HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalB02duct Ao Menu > gpduct or Application Search > Application List ^._ _- `Refine Seamh' Code Version 2017 FL# 7561 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description _ ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search'Resultr='A Iicatldns F—"-"' r���`"'�' Fig -y," Tvoe , Manufacturer "• Validated-Bv Status FJ_7561_ Revision Elite Aluminum Corporation James L Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Approved RA Category: Roofing Engineering History Subcategory: Products Introduced as a Result of New (561) 491-9927 Technology uY .,c 11 oa W.r ure'u nuat cap a neGesmy. Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road- Tall h 32399 phone: 850-467-1824 The Slate of Florida is an Ali/EEO anployer. C wrl ht 2007-2013 State at Florid :: privacy StatemenR:: Acessibllity Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send eleWonic mall to this entity. Instead, ouL the office by phone or try had"itional mall. If ypu have miY QuesUons, please contact 850 48] 1385. •pursuant th Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, of ecbw October 1, 2012, licaiweas licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The malls pmyldad maY be used for aMal communication with the licensee. However email addresses one public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick ham. Product Approval Accepts: ®®®r® Credit Card Safe FLEE C CODE OMPLIANCE ST. LU BOCC COUNTY https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pLapp_ist.aspx 1/15120, 2:35 PM Page 1 of 1 i db r a Product Approval r USER: Public User z'qK:; rrP'r Dwl uct Ao_ owl Mw > Emd ,, nr AM i'retl:+ c -ram > AooliaNm Ust > Appliodan Detail FL# FL7561-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Site Aluminum Corporation Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954)949-3200 dk@dokimenglneering.net Authorized Signature Do Kim dk@dokimengineering.net Technical Representative Bruce Peacock Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954)949-3200 bpeamck@elitealuminum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 3 Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/30/2022 Validated By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering Validation Checklist- Hardoopy Received Certificate of Independence FL7561 R4 COI Cert of Indeoendence.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1709.2 httpsc//www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCecN82vc%2bRBYM6sOHgAjmo%3d 1115/20, 2:36 PM Page 1 of 2 ProductApproval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Method 2 Option B 08/15/2017 OB/16/2017 08/20/2017 10/10/2017 FL # Modelr Number or Name 7561.1 Aluminum/Aluminum Composite Panels Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ. Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +80/-80 Other: In HVHZ, not to be used in structures considered living areas per FBC Section 1616 unless Impact protection is provided. See installation drawing for nominal allowable design pressures and spans. 3"/47/6"x0.024"x11b EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.032x11b EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4"/6"x0.024"x21b EPS Composite Pane(, 3"/4"/6"x0.030"x2lb EPS Composite Panel, Installation Instructions FL7561 R4 II 2017 FBC-Elite Aluminum COM-Install Instructodf Verified By: Do Kim, P.E. PE 49497 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes contact UQ :: 2601 Blab Stuari P.W ­11,11aheeaea H 12M PMn ' per The state of Florida is an AAJF employer, roovri ht 2007-2013 State of Florida :: Pdvacv Statem,nt :: AcrPssibility statement:: RoRmd_ Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. if you do not want your. e-mail address released in re Poise to a public -records request, do not send electron mall to thle entity. Instead, contact the acorn by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please =I ct e o M7,1 yS, "Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Stabit s, effecim O,caber 1, 2012, lioenug licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The malls pmvided may be used for ofgdal communication with the Ilcenu e. However email eddresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an mail address which can be made available to the public To determine ff you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick Ili. Product Approval Accepts: ® ® 9Yq 2im E sccuritymhTiucs- htIPs://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/prapp dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCeCN82VC%2bRBYM6sOHgAjmo%3d 1115120, 2:36 PM Page 2 of 2 ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)t MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN TT) L/80 L1120 L1180 1L1240 1 9 6 3 ea 11 u. ¢3s ¢ 1¢ ¢ n 3 9A 6fL 0 E 9P2 ¢ 0 3> 3. 60 9A0 639 P93 0 m 30 63a ¢. 4' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOVABLE1 LOAD (PSF) MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/243 no I9no I%v .v 166a L' 1 }01 I101 I1W a9 12'JO 12j¢ 0.17 as, 0,9 BPo 10 R9e 1..92 9 4 0 In Ala )]1 36 a Ito e6 a9 u .) % 6' x 0.024 x I - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET DWAHLFl LOAD (PSF) MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L 0 Le/La2 a CaR Coat 21,11 E3O0¢ ums me le 3 1 3 51 all I0 31 191 4 99 Is z10 e. mz4 17 M3 70 L44 IV1 ¢30 19 0o scia, 9 BA3 311 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 3' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLFl LOAD (PSF) MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/BD L/120 L0 L/240 a V90 6/I8 I1 PO IL a0 1}I1 H. 16 10.'i6 0 69 ! ¢3 0 6 69 IL 9 0. v 9E 0 4' x 0,032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLDWABLE LOAD (PSF) MAX. ALL13WA➢LE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/1B0 L/24D o v e99v ev.0 112 e0 19. 9E1 I]A9 1 ] 30 1°I] 9 IA) I 4 0 EE e ➢0 1 13.99 %2 }E9 o ua 1eE ]oa as A9 19 3a 0 99 I W4 I L75 6' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOVABLFI LOAD fPSF) MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN Cl L/80 1 L/120 1 L/180 1 L/240 10 Q1 A0 IDO pAOa ¢32l E 30 P210 163 19AE II.IR 10 Q¢06 e0A9 1>.C2 1332 a0 IA¢e IBA] Ilbe 10.6 8.3 1 g9 1¢E2 A a a0 17.14 193p 9B2 IP3 a0 ts91 AQ IRL 3' x 0,024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLDWABLFy LOAD (PSF) MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN ITT) L/80 1L/120 L/]BO L/240 0 tea 9 °31 9 0. 6,3 30 1 6A9 1 6 1.11 IG6 6 }19 P g 4 o E6 60 1407 6 67 46 62 6) o e 4' x 0,024 x 2- LB EP J L (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SP N FfART NET ALLOWAHLFIPSF) LOAD ( MAX, ALLO SF L/80 L/1 0 1 L7490 I L. 40 0 .1 ] IQI 9J 0 M1) J 19g ]61 30 19.9 oar I 1ee1 1 6 21 629 M31 90 I) 1 fi Is Nai 60 1}9 96 1]E 9.9a Ia ge• 00 a 39 R93 6' x 0.024 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWAB CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOVABLFI LOAD (PSF) MAX. VAH6E SPAN (FT) L/80 C1120 L/180 L/240 10 Rao3 -a ¢ e36a 30 0 232 RM e 1 30 ..IJ 1 0 P133 49 naa eua Ne 90 PJL2 y QIA9 947 60 0A29 1964 r 17, 70 A6 0IM79 01 00 OA1 98 dI.91 W GENERAL NOTES 1. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3003-11154 aluminum facings, l or 2 PCF ASTM C-578 carpenter brand EPS adhere to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO Op. Fabrication to be by Elite panel produces only in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 2. Elite morpanelsmaintain a UL 1715(inq ciao -B6(cm) rating and me NER-501 approved. 3. Ilds spccifscation has been designed and shell be fabricvlc l in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 0 Edition (FeCh composite panels comply ,Ilh Chapter 7 Section 720. Chapter H Section $03, Class A Interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section']-6D3. All local building Cade amendments shall be adhered to as required. 4. The designer shall determine by accepted cnglnecring practice the allannble loads for site specific load conditions (Including load Cembinmions) using the data from tire alloanbie loads tables and spans in this approval. 5. Delleclion lintitsoad allowable spans have becalisld to meet FOC includingthe l lVllL In IIVIIZ, this product shall he used In IDacmlea' .IN to be considered living area" per Section 1616 unless Impact resistance in accordance to the I IVI IZ sequiremcntamemel. 6. Safety factor of2.0 has been used to develop allowable loads and spans treat testing in accorduam to the Guidelines for Aluminum Structures Pon I and conforms to the FBC Chapter 16 and 20. 7. Toting has been conducted In accordance to ASTM H72-0S: Strength Test of Panels for Building Construction. 8. RelComec lest raporse: HE'0-05-1989. HEfl-06.2104, IIETI.06.2066, HETL06.3105. HETI-06-3067, HE, Tb05d002, HErI- 06-2107.IIETI-05-1987,11L'TI-063069.IIETI-06-2070, IIL•TI.06-2071.IIETI-05-1994, I I Ol'605- 1991, 11 LTI.06-2072. IIETI-06-2073,IIETI-0b--2074,IIETI.05-1996, IICT1-05-1989, IIEn-05-1993.IIETI-05. 1995. I Ib71.05-1ItlIIET1.05- 1990, HETI-05-I997, HEri.05.2037, HETI-05-2029, HETI-05-2039, HET1.05.2030, I IETI.05-2041. IIETI-05.2048, II1..1'1. 05-2036.1ar'LUS-2031, 11 UTI.0-20311, 11 El'1.05-2065,IIETI-05.2040, IIETI-05-'-042. 9. Linear imepolalkot shall be a] [owed for Gguras within the tables shown. 10. punclswith fan Moms shall be considered equivatern toslmilurpuncls without fan bemm. DCsignprof=Ionas may Include ,h., un..,L..e,l.-1-1.. .. .. ., _L _.._r._ ___ I _ ... . IN 3' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE' LOAD (PS Fit MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 I L/12D I L/180 I L/240 ¢ 6] A flal Pn 19. Bgl ]3 1a= I1.93 1 17.10 1 11. 3 1 Ill 6 9 v s 1 a 3 612 0 can m e 4' x 0 0 2 - LB PA LS CALL❑ BLF CLEAR CH -TS) L ALL13W DL¢L r L D ) �'Ak'LALLOW0131 S (F / L L/IBO L 0 1 au ] e1 e 30 P2 ?L1) 90 QLpY ¢ 9 91 1a M43 B1A1 laze I 13> Iao 3 g6 J 6 14.3 1 1.49 6' x 0,030 x 2 - LB EPS PANEL CALLOWA13LE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS NET ALLOVABLFI LOAD (PSF) AX. ALLD LE TAN (FT) L B0 L/ 20 1 L/1130 I L/24D Iv 9 av Av ea81 ¢0 331 zo 30 r 9 9 e¢a 19 ezea 222a elA9 en co ua3 eu9 Ae6 2 Q1i6 Ifl0) E011 IN2 ¢ 1 1%I VgJ 00 1 AO 1.1 16.ff � SEAL YN V J®'I! WIDIAII9 CAVLK1 �•0000 000 E OF )00000 OOOOC� 1® Plill 9LMPE Y I 1• MAX WIDTH A'A n 1VFT KIN L L a0°000° 0 0°o �S most: ILO GR EL➢ 0�0�0-Ql QIG➢EER W REC➢RO TO PROVmc MR RE37 CMNECTIONS L 9UPPmtY1l 6TRUCTURE ➢UAIL BY THIS OR ANY 01HER 010MLR EPS ROOF PANEU SPAN DESCRIPTION 6 ¢SQ a ➢Et DO KIM A An000lATEEy LLO CCNE(LILTINC STRUCTURAL ENCINEER8 PO amt 101tl Tlno-.nslem h4 tet9)817609s R 6 ® mY°I. tLTn PRWAIr • �O oolouAA9smLTr3,un eau�er PotKixtmlR r.,IS PLsIem I Drewing No. - FL-1001 I