88 88IYYP88 mNn� weg5'afmth"a"n Width: 4'.10' Decking: 1'x4' Plastic Grated Decking fastened wl#10 or #12 pan head stainless steel screws, 43% light availabiltiy at surface Nails Typical Joist: 2"x8" 0.4 ACQ on each side of piling. Bolted w/ 5/8" SS cut rods. INDIAN RIVER BOTTOM Ij Pilings min. 8" 0 2.5 CCA PT Wood placed max. 10, O.C. in E Cross View Grated Decking Grumstrup Dock g Structural 0 SELF -CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Within sixty (60) days of completion of the authorized work, submit this form via electronic mail to sai-rd-enforcement(aDusace.armymil (preferred, not to exceed 15MB) orby standard mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Enforcement Section, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019. 1. Department of the Army Permit Number: SAJ- 2. Permittee Information: Name: Email: Address: Phone: 3. Date Authorized Work Started: Completed: 4. Contact to Schedule Inspection: Name: Email: Phone: 5. Description of Authorized Work (e.g. bank stabilization, fill placed within wetlands, docks, dredging, etc.): 6. Acreage or Square Feet of Impacts to Waters of the United States: 7. Describe Mitigation completed (if applicable): 8. Describe any Deviations from Permit (attach drawing(s) depicting the deviations): ++++++++++++++++++++ I certify that all work and mitigation (if applicable) was done in accordance with the limitations and conditions as described in the permit. Any deviations as described above are depicted on the attached drawing(s). Signature of Permittee Printed Name of Permittee Date Dated 9/18/2019 COMMENCEMENT NOTIFICATION Within ten (10) days of initiating the authorized work, submit this form via electronic mail to saj-rd-enforcement@usace.army. mil (preferred, not to exceed 15 MB) or by standard mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Enforcement Section, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019. 1. Department of the Army Permit Number: SAJ- 2. Permittee Information: Name: Email: Address: Phone: 3. Construction Start Date: 4. Contact to Schedule Inspection Name: Email: Phone: Signature of Permittee Printed Name of Permittee Date Dated 9/18/2019 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District's Programmatic Biological Opinion (JaxBO) Project Design Criteria (PDCs) for In -Water Activities November 20, 2017 1) (AP.7.) Education and Observation: The permittee must ensure that all personnel associated with the project are instructed about the potential presence of species protected under the ESA and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). All on -site project personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of protected species. All personnel shall be advised that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing ESA -listed species or marine mammals. To determine which species may be found in the project area, please review the relevant Protected Species List at: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/protected resources/section 7/threatened endangered/in dex.html 2) (AP.8.) Reporting of interactions with protected species: a) Any collision(s) with and/or injury to any sea turtle, sawfish, whale, or sturgeon occurring during the construction of a project, shall be reported immediately to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) at (1-727-824-5312) or by email to take report. nmfsser@noaa.gov and SAJ-RD-Enforcement@usace.army. mil. b) Smalltooth sawfish: Report sightings to 1-844-SAWFISH or email Sawfish@MyFWC.com c) Sturgeon: Report dead sturgeon to 1-844-STURG 911 (1-844-788-7491) or email nmfs.ser.sturgeonnetwork@noaa.gov d) Sea turtles and marine mammals: Report stranded, injured, or dead animals to 1- 877-WHALE HELP (1-877-942-5343). e) North Atlantic right whale: Report injured, dead, or entangled right whales to the USCG via VHF Channel 16. 3) (AP.9.) Vessel Traffic and Construction Equipment: All vessel operators must watch for and avoid collision with species protected under the ESA and MMPA. Vessel operators must avoid potential interactions with protected species and operate in accordance with the following protective measures: a) Construction Equipment. i) All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times while operating in water depths where the draft of the vessel provides less than a 4-foot (ft) clearance from the bottom, and in all depths after a protected species has been observed in and has departed the area. ii) All vessels will follow marked channels and/or routes using the maximum water depth whenever possible. iii) Operation of any mechanical construction equipment, including vessels, shall cease immediately if a listed species is observed within a 50-ft radius of construction equipment and shall not resume until the species has departed the area of its own volition. iv) If the detection of species is not possible during certain weather conditions (e.g., fog, rain, wind), then in -water operations will cease until weather conditions improve and detection is again feasible. b) All Vessels: i) Sea turtles: Maintain a minimum distance of 150 ft. ii) North Atlantic right whale: Maintain a minimum 1,500-ft distance (500 yards). iii) Vessels 65 ft in length or longer must comply with the Right Whale Ship Strike Reduction Rule (50 CFR 224.105) which includes reducing speeds to 10 knots or less in Seasonal Management Areas (http://www.fisheries. noaa..qov/pr/shipstrike/1. iv) Mariners shall check various communication media for general information regarding avoiding ship strikes and specific information regarding right whale sightings in the area. These include NOAA weather radio, USCG NAVTEX broadcasts, and Notices to Mariners. v) Marine mammals (i.e., dolphins, whales (other than North Atlantic right whales], and porpoises): Maintain a minimum distance of 300 ft. vi) When these animals are sighted while the vessel is underway (e.g., bow - riding), attempt to remain parallel to the animal's course. Avoid excessive speed or abrupt changes in direction until they have left the area. - ----_ --_- _vii} Reduce-speed-to-l0-knots or less when mother/calf pairs or groups of marine mammals are observed, when safety permits. 4) (AP.10.) Turbidity Control Measures during Construction: Turbidity must be monitored and controlled. Prior to initiating any of the work covered under this Opinion, the Permittee shall install turbidity curtains as described below. In some instances, the use of turbidity curtains may be waived by the USACE project manager if the project is deemed too minimal to generate turbidity (e.g., certain ATON installation, scientific survey device placement, marine debris removal) or if the current is too strong for the curtains to stay in place. Turbidity curtains specifications: a) Install floating turbidity barriers with weighted skirts that extend to within 1 ft of the bottom around all work areas that are in, or adjacent to, surface waters. b) Use these turbidity barriers throughout construction to control erosion and siltation and ensure that turbidity levels within the project area do not exceed background conditions. c) Position turbidity barriers in a way that does not block species' entry to or exit from designated critical habitat. d) Monitor and maintain turbidity barriers in place until the authorized work has been completed and the water quality in the project area has returned to background conditions. e) In the range of ESA -listed corals (St. Lucie Inlet, Martin County south to the Dry Tortugas and the U.S. Caribbean) and Johnson's seagrass (Turkey Creek/Palm Bay south to central Biscayne Bay in the lagoon systems on the east coast of Florida): i) Projects that include upland earth moving (e.g., grading to install a building or parking lot associated with a dock and seawall project), must install sediment control barriers to prevent any upland sediments from reaching estuarine or marine waters. ii) The turbidity curtain requirement cannot be waived for any project that moves or removes sediment (e.g., dredging, auger to create a pile, trenching to install a cableline). If turbidity curtains are not feasible in an area based on site conditions such as water current, high wave action, or stormy conditions, the project must undergo individual Section 7 consultation and is not covered under this Programmatic Opinion. 5) (AP.11.) Entanglement: All turbidity curtains and other in -water equipment must be properly secured with materials that reduce the risk of entanglement of marine species (described below). Turbidity curtains likewise must be made of materials that reduce the risk of entanglement of marine species. a) In -water lines (rope, chain, and cable, including the lines to secure turbidity curtains) must be stiff, taut, and non -looping. Examples of such lines are heavy metal chains or heavy cables that do not readily loop and tangle. Flexible in - water lines, such as nylon rope or any lines that could -loop or tangle, -must be enclosed in a plastic or rubber sleeve/tube to add rigidity and prevent the line from looping and tangling. In all instances, no excess line is allowed in the water. b) Turbidity curtains and other in -water equipment must be placed in a manner that does not entrap species within the construction area or block access for them to navigate around the construction area. STANDARD MANATEE CONDITIONS FOR IN -WATER WORK 2011 The permittee shall comply with the following conditions intended to protect manatees from direct project effects: a. All personnel associated with the project shall be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones, and the need to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee shall advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. b. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times while in the immediate area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. C. Siltation or turbidity barriers shall be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, shall be properly secured, and shall be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement. d. All on -site project personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of manatee(s). All in -water operations, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatee(s) comes within 50 feet of the operation. Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved _beyond.the 50-foot radius.ofthe project operation, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) - has not reappeared within 50 feet of the operation. Animals must not be herded away or harassed into leaving. e. Any collision with or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Hotline at 1-888-404-3922. Collision and/or injury should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-731-3336) for north Florida or Vero Beach (1-772-562-3909) for south Florida, and to FWC at I moeriledSoecies(a)myFWC.com Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to and during all in -water project activities. All signs are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of the project. Temporary signs that have already been approved for this use by the FWC must be used. One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must be posted. A second sign measuring at least 8'/2" by 11" explaining the requirements for "Idle Speed/No Wake" and the shut down of in -water operations must be posted in a location prominently visible to all personnel engaged in water -related activities. These signs can be viewed at MyFWC.com/manatee. Questions concerning these signs can be sent to the email address listed above. F CAUTION: MANATEE HABITAT All project vessels IDLE SPEED/NO WAKE When a manatee is within 50 feet of work all in -water activities -must — SHUT DOWN Report any collision with or injury to a manatee: iwo Wildlife Alert: 1-888-404-FWCC (3922) cell * FWC or #FWC ivortn Anannc xignr wnaie inrormarwn rorm Federal Regulations Governing the Approach to North Atlantic Right Whales 1. Federal regulations governing the approach to North Atlantic right whales can be found at 50 CFR 224.103(c). It is illegal to approach and remain within 500 yards of right whales; 500 yards is equal to the distance of 5 football fields. ---- Prohibitions on approaching right whales are as follows (Excerpts from 50 CFR 224.103(c), available at www.ecfr.gov): Unless otherwise lawfully allowed or unless doing so would create an imminent and serious ? threat to a person or vessel, it is unlawful to: soo yams (i) Approach (including by interception) within 500 =�: = yards (460 m) of a right whale by vessel (ii) Fail to undertake required right whale avoidance measures. If underway, a vessel must steer a course away from the right whale and immediately leave the area at a slow safe speed. 2. Updates can be downloaded from: a. hhtt ://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/nr/species/mammals/cetaceans/ri2htwhale northatlantic.htm, or b. www.ecfr.gov TYPICAL DOCK AND ACCESSWAY CROSS SECTION (N.T.S.) The work specified herein has been designed and al work shall be in accordance with the 2017 Florida Building Code (6th Edn.). All codes reference hereir are per the latest adopted edition. STRINGERS: 2"x8" 0.4 ACQ spaced at max.16" with min.1/2" SS lag bolts on each piling (lap spliced) Blocks: 2"x6"x12" 0.4 ACQ strap blocks @mid stringers (fastened w/min. 3 ea. min. 3" SS screws/nails) :0 to i �f > v o 2 ml ene \b O THRawLOW FKMV pmia ®immea Um*bmr ftp Sp"CflmWn0u Width: 4',10' Decking: Vx4' Plastic Grated Decking fastened w/#10 or #12 pan head stainless steel screws, 43% light availabiltiy at surface Nails Typical Joist: 2"x8" 0.4 ACQ on each side of piling. Bolted w/ 5/8" SS cut rods. 'IuAM INDIAN RIVER BOTTOM Pilings min. 8" 0 2.5 CCA PT Wood placed max. 10, O.C. tNVCi' �� � Cross View Grated Decking =�� �® �Grumstrup Dock Structural i;