HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Informationwrightsoft. Duct System Summary n m: Entire House BT. QUICK CALLS. INC. 317ST.LUGELAW-FORTPOZCE,PL34946R1 -772460-6799 ERMIGUa(CALMOROLCOM Project Information For FIRMOOMER 2 o ) PlERCF— FL External static pressure AvailaMe static pressure Supply/retiun available pressure Lowesthiction rate Actual airflow Total efedive length (TEL) Heating 0.50 in H2O 028 in H2O 022 in H2O 0.11010.110 in H2O 0.080 in/100ft 120D ch 125 It Cooling 0.50 in H2O 028 in H2O 022 in H2O 0.110/0.110 in H2O O.OBO in/100ft 1200 din &upply Blanc-h Detall Table } Design I-Itg Cig Design Diam HxW Dud Actual Ffg-Eqv Name (Bluh) (Crm) (din) FIR (n) (n) Mati Ln (fi) Ln (it) Trunk 02STMM h 22374 942 751 0.080 17.0 NO VIFx 0 0 n-OFWARCIOM c 5350 129 225 0.080 80 Ox0 MFx 354 90.0 st1 rLORMROOMa c 5350 129 225 0.080 8A OxO VIFx 34.8 90.0 st1 °Sup'p1j;Trunk':D`etall Table',, f �,• w,� r Name Trunk Type Hlg (din) Clg (cfin) Design FIR Meloc (fpm) Main (n) HxW (in) Dud Material Trunk stl PeakAVF 258 449 0.080 824 10.0 0 x 0 \hWM Y 1.'Rettirn`Brancfi°Detail Table ° ,;`. yb , , �`', ..x ysp a i yu h Name Grille Size(in) Htg (din) Clg (dm) I TEL (ft) Design FIR Veloc (ipm) Main (in)" HxW (n) Shrd/Joist Opening (n) Dud Mail Trunk rb1 Ox0 1200 1200 1 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 1 MFx wrightsoft'° Mreo-tz672as7 - v.- -. F&J9WbAUiw�1M919nm RS1W167 Page 1 .�'ec% �(IIO(IDoame166VrigtLSBFARIC'IAAE2.ntEDnp (aIe=MO FmdOoortarfs N .'A' i wrightsoftt Right-)®Worksheet Jaa Entire House Data: QUICK CALLS, INC. By. 3178LLUOE At4F,FOMPM iCE,EL34946PI. 772-466-UM OUtIXdLLCS@AOLCOM 1 R nt EM'reHmse E7lLSTWG 2 3 wall Roanh®9td 176E ft 94 ft 139B ft 94 It heaVmol 4 5 Roomdanensons F7omlans 19308 IF 1D x 16M a ISM L. Ty annher I (t uff-T) ( AI* or puitnebm (fo RAM) M p (4 (SW Heat Cod Go$ M/ VS Heat Cod Gas MRS Heat Cool 6 141 �—G 13A4= 0143 n 4M 2.19 489 481 1939 1 89 4 483 1933 1055 1Adm 1270 n 35M 3477 6 0 213 209 6 0 213 2D9 l4V 134406 4143 tie 4.OD 2.19 53 39 155 84 53 39 155 84 Y—C 1Aclo 12M ne 35M 7043 15 0 519 1027 15 0 519 1MT t1 laA4= 0.t43 a 400 219 179 19 514 267 179 120 514 281 1pcla0 1270 a 3556 87M 29 2 1037 2539 9 2 1037 2539 11D0 0.390 a 1092 10.34 21 21 229 217 21 21 229 2t7 12BDsv OW 272 234 94 64 174 150 a 0 0 0 4ASob 2 OBW s 1588 76.16 30 30 470 485 0 0 0 0 1344as OL143 5 4ID 219 432 392 1571 859 432 392 1571 859 tActan 1271f 6 35M 34.77 40 40 1422 1391 40 40 1422 1391 12130ax 01197 w 272 234 254 143 389 335 0 0 0 0 v 10B 06'00 w IBM 31.45 m 1 343 642 0 a 0 0 4A5.3b Or<0 w 1588 41.95 90 6 1411 3776 0 a 0 0 tly =44a 0.143 w 4m zt9 160 131 w 286 160 131 523 286 1—C 1Adan 1270 w 3556 BTB6 9 2 1037 2559 29 2 1037 2539 P 12C15v am - 255 186 197 197 503 208 197 197 503 208 C 16G19ntl 0.049 137 195 270 2m 370 529 0 0 0 0 C 1SX194d 0.408 - 159 1.13 16M 1660 2532 low 15M 160 2632 190 F 2" asm - 27A9 0.00 1930 177 4890 0 1660 140 3855 0 6 C)AED m 1823 -296 EnvakpaUmsWn 2D337 20315 16154 12279 12 a) tdlRa4m 3536 997 2795 788 b) Roanon 0 0 0 0 13 ha3lBltlafi6 ow4mft aJ 230 4 9m 4 99 Apj§gambUtt 1 2000 20M Slhtot3l@f 61o13) 23M 24232 18950 15987 teseinalbad 0 0 0 D le$trar�4er 0 0 0 0 Red�'drbm 0 0 0 0 14 9d 11 23973 24232 18950 law 15 R3i� 19Y. 19% 469 435D 1B% 12% 3424 1896 Tdalmanbad 2B= 2B5M =-4 17883 AanxNtmd(dm) 12M 12DO 942 751 CdcWdonscnmved WACCAb meetd regWmrnerlts of Manid J Sth Ed _ -r}4- wrigextsovC - 2020-Feb-12072a56 19-tk F691t8a391Urww. 191919887FS1A8107 Page 1 -QUOa Daxrvf69Mgt&mRHVACCOL%3;4R Mnp Fate=h118 Fi dDootf N t}H Wrlghtsoft' Right-JO Worksheet Job: Entire House Br - QUICK CALCS, INC. 317SLLUCr=LAIF-FORTPOCF-FL34946Ph e:T72AG"799 Emt GLlCKCAL(S®AOI.COM 1 Raommame FLOROAROOM 2 xe9 37.0 ft 3 RoanhtigM 9.4 ft haatlm0l 4 Ro unmade 27.0 x 10D ft 5 ROOmarea 27001P Ty Conmu5m UAebm Or HTM Area ($') Load Ana Load mmibw I ( `P) (a� w pamm� (fi) mwh) a p Heat I Cod G3 NIPS Heat Cod lion HIPS Heat C W fi TyV 1344as Ot43 n 4.00 219 0 0 0 0 �G 7At1om 1270 n 3556 3477 0 0 0 0 lq/ 13&4= A143 m 4.00 219 0 0 0 0 �--C 1Adm 1270 m 3556 70.43 0 (3 0 0 11 W, la%4= 0.143 a 4D0 z19 0 0 0 0 lhctm 1= a 355b 67DG 0 0 0 0 L�(O` IIDO 02M a 1022 1034 0 0 0 a 12BOSN O.L67 s 272 234 94 64 174 150 4A523b 0560 s 15M M16 30 30 470 4a5 T—G 1344= 0.143 S 4.00 219 0 0 0 0 1Actom 1270 s 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 lSN 17B-Osfv OWw 232 2H4 254 143 369 335 IL---GG ICBM O6O w lam 31.45 20 1 343 64 4AS 3b OMO w IBM 4125 90 6 1411 3776 W 13A4= 0143 w a60 z19 a 0 0 0 Y—G tA-d m 1270 w 3556 67.06 0 0 0 0 P 12GOsn OD91 - 255 IDS 0 0 0 0 C 16G19nd OD49 - IN 10 270 270 370 529 c =194d M406 - 159 1.13 0 0 0 0 F 2" 02M - 27M 0.00 270 37 1025 0 6 OA®ewnsan 2M Ernabwwsagdn 4133 6036 12 a) 1rtSIDAM 741 209 b) RCO wffldm 0 0 13 tem, ga-m O=Pnls@ 230 0 0 Hppfiamsbha 0 S HI (60es6bt3) 49M am L�edemallo� 0 0 1�1a�a 0 0 Redshbdlm a 0 14 9rdobl 49M am 15 Oldbads 24% 30% 1205 2454 Talalm ked 6t28 105M A"vreMimd(ckn) 258 449 Calailafions approved bvACCAto meetall requirement, of Manual J 8h Ed. -fj� w..gticsote' 2020feb-12072636 tlfx-x fSW4dL@UhfsEd2019191DD7RSL1W10t Paget _QUEOOoaxn bWngtftaRHVACCOM1ERRiEDnp talc=MI6 RdtD"&rt N wrightsoftProject Summary Job: , Entire House Br. QUICK CALLS, INC. 317SLLLICELATE,FOgFPERCE,R34946Pto :77246646799 EMIGUCKCAWWOLCOM 'Project• • For. FRED COMER 6207ALD(ANDRIACIRCLE FT. PIERCE, FL l� =-, M Design,• • Weather. Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outsidedb 42 OF Outsidedb 90 OF Insidedb 70 OF Insidedb 75 OF Design TO 28 OF Design TO 15 OF Relatirange e humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 23873 Btuh Structure 24232 Btuh Duds 4629 Btuh Duds 4350 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 ctm) 0 Btuh (none) none Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 28502 Btuh Use manufadurer'sdata n Ratdsm gmultipplier Equipmerrtsensibleload 0.95 77153 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 3326 Btuh Ducts 2263 Btuh Central vent (0 c1m) 0 Btuh Heatingg CooBngg (none) 5589 Btuh Area(il-) 1930 1930 Equipment Wentload 461ume (ff3) 18142 18142 Airchangeslhour 0.38 020 Equipment7blalLoad (Sen+Lat) 32742 Bhuh Equiv AVF (clm) 115 60 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 32 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Rheem Make Rheem Trade EXISTING Trade EXISTING Model 15PJL.36A01 Cond 15PJL36A01 AHRI ref coil RHLL44M3617 AHRI ref Efficiency 82 HSPF 5ficiency 125 EER,15 SEER Heatingmput Sens ecooling 25200 Btuh Heating output 35400 Btuh@47°F Latentcooling 10800 Btuh Temperature rise 27 OF Total cooling 36000 Bhuh Actual airflow 1200 cIm Actual airflow 1200 ctn Airflowfador 0.042 dm/Buh Airflowfador 0.042 dm/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Space Load sensible heat ratio 0.84 C Pa�Y Point=36°F Backup: Input= 9 kW, Ou43ut=29106 Btuh,100 AFUE Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J ft Ed. wrightsrvoR' 2020Feb-12072856 NW"UL,0Ur wsa1201919DD7 RSW8101 Page 1 ��' ` -QUXK0,,, It ft4%bAf AG=NFR,FREDnq Caic=MB Rwffl" l N