HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval.�JGFJI'.S!,x.CJ l•.J • 0 0 R ' o • 0 - L=..-_�,R'1i:i BCIS Home I tog In I User Registration I Hat Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I Publlcations I Contact Us I BCtS SRe Map I Unks I Search d �1 bpra a G�i O Product Approval USER: Public User 1 Product Aoomval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 25577.2 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL EL# 11itpg Manufacturer Validated By Status FL25577 New Morton Buildings, Inc Berman, Theodore Approved FLV: FL25577.2 (305) 205-7809 Model: Hi -Rib Steel Roof Panels Description: HI-Rlb Steel Roof Panels Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing -Appmveo oy UUM Approvals oy uorw Snan oe rewaweu anu ramrev vy me ri,1 dmmur urc u,nd.. d .1—Y. Contact U :: 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallaha 3 399 Phone: 850-4AJ-1B24 The State of Flodda Is an AA/EEO employer. rr2pydght 71I0J-2013 State of Florida.:: Privad Statement :: A¢essibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to a publio-records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an mall address If they have one. The mails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please pmvide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click bjIM. Product Approval Accepts: M H Credit Card Safe rl \' w".flnridabnildina.nrolnr/nr arm Ist.asox 1 FASTENING HI -RIB ROOF PANELS TO KEEP STEEL PROPERLY ALIGNED, MARK 1 PEAK PURUN & O.C. (LENGTH OF BUILDING), & BOTH - BEVELED FASCIAS, IF BUILDING INCLUDES OVERHANGS. IF BUILDING REQUIRES A 2- PIECE PANEL, MARK PURUN AT SPLICE ALSO. —/ NOTE: INSTALL SCREWS ON PANELS AS EACH PANEL IS INSTALLED. e SIPHON PUSH PANEL TOWARD PEAK UNTIL IT OVERHANGS BEVELED FASCIA 1-1%2"WITH OVERHANGS & 2-1/4" WITH- OUT OVERHANGS (USE A 1-1/7' R.S. OR 2-1/4" R.W. NAIL AS A GAUGE). NOTE: FASTEN ROOF STEEL IN FLAT UNDER GABLE TRIM AT EACH PURLIN WITH #9x1" SS.I.D. SCREWS. �Z/z 1 ST FASTEN PANEL IN EACH FLAT AT PEAK & EAVE WITH #9x1"S.S.I.D. SCREWS. 'THEN FASTEN TO EACH PURUN AT EACH HI -RIB WITH #9x2"S.S.I.D. SCREWS (PEAK HI -RIBS ARE FASTENED WHEN T#5 OR T# 121 IS INSTALLED). CHECK PLANS FOR SPECIFICATION OF LONGER SCREWS rNOTE: LONGER SCREWS REC�UIRED FOR THERMAX / RE i INSULATION. ...... RIB LAST // A / 'AFTER PANEL ISFASTENED / / IN FLATS AT PEAK & EAVE, FASTEN LAP RIB OR IST RIB IN FROM SIPHON RIB,, DE- PENDING ON HOW LAP RIBS ,ARE NESTING & IF STEEL IS / STAYING ON 3' MARKS BEVELED PURLIN AT . PAVE COLUMN LINE WHEN ATTACHING ROOF STEEL AT EAVE, IT IS IMPORTANT TO SIGHT THE EAVE LINE FOR STRAIGHTNESS BEFORE FASTENING. No. 49354 �a •. SI: AT_ OF CCU ��i�Fs o r 1•0. GN``�,� ONN-� CM;i' )- . 4w'V' _ /3 b�c.2o/7 Allen N. Reeves, P.E., SECB Structural Engineer Florida License No. 19354 SERIES: DAM' 7 Mr=6 PARfN: REVISED WBGHT: TO: LERANCES SCAIE NIS DECIMAL; J PIA[C32PlAC�sm S m= SHEEP I OF 1 R A 's NOTE: BEFORE FASTENING EACH PANEL, SIGHT LAP RIB FOR ANY FLARES AND ADJUST FOR A PROPER FIT. ®MORTON JR12L6s INc. BusiWassPRIMessioRnaleaulafion BCLS Home I Login I User Registration I Hot Topics I —I fFb_nda f / � r `pr �I Product Approval U`�/, USER: Public User i o;� a q Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Applleatlon List . Search Criteria Refine Search W I fi4 �� Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCLS Site Map I Unks I Search I Code Version 2017 FL# 25829.2 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Applications FL# Typg Manufacturer Validated By Status FL25829 New Morton Buildings, Inc Berman, Theodore Approved FL#: FL25829.2 (305) 205-7809 Model: HI -Rib Walt Panels Description: Hi -Rib Steel Wall Panels Category: Panel Walls Subcategory: Siding -Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.,CgRvright 2007-2013 State of Florida :: Pdvaw statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to a public-recards request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please centact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The malls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an man address which ran be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick ham.. . er . Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe httas://www.floridabuildino.ora/Dr/Dr aoD Ist.asox 1/1 FASTENING HI -RIB WALL PANELS FASTENAPPROX. 1/2'-1" BELOW . 3' O:C. MARKS ON TOP OF THE BEVELED PURUN BEVELED PURLIN #9x2" S.S.I.D. SCREWS AT EACH HI -RIB & #9x1"SS.I.0 SCREWS CENTERED IN FLATS - CENTER RIB ON EDGE OF NAILERS #9x1"SS.I.D. SCREW AT EACH NAILER UNDER CORNER TRIM "NAIL T#167 OR T#168 AT HEIGHT DETERMINED FROM LENGTHS OF PANELS UNDER 3x4TRACKBOARD (APPROX. S' ABOVE GRADE). NAIL WITH 1-1 /2" R.S. NAILS (3 PER 12' PIECE). SEE CORNER NOTCHING DETAILS AT BASE OR A' WAINSCOT ON A FOLLOWING PA4 FASTENING END STEEL AT END TRUSS (WITHOUT OVERHANG) FASTEN WITH #9xl" SS.I.D. SCREW$ CENTERED IN FLATS. &•NEXT TO RIBS FACING SIPHON T 1. PLUMB PANEL BEFORE FASTENING T OX2" S.S.I.D. SCREW AT EACH HI -RIB FASTEN AS SHOWN AT TOP I 3' O.C. MARKS FASTENING SIDE OR END STEEL AT OVERHANG SOFFIT & SOFFIT/ #9xl"SS.I.D.SCREWS�HI-RIB CAP CENTERED IN FLATS #94" S.S.I.D. SCREW AT EACH HMB 26 oEC. zo17 EtV Allen N. Reeves, P.E., SEC] Structural Engineer Florida License No. 19354 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. �c �.•��GS••;•� ��, ]Jn `ST %-n Or SIC/ YJ.:F.`Ax1lf.7: Cl L.7 a 0 0 o , 0 BCIS Home I tog In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I Florida '��IProduct Approval USER: Public User i .1w4 I • Froduct AUarnyal Menu > ProdnR or Aooliod-n Search > Application List Search Criteria Code Version Application Type Category Application Status Quality Assurance Entity Product Model, Number or Name Approved for use in HVHZ Impact Resistant Other Search Results - Applications i Wane U ".. Publications I Contact Us I BCISSite Map I Links I•SearchI 2017 FL# 25871 ALL Product Manufacturer ALL ALL Subcategory ALL ALL Compliance Method ALL ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL ALL Product Description ALL . ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL ALL Design Pressure ALL ALL FM IyRa Manufacturer Validated By, Status FL25871 New Morton Buildings, Inc Berman, Theodore Approved Category: Panel Walls (305) 205-7809 Subcategory: Soffits *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commlsslon If necessary. Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Caovdah[ 200]-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact Me office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 85DA87.1395. •pursuant 0 Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email addressif they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click bliEL. Product Approval Accepts: —r®— 0 ® e_Ct¢t M Credit Card Sate httos://www.floridabuildinci.ora/Drlor 8DD ISt.aSDx 1/1 �I� C S. BUILDINGS, FLASHING 1' OVERHANG (T#288/T#289 SOFFIT/FASCIA TRIM INSTALLATION) SIDEWALL ` FASTEN BETWEEN RIBS WITH #9x1"SCREWS AT SIDEWALL OR ENDWALL, STITCH, T#288/T#289 SOFFIT/ FASCIA TRIM TO EVERY RIB WITH #9x2w SCREWS 1#289 TO 1#289 LAP DETAIL OVERHANG CROSS SECTION TO 1-1W LAP FASTEN T#288/i1#289 SOFFIT/FASCIA TRIM TO SIDE FASCIA WITH #9x1" SCREWS EVERY 12" O.C. �- RSCREWS ,#9x2" SCREWS AT EACH RIB SHOWN, BEYOND #9x1" SCREWS BETWEEN RIBS SEE T#289 LAP DETAIL BELOW s� L/�nr Irl /fj-s • 3 JArll" Z oTs' Allen N. Reeves,P.E., SECB Structural Engineer Florida LiomeNo. 19354 © 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. 2/23/2D20 Florida Building Code Online `� '"'" rOR103:OHPAAtMHNf OF '. a' "" a`. •> * ',• �., `Business & Professronal Regulation Flonda 1 �t I r: dpproval yyww��prp r uPro:E- up ublct ic AUser t.'asr�anysvn ProtluR AOoroval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application Lift Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 15074.12 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Applications FLL# rypg Manufacturer Validated Status sy. FU5074- Revision C.H.I. Overhead Doors FL#: FL35074.12 • Gordon Thomas, Approved R6 History Model: 12. 22XX, 25XX, 42XX, 52XX, 59XX RE. Description: 10'-00" wide through 12'-00" wide by 26' high steel sandwich sectional (913) door with polystyrene (2283 family) or thermally broken polyurethane (2216 family) 314-3653 insulation. Category( Exterior Doors Subcategpry: Sectiorial Exterior Door Assemblies -Approved by Dii Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and retired by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. The State of Flodda 6 an AA/EED employer. Cmmydoht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Pdvacv Statement:: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under.Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to a public -records request, don mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -pursuant to 5 Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they he provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a person provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., Product Approval Accepts: M 0 ® dbert O securit�'nt1�rRlcs hftps://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr�_appjst.aspx 1/1 Anchor. ITW Topcoat or Tapcon LDT,or Simpson Strong -Tie. keep each area c � of� "Ramsel/ Redhead Tapers, 1/4" diameter, minimum 35" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B1822.1 type B. ybI f ITW Ramset/ Redhead Large Diameter Topcoat, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washerthat conforms to ANSI 81822.1 type B. attachment fasteners Simpson Titen an, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer do conforms to ANSI 111822.1 type B. T Simpson Wedge -All, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B18.22.1 type B. g" When applying backjambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer fasteners to insure minimum embedment required 1 This chart applies to wood species with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 including spruespine fir (SPF) and southern pine (SP). See chart for minimum washer diameter. Washer diameters in chart are based on use of Spruce Pine Fir. Washers may be 10%smailerwhen Southern Pine is used See chart for minimum edge distance required. Lowest anchor to be greater than the minimum edge distance up from the floor and less dim 10-inches from the floor. FASTENER SPACING (Inches) 2500 psi concrete Filled CMU ITW Tapeon Simpson Strong -Tie 1/4 1/4" 3/8" 3 8 3 8" 3 e" 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 24 24 16 24 18 24 22 24 16 24 17 24 20 24 16 24 15 24 18 24 16 24 15 24 17 16 16 22 13 24 16 16 8 23 1 13 1 24 1 15 16 8 19 12 24 1 14 16 8 36 10 24 1 12 16 8 16 10 24 1 11 8 8 14 8 24 1 10 1 8 8 12 7 20 9 8 8 Ir 7 20 8 8 8 10 6 17 7 8 n/a 9 n/a 16 6 8 n/a 8 n/a 13 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a 12 n/a n/a n/a 2500 psi concrete Filled CMU ITWTapcon ITW LOT mmn He wedse- All 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" 3/9" 3/8" 1.75" 1.75" 2.5" 2.5" L75" 2.68" e' 7/8" 1-1/2" 1" 1-1/8' 1.1/8" 2-1/2'2-1/2' 3" 3" 4" 4" SOSq 1319# 1859# 371R 4804 3404 3X-3 DOOR WIDTH (feet and Inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) FASTENER DIAMETER EMBEDMENT LENGTH WASHERDIAMETER EDGE DISTANCE FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. Manufactis installation instructions must be followed. Date: 2018.06.1617:25 mr :04 -05'00' Maximum spacing shown in chart Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with doorhardwase and or fastening system, but not less than 6". Load per jamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive press= x door height. 8" CMU block walls shall comply with ASTM C90. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. CMU fastener spacing distance may vary+/ -I". John E. Scales, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. k 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 3- Highest anchorinstalled at least as high as door opening. Anchors to be evenly spaced between the header and the Floor. 11'-e 10' May I I� 2x6 structural Smile lumber. May be conaterbored up to 3B" deep 13-2 127-4 at each anchor location to provide 14'-8 13'-9 flush mounting surface. First anchor to start at no more than half the fastener spacing distance and no less than the minimum edge distance. Supporting structural elements shell be designed by a registered , professional engineer for wind bads In addition m other loads. ``��,��(((�����,, This drawing does not address thejam6/wa8 design, but only door \N\ E s(lt. ZI // attachment Jand/wa0 construction is shown only for illustration purposes. The building designer is responsible for ensuring that the 'Q / y\GRNaF'•.�' jamb/wa0 is sufficient to tarty the door live and static leads. This - drawing does not address the spring pad connections. Registered a NO.51737 i professional engineer may approved an alternative design. _` MM none ' STATE OIF ! Back Jamb Attachment Detail /f/I (((((,1\•• I VVl1V1.iW L]1rV11V1J Professional Engineers seal provided only for verification of windload construction details. 1 C.H.I. DTaW 9-. BJA-1 011 Rev.-07 Use SP vi lugs only if both structure and jamb are Southern Pine. Use SPF values when Spruce-Pine-Fu is present in structure orjamb material. Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system. Maximum spacing shown in chart. Lag screw: 3/8" diameter x 3" minimum long; must conform to ANSUASME B 18.2.1 When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer lags screws to insure 1-12" minimum embedment required. Washer. 1-IB" minimum outside diameter, must conform to ANSI B 18.22.1 type A. Pre -drill 1/4" diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. 1-12" minimum lag screw edge distance required. Spruce -Pine -Fir (SPF) MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE 1/2" MIN -- ATTACEMENT OF 2x6 WOOD JAMB y2" SHEATHING MAX WIDTH IN FEET DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PERSQUARE-FEET (PSF) 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 63 PSF 5 9' 24" M. 24" 24" W. W. W. 24" W. 24" 24" 26'• 24" 26" 10, 24" 2A" M" 24" M. 24" 24" M. W. 24" 24" W. 23" 21" 12' 24" 7A" M. 24" M. 24" 24" 2A" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" is" IN 24• M. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 17" is" 15" Is, 24" W. 24" 24" W, 24" 24" M. 21" 19" 18" 16" 16" 14" is, Zr M. 24" 24" W, W. 24" 21" 20" 18" IT' Is" 14" 13" Is, 24" M. W. 24" M. 23" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" 13" 12" 12" 20' 24" 2A" W. 24" 7A" 21" 19" 17" 16" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 22. 21V' M. 24" 24" 21" 19" 17" 15" IN, 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 24' 24" 24" M. 22" 20" 17" 16" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" T. 9" 26' 24" 2r 24" 21" 18" 16" IN, 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 8" 8" 30' 1 24" 24" 21" is" 18" W, 12" 11" 10" 9" 9" 8" T' T' Southern Pine (SP) MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PERSQUAREFEET (PSF) IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 53 PSF 510' 24" 24" 24" W. 24" W. 24" W, W. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 12' 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 23" IN 24" N. 24" 24" 24" W. 24" - 24" W. 24" 7A" 23" 21" 20" is, W. W. 24" M. X. 241 24" 24" 34" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16' W. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 72" 20" 18" 17" 18, 24" W. 2A" 24" 24" W. 24" W. 22" 21" 19" 1T' Is" 15" 20, 24" W. 7W 24" 24" U. 24" 22" 20" 19" IT" Is" 14" 14" 22' 24" 24" 7W 24" 24" N. 22" 20" Is" 1T, Is" 14" 13" 12" 24' W. 24" 7W 24" 24" 22" 20" 18" 1T, 16" IN, 13" 12" 11" 28' 24" W. 7A" 24" 23" 21" 19" IT, 15" 14" 13" 12" it" 10" 30' 24" 24" 24" 23" 20" 18" is" Is" 1S' 12" 11" 10" 9" 9" No.51737 Digitally signed byJohn E. Scares P.E. � * 1 • i. � � — Date: 2018.06.16,1.7:24:33-05'00' q ;� STATE OF ; }�/ Southern Pine (SP) spec gravity = 0.55; load per anchor = 620 pounds. �'p •x 44/ Spruce -Pine -Fir (SPF) speck gravity = 0.42; load per anchor =482 pounds. /j 0� " :I...... �OR�QP' Maximum load perjamb = 0.5 x (door height) x (door width) x (maximum positive pressure) /l/less These charts do not address spring pad connections to the building. John E. Scares, P.E. /; IONA%- \\ Alternative design may be approved by a registered professional engineer. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 �V//1I I 111%% Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional Lewisville, TX 75056 J engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. Florida P.E. # 51737 Professional Engineers seal provided only for ME 56308, F-2203 verification of windload construction details. f 12"MIN' I/T'WN ATTACHMENT 2x6 WOOD JAI ON SHEATHE 3e" x 3" LAG SCREW SFIFATHINa %" x 3-12" LAG SCI 3" MIN - keep,each area dear of my back jamb attachment fasteners Highest anchor instaned at least as high as door opening. Anchors to be evenly spaced between the header and the floor. 2x6 structural grade lumber. May be counterbored up to 3/8" deep at each anchor location to provide a flush mounting surface. First anchor to start at no mom than half the fastener spacing distance and no less than the minimum edge distance. none 4-25-2017 Back Jamb Attachment Detail Lag Screw C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-102 I Rev.-06 Self tapping scre)vs (with steel) s v USE 9/16" — IBverBe blob" 1M DIAMETER angle WASHER Er scnEwHEAD IS LESS THAN 9116" DIAME1Pdt ATTACHM ENT SPAQNIS Inches) SCgkWS SCEEWS SfAEWS I WELDS SCREWS WELDS 16 go 14 ga 12 ga 12 ga 3/16" 3/16" jamb jamb Jamb jamb Jamb Jamb 24 31 36 36 36 36 20 26 36 36 36 36 18 24 36 36 36 36 16 20 30 36 36 36 14 18 26 36 36 36 12 16 24 36 36 36 12 15 22 36 36 36 9 12 17 36 36 36 a 10 i6 36 34 36 7 10 14 36 31 36 6 8 12 36 25 36 6 7 11 36 24 36 n/a 6 8 36 18 36 n/a 5 7 36 16 36 n/a n/a 6 36 12 36 n/a n/a 5 32 11 32 n/a n/a n/a 30 10 30 n/a n/a n/a 26 9 26 n/a n/a n/a 24 8 24 n/a n/a n/a 16 5 16 n/a n/a n/a 14 n/a 14 n/a I n/a n/a 12 n/a 12 S[gEW5 SCREWS SCAEMS WELDS SCREWS 16 ga 14 ga 12 ga 12 ga 3/16" lamb jamb jamb amb jamb ATTACHMENT SPAONG aches q2272 13Mp 143#. 209# 1172# 444# LOAD PER FASTENER (pounds) John E. Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Sic 124-54 Lewisville, 7X 75056 Florida PE. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 track Screw. 1/4" dia x 3/4" sell tapping screw; most conform to ANSUASME B18ml. Xs" steel lambs; allowable load per screw=444 its. bracket or Allowable load per screw; 12 gauge= 209 lbs,14 gauge =1431bs and 16 gauge =110 lbs. continuous Optional Washer. 9/16" O.D. mmmrum; must conform to ANSI 818.22.1 type A. angle Washer not requited if fastener head has minimum 9/16" outside diameter. Lowest fastener to be within 10•mches ofthe floor Maximum spacing shown in chant Lesser sparing may be used to avoid interference with door component system. 2 Add holes to continuous angle as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts These chars do not address spring pad connections to the building. Load per jamb =0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height i--AU tr--a a-o 4-1 ar-ai a --a a.-u nia nia nia nia track bracket or 9'-5 7'-9 6'-7 5'-6 4'-8 4'-1 3'-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a continuous angle 9'-11 8'-2 6'-11 5'-9 4'-11 4'•4 3'-10 n/a n/a n/a n/a 11'-9 9'-8 8'-3 6'-10 5'-10 5'-1 4'-7 W-1 n/a n/a n/a 13'-5 11'-1 9'-5 7'-10 6'-8 5'-10 5'-2 4'-8 4'-3 W-11 n/a 15'-8 20'-5 22'-4 24'-6 31'-5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a F 0SN%%wuui/ "Oaj'ty ce a a No. 51737 STATE OF Datea2018 06.a617 24 04-OS'OOS P E L ,/ A//s ONj i 100" x 1" fillet welds Welds performed by a Cartified Wilder or inspected by Certified Welding Inspector to verify integrity of weld& 12 gauge or 316steel lambs; allowable load per weld= 1,272 lbs, Use all necessary precautions when welding galvanized steel. Welds to be evenly spaced between header and floor. Lowest weld lobe within 10-mcba of the floor MiWmum of 3 welds perjamb required. Fillet welds to have a straight or convex face surface. Tack weld roe of angle a same spacing to prevent rotation of track angle. Cracks and blemishes shall be ground to a smooth contour and checked to ensure som mess These darts do act address spring pad connections tothebuilding. Load perjamb =03 x door width x max positive pressure x dote height reverse angle '— .100" x I"long fillet weld (E60XX Electrodes Min). Weld to be loafed vertically on angle a spacing specified in clan and rack weld me of angle or track bracket m same spacing. Altemadve daign may be apprvved bya licensed sofasiom] engineer. designed gewcnse elemens shag n dalgmdla alicensedon 0 wheeleng'utxr ten wind loads io addition m o0a loads. This drawmg does not address thejambMog dcdM but only dare auscmnem Jambhvall comtr cticv is shown c dy finlgumadon purposes The building daffier b ee,,.90. for comming that dw jambhvaM is sufficient W ceay the duo, five and sage loads. Sirnpson Tjten HD; 3B" diameter x 3" long (minimum). S6psom Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter x 3" long (minimum). 1TW Ramset/ Redhead Large Diameter Tapwn, 3/8" diameter, minimum 2" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B18.22.1 type B. Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity of track brackets specified on the door drawing. Add track brackets as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Maximum spacing shown in chart. Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". f See chart for minimum edge distance required. •: r i Load per jamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height t Manufacturers installation instructions must be followed ' 8" CMU block walls shall comply with ASTM C90. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. 1, , Fastener spacing distance may vary +/-I" • L SPACING DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE Impsonl Simpson Titer Wedge- n/a 24 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 . 14'-2 12'-1 10'-7 9'-5 8'-6 7'-8 7'-1 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 n/a n/a 24 16 34'-3 28'-2 24'-0 20'-0 17'-1 15'-0 13'-4 12'-0 10'-10 10'-0 9'-0 8'-3 7'-7 6'-31 6'-4 5'-11 5'-6 5'-1 16 16 36'-5 30'-0 25'-6 21'-3 18'-2 15'-11 14'-2 12'-9 11'-7 30'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-1 7'-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-10 5'-5 16 8 n/a n/a 36'-0 30'-0 25'-8 22'-6 20'-0 18'-0 16'-4 15'-0 13'-7 12'-4 11'-5 10'-5 9'-7 8'-10 8'-3 7'-8 8 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-10 28'-4 25'-6 23'-2 21'-3 19'4 17'-7 16'-2 14'-9 13'-7 12'-7 11'-8 10'41 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 30'-0 27'-2 24'-9 22'-10 20'-30 19'-2 17'-9 16'-6 15'-5 Impsonl Simpson Men Wedge - FASTENER DIAMETER EMBEDMENT LENGTH EDGE DISTANCE FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY John E. Scates, F.E. 2560 Icing Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida PE. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203, at a Digitally signed by John EAcates P.E. Date: 2018.06.161723:39`-05'00' seal �q�111U1p���i i ' No. 51737 6. 1: STATE OF L ''1711111 for verification of wind! These charts do not address springpadcm=e,iom to bonding. Alternative design may be approved by a registered professional co@meer. 1 Supporting structural elements shall be desigmi by aregisrued professional eng law for wind loads, in addition to cWpload& This drawing does not address the wall design, bad only door attaehmeet. Wall connotation is shownoaly for illustration purposes. The building denigna is reapcaubleforeosming thus the wall is sufficient to carry the door liveandsmticloeds. 7 FASTENER SPACING 2500 psi concrete Simpson ITW Tapcon Strong- Tie 3/g„ 1/4 " 3/8" Wedge- All 24 36 - 24 24 36 22 24 36 20 24 36 18 24 36 16 22 34 15 21 32 14 19 30 13 17 26 11 15 24 10 13 20 8 10 16 n/a 9 14 n/a 8 12 n/a ITW Tapcon Simpson Strong. Tie 1/4" 3/813 3/811 2.68" 08# 73641i 34" Anchor. ITW Tapcon or Tapcon LDT or Simpson Strong -Tie Wedge -AIL ITW Ramset(Redhead Tapcon, 1/4" diameter, 2" long (minimum) ITW It mset/ Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 3/8" diameter, 2-3/4" long (minimum) Simpson Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter x 2" long (minimum). Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity of track brackets specified on the door drawing. Add track brackets as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Maximum spacing shown in than. Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6'. See chart for minimum edge distance required. Concrete walls shall be minimum 2500 psi concrete and shall be of sufficient strength to resist loads. Load perjamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x doorheight Manufacturer's installation instructions must be followed. DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 14'-2 12'-1 10'-7 9'-5 8'-6 7'-8 7'-1 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 26'-5 21'-9 18'-6 15'-5 13'-2 11'-7 10'-3 9'-3 8'-5 7'-8 6'-11 6'-4 5'-30 29'-1 24'-0 20'-4 17'-0 14'-6 12'-9 11'-4 10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 7'-8 7'-0 6'-5 32'-4 26'-8 22'-8 18'-3016'-2 14'-2 12'-7 11'-4 10'-3 9'-5 8'-6 7'-9 7'-2 36'-3 29'-10 25'-4 21'-2 18'-1 15'-30 14'-1 12'-8 11'-6 10'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-0 n/a 31'-8 26'-1122'-5 19'-3 16'-1014'-1113'-5 12'-3 11'-2 10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 n/a 33'-8 28'-7 23'-10 20'-5 17'-10 15'-11 14'-3 13'-0 31'-11 10'-9 9'-30 9'-1 n/a 35'4130'-6 25'-5 21'-9 19'-1 16'-1115'-3 13'-1012'-8 11'-6 10'-6 9'-8 n/a n/a 35'-3 29'-4 25'-2 22'-0 19'-7 17'-7 16'-0 14'-8 13'-3 12'-1 11'-2 n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 27'-3 23'-30 21'-2 19'-1 17'-4 15'-31 14'-4 13'-2 12'-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 28'-7 25'-5 &-1120'4019'-i 17'-3 15'-9 14'-6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-7 26'-0 23'-10 21'-7 19'-9 18'-2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 29'-9 27'-3 24'-8 22'-6 20'-9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-9 26'-3 24'-2 DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) FASTENER DIAMETER EMBEDMENTLENGTH r SOJI111 EDGE DISTANCE FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY ' Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. Date: 2018.06.1617:23:14-05'00' John E States, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, Tx 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 No. 51737 4 : STATE OF L '1J1111111It1's- i '-0 ✓•ri _ 5'-5 6'-0 12'-2 I11'-3 15'-3 14'-1 18'-9 Supporting smtcnval elements shall be designed by a rcgisrered professional engineer for wind loads in addition m other loads. This drawing does not eddimsthe wall design, but ody door atuchmant Wall construction is shown only for Omsaation purposes. ThebuOdmgdesigurrls responsi3lefor ensmi the the wall is sufficient to carry the door five and smtic loads. This dmwmg does not address the spring pad connections. Registered professional engineer may approved an alternative design. Place as Many traclf brackets as necessary at an on -center (O.C.) spacing no greater than the distance shown on chart for appropriate pressure and width combination. Refer to door drawing installation instructions for Floor to first bracket spacing. Field drilling of bracket attachment holes into the track will be required. .lag screw: 5116" diameter x 1-518" minimum long; must conform to ANSVASME B18.2.1 . Lag screws must be seated in fall height frame members. 1-12" minimum tag screw embedment into structural wood. 12" minimum lag screw edge distance required. DRY TRACK BRACKET MOUNTING SURFACE MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED BY WALL STUDS 5/16' X 1-58" LAG SCREWS MAX TRACK BRACKET SPACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH vs DESIGN PRESSURE FOR SPRUCE -PINE -FIR WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FEET IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18'PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 127 PSF 130 PSF 133 PSF 136 PSF 139 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF S3 PSF 5 7' 28„ 28" 28„ 28„ 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 21. 26" 23" 28„ 28„ 28" 28" 28" 28" 26" M, 21-2 191, 78" 28" W. 2811 28" 24" 22" 21" 181, 16" 28" 28" 28" 721, M. 21" 191• 181, 16" 14" 28" 31, 28" 26" 21" 18" 17" 16" 14-, 13-1 28" 28" 26" 23" 1y, 16" 16" 14" 13" 11„ 28" 26" 23" 21" 17" 15•, 14„ 13„ 1111 101. 28" -M' 21" 191. 16•, 14" 13" 12" 101. 9„ 25" 221, 20" 18.1 15" 12" 12" 11" 10„ 91. 24" 21" 181, 16" 14•, 12" 11" 101, 9" 8" 21" 19.. 17" 1S" 12" 101, 101, 9" 8" 7" 20" 17„ 15" 14-, 11" 101, 91• V. 7" 7" 191, 16" 14" 13" 11" 9" 8" V. 7" 6" 8' 9' 10, 12' 14' 16' 16' 18, 20' For doorjambs Spruce Pine Fir (SPP), specific gravity = 0.42 or better, max load per anchor= 67% of 439 pounds. Maximum load per jamb = 0.5 x (door height) x (door width) x (maximum positive pressure) Alternative design may be approved by a licensed professional engineer. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer John E. Scares, P.E. -for wind loads in addition to other loads. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 The suitability of the structural building components must be verified by the engineer of Lewisville, TX 75056 record for the building. Florida P.E. # 51737 TXPE 56305, F-2203 1 No.51737 * ; It 4 ; STATE OF /111111110 J Professional Engineer s seal provided only fo. verification of windload construction details. Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. 11 Date: 2018.06.1617:22:51 05'00' PELLA CORPORATION SERIES390 4-112" VINYL CASEMENT WINDOW - IMPACT MSTAM110NANCSOIPAGEDETAMS GENERAL NOTES: INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED, EVALUATED AND DESIGNED TO THE DESIGN PRESSURE(S) STATED HEREIN AS FOLLOWS. 1. PRODUCT ANCHORS SHALL BE A9 DESIGNATED AND LOCATED AS SHOWN IN THIS PRODUCT I.I. INCOMPLIANCE WTRI THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE -BUILDING AND RESIDENTIAL VOLUMES. EVALUATION DOCUMENT. ANCHOR EMBEDMENTAND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, 1.2. PER FORMANCESTANDARDS: 12.1. TAS201-84, LARGE MISSILE IMPACT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICKVENEERAND SIDING. 122. TAS22. SEEINSTM1ATIONANCHOR SCHEDULE ON SHEET 2 FOR TYPE AND GRADE OFANCHOR, 123. TA52DM4 384 AND/OR MANUFACTURERS ANCHOR SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING MINIMUM NOMINAL SIZE, 2. THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON SIGNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT NO. ESP010280P.DAOE, MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IWO SUBSTRATE AND MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCES. DATED JULY M.2012 AND ASSOCIATED LABORATORY DRAWINGS BY ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY, DES MINES, IA 2.1. EDGE DISTANCES SHALL BE MEASURED FROM CENTERLINE OF ANCHORTO EDGE OF TESTING WAS CONDUCTED TO TAS 201-TM, TAS 202-84 ANDTAS MM4. STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE EITHER TO THE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR OF THE FENESTRATION 3. THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT IS FOR USE IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ). PRODUCT. 4. ADEQUACY OF THE EKOTING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE I MASONRY, 2X FRAMING AND METAL FRAMING SUBSTRATES AS A MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE FOUNDATIONISTHE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR REGISTEREDARCHITECT ACTING AS THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE PROJECT OF INSTALLATION. 5.1X AND 2X BUCKS (WHEN USED) SHALL BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. BUCK DESIGN AND INSTALLATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THEUCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR REGISTEREDARCHLTECTACTING AS THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE PROTECTOF INSTALLATION. S. WHEN INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS WHERE WINDSORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS EXIST, THE FOLLOWING IMPACT PROTECTIVE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET: 6.1. HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE MINE (HVHZ): 6.1.1. LARGE MISSILE IMPACT REQUIREMENTSAT HEIGHTS UPTO WFEETABOVEGRADE S.1.1A. THESE WINDOWS MEET LARGE MISSILE IMPACT REQUIREMENTS OFTHE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FBC AND DO NOT REQUIRE USE OFAN APPROVED HVHZ IMPACT PROTECTVE SYSTEM. SEE NOTE 30N SHEET S OF 13. SAM SMALLMISSILEIMPACTREQUIREMENTSATHEIGHT CEEDINOMFEETABOVEGRADE 8.12.1. THESEWMOOWSMEETSMALLMISSILEIMPACTREQUIREMENTSOFTHECURRENTMMONOFTHEFBCWHEN GLAZED ON THE EXTERIOR USING SAFETY GLAZING AND DO NOT REQUIRE USE OF AN APPROVED HVHZ IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM. SEE NOTE 4ON SHEET B OF 13. 62. WINDBORNE DEBRIS AREAS OUTSIDE THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANEZONE(NONNVHZ): 6.2.1. WHEN INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS WHERE NON-HVHZWINOBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS EXIST. THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT REQUIRE USE OF ANAPPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM. 7. SITE CONDITIONS NOT COVERED IN THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENTARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHRECTAS REQUIRED W THEAUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. S. MATERIALS: S.I. WINDOW FRAME MATERIAL: VINYL (PVC) PER CURRENT MIAMI-OADE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) COMPONENT APPROVAL FOR QUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS 82. LAMINATED GLAZING INTERLAYERS PERCURRENTMIAMI-0ADE NOTICEOFACCEPTANCE(NOA)COMPONENTAPPROVAL FORTHE FOLLOWING. 82.1. KURARAYTROSIFOLWBGLASSINTERLAYERMAME B. GLASS MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM E13W-09a. 10. DESIGNATIONWSTANDSFORTHEFOLLOWINGOPERABLESASH. 11. THESE DRAWINGS CERTIFY THE WINDOW INSTALLATION ONLY. WATER PROOFING OF THE INSTALLED WINDOW IS HOT PARTOFTHIS INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION. THATRESPONSIBIUTYSHALLSETHATOFTHEMANUFACTURERANDMRTHE INSTALLER SEE SHEET 2 FOR DESIGN PRESSURES. 22. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT SHALL BE RASED ON PENETRATION IWO MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM SUBSTRATE. 3. SEE SHEETS S.6um! 7 FORSPECIFIC ANCHOR INSTALLATION DETAILS. 4.ONE (1) INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. 5. THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS IS BASED ON THE MAXIMUM END DISTANCE (ED)AND THE MAXMUM ON CENTER (O.C.) SPACING PLACEMENT OF ANCHORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TABLESONSHEET2. END DISTANCES AND O.C. SPACINGS LESS THAN THAT SHOWN IN THE TABLES ON SHEET 2 ARE ACCEPTABLE. 5.1. SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES ON SHEET 2. 6. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM THICKNESS IS 114INCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF INB INCH OR GREATER OCCURS. SHIM(S) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF WOOD COMPOSITE, HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR SIMILAR LOAD BEARING MATERIAL. 6.1. FOR BLOCK FIN&FLANGE FRAME INSTALLATIONS, SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATIONANCHOR. T. FOR CONCRETE BLOCKAPPLICATIONS DO NOT INSTALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS IWO MORTAR JOINTS. B. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED IN THE MSTALLATION ANCHOR SCHEDULE ON SHEET 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 GENERAL NOTES. INSTALLATION NOTES & TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 ANCHOR SCHEDULES AND DP CHART 3-4 ELEVATIONS& ANCHOR LAYOUTS 5-7 INSTALLATION SECTIONS 8 GLAZING DETAIL AND GLAZING NOTES B BILL OF MATERIALS 10 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 11 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 12 COMPONENT SECTIONS 13 1 1 INSTALLATION CUP DETAIL AND CORNER CONSTRUCTION R J.Mpwe,P£ FImNe P.E. No. 49752 Digitally LI signed by 4w,4 RobertJ 07:54*17 -04'001 01111110 SERIES 350 CASEMENT WINDOW INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Design Glass Type Quantity of Center to Center Max. Size Tested Pressure Required (See Substrate Installation Type End Spacing All Anchors at Head Spacing Head& Quantity of Center to Center (PSF) SheetB Corners &SIII SIII Anchors at Jambs Spacinglambs 351/2"x 711/2" +70/-75 G3 and G4 Wood/Concrete/CMU/Metal• Clip 4" 3 13.8" 7 10.6" 351/2"x 71112" +70/-75 G3 and 64 Wood/Concrete/CMU Thm-Fame 4" 3 13.8" 8 9.10' 351/2" x 711/2" +70/-75 G3 and G4 Metal • Thm-Fame 4" 3 13.8" 6 12.7' 351/2"a 651/2" +70/-70 Gland G2 Wood/Metal • Clip 4" 3 13.8" 6 11.5" 351/2"x 651/2" +70/-70 G3 and G2 Concrete/CMU Clip 4" 3 13.8" 7 9.6" 351/2"x 651/2" +70/-70 G3 and G2 Woon/Concrete/CMU Thru-Fame 4" 3 13.8" 7 9.6" 351/2" x 651/2" +70/-70 Gl and G2 Metal • Thm-Fame 4" 3 13.8 6 11.5" • METALSUBSTRATES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: (a) 20 GAUGE (RO346" MIN. THK.) STEEL INCLUDING STEELSTUDS, ASTM A-653 STEEL, 33 KSI YIELD STRENGTH STEEL OR BETTER (b) 1/8" MIN. THK. ASTMA-36 STEEL, 36 K51 YIELD STRENGTH STEELOR BETTER (c) 0.060"MIN. THK. 6063-TS ALUMINUM OR BETTER INSTALLATION ANCHOR SCHEDULE NOTES: INSTALLATION FASTENER FAMINES MANUFACTURES ANCHORCAPACIIIESBASEO 1. INS TYPE NEADWPE SUE SUBSTRATE " OfORSPECOICATION WBEOMENTRN) EDGED6fANCE(N) ON t.t. ITW Tmcom(1) 1-1/2- 1-1/B" MIN.2000 PSI CONCRETE RICO ULTRACONS Id/8' 1' MIN. 2500 PSI CONCRETE CONCRETE 2, SET RE( INSTAUATION PAN OR HD HIM MIK-CON IH 1-3/4' 1-1/8' MIN.2om PSICONCRETE 2.1 CUP OR THR - HEAD 3/36" 2.1.1. FRAME ITW TAPC3NS(1) 1' 2- 2.1.2. MASONRY STRENGTH CONFORMANCE (SLOCK/CMU) EICO ULTRMCONS 1-1/4' 1' TOASTNI 9D,MEDIUM WDGK,, DENSITY P 117 POP 2.1.3. HILTI KWIK-CON II" 1' 1.1/8" WMFRAME PMI�IX NO. WOOD ANSI B18S.1 1.3/8" 3/4'IAIERAL(3) WOODWITHAMINIMUM 21 (WOOD SCREW) (2) (4) SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF OSS. INSMUATION ANSI 018.6.1 2.12. 22 CUP, PANORHE% (WOODSCREW)(2)(4) 3/4"LATERAL WOODWIVAMINIMUM INSrA TION HEAD NO.30 WOOD 1-3/8' 1/2'W13'RAWAL SPECIFICGRAVITY OF 055. 86.4 8.)( CUP -BENT 1NGSCR (TAPPING SCREW) (2) (4) 23. 20 GAUGE (0.0346' MIN. iHK.)57EEL ATME B18.6A pSTM A-653 STEEL 33 KSI NSTALIATION INCLUDI NG STEEL STUDS ITMPINGSCREW)(4) FULLYPMETRATE 5/16- YIEIDSTRENGMSTEELOR BETTER CUP, NSTAUATION PAN OR IX NO. SUBSTRATE WITH 3THREA05 1/8'MINTHK.A36 ASMEB18.6A ASIM A-365TEq 36 x51 CUP-BENTOR HEAD STEELORBET ER (TAPPINGSCREWj(4) PROMUOING 5/36- RELOSTRENGMSTEELOR THRLLFRAME INTERNALLY BETTER 1/8-MIN. MK.6063- TS AUJMINUM OR ASMEB38.6.4 3/8' 6063-TS AWMI NUM OR BE ER (TAPPINGSCREW)(4) BETTER NOTES: 1)WHEN ITV TAPCONS ME USED FOR CONCRETE/MASONRY INS`r WTION, THEYSHALL BE THE ADVANCED THRFADFORM TECHNOLOGYTYPE 2) FOR WOOD AND TAPPING SCREWS INSTAUATI ON INTO WOOD SUBSTRATE; IF SPLITTING ISA CONCERN, DRILL 7/64- PILOT HOLE FOR IATERALAPPUCATIONS AND 3/32" FOR WMDRAWALAPPUCATIONS. SEE NOTE 3 BELOW FOR FURVER DEFINITION. 3) IATSK IS MPU CABLE TO INSTAUATION CUP MID THRU-FRAME; WIMDRAWAL IS APPUCABIE TO INSTAUATION CUP -BEM. - 4 WOOD AND TAPPING SCREWS SHALL CONFORM TO A GRADE 5 STRENGTH OF 92 KSI YI EW STRENGM AND 120 K51 ULTIMATE STRENM. 'ALLATION ANCHOR SCHEDULE THIS TABLE LISTS APPROVED ANCHOR SPECIFICATIONS BASED ON THE INSTALLATION TYPE AND SUBSTRATE. IES 350 CASEMENT WINDOW INSTALLATION UIREMENTS THIS TABLE LISTS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF). END DISTANCE (ED) OF ANCHORS AT FRAME ENDS AS DIMENSIONED ON ELEVATION DRAWINGS. MAXIMUM O.C. (ON CENTER) SPACING FOR ANCHORS BETWEEN THE FRAME END ANCHORS DIMENSIONED ON ELEVATION DRAWINGS. J. QUANTITY OF ANCHORS BASED ON MEETING THE O.C. SPACING REQUIREMENTS. MAXIMUM WINDOW SIZES (W xH) ANCHOR QUANTITIES AND SPACINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON ANCHOR SPACING USED IN TESTING OR REQUIRED BY LOADING AT DESIGN PRESSURE. FOR WINDOW SIZES SMALLER THAN THOSE SHOWN, ANCHOR QUANTITIES CAN BE REDUCED WHILE MAINTAINING EDGE DISTANCE AND O.C. SPACING REQUIREMENTS. RMB,IJ.N P.E F P.ENa4W6Y Digitally signed by YFe""a" RobertJ 07:54:33 -04'00' SERIES 350 VINYL CASEMENT WINDOW EXTERIOR VIEW BLACK FRAME SHOWN, FLANGE AND FIN FRAMES ALSO APPROVED SEE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 2 FOR SPACING & OTY., TYP. (INSTALLATION CLIP QUANTITY SHOWN) 4" MAX. TYP. 35 1/2" MAX. FRAME WIDTH 33 1/2" MAX. SASH WIDTH \ =BB Hinge 20 6 6al 7 \ \ \ j \ Liking Hordes re 0 \ X Snubbe 18 \ / Hinge j / 28 3/8" MAX. D.L.O. SEE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 2 FOR SPACING & 4" MAX. OTY., TYP. o S € 9 g E E8 e Q TYP. w a Rg 12a �I 14" O tt u ON CENTER F W m bQ F PPICAL "+nz5c7�� 69 1/2" MAX. °o zF !� onsa I�bg HE GHT�WN� I& 64 3/8" MAX. D.L.O. 71 1/2" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT ka 1M PE FlmIGePENa4B Digitally signed by RobertJ INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. -""' SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE a� 07:54:44 SHEET 2-04'00' SERIES 350 VINYL CASEMENT WINDOW EXTERIOR VIEW BLOCK FI AME SHOWN, FLANGE AND FIN FRAMES ALSO APPROVED 4" MAX. _ TYP. 4" MAX. r TYP. SEE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 2 FOR SPACING & QTY., TYP. 4" MAX. TYP. t 16 35 1/2" MAX. FRAME WIDTH 33 1/2" MAX. SASH WIDTH \ \ A B B C 6 6a 7 Hinge 20 \\ Snubber Locktng Hordware 16 \ X / / / 20 j / Hinge 28 3/8" MAX. D.L.O. SEE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 2 FOR 4" MAX. SPACING & TYP. QTY., TYP. F �e fl 14" ON CENTER w TYPICAL o� 65 1/2" MAX. FRAME — HEIGHT e 58 3/8" MAX. D.L.O. 63 1/2" MAX. SASH HEIGHT INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. Date:'2018.04.10 SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE 1 .. SHEET 2 Q7:54:55-04'00' of UI MIN. EDGE DISL m SUBSTRATE VARIES. INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR MIN. EDGE DIST. INSTALLATION ANCHOR o S R $ SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SUBSTRATE VARIES. VARIES, SEE ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR pp SHEET 2 SCHEDULE SHEEP 2 SEE ANCHOR SSNLEET Z SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SCHEDULE SHEET 2 07 APPLY EXTERIOR Q MIN. EMBED. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SEALANT ACCOROING MIN. EMBED. w € i APPLY EXTERIOR SEALANT SCHEDULE TO MANUFACTURER'S VARIES. SEE ANCHOR INSTRUCTION g ACCORDING TO 2 2 n BFi ffiY a�a� �SSCHHEE�DULE MANUFACTURER'S g I 1 INSTRUCTION 1/4' MAX.J 1/4• MAK u < 3 c 2 SHIM 2 J 5 INSTALLATION CUP 24 SHIM O 5 INSTALLATION CUP 24 APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT 0 (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE 0 (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE a 70 11 FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING 11 FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION 3 SEE GLAZING a BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND SEE GLAZING S BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND S 3 DETAIL SHEET 8 DETAIL SHEET 8 BUCK TO FILL CAPS. BUCK TO FILL GAPS. zm (2) #8 x 1/2' PH TAPPING SCREWS PER O (2) 88 1/2' PH TAPPING SCREWS PER O 25 CUp THROUGH CUP HOLES 25 0 +sz CUP THROUGH CUP HOLES EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR ��� �j : ©INSTALLATION CROSS SECTION QINSTALLATION CROSS SECTION Z s F I 5 BLOCK FRAME CUP DNSJAU.ATTON 5 FW R L Ug � ) Be y TINSTTASU.AMON HD SHOWN, JAMB SIAR EADA $g&q J�T n i7T� MIN. EDGE DIST. SUBSTRATE VARIES. INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHORO 19 SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 $@ SHEET 2 SCHEDULE SHEET 2 g® h 411I PPLY EXTERIOR A2 $ SEALANT ACCORDING MIN. EMBED. TO MANUFACTURER'S VARIES. SEE ANCHOR INSTRUCTION SCHEDULE n —1ST 2 FL FLUSH FLANGE 23 ly 2 5 - ��u 1/4' MAX.) SHIM INSTALLATION CLIP 24 0 0 APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT 0 (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE Fam 77 FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING re.No.�snz Digitally SEE GLAZING 9 TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION _ BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND! signed by DETAIL SHEET 8 BUCK TO FILL GAPS. (2) 88 x 1/2' PH TAPPING SCREWS PER 25 a°�S`v-^adL'0'o° RobertJ M! CUP THROUGH CUP HOLES �:04/ AmoTU50 EXTERIOR INTERIOR 3= F Date: [,INSTALLATION CROSS SECTION "sm x"•' E" 2018.04:11 M/J 5 FLANGE FRAME, CLJPINSTALLAUON 07:55:09 HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SMEAR a�p _04,00' INSTALLATION ANCHOR 2X WOOD SUBSTRATE VARIES' SEE ANCHOR SHOWN. ALSO APPLICABLE SCHEDULE SHEET 2. MIN. EMBED. TO STEEL OR ALUMINUM VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SUBSTRATE. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SHEET 2 INSTALLATON CUP 24 SHEET 2. MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR APPLY EXTERIOR SCHEDULE SEALANT SHEEP 2 ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION 1/4- MAX. 2 SHIM 5 APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE o FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING 11 TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND SEE GLAZING B BUCK TO FILL GAPS. DETAIL SHEET 8 (2) I8 z 1/2' PH TAPPING SCREWS 25 PER CUP THROUGH CUP HOLES 25 EXTERIOR INTERIOR BQINSTALLATION CROSS SECTION 6 BLOCKFRAME,BTNTCL@wsTALLAMON HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SIMILAR 2X WOOD SUBSTRATE SHOWN. ALSO APPLICABLE TO STEEL OR ALUMINUM SUBSTRATE. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2. APPLY EXTERIOR SEALANT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION FLUSH SEE DETAIL EXTERIOR MIN. EMBED. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 _� INSTALLATION CUP 24 MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 1/4' MAX. J SHIM APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND BUCK TO FILL GAPS. (2) #8 x 1/2' PH TAPPING SCREWS O PER CLIP THROUGH CUP HOLES 25 INTERIOR (TIINSTALLATION CROSS SECTION 6 FLANGE FRAME, BENT CLIP INSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SIMILAR 2X WOOD SUBSTRATE SHOWN. ALSO APPLICABLE TO STEEL OR ALUMINUM SUBSTRATE. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2. SEE DETAIL APPLY EXTERIOR SEALANT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION MIN. EMBED. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 � INSTALLATION 24 TION CUP MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 1/4' MAX. J SHIM APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT EXTERIOR rB'INSTALLATION CROSS SECTION 6 FlNFRAMB, BJNTCLIPMSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN. JAMB SUB.AR EXTERIOR INTERIOR (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S IN BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND BUCK TO FILL GAPS. BB z L/2' PH TAPPING SCREWSOR CUP THROUGH CUP HOLES 25 �1ALTERNATE INSTALLATION \�aly CROSS SECTION BLOCK FRAME SHOWN (ALSO APPLICABLE TO FIN AND FLANGE FRAME) ALTERNATE BENT CLIP INSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN, IAMB SLMOAR SEEOTf ERBSECTIONSFORDBPABS w IbEeM1J.M P.E Fl PE.Nw,IUR Digitally signed by 4u Robert J 07:55:20 -04'00' INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SUBSTRATE VARIES. - SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 APPLY EXTERIOR SEALANT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 / / MIN. EMBED. AN ////'{ VARIES. SEEEANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 1/4° MAX SHIM " ® APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT 0 (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE 11 Q� FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING SEE GLAZING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION DETAIL SHEET B S BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND BUCK TO FILL GAPS. EXTERIOR INTERIOR �CINSTALLATION CROSS SECTION '� BLOCK FRAME, THIRD FRAME INSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SMULAR INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SUBSTRATE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 APPLY EXTERIOR SEALANT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION FLUSH FLANGE(q NSTALLA11oN ANCHOR MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SCHEDULE SHEET 2 SUBSTRATE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 MIN. EMBED. APPLY EXTERIOR VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SEALANT ACCORDING � SCHEDULE 5 TO MANUFACTURER'S I 2 INSTRUCTION C� g- 2 SHIM " APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT o (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE 11 4 FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION SEE GLAZING DETAIL SHEET eO� BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND BUCK TO FILL GAPS. EXTERIOR �L INTERIOR ��INSTALLATION CROSS SECTION 7 MN FRAME, THRU FRAME INSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SUAMAR MIN. EDGE DIST. VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 /I MIN. EMBED. ///Till VARIES. SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 2 1/4- MAX SHIM APPLY INTERIOR SEALANT O (LOW EXPANSION POLYURETHANE 11 Q FOAM INSTALLATION) ACCORDING SEE GLAZING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION DETAIL SHEET aO� BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND BUCK TO FILL GAPS. EXTERIOR J�XINTERIOR INSTALLATION CROSS SECTION 7 FLANGE FRAME, THRU FRAME INSTALLATION HEAD SHOWN, JAMB SN'ID.AR P J.� P.E P P.Etb."?w Digitally ;f signed by j udr:�,~ti RobertJ 699�`,; �� tAmoruso 7-je Date: _ ... 07:55:32 -04'00' m GLAZING DETAIL NOTES: a a a m 1. APPROVED GLAZING CONFIGURATIONS (SEE NOTES 3,4 AND 5) ' a 5 D o POLYURETHANE REACTIVE 1.1. G1 = 1" OA IGU LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS CONSISTING OF THE HOTMELT GLAZING COMPOUNDS FOLLOWING FROM EXTERIOR: 1/8" ANNEALED - 9/16" AIR SPACE -118" 15 0 ANNEALED + 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. + 1/8" ANNEALED. SEE NOTE 3 AND 5 BELOW. 11 U a s $ 1.2. G2 = 1" CA IGU LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS CONSISTING OF THE 9 9/16" GLASS j ImI h FOLLOWING FROM EXTERIOR: 1/8" TEMPERED - 9/16" AIRSPACE -118" BITE ANNEALED + 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. + 1/8" ANNEALED. SEE NOTE 3 AND 4 BELOW. EXTERIOR INTERIOR 1/6" ANNEALED -gd o 1.3. G3 =1" OA IGU LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS CONSISTING OF THE 3 ' � � m FOLLOWING FROM EXTERIOR:3/18"ANNEALED-7/16"AIRSPACE-1/8" 1/8" ANNEALED (G7) OR 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB 8 ANNEALED + 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. + 118" 1/8- TEMPERED (02) BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. 3i ANNEALED. SEE NOTE 3 AND 5 BELOW. SEE NOTES THIS SHEET 1 /B" ANNEALED i 1" O.A. ru F 3 aSwF mN 1.4. G4 = 1" OA IGU LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS CONSISTING OF THE o Z 5; € al I FOLLOWING FROM EXTERIOR: 3/16" TEMPERED - 7/16" AIR SPACE - 1/8" GLAZING DETAIL 1 & 2 g 1 ANNEALED + 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. + 1/8" RAIL SHOWN- STILE SIMILAR 8 9a IEY ANNEALED. SEE NOTE 3 AND 4 BELOW. (REQUIRED ON FRAME HEIGHTS <651/2") o a Li d = I� 2. SEE TABLE WINDOW SIZE VS. DESIGN PRESSURE ON SHEET 2 FOR a � q6f APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS. ALL SIZES IN TABLE ARE BASED ON TESTED A POLYURETHANE REACTIVE 1 q SIZES AND DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM WINDOW AREA TESTED. HOTMELT GLAZING COMPOUND �I "3. GLAZING DETAILS G1, G2, G3 AND G4 MEET LARGE MISSILE IMPACT��REQUIREMENTS AT HEIGHTS UP TO 30 FEET ABOVE GRADE AS REQUIREDBY THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 4. GLAZING DETAILS G2 AND G4 MEET SMALL MISSILE IMPACT9/16" GLASS REQUIREMENTS AT HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 30 FEET ABOVE GRADE AS BITE REQUIRED BY CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. EXTERIOR INTERIOR 5. GLAZING DETAILS G1 AND G3 DO NOT MEET SMALL MISSILE IMPACT 1/8- ANNEALED REQUIREMENTS AT HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 30 FEET ABOVE GRADE AS 3/16" ANNEALED (G3) OR 0.090" TROSIFOL PVB �J.�."E 49752 REQUIRED BY CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 3/16" TEMPERED (G4) BY KURARAY AMERICA, INC. r-wue P.E. xo Digit SEE NOTES THIS SHEET 1/8" ANNEALED Digitally 6. A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) NEOPRENE SETTING BLOCKS WITH 70 TO 90 1" O.A. ;� signed by SHORE A DUROMETER HARDNESS ARE REQUIRED AT BOTTOM (SILL) OF ogl"R vy°e, RobertJ GLAZING DETAIL 3 & 4 "s"" : Amoruso GLAZING LITES MORE THAN 3 FEET IN WIDTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE „S' CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. I� RAIL SHOWN - STELE SIMII.AR o e.."e'"4 r 5 Date- _ (REQUIRED ON FRAME HEIGHTS > 651/2" TO 711/2")''i/„;'off: e',�,`,°-`y ZO 8 4.1101 p 04' 0' s S a O o < Zd m go z 3 �y z gg F as Ed O g¢ z SH¢� L �S�Xo Ee sa Mpg vm 66 a@@�9 �2y fiMul J.Nmuve,PE FbMeP.E Digitally j signed by l x�4 a sk Amoruso ®'p*:4: P� JW3 Date: ,'.s„H.IfH � 2018A4.10� 1-0403 '00' BILL OF MATERIALS �M NO. DESCRIPTION MATERULNENDOR OTY 1 FRAME SI O d Q y m� tz xo m m ,o ►5y .. O1 � ' , qy m N � 1.0 rO^ �1 rv^J Foy y e J 0 sl y(.$ AV PELLA CORPORATION PROJECT#418-0107 w? ° RE5102M O to p>D �O p V OYm O O SER0335041/2"VINYLOLSENE1TwiN W-INPACf wa,Eromxmnwn ° =7)= imne au VERTICAL CROSS SECTION O �� A 0 Ip off O O 2 7 a °-' vumlev: w�E RJA IM13 BARII BRN16 NN O Q� � � APm�lfec�� 1n5'15 xa• �I i N.TS . PELLW, kmmro r100F C 13 ro•:v oEsfiwnw wre eY IZONTAL CROSS SECTION FRAME SHOWN, FLANGE AND FIN FRAMES ALSO APPROVED P 1M ,P£. l F P.E.N 40M Digitally signed by a"'F"'1 Robert! Amoruso 2�6/ON�IEN�dF ZO�S�VYI O1 xNnnga� 07:56:30 d -04'00' COMPONENT SECTIONS FIN FRAME/HEAD, SILL OR JAMB 055� .718 q.040 645 GLAZING BEAD 000 W t.020 I I 0 13 SETTING BLOCK T t.010 MATERIAPVC H HARDNESRDNESS: SHORE A 80-90, SHORED 76A7 WIDTH AND THICKNESS VARY .051 SASH TOP AND BOTTOM RAILS. O 0) BLOCK FRAME/HEAD, F� SILL OR J B (2) (2) o oRci j R.030 IF .235 .625 LII� I .060 F—.650 © 5/8- FLANGE (SNAP —ON) © FLUSH FLANGE (SNAP —ON) d of6 � r1I o P J.Nro 'PE f P.E.W.M51' Digitally signed by �.. ..Eaw RobertJ Amoruso s9 � = Date: _ F"mys<gnS: ? 2018.04.1O ,y.ON�BEN` -04'00' 9 INSTALLATION CLIP DETAIL 0.515"±.01 15X 00.1.130" � 6x 00.200" 1.8175" 1.750" 0.446" — 1.726" y — 2.405" 2X 2X 0.24.249' u i—T 0.313" I� 0.938" 1.563" FASTENER HOLE SIZE: AS REQUIRED, INCREASE HOLE SIZE IN CLIP TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF NO.10 WOODITAPING 5.500 SCREWS AND 3116" � 6 125" � CONCRETE SCREWS. 0.377" INSTALLATION CLIP DETAILS 0.460" MATERIAL .0516 t.003" HOT DIP GALV. SHEET STEEL ROCKWELL "B" 65 MAX. ULTIMATE -STRENGTH = 55 KSI MIN. YIELD STRENGTH = 30 KSI MIN. 3.969" — 4.750" — CORNER CONSTRUCTION CORNER WELD A4 ofo�� (ALL SIDES) FRAME CORNER CONSTRUCTION CORNER (ALL S SASH CORNER CONSTRUCTION v m mo o� w N IiMa,J.Nmuo. P.E MEe P.E. Hd�B>4 ff� Digitally 4� signed by Robert.) 07:57:00 -04'00' a W24/2020, Florida Building Code Online r f BOIS Home tog In I User Registration I Hot Topic I Submit Surcharge Stats a Facts Publications Contact Us BaS Site Map I Unl¢ Search db va ,' Product Approval W � � USER: Public User byA fgi�mi �• product Aooroval Menu > Product or Apgfjo on Search > Application List Search criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 16706.1 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Aoollratlons FL# TYR-Q Manufacturer Validated By, StatuA FL16708- Revision JELD-WEN FL#: FL16708.1 Locke Bowden P.E. Approved Lu History Model: A Design Pro / Smooth Pro / Studio Fiberglass (334) 300-1800 Description: Single (X) Impact Opaque Door 3-0 If 6-8 and 3-0 If 8-0 Inswing and Outswing Category: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies -epprwep W nnvn. npprovats try uuen snan oe rewewea ano apnea try me ruc analor me Commission n necessary. ContactUs :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 8511487-1824 The State of Florlda Na. WEED employer. Cog3aduht 2007-2013 State of Flodo_ :: Privad Statement :: Accesslbi8ty Statement n Refund statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional all. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant by Section 455.275(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 45S, F.S. must provide the Department with an emal address 7 they have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish fo supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which on be made available to Me public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick hare . product Approval Accepter � W- ® � Credit Card Safe https:/ANww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr�_appjst.aspx 1/1 JELBrWEN. WINDOWS & DOORS DESIGN PRO /SMOOTH PRO IMPACT APPROVED FOR USE IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANEZONE (HVHZ) GENEMLNOTES: 1. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FRC), INCLUDING HVHZANO HAS BEEN EVALUATEDACCORDINGTOWE FOLD MNG: • TAS 201-9A • TAS202AA • TAS203-93 2. ADEQUACY OF THE MONS STRUCTURAL CONCRETEIMASONRY OR U FRAMING AS AMAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE FOUNDATION IS THE RESPONSIBILRY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR THE PROJECT OF INSTALLATION. 3. THE INSTALLATION DETAILS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE GENERIC AND MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL CONDITIONS FOR A SPECIFIC SITE. IF SITE CONDITIONS CAUSE INSTALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS DETAILED HEREIN, A LICENSED ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT SHALL PREPARE SM SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE WITH THIS DOCUMENT. 4. APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED ON THIS PRODUCT IN AREAS REQUIRING IMPACT RESISTANCE. S. 6-PANEL DOOR SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES. ADDITIONAL PANEL CONFIGURATIONS AND FLUSH DOORSAREQUALIFIED. 6. NOTE: AFCO H497 SILL MEETS WATER INFILTRATION AT WATER TEST PRESSURE (WTP) OF 9.75 P5F. REMAINING SILLS NOT MTED FOR WATER INFILTMPON. IFAUTHORITY RAVING JURISDICTION REQUIRESTHAT PRODUCT MEETSWIS REQUIREMENT, PRODUCTSHALL BE USED WHEN INSTALLEDAT LOCATION PROTECTED BY OVERHANG SUCH THAT OVERHANG (OH) MPO =OH LENGTH ♦OH HOGHF M E LO TABLE OFCONTENIS SHEET REVISION SNEETDESCNPTION 1 A TYPICAL ELEVATIONS, DESIGN PRESSURES, AND GENERAL NOTES 2 A TYPICAL ANCHOR LAYOUTS AND NOTES 3 - OPTIONAL U BUC( ANCHORING DETAILS A VERTICALASSEMBLIES 5 A HORIZONTALASSEMSUES 6 A WOODSUBSTRATES 7 A CONCRETESUBSTINTES B A COMPONENTS& BILL OF MATERIALS NOTE: DUOS SHOWN ABOVE MAY BE LEFT OR RIGHT HAND OPERATING DOORS. MAIL OVERALL DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) NOMINALSM MISSILE CONFIGURATION INSWING OUTSWING IMPACT WIDTH HEIGHT RATING POS. I NEG. PIGSNEG. R 3'd' R 6S• 65 65• 65 LAII&SMI X 3-1- W1 SO' 50 50• 50 LMI&SMI -bkk 4LNERAL NOTE 6, SHEET L EUK WAIL WILIXAI IUN W FY VLU blLL. --( BUILDING DROPS, INC. mlooumuaaW.m.m u•..v.oLaLm m NUH»•me Iu 19vR•u,ie DATE: 02.05. GL/ IJM 5 SCALE: NTS DWc.A: D0151 SHEET: �I ■ 1 J 4... g2€g2x� mq� 444444W' ° i a° 0 z INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. ONE (1) INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. 1. SHIM ASREQUIREDATEACH INSTALLATION ANCHORWIIHLOADBFARINGSHIM(S). MMMUMALIOWABLE SHIM STACKTO BE1/41NCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 1/161NCH OR GREATER CC RS. SHIM(S) SNALLBE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY PIASTICOR BETTER 3. MINIMUM EMBEDMENTAND EWE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT UNUFMTO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER, AND SIDING. 4. INSTALLATION ANCHORSAND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE MUSTBE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR NAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING, AND SHALLBE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 5. FOR HOLLOW BLOCKAND GROUTFILLED BLOCK, DO NOT INSTALLINSTAUATION ANCHORS INTO MORTAR JOINTS. EDGE DISTANCE 15 MEASURED FROM FREE EWE OF BLOCK OR EWE OF MORTAR JOINT INTO FACE SHELLOFBLOCK. 6. FOR IXSTUD CONSTRUCTION, ANCHORING OFTHESE PROOUCRSHALL BETHE SAME AS MR 7X BUCK CONCRETE/MASONRYCONSTRUCTION. 7. INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE BASED ON SUBSTRATE MATERWS WITH THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: A WOOD- MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 0.55. B. CONCRETE -MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000PS. C. GROUT -FILLED CMU. UNITSTRENGTH CONFORMSTO ASTM 090 WITH MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 300031 AND GROUT CONFORMS TO ASTM C476, MINIMUM GROUTCOMPRESSME STRENGTH OF 3000 31. D. HOLLOW BLOCK CMU -UNIT STRENGTH CONFORMS TO ASTM C-90 WITH MINIMUM COMPRESSMESTRENGTH OF 100031. B. SEE SHEETS AND MR MORE DETAILS OF THE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING ANCHOR LOCATIONS, EDGE DISTANCES, EMBEDMENTS, AND SHIM SPACING. 9. OPTIONALLY, ANCHORS CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR IAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EWE DISTANCE ARE ACHIEVED. ANCHORTABLE 6'B' DOORS SO° DOOM ANCHORTYPE ANCHOR SUBSTRATE MUL EMBEDMENT MIN. EDGE DISTANQ MAX.O.0 MAIL D.C. SPACING AT SPACING AT JAMBS IAMBS WOODSCREW A10 7XWWDBUD( 1.1/L• 3/P 17-1/1' 17-1/4' ORFPAMING ITWTAPCON 3/16' CONCRETE/CMU 1.1/P 1.1/P 17-1/1' 17-1/4• ELCO ULTRACON 1/4- CONCRITE/CMU 1-38- -38-- NC 2-2 1' I7-1/1' 17-1/e" ITWTAL'CON 1 3/16- CONCRETF/QAU 1.1/4' 1' 10' 1i3/B' B2 DETAIL01 1-E9XEJASRII TYP.HOPPE FBI SO'ENS lT MULTILATE LOCATION PLATE LounoN (RH PLATE SHOWN) DETAILB2 TYP.NOPPE 1-�IT�N Muln-POLNTSPPE 00ET BCPPEV PLATE Iacanon xaPE P743B3u WIDTH Lcarl I /i\TYPoM OR LAYOUT ar4raoa wraR NOTE: NO ANCHORS REQUIRED ATTHE ALL FORSINGLE DOORS DO ONLY. I BUILDING DROPS, INC. auanvo.mm OW.[ROI.R3iT1 ERNRUweaTE Nfs....h64.Emw� N W 0 4S;a z p 6DA. Q As hW �p F7 m�o o°d 0 $a1� aQ O ^o o V Q QJ O U : F c *:SA p DATE: 02.05.14 GL JM SS SEA a NTS DwG.A: D015721 SHEET: I� 11 Ixrzwoa Dn1RroR OPERABLE HEAD q OUISWING SHOWN• INSWING SIMIUUI imoR EOENOR 10 — OPERABLE ADA SILL q INSWING/OUISWMG ENDUM N0S000 11 I; DDENDR W OPERABLE SILL_ q OUTSWING 3 OPERABLE SILL q INSWING 11 5 INGRIOR .� Txlwofl 4 OPERABLE SILL OUTSWING I1 WTFRDfl � INDNOR DGWOR I OPERABLE SILL INSWING I OPERABLE SILL OUTSWING 7 OPERABLE SILL q OU HNG OMONWLL ON247 1 K. DATE: UZ.U5.14 DWG. UIK. Y: G IM SS MSS scgtE: NTS owG. e: D0lS726 SHEET: OF8 �I � ITLOCKJAMB CJ OUTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR q MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB 5 OUTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR HMGESOIEOULE DOOR HOGM QUANTITY HINGE JAMB 5 ORSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR HINGE OETAHATIAMB: PIAEEAB X 1-1/1' PEH SCREW NDRTO WEATIERSTNP 13-ABX 13/8' PEH (C-8' UNIIS) 3-ABXYPM SS-RBX33/R'PEH(WVUNRi) W/STRIXEHAROWARE WMESW/HARDWARE 1-MPLSTRIMPIAT: N R MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB 5 OUI3WING SHOWN -INSWING SIMIWR B 4-RBX33/8-PM 1-RONMIUMMENTPIATE HOPPE4251 96 T5 MULTI -POINT LOCK TOPREINTORCEMENTPLATE-ACU PANUONLY ( BUILDING DROPS, INC. ff LNtllB4q lYR SRID muwunvm� N.nsunun .Tm.n.um �p m 5�� �O IMF ¢ � w 5€0� 2 y H Z: 0 N � � u O " = o a= DATE: U2.U5.14 DgG. m SS MSS sr : NTS oWG.A: DU15726 5 0 MIN. EDGEDGT. SEETABIESHEET2 HEAD (TYPICAL) 6 OUTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR �1 OPERABLE SILL 6 OMWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED T6B OPERABLE SILL OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED 1Q OPTIONALLY, ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEADORIHMBAS LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE AREACHIEVED. NIEFMEDBY: 2K WOOD BUIX Q BUILDING DROPS, INC. 1k� ]f LWM�NIO�&V0.51E39 W'y / WOOD ANCHOR yMOHIENNN G� SEETABIEONSHEET2 rmlP�wn� SIUCONE R MAIL. UWOODBUIX � � Q g MULEMBEA SEETABIESHEEE2 �1 JAMB (TYPICAL) OPERABLE SILL E o Wo 6 OUTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMHA 6 INSWING -NO ANCHOR REQUIRED 0 3 10 SIMNE L"li SIUCONE 2KWOODBUCK IIt WOOD BUCK REMARI6 BY DA1 bCNK M.MuNh ,L GL B.me.nwwemEanu aM N � MP FABLE SILL i91 OPERABLE SILL 6 NSWING- NOANCHORREQUIRED 6 OFFSWNG-NO ANCHOR REQUIRED AF OH49T SIUCONE SIUCONE ITT 2X W000 BUIX 57� 2X WOOD BUM 6 OPERABLE SILL (Yii1 OPERABLE ADA SILL Gl OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED 6 INSWING/OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED SALE: :t MASONRY BY OTHERS Ix WOOD BUCK .(OMGML) E> SEETA�EONWET2 HEAD (TYPICAL) V OMONGSHOWN-INSWUHISIMILAR + OPERABLE SILL ' -NOANCHORREQUIRED SIUCONE CONCRETE/ MASONRY By DTHEAs OPERABLE SILL 7,) ourswiNG - NO ANCHOR REQUIRED E> OPTIONALLY, ANCHOR CAN BE PIACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR IAMBS LONG AS MINIMUM IX WOOD BUCK ,I (OPTIONAL) CONCIIMANC SEE TABIE ON 5 E> SHIM Wt:12 ORMMABONRYBYOTH MIN. EMBED. SEETABUESHEET2 JAMB (TYPICAL) ZI/ OMWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR StUCONE OPERABLE SILL 4HI ) NOANCHORREQUIRED m qOPERABLE SILL OUTSWUNG -NO ANCHOR REQUIRED INSWING- SILL NO ANCHOR REQUIRED 0 LL�Mm wo OPERABLE SILL OUTSWING-NOANCHORREQUIRED AFCO HAW SIUMNE A WNCREW MASONRY ByOTHERS /1-ft\ OPERABLE SILL 7-/bUTSWINGIINSWING - NO ANCHOR REQUIRED BUILDING DROPS, INC. P. -I'- * DATE: 02.05.14 D" GLAM 1'5"S/'MSS SCALE: NTS owG-#: D015726 SHEET: OF8 7 BILL OF MATERIALS HEMP DESCRIPTION MATEFUM. 3 FRAMEHEAD/JAMBS ' FINGER -JOINTED PINE SOUR PINE LAMINATEDVENEER LUMBER COMPOSITE 3 (NOTUSED) 3 (NOTUSED) 4 THRESHOLD - S THRESHOLD - 6 THRESHOLD - T APCO H497 THRESHOLD - 8 THRESHOLD - 9 THRESHOLD - ID ADATHRESHOLD - 31 WEATHERSTRIP URETHANEFOAM& POLYETHYLENE 12 NON-ODMPRESSION SHIM(0.25• MAX. WIC) COMPOSITE 23 (NOTUSED) - 14 (NOTUSED) - 15 810 WOOD INSTALLATION SCREW W111R• MIN. EMBEDMENT STEEL 26 CONC/CMU ANCHOR(SEE ANCHOR TABLE SHEETS 2&3) STEEL 17 BUR HINGE (SEE SCHEDUIESHEETS) STEEL US LOIXSENIES400 STEEL 19 DFAOBOLTSEBIES 280 STEEL 20 ROCKWELL MULTI -POINT TONGUE LATCH O 73228T686-8 UNIT ROCKWELL.MUMPOIHT TONGUE LATOL 873228M 8D UNIT STEEL 21 HOPPEMUU-POINTHARDWAREHL59000 STEEL n HOPPE MUU-POINT HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE LH#8784091 STEEL a HOPPE MULT-POINT HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE PH 88783923 STEEL 20 ROCKWELL MULT-POINT LOCK 0 e 0 0 i ° ° O rr ° ° �m o HANDLE xElGxr 00 O O m a HOPPE MULT-POINT LOCK 21 W/ SILL SHOOT BOLT PLATE#2098911 I 20 l BUILDING DROPS, INC. ACG WLBEtlI&W.SR W 9Bftl1.Rl9p M:brgmrn mlr„nw,n D Q K e$ go� O d a o� M' O �5a o. O� m 3 u� a W= O F• 2 + W Z o O a ° �J e O OFRAME HEAD/JAMBS O THRESHOLD O .THRESHOLD O THRESHOLD ZZ HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE(LH) VARIES, SEE BOM AT LEFT 17 L FRL T !Z, C OE 4563- --j 456- L 5.6Y 45T 1-75- DATE: OAFCOTHRESHOLD O • I O THRESHOLD DWG. Y: OTHRESHOLD ADA O HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE (RH) G JM 10 23 SCALE: NT! DWG.#: DOLE u®® SHEET: CAL WHO BOOM WIHRRRFAKfR o00 SERIES : iSeries Supplemental Instructions Sandwich Doors: Residential Higher wind pressures and larger doors require additional reinforcement. A CAUTION Premature failure of door system may result from improper application. See chart in lower left corner of drawing sheet one for the approved wind pressures and door sizes. These supplemental instructions do not contain basic door installation steps and related safety information. Failure to follow basic installation steps and related safety A WA R N 1 N G information may result in injury or death. Door installers must follow a primary instruction manual for basic door installation steps and related safety information. The correct selection of door and framing materials in adherence with local building code directives is the responsibility of the building owner/designer. Use of a reinforced garage door does not constitute automatic compliance with any building code. Local building code officials determine compliance criteria. A locking system must be installed if the door is not electrically operated See drawing for stop molding requirements, when door is not more than 1" wider than opening. When using stop molding, secure molding with minimum 8d nails or 2-1/2" long screws. Digitallysigned by John E. States P.E. • Date: 2019.06.18105033 -05'00' Supplemental_Instructions_Sandwich Copydght2018 C.u.60ved,eadnuars No. M737 It *` $TATEOF Psjoaj �1 John E. States, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 174-54 t.ewisville, Texas 75056 TXPE 56308, F-2203 Florida P.E. N 51737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details Pege 1 of 6 51n' Rnnf Slnne / Residential Aoolications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp BMPH 8'x7' 9'x7' Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 10'x7' 12'x7' 14'x7' 15'x7' 21611x7' Zone 1 90 116 12.9/-14.7 12.8/-14.5 12.7/-14.3 12.5/-14.1 12.4/-13.9. 12.3/-13.8 12.3/-13.7_ Zone 2 ` 100: 129 16.0/'18.1 . 15.8/-17.9 15.7/-17.7' 15.5/47.4 15.3/-17.1,'. a15.2/-17.0 `- 15.2/-16:9 Zone 3 110 142 19.3/-21.9 19.1/-21.6 19.0/-21.4 18.7/-21.0 18.5/-20.7 18.4/-20.6 18.3/d20.4 Zo�=— 220 �_ 155 a-" - 23.0/•26.1 22.8/-M:8 _2Z.6/45:5, - ,. �22.3/-25.0 _ !,? _ 32.0/-24.6 ,_ _ _ 2.1.9/-24.5 , n _ •= 21.8/-24:3 - Zone 5 130 168 27.0/-30.6 26.7/-30.2 26.5/-29.9 26.2/-29.3 25.9/-28.9 25.7/-28.7 25.6/-28.5 Zone 6' 140 181 % 31.3/-35.5 31.0/-35.1 30:S/-34.7 30:4/-34.0 � � 30.R&315. " _ 29:8/-33.3 t. 29.7/-33.1 7 Zone 7 150 194 35.9/-40.8 35.6/-40.2 35.3/-39.8 34.8/-39.1 34.4/-38.5 34.3/-38.2 34.1/-38.0 Zone 8.. i5f /"160 201/'206 " 38.6/,-43.8 38:3/-43.3 zM:..0/-02.8 '- •39.7/-44.4 `' •39.2/-03.8 '39.0/-43 5 k ,- _*38?/-43.3 Zone 9 166 214 43.9/-49.8 43.6/-49.3 43.3/-48.7 42.7/-47.8 42.2/-47.1 42.0/-46.8 41.8/-06.6 -the higher Exp B values apply to doors greater than 10' wide 510" Roof SIoDe / Commercial Applications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp BMPH 8'x8, 9'x8' Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 10'x8' 12'x8' 14'x8' 15`x8, 216'-x8' Zone 1 90 116 11.7/-13.3 11.6/-13.1 11.6/-13.0 11.4/-12.7 11.3/-12.6 11.2/-12.5 11.2/42.4 100'_ "_ 129 � ' °-_ 14.5/-16.4 _ 14.4/-16.2 - A4:3/-16.0,. _ _ 14r1/-15.7 ;a `13.9/-15.5_ ' 13:5/-15 4 Zone 3 - 110 142 17.5/-19.9 17.4/-19.6 17.3/-19.4 17.0/-19.0 16.8/-18.8 16.7/-18.6 16.7/-18.5 Zone,4 120., ,. 155 " : _ 20.91-23.6 20.7/-23.3 , _'205/-23.1_ ._ _ 20.3/-22.7 20.01-22.3, 19.9/-22 -' -_ Zone 5 130 168 24.5/-27.7 24.3/-27.4 24.1/-27.1 23.8/-26.6 23.5/-26.2 23.4/-26.0 23.3/-25.9 Zone 6 ` 140', ,. ' 181 28.4/=32.2 ' 28.2/-31.7 °_,28.0/-31.4 27.6/-30 8_ _ ._ _27.3/-30.4_ _ /-3 _ _ 27.10.2 :_ _.27.0/-30 0_ _ _ Zone 7 150 194 32.6/-36.9 32.3/-36.4 32.1/-36.0 31.7/-35.4 31.3/-34.9 31.1/-34.7 31.0/-34.5 Zone,8 ,: 15C-_ 7 199":° - 34.3/-38.8 34.0/-38.3 _ �33,7/-37.9 _ , _ 333/-37.2 32.9/-36.7 ^"- - 32.7/-36 5 ;',' 32'.6/-36.2 Zone 9 166 214 39.8/-45.0 39.41-44.4 39.1/-44.0 38.6/-43.2 38.2/-42.5 38.0/-42.3 37.8/-42.0 General Notes -Exp B values are to nearest miles -per -hour (MPH) -Pressure values are pounds -per -square -foot (PSF) -Positive pressure signifies pressure acting Inward to the building -Negative pressure signifies pressure acting outward from the building -Enclosed structure classification with 2' of the door in the end zone -60' x 40' building size (larger buildings may require higher negative PSF) -30' Mean Roof Height (MRH), see chartfor differing MRH and Exp values -Greater door heights require lower PSF values to meet same MPH ASCE 7-05 notes -Importance Factor of 1.00 -Utilizes nominal / basic wind speeds ASCE 7-10 notes -Risk Catergory II -Utilizes ultimate wind speeds Mean Roof Height (MRH) / Exposures (Exp) MRH Exp B Exp C Exp D 15' 100% 90% 82% 20' 300% _„ 88% 8� 25' 100% 86% 78% 30' - 100% • 84% ' 7 35' 97% _.__. 83% 76% 40' '195% : 81% "'< 75% ` 45' 94% 80% 74% 50t - - -55' 92% 80% - E "74% 91% 79% 73% 60, 90%. 78% 73% These percentages reduce Exp B wind speeds to approximate MPH for mean roof heights shown in MRH column. Page 2of6 For Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-02301 Strut Placement Door Height Section Nuauer 6-6" to T-w T-V to 8'-0" 8'-3" w 8'-9" 9'-0" m lY-6" IV-9" to IT-3" IT-6" to IN 14'-3" m IS-9" 16-0" w 1T-6" 17'-9" w 19'-3" 19-6' w 29-O" 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Retail A 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA NIA N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail A 10 N/A NIA NIA NIA N/A N/A N/A 1 a Detail A I at Detail A I at Detail A 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A I at Detail A 1 at Detail A I m Detail A I at Detail A 8 NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A l at Detail A 0 0 0 7N/A N/A NIA NIA 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail A I at Detail A I at Detail B I Detail B I at Detail B 6 N/A N/A N/A 1 m Dean A I az Devil A I atDetail A Iaz Detail A I at Detail A 1 at Detail A I atDetail A j N/A I atDetail A 1 at Detail A I at Detail A 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 let Detail tat Detail tat Detail Iat DctailA Iat Detail Iat Detail Iaz Detail Iat Detail IMDetailB Iat DetailB 3 IerDetailA lat DetailA IarDeMRA IatletailA IatDcudA lat Detail lat Detail Ier DetailA Iat Detail Iat DerailA 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Iat Detail tat DealB Ia<Detail B tatDmHB Iat Detail tat Detail tat DetailB tat Detail tuDetailB IatDetailB Push Nut Detail (use on all rollers) use 3/8" I. D. on bottom fixture roller stem use 7/16" 1. D. on end hinge and top fixture roller stems Push nut: Slide roller into fixture and tap push nut onto roller stem using 1/2" socket and hammer. Leave 1/8" to 1/4" space between push nut and fixture. Track Bracket Spacing Track bracket spacing shown for doors up to four sections high. Additional door sections may be added for maximum door height depicted on line drawing. Track bracketsmust be added (per track) for each section and spaced at a distance not greater than the corresponding section height (see line drawing for required quantities). Strut Placement Concerning Windows Where a strut crosses a window, it is acceptable to move the strut from a position of "Strut above hinge" down to "Strut on top half of the hinge'. It is also acceptable to move teks screws from the upper leg of the strut down to the lower leg of the strut (shown below) if needed to keep both teks embedded in the section. Both applications maybe used at the same time as required. teks Nominal spacing D 10" C 28" B 28" A 10" +/- 3" tolerance 0 C 11 I1 For Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-02301 Strut Placement Detail Strut End Hinge Strut above hinge Strut on top half of hinge Detail A Detail A (optional placement) l Strut End Hinge Strut below hinge Detail B singe Strut 3 Struts 4 3 2 1 •1 Glazing Options: (max daylight opening 39-3/e" x 12-12") -118" DSB or Polycatbounes "1/4' Tempered Glass "7/16" Insulated Glass w/opt for Tempered (max daylight opening 16-5/8" x 10.1/8") -114" Least, with Z Frame (max daylight opening 29-3/8" x 13") D -114" I.exan with Aluminum Frame D 10'-0" width (see chart for other widths) Optional Windows ' 4D (see Glazing Options 2 Top Fixture, ga .5a5 -a '$ '3� `, door height $ 6'-6" toT-y' 4 3 3 Z / / A, � � � { / " 4, T-6" V-0" 5 4 4 C2 4D / to 8'-3" m 8'-9" 5 4 4 C End Stile 9'-0" to 10'-6" 6 5 5 jBmk� 10'-9" m 12'-3" 7 5 6 3B Z 14'-3"w 15'-9" 9 7 8 End Hinge 16'.0" m IT-6" l0 7 9 1T-9"to l9'-3" II 8 10 19' A" to 2ly l2 9 1l Bottom Fiztute Track bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better Setubest Yellow Pioe. Refer to Jamb Attachment 2A 2B 2A Detail supplemental instructions for B 2 2 2 usage of alternate jamb materials. B Details for door heights up to 29-Cy StrutAttachment Intermediate Hinge Strut are contained in the Supplemental Instructions, which are required in addition to this drawing for installation. Do not install dam using only this drawing. �\ Q` i 'GENd w �/ Supporting structural element shall F %, I be designed by a registemd professional for loads \ A 51737 engineer wind shown on Ilds drawing. If door is not electrically This door has been evaluated in accordance with ASTM E 330 and ANSI/DASMA 108 s No. s s .� operated, a lock must be installed. Applicable wind speeds are dependent on building envelope be determined in ASCE 7, * t e \ and must compliance with relevant E3C or IRC standards to meet regional and local requirements. s, i Digitally signed by John E.Swtes P.E A Maximum door height: 20'-00" //�����At O�:•O\r\ Date:2018.06.1810:50:27-05'00' A Glazing and door have not been tested for windbome debris. s'O %+`\�\` ors U0 N�` John E. States, P.E. "" 05-22-20I8 3121 Fairgate Drive Models: 22XX, 25XX, 42XX, Width I Des n I*... Stile 01y. Professional Engineer's seal provided Carrollton, Texas 75007 52XX, 59XX ro•-oo• +31n /a53 2 1z•-0o• +21.e /-24.7 3 only for verification of wmdload TXPE 56308, F-2203 C.H.I. Drawing: Z6-10-02301 construction details Florida P.E. # 51737 page I of 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 Details on some views may have been omitted for clarity. Top Fixture (.059) galvanized steel top fixture The vertical woodjamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface. Flag Bracket attached with See jamb attachment details for more information about attaching jambs to structure. (.086) galvanized c o o D few I/4" x 3/4" screws, steel flag bracket 2" x 7/16" (nominal) stop molding to be attached with minimum 8d nail attached to wood D push nut or 2-1/2"tong screw on 5" spacing. Stop molding not required when door jamb with three is more than 1" wider than opening. 5116" x 1-518" End.0155) galvanized steel minimum wood lag screws, to (.034) steel end stile nommal ( horizontal track with two 1/4" x 519" track bolts and nuts and to vertical track I with two 1/4" x 518" track bolts and nuts. 0 flonal Top Fixture (.023) backer plate 2" (min) x (min) .045 (.109) galvanized steel top fixture at each stile location. galvanized steel track C attached with Track Bracket two 114" x 3N' screws. (.102) galvanized steel track push nut bracket attached to woodjamb °@m C (.034) steel end stile with one 5/16" x 1-58" wood tag screw per bracket and ° attached to vertical track with one 1/4" x 5/8" track bolt and nut or two 1/4" x 11/32" rivers. End Hinge galvanized steel Intermediate Hinge attached with (.058) galvanized steel four 1/4" x 3/4" screws. a[mched withfour 1/4"x 3/4" screws.Bpush 4,( $� nut i B ° 2" (max. for .069 thick) 2 3/4" 2 3/4" i No. 0737 4" (max. for.109 thick) OF nominal 0 2" (min.) �+--� 3-1/2" (min.) stem I 10 (min.) ball roller with steel tire, // 0, ' 11 (min.) ball roller with nylon tire. 3„ Professional Engineer's seal provided Doe 1/2" only for verification of windload iD ' Bottom Bracket construction details A ket Strut and Strut Attachment attach galed vanized steel bottom bracket/ push nu[ (� MM nrs A four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. (,040) 50 ksi galvanized steel 3" strut E. Scates, P.E. t OS-22-2018 attached with John LOAN Optional Bottom Bracket 3121 Pairgate Drive Models: 22XX, 25X}L, 42XX, two 1(4" x 3/4" screws per stile. 109 galvanized steel bottom bracket Carmllton, Texas 75007 push nut (� ) 8 52XX, 59XX Vinyl Aluminum extrusion attached with TXPE 56308, F-2203 C.H.I. Drawing; Z6-10.02301 weatherstrip four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. Florida P.E. # 51737 page 2 of 2 4 3 2 1 db a rr��rr n. ■" Product Approval U,�� I � USER:PublicUser product Aornoval Menu > product or Application Search > Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 26603 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Raarch Rnanits - Aonll.tinna Fla U129 Manufacture Validated By, Status L2F 6603 New Pella Corporation Charles Pagen, Fenestration Technology, LLC Approved' Category: Windows (941) 473-9331 Subcategory: Casement •Approvep DY DBPK. Approvals py Uurn soon oe rewewep one mama oy me mi. server me wmmissum IT necessary. Contact The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entlty. Instead, concert the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -pursuant to section 455.275(1) Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must pravlde the Department with an email addr If they have one. The annals provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which con be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click Berri. Product Approval Accepts: MM w--i ® & at Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_Ist.aspx 1/1 BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 398 E. Dania Beach Blvd. Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL33004 954.399.8478 PH 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com Product Evaluation Report of JELD-WEN, inc. Design Pro / Smooth Pro Opaque (Impact) (HVHZ) for Florida Product Approval Report No. 4663.2 Current Florida Building Code Method: 1— D (Engineering Method) Category: Exterior Door Assemblies Sub — Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Product: Design Pro/ Smooth Pro Material: Fiberglass Product Dimensions: 3'-0" W x 6'-8" H (Nominal) 3'-0" W x 8'-0" H (Nominal) Prepared for: JELD-WEN, inc 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR. 97601 .t�11��ttl Prepared by: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. N Florida Professional Engineer # 73778 Date:09/13/2019 D S A OF Z Contents: i�OT O IOP :' �46 ��i��S Evaluation Report Pages I-4 O L �N Digitally signed by Hennes F Norero Reason: I am approving this document I//, `•��` HermVYrl NatAI'a, E. Date: 2019.10.01 21:18:24-04'00' Florida No. 73778 111_40]_IMCI :11]51 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 Manufacturer: Product Category: Product Sub -Category: Compliance Method: Product Name: JELD-WEN, inc. Exterior Door Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies State Product Approval Method (1)(d) Design Pro / Smooth Pro Opaque (Impact) (HVHZ). 3'-0" X 6'-8" (Nominal) 3'-0" X 8'-0" (Nominal) Date: 09/13/2019 Report No: 4663.2 Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL # 73778) forJELD-WEN, inc. based on Method 1a of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Florida Building Commission. Limits of Use: Hermes F Norero, P.E. does not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions provided by manufacturer for specific use parameters. 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code, including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone' (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Chapter 16 of the current Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering for Wind Zone 3. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of manufacturer require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 5. See Installation Instructions for size and design pressure limitations Hermes F Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 2 of 4 } BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 Date: 09/13/2019 Report No: 4663.2 Certification Agency: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of door products in accordance with the current Florida Building Code for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation and Management Institute (FBC Organization #: CER1773) Performance Standards: • The product described herein has been tested per: Referenced Data: • TAS 201-94 • TAS 202-94 • TAS 203-94 1. Product Testing performed by National Certified Testing Laboratories (FBC Organization # TST1589) Report # Report Date: NCTL-210-3916-01 08/30/13 NCTL-210-3925-03 02/07/14 NCTL-210-3916-02 w/ addendum 06/10/14 NCTL-210-3930-01 02/24/14 NCTL-210-3930-02 03/10/14 TAS Report Engineer of Record: Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E. Report # Report Date: S1W2013-194 w/ addendum 06/10/14 TAS Report Engineer of Record: Kevin P. Tyra, P.E. Report # Report Date: SJW2013-196-TAS 09/13/13 SJW2013-246 12/17/13 SJW2013-251 12/23/13 i SJW2013-252 12/23/13 S1W2013-253 12/23/13 SJ W2014-032 04/22/14 SJ W 2014-073 06/26/14 SJW2014-077 06/27/14 SJW2014-072 06/27/14 S1W2014-080 07/03/14 TAS Report Engineer of Record: Robert H. Zeiders, P.E. 2. Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation & Management Institute (FBC Organization #QUA1789) Hermes F Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 3 of 4 ` BUILDING DROPS Date: 09/13/2019 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 4663.2 Certificate of Authorization: 29578 3. Component Material Testing of Dylite Expandable Polystyrene by Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. ASTM E84 Report#: 3113726SAT-001 R1 Report Date: 03/13/09 4. Component Material Testing of Fiberglass SMC Skin Element Materials Technology ASTM D635, ASTM D638, ASTM D1929, ASTM D2843, ASTM G155 Report#:ESP010982P Report Date:02/26/13 Installation: Refer to Installation Instructions (D015726) for anchor spacing and more details of the installation requirements. Design Pressure: Refer to drawing (D015726) for pressure information. Hermes F Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 4 of 4 JEL13rWEN WINDOWS & DOORS DESIGN PRO/SMOOTH PRO IMPACT APPROVED FOR USE IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) GENEPALNOTES: 1. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFAMRED TO WMPLY WITH THE WRRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE )FBC), INCLUDING HVHZAND HAS BEEN EVALUATED AWORDINGTOTHE FOLLOWING: • TAS201.94 TA520294 TA5203A4 2 ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUMM CONCRETE/MASONRY OR 2Y FRAMING AS A MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE FOUNDATION 5 THE RESPONSIBIIRY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR THE PROJECT OF INSTALLATION. 3. THE INSTALLATION DETAILS DESONBED HEREIN ARE GENERICAND MAY NOTREFLECT ACTUALCONDIIIONS FOR A SPEOFIC SITE. IF SITE CONDITIONS CAUSE INSTALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS DETAILED HEREIN, A UCENSED ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT SHALL PREPARE SITE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE WITH THIS DOCUMENT. 4. APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED ON THIS PRODUCE IN AREAS REQUIRING IMPACT RESISTANOE. 5. 6PANEL DOOR SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ADDITIONAL PANEL WNFIGURATIONS AND FLUSH DOORSAREQUAUHED. 6. NOTE: AFCO H497 SILL MEETS WATER INFILTRATION AT WATER TEST PRESSURE (WTP) OF 9.75 PSF. REMAINING SILLS NOT RATED FOR WATER INFILTRATION. IF AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION REQUIRES THAT PRODUCT MEETS THIS REQUIREMENT, PRODUCT SHALL BE USED WHEN INSTALLED AT LOCATION PROTECTED BY OVERHANG SM4 THAT OVERHANG (OH) RATIO =OH LENGTH +OH HEIGHT IS B LO TABIEOF CONTENTS SHEET REVISION SHEETDESCTUPTION 1 A TYPICAL ELEVATIONS, DESIGN PRESSURES, AND GENERAL NOTES 2 A TYPICALANOiORIAY0MMI)NOTES 3 OPTIONAL U BUOf ANMORING DETAILS 4 A VERTICALASSEMBUES 5 A HORQOWALASSEMBLIES 6 A WOODSUBSTRATES 7 A WNCRETESUBSTRATES 8 A COMPONENTS&BILLOFMATFAIAIS 371/2' MAX OA WIDTH s s •® O i " c • ACTIVE O s i Q?� / 3< 6 6 1 B 9 IYP. Er r�waccm 371/2' MAX OA WIDTH I F •® \ 3 z ni s F e p 2VLL s K3' 3 4 . © ACfIVE i E / 3 d s 6 1 p 9 • � TMPrELEVATION 2 ® p NOTE: FJ M SHOWN ABOVE MAY BE LEFT OR RIGHT HAND OPERATING DOORS. OVERALL DESIGN PRESSURE (PIF) MISSILE CONFIGURATION WIDTH NDGNT INSWING OUTSWING IMPACT FLAMINGPOS. NEG. POS.NEG. X 3'-0' 6'-8" f fi5 65SO' ' 65 UAI&SMI X I.-D. Iry • 50 W UAI IS, SMI 'SEE GENERAL NOTE 5, SHEET 3, BUILDING DROPS, INC. F»eoa•neuunw.snm ww•dw,nsma •nfl•,DssM• •uryvP•u,s• W@�vduAE'ryOwmn DATE: SCALE: DWG.A: 1 INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. ONE (I) IN5TALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. 2. SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARINGSHIMIS). MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4INCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 1/161NCH OR GREATER OCCURS. SHIMISI SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER. 3. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER, AND SIDING. 4. INSTALLATION ANCHORS AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERAL OR HAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTAUATION INSTRUCTIONS. S. FOR HOLLOW BLOCK AND GROUT FILLED BLOCK, DO NOT INSTALLINSTALLATIONANCH00.S INTO MORTAR POINTS. EDGE DISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM FREE EDGE OF BLOCK OR EDGE OF MORTARJOINTINTO FACE SHELLOFBLOCK 6. MRMMDCONSTRUC ON,ANCHORINGOFTNESEPRODUCISSHALLBETHESAMEASFORUBUa CONCRETE/MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. 7. INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE BASED ON SUBSTRATE MATERIALS WITHTHE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: A WOOD. MINIMUM SPEOFICGRAVRYOFQSS. B. CONCRETE -MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGIH OF 3000 PS. C. GROUT -FIRED CMU. UNITSTRENGTH CONFORMS TO ASTM 090 WITH MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2000 PSI AND GROUTCONFORMS TO ASTM C 476, MINIMUM GROUTCOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 20DO PSI. D. HOLLOW BLOCK CMU-UNIT STRENGTH CONFORMS TO ASTM 090 WITH MINIMUM COMPRESSME STRM OF 2000 PSI. B. SEE SHEETS 6 AND FOR MORE DETAILS OFTHE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING ANCHOR LOCATIONS, EDGE DLSTANCES, EMBEDMENTS, AND SHIM SPACNG. 9. OPTIONALLY, ANCHORS CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OFHEAD ORLIMBAS LONGAS MINIMUM EMBEDMENTAND EDGE DISTANCEARE ACHIEVED. ANCHOR TABLE 68'DOORS 8'0-DOORS ANTHORTYPE ANCHOR SUBSTRATE MIN. EMBEDMENT MIN.ED6'E DISTANT: MA%.O.G MAIL O.C. SPACING AT SPATNGAT IAMBS JAMBS WOOD SCREW #10 2XWOODBUCK ORFRAMING 1-I/2' 31V 17-1/1' 17-IIC TWTAPCON 3/36' CONCRETE/CMU 1.1/4' 2AX 17.1/2' 17-IIC ELM ULTRACON 1/4' CONCRETE/CMU 1-3/B'-WNG I.1/4'-TAU 1. 17-1/T 17-1/P TWTAPCON 1 3/16' CONOIETE/CMU I 1.11C 1' 1V I 143/6 02 !QUAIL RH SOUMG 82 HOPPE ,_B SHOOT MULTI-YOINTSHOOTBOLT g,,T MU PLATE LOCATION HOPPE 11038311 1-OX21/3'PIH SCREWS DETAILD2 22 23 TYP. HOPPE MULTI-POINTSHom BOLT PLATE LOCATION (RH PLATE SHOWN) D2 na. ACC YOUT tlttP Y4RMY91f NOTE: NO ANCHORS REQUIRED ATTHE SILLFORSINGLEOOORS (X) ONLY. BUILDING DROPS, INC MLOM4FGd LLVD.SIEW oukeauolalm ea NfRHR2MTe ru:Ol+lru�ry KFk �2uWu{EmPcm ap H O 2 SG^„� 2 O Q OY .^jo O O U 2 �s F F DATE: UL.U5.14 DWG. GL Y: JM CHK. Y: SS MSS SCALE: NTS DWG.#: D015726 SHEET: OFB 11 INRNDA FATFROA OPEWINGRABLE HEAD 4 OUfSSNOWN-INSWING SIMIIAR rtrtmrow Ralmrow OPERABLE ADA SILL 4 INSWING/OUISWING ENDURA NCISM T OPERABLE SILL 4 OU NG 3 OPERABLE SILL 4 INSWING 11 G IxrtNow .� ENIWOw 4 T OPERABLE SILL OUTSWING 11 INRN00. %��R WT7 ..4v.: 6 OPERABLE SILL 4 INSWING g OPERABLE SILL 4 OUWIMNG OPERABLE SILL (I OUiSGRNG OPDONALAPCO N197 I BUILDING DROPS, INC. lm�wwa�uw.snla o.rlee.oeruaa MIzaISaM9 f�1�Pana xxa: bolo>mm� DATE: SCALE: DWG. R: El —8-0 X11/1"PFH DNENOR W/SFNREHAROWARE 4-MPL STRIKE PLATES T1 LOCKJAMB 5 OUTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMIIAR 4 MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB 5 OIIISWINGSHOWN-INSWINGSIMIUUI HINGESOIEDUIF DOONHEIGHT QUANTRT /31 HINGE JAMB OIITSWING SHOWN-INSWINGSIMUAR HINGE OEEAILATIAMB: PIACE AB X2.lW PFM SCREW NEXTTO WEATHERSOLP 3-P8X1'PFX 13-p8X 13/8'PFH IC41'GNM) W/STRIKE HARDWARE IS-p8X 13/8'PFH I4O'UHim) I-MPLSIRIIG PLATE COMES W/HANDWARE 2 DIRNOR NIFNOR 5 MULTI -POINT LOCK JAMB 5 OUfSWINGSNOWN-INSWINGSIMIIAR 4-X8 X 13/8"PFH 1-REINEORCEMENTPLATE HOPPER] M16 TMULTI-POINT LOCK TOPRERVPORCEMENTPLATE-ACMEPANELONLE Ilk BUILDING DROPS, INC mcw.uauuuw.m.m ouuuwama aeNSYwuT I,eR�+PH�,v wmm Oil 0 as W m O g41 2c Z O ^o 'o o s 2 e F SA OF o �i uw �� PPTi17fT�^ DATE 02.05.14g 'N TJM V SOME: NTS DWG.R: D01572f 5HEET: 5 HEAD (TYPICAL) 6 OVTSWING SHOWN -INSWING SIMILAR �1 OPERABLE SILL 6 OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED mmw 6 T OPERABLE SILL OUTSVING• NO ANCHOR REQUIRED p OPTIONALLY, ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR JAM" LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE ARE ACHIEVED. b�1 MIN. EMBED. SEETABLESHEET7 JAMB (TYPICAL) OPERABLE SILL T6 OUTSW NGSHOWN-INSWINGS MI AR 6 NSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED SIUCONE SIUCONE m WooD BUCK 7R WOOD BUCK �1 OPERABLE SILL i9L OPERABLE SILL 6 INSWING• NOANCHORREQUIRED 6 OUWWING-NOANDLORREQUIRED AFCO H497 SIUCONE SIUCONE IT! 7X WOOD BUCK 7%WOOD BUIX 6 OPERABLE SILL /� OPERABLE ADA SILL OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED 6 INSWING/OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED FREMAED Br. I BUILDING DROPS, INC. mcwa wa Yw.m.m MY6f1p.0.lIO1 OVDVYR LulvHlwly YikY�1YNWY0.+Ym O 90 S; V1 W �Sw fy C K DO n �J ?� 0 0 e 3 °Y 1BAaercemw-mwm I.WM I W DATE: SCALE: DWG. tl: d I s s. CONCRETE/ MASONRY z � BY OTHERS 1Y WOOD BU0( (OPEIONAE) CONCRETEANQHOR SEETABLEONSHEE 2 HEAD (TYPICAL) 7J OUTSWINGSHOWN-INSWINGSIMIUM q OPERABLE SILL 7 OUTSWING-NOMMORREQUIRED SIUCONE LL_:, CONCRETE/ MASONRY BY OTHERS n OPERABLE SILL J OUTSWING- NO ANCHOR REQUIRED E> OP ZONALLY, ANCHOR CAN BE PACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR IAMB M LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE ME ACHIEVED. *�SNIM ONAQ S ENTABEONSHEETI CONCRETE/ BY�NRY ERS JAMB (TYPICAL) OUTSWING SHOWN- INSWING SIMILAII L:_�_� CDNCRl MMONRY BYOWERS OPERABLE SILL 7 NSW NG• NOANCHORREQUIRED J' CON MMO BY OTH 9 OPERABLE SILL OUTSWINO. NO ANCHOR REQUIRED OPERABLE SILL INSWING• NO ANCHOR REQUIRED SUCONE A A, a • a. CONCRETE/ MASONRY BY OTHERS i OPERABLE SILL 7 OUTSWING-NOANCHORREQUDIED mw1d7 SIUCONE L:_�_ A a. CONCRETE/ MASONRY BYOTHERS OPERABLE SILL 7 UTSWING/INSWING-NO MOOR REQUIRED i BUILDING DROPS, INC. vu r.� euwuvo-ncm Er.ol Bz� vx Nwx»wn �In+lrunn eu aem.smm+ IUHrtw Rvre rmHmru Iun05Ae/IN DATE: Ul,U, DWG. Y: GL JM SUE: NT: DWG.B: Di SHEET: 7 BILL OF MATERAS ITEM4 DESCRIPTION MATENAL 1 FRAME HEAD/LAMBS FINGEWIOINTEDPINE SOLID PINE LAMINATEDVENEER LUMBER COMPOSTS 2 (NOT USED) 3 (NOTUSEO) 4 THRESHOLD - 5 THRESHOLD - 6 THRESHOLD - ] AFGOHA97THRESHOID - 8 THRESHOLD - 9 THRESHOLD - 10 ADATHRESHOLD - 11 WEATHERSTRIP URETHANE FOAM& POLYETHYLENE 12 NON{OMPRESSION SHIM(D]' MAC THIL) COMPOSITE 13 (NMUSED) 14 (NOT USED] - 15 R10 WOOD INSTALLATION SCREW W/ 11/2' MIN. EMBEDMENT STEEL 16 CONC/CMU ANCHOR (SEE ANCHOR TABLE SHEETS 2&3) STEEL 17 BUTT HINGE (SEE SCHEDULE SHEET 5) STEEL 18 I SERHS400 MR 19 DEADBOLTSERIES780 I STEEL 20 ROCXWELL MULTI -POINT TONGUE LATCH 07322R]686-8 UNIT ROOMER MULTI -POINT TONGUE LATCH 4]32i8]6080 UNIT MR 21 HOPPE MULL-POINTHARDWARE HLS9DD0 22 HOPPEMW-0OINf HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE LHtlB]84091 �-�R23 HOPPE MULL -POINT NFAD SHOOT BOLT PIATERH R3]83923 20 ROCKWELL MULT-POINT LOCK 21 HOPPE MULT-POINT LOCK W / S I LLSH00T BOLT PLATE #2098911 EIy HANDLE HEIGHT ®�0 O P. 0 r I m 0 m T ft BUILDING DROPS, INC. 6]EdNA&bIRN43IEW owuougaam .�as'nN+m vwpul+�>• w:...auvm�mmn Cl - HWow ��5 oe ay O lgg� J a Yze O�Q m as Vf o Q We O 2 LU Z t o y O 0 ° LTat t 0 OFRAME HEAD/JAMBS O THRESHOLD O THRESHOLD O THRESHOLD 22 HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE (LH) VARIES, SEE ROM AT LEFT L 4363° ASS- � �� 5.62' —�I 45P --{ 1.75' DATE: DWG. O AFCO H-497THRESHOLD O THRESHOLD O THRESHOLD 10 THRESHOLD ADA 23 HEAD SHOOT BOLT PLATE (RH) GL SCALE: DWG.* r 41�I 458' � ' 5110' LJ 2/23/2020 Florida Building Code Online ,g u ' r• acts Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I .Submit Surcharge scats a facts I Publications I contact Us I BCIS site Map Unks I search I Florida sn7 �.^� Product Approval t� US¢R: Public User aopr Product Aaarevel Menu > Pmdgg or ARPlicatlon Search > Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Cade Version 2017 FL# 15012.9 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Annileatlnns UA Uwe Manufacturer Validated An Status Fl IS012_ Revision C.H.I. Overhead Doors FL*: FL35012.9 Gordon Thomas, Approved R6 History Model: Ig; 2140, 2141, 2240, 2241, 2150, 2151, 2250, 2251, 2550, 2551, 4140, P.E. 4141, 4240, 4241, 4150, 4151, 4250, 4251, 5240, 5241, 5250, 5251, 5940, 5941, (513) 5950,5951 314-3653 Description: 06'-00' to 10'-00" wide by 20' high steel sectional door with or without polystyrene_ insulation.. Category: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies ^PPS"°cu uy V orr,. NpPmva,v oy oorn snarl ve revreww arcs rouneo oy me rub anater me l mmissl0n n necessary. contact Us :: 2601 Blalr Stare Road Tallahas%m FL 32399 Phone: 850-087-1824 The State of Florlda Is an AA/¢¢0 employer. —C2g% iaht 2007-2013 State or Fbdda.:: Privacv Statement :: AccessibilityStatement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses ere public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do net send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traftonal mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. "Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided may be used for offdal communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an ema0 address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick here. Product Approval Accepts: M® ® RE M Credit Card Safe ............. https://www.floridabuilding.orgipr/pr�_appjstaspx 1/1 Anchor: ITW Tapeon or Tapron LDTorSimpsoa Smm g-Tie keep each area clearof ITW Ramset/ Redhead Tapron, 1/4" diameter, minimum 3.5" long with washerthat conforms to ANSI 131822.1 type B. any backjamb ITW Ramsey Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to B1822.1 type B. attachment fasteners m Simpson Then HD, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B1822.1 type B. T Simpson Wedge -All, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B18.22.1 type B. g" When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer fasteners to insun:minimum embedment required. 1 This char applies to wood species with speci0c gravity greater than or equal to OA2 including spruce pine fir (SPF) and southern pine (SP). See char for minimum washer diameter. Washer diameters in than are based on use of Spruce Pine Fir. Washers may be 10%small when Southern Pine is used See chart for minimum edge distance required Lowest anchor to be greater than the minimum edge distance up from the floor and lens than 10-inches f not the floor. I FASTENER SPACING (inches) I 2500 psi concrete Filled CMU Simpson 11 1 7 1 20 10 1 6 1 17 1 1 na//aMan/a /Jaa n/a '0 128'-3 186'--68 35'-014-134-2 -00178 1A-0 -0 a a n/a 3' 9 /a16 nn/aRJR n/a 382'-0 269'-3 26'-8 224'-122--3 -9 8/6 1 n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a 30'-11 28'-0 1 25'-7 23-6 21'-6 19'-9 1 18'-3 17'-0 15'•11 n/a I n/a 1 12 1 n/a I n/a I n/a 1, n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a 32'-4 29'-7 1 27'-3 24'-10 22'-10 21'-2 1 19'-8 1 18'•5 2500 psi concrete I Filled CMU ITW pcon ITW 1Dr I rite" Weds DOOR WIDTH (feet and Inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) No All 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" FASTENER DIAMETER 1.75" 1.75" 2.5 LS" 2.75' 2.G8° EMBEDMENT LENGTH 1-1/B° 7/8" 1-1/2" 1° 1-1/e 3-3/8"WASHER DIAMETER 2-1/2' 2.1/2' 3" 3` 4" 4" EDGEDLSTANCE SOSD 319# 859# 371# 480# 340# FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY Digitally signed by J6hn E. Scates P.E. Manufacturer's installation instructions must be followed. Date: 2018.02.07 15:19:58 -06'00' Maximum spacing shown in chart John E. Scales, RE Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 and or fastening system, but not less than 6" Lewisville, TX 75056 Load per jamb =0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height. Florida P.E. # 51737 1 with ASTM C90. 8" CMU block walls shall comply TXPE 56308, F-2203 2203 Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. CMU fastener spacing distance may vary +/-I ". , Professional Engineers seal pr 3' I Ifighest anchorinstalled at least as high as door opening. Anchors to be evenly spaced between the header and the floor. 2x6 structural grade lumber. May be counterbored up to 3/8" deep ateach anchor location to provide flush mounting surface. Fast anchor to start at no mom than half the fastener spacing distance and no less than the minimum edge distance. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind bads in addition to other loads. This dewing does not address thejambhvall dam, hen only door attachment Jamblwa0 construction is sbown only for illustration purposes The building designer is responsible for ensuring that the jamb/wall is sufficient to carry the door live and static loads This dmwmg does not address the spring pad connections. Registered professional engineer may approved as alternative design. none 2-18-2015 Back Jamb Attachment Detail only forverificationof windload construction details. 1 C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-101 ' Rev Use SP values only if both structure andiamb are Southern Pine. If2 MIN 12" MIN i2.1, 12" hM Use SPF values when Spruce -Pine -Fir is present in structure or jamb material. ATTAL'IA - M3 OF ATTACHMENT OF Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interfemnce with door hardware and or fastening system. 2x6 wOOD JAMB 2x6 WOOD JAMB Maximum spacing shown in chart. Yz"SHEATHING ON SFffiA1'EUNG Lag screw: 3/8" diameter x 3" minimm long; must conform to ANS1/ASME B 18.2.1 When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer lags screws to instue 1-1/2" minimum embedment required. Washer. 1-1/8" minimum outside diameter, most conform to ANSI B 18.22.1 type A. Yss" x 3" LAG SCREWS Pre -drill 1/4" diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. 1-1/2" minimm lag screw edge distance required. Spruce -Pine -Fir (SPF) Yi' SHEATHING MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE 3Y5" x 3-1/2" LAG SCREWS MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS -PER -SQUARE -FEET (PSF) keep each area clear of any back IN FEET 12 PSF 16 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 63 PSF jamb am hmcm 5 9' 24' 24" 24" 24" M. M. 24" M. 24" M. 24" M. M. 24" fasteners 10• 24" 24•' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24•' 24" U. M. 23" 21" / 12' 24" 7A" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" M. 24" 24" 'M.20" 19" 18'1 14' 24' 24" 24" M. 24" 24" 24" M. 22" 21" 19" 1T, 16" 15" a e" Is, 24' 24" 24" 7W M. 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16" 16" 14" header Is, 24" M. 24" 2d" 24" 24" 24" 21" 20" 18" 17" 15" 14" 13" Is, 24" W. M. 24' 24" 23" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" 13" 12" 12" 8" 20' 24" 24" M. 24" 20 21" 19" 17" 16" 14" 13" IT, 11" 10" L 72, 24" 24" 2d" 24" 21" 19" 1T, 16". 14" 13" IT, 11" 10" 91. 3" / 24' 24" U. 24" 2P' 20" 17" 16" 14" IT, 12" 17" 10" 9" 9" 'r- 26' 24" M. 24" 21" 18" 16" 14" 13" 12" It" 10" 9" 8" 8" 30' 24" m. 21" 18" 16" "1 12" It" 10" 91. 9" 8" T. 7" Southern Pine (SP) MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE n Highest anchor installed at least. high as door opening. e Anchors to be evenly spaced between the header and the floor. 2x6 structural grade lumber. May be counterbored up to 3/8" deep at r each anchor location to provide a flush mounting surface. \\ First anchortostartatnoin=than \\ ��.y\6gNiF••\{4 // halfthefastenerspacingdistanceand f •� no less than the minimm edge distance. Digitally signed by John E. Scates P. % No.51737 Date: 2018.02.01A 5:11:28-06'00' = * t Southern Pine (SP) specific gravity = 0.55; load per anchor = 620 pounds. _ �� �s $TAB • x ��� none _ oao chor = 482 pounds. Spruce-Pine-Fir load perjmb = 05specific 5x (donor height) x (doom width) x (maximum positive pressure) /�.••�LOR�Q'%' O\? o o ❑ OOO 0t'TE 4-25-2017 These ilt e chart design may s do not address approved d a connections tend professional engineer. Jo g Arthur, Scares, e 124-54 ////N' ; �\\ Back Jamb Attachment Detail 2560 Kin Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional Lewisville, TX 75056 J Lag Screw engineer for wind lads in addition to other loads. Florida PE.O 51737 Professional Engineers seal provided only for C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-102 'RtV: OS TXPE 56308, F-2203 verification of windload construction details. g: MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS -PER -FEET (PSF) IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 3fi PSF 38 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 60 PSF 63 PSF 510' ?a" 24" M. 24" 24" M. 24" M. 24" 24" 26" 24" 2A" M. 12' M. Ty. M. �" 24„ M. �" �" 24„ 24^ �^ M. �" 23" 14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24^ 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 15' M. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 2t" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16' M. 24" 24" 24" 24" M. 24" 7A" 24" 23" 22" ?D" 18" 17" 18' 24" M. 24" 24" 24" M. 2t" 24" 22" 21" 19" 1T' 16" 16" 20' 24" M. 24" T4" 24" 24" M. U. 20" 19" 17" 16" 14" 14" 22' 24" M. 24" 24" Z4" M. T2" 20" 18" 17" 16" 1d" 13" 12" 24' 24' M. 24" 24" M. 22" 20" 18" 17" 16' 14" 13" 12" 11" 26' 24" M. 7A" 24" 23" 21" 19" 1T' 15" 14" 13" 12" 11" 10" 30' 24" 24" 24" 23" TO" 18" 16" 15" 13" 12" 11' 10" 9" 9" Self tapping screws reverse angle (with steel) USE 9/16" — MINIMUM DIAMETER WASHER IF SCREWHEAD J IS LESS THAN 9116" DIAMETER ATTACHMENT SPACNG Inches snows wows stwsws watas sctaws Wnns 16 ga 24gal 12 ga 12 ga 3/16" 3/16" jamb jamb jamb jamb jamb jamb 24 31 36 36 36 36 20 26 36 36 36 36 18 24 36 36 36 36 16 20 30 36 36 36 14 18 26 36 36 36 12 16 24 36 36 36 12 is 22 36 36 36 9 12 17 36 36 36 B 10 16 36 34 36 7 10 14 36 31 36 6 8 12 36 25 36 6 7 11 36 24 36 n/a 6 8 36 18 36 n/a 5 7 36 16 36 n/a n/a 6 36 12 36 n/a n/a 5 32 11 32 n/a n/a n/a 30 30 30 n/a n/a n/a 26 9 26 n/a n/a n/a 24 8 24 n/a n/a n/a 16 5 16 n/a n/a n/a 14 n/a 14 n/a I n/a n/a 12 n/a 1 12 stabws I sraaxs I scalws Wnns SCUM WrMs 16 ga 14ga I 12ga 12ga 3/16" 3/16" amb jamb jamb jamb jamb I Jamb ATTACHMENT SPACING 9ttches 110n 1430 2099 12720 444tl 12724 LOAD PER FASTENER (pounds) John E. States, P.E. 2560 Xing Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 track Screw:1/4"diax3/4"wlftapping screw; muuconformmANSUASMEE18.2.1. A00"X1"fillet welds Xs" steel lambs; allowable load per scresv=44416a Welds performed by a (knified Welder or inspected by a bracket or Allowable load per screw; 12 gauge=209lbs 14 gauge =143lbs, and 16 gauge=1101bs. Certified Welding Inspector to verify integrity of welds, continuousOptional Washer.9/16" O.D. minimum; most confirm to ANSI 918.22.1 type A. l2 gauge or /'s" steel Jambs; allowable load per weld=1.272 lb& angle Washer not required if fimcnerheadhas min®um 9/16" outside diameter. Use all necessity precautions when welding galvanized steel. Lowest fastener m be within 10-inches ofthe floor Welds to be even) Y spaced between header and floor. Maximum spacing shown in chat Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference Lowest weld to be within 10-inches ofthe floor with door component system. Minimum of 3 welds per jamb requite. 1 Add holes to continuous angle as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Fillet welds to have a straight or convex face surface. These charts do not address spring pad connections to the building. Tack weld toe of sugle at same spacing torment natation of track angle. Load perjaM=03 x doorwidth x max positive pressure x domheight Cracks and blemishes shall be ground to as mouth conmur suit checked to wsure soundness. These chars do not oddress spring pad covnxdons to the binlding. ffoat and inehxl at a olunn nFC1f9N PRFegt IRF IPCFI Load per jamb =03 x door width x max positive pressure x domheight 7'-10 6'-5 5'-6 4'-7 3'-11 3'-5 X-0 n/a n/a n/a n/a track bracket or 9'-5 7'-9 6'-7 5'-6 4'-8 4'-1 W-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a continuous angle e 9'-11 8'-2 6'-11 5'-9 W-11 4'-4 3'-10 n/a n/a n/a n/a reverse angle 11'-9 9'-8 8'-3 6'-10 5'-10 5'-1 4'-7 4'-1 n/a n/a n/a j 13'-5 11'-1 9'-5 7'40 6'-8 5'-10 5'-2 4'-8 4'-3 3'-11 n/a 14'-1112'-3 10'-5 8'-8 T-S 6'-6 5'-9 5'-2 4'-9 4'-4 X-11 15'-8 12-11117-0 9'-2 7-10 6'-10 6'-1 5'-6 5'-0 4'-7 4'-1 20'-5 16'-9 1X-3 11'-1 10'-2 8'-11 7'-11 7'-1 6'-6 5'-11 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a x l"long rxics soda E6 odes 0AX Electr (E6Min). 22'-4 16'-5 15'-B 13'-0 11-2 9'-9 8'-8 7'-10 7'-1 6'-6 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 n/a n/a n/a weld to be located vertically on 24'-6 20'-2 17'-1 14'-3 12'-3 10'-8 9'-6 8'-6 7'-9 7'-1 6'-5 5'-11 5'-5 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 T-11 n/a angle at spacing specified in than 29'-1 24'-7 20'-1 17'-5 14'-11 13'-0 11'-7 10'-5 9'-6 8'-8 7'-10 7'-2 6'-7 6'-0 5'-6 5'-1 4'-9 4'-5 and tack weld toe of angle or track bracket at saox spacing. 31'-5 25'-1 22'-0 18'-0 15'-8 13'-9 12'-2 21'-0 10'-0 9'-2 8'-3 7'-7 6'-11 6'-4 5'-10 5'-5 5'-0 4'-8 40'-1 33'-7 28'-7 23'-1 20'-5 17'-1 15'-1 14'-3 13'-0 11'-1 10'-9 9'-10 9'-0 8'-3 7'-7 7'-0 6'-6 6'-1 n/a 39'-2 33'-3 27'-9 23'-9 20'-9 18'-6 16'-7 15-1 13'-1 12'-6 11'-5 10'-6 9'-7 B'-10 8'-2 7'-7 7'-1 n/a n/a 41'-9 34'-1 29'- 26'-1 23'-2 20'-1019'-0 17-5 15'-9 14'-4 13'-3 12'-1 11'-1 10'-3 9'-7 8'-11 n/a n/a n/a 3W-9 34'-0 29'-9 26'-6 23'-10 21'-8 19'-1 18'-0 16'-5 15'-1 13'-9 12'-8 11'-9 10,4110'-3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 36'-4 31'-9 28'-3 25'-5 23'-1 21'-2 19'-2 17'-6 16'-1 14'-8 13'-6 12'-6 11'-8 10'4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36'-8 32'-7 29'-4 26'-8 24'-5 22'-1 20'-2 18'-7 17'-0 15'-7 14'-5 13'-5 12'-7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35'-4 31'-9 28'-1 26'-6 241-0 21'-1120'-2 18'-5 16'-1115'-8 14'-7 13'-B n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-10 30'-3 27'-7 25'-5 23-6 21'412W-6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-7 29'-0 26'-1125'-0 23'-5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-4 29'-2 27'-4 14 sf 17psf 20psf 24psf I 28psf I 32psf I 36 sf 40psf 44psf 48psf 53psf 58 sf 63psf 69psf 7Spsf 81psf 87psf 93psf DOOR WIDTH feet and inches ata PRESSURE PSF DESIGN given B ( j Alsmodvedrafgnrmrybe appmvebya lkemel professional enghxcr. Supponiog ssructuml e4.rmmshellbe designed by a license pofeasimd englaeer r , forwindlmdsinaddvionmodscrlmda. This drawing don ocladdress thejambWall doiga,bmmdydoorattuchmeatfemWwall canamlellon far ItiLLnREaa n abown aaly TAe bading dcigmr is Q`e purposes respecal for ae enummig that thejambhvd l bmn'mivat ! ND. 0737 carry the duurliveard snide imdc none e -o_ t STATE OF ! � ❑ w ❑ ❑ OOO ImTe „ , o nna C Digitally signed by John E. Rates:P.E. Date: 2018.02.0715:11:13-06'00' Simpson Titen HD; 3/8" diameter x 3" long (minimum). Simpson Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter x 3" long (minimum). ITW Ramsed Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 3/8" diameter, minimum 2" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B 18.22.1 type B. Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity of back brackets specified on the door drawing. Add track brackets as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Maximum spacing shown in chart. Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". r. See chart for minimum edge distance required. Load per jamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height `m ' Manufacturer's installation instructions must befollowed. 8" CMU block walls shall comply with ASTM C90. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. t �• Fastener spacing distance may vary +/-1" FASTENER SPACING (inches) Filled CMU DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) Simpson Simpson Titen MD Wedge - All 14psf 17psf 20psf 24psf 28psf 32psf 36psf 40psf 44psf 48psf 53psf 58psf 63psf 69psf 75psf 81psf 87psf 93psf n/a 24 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 14'-2 12'-1 10'-7 9'-5 8'-6 7'-8 7'-1 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 n/a n/a 24 16 34'-3 28'-2 24'-0 20'-0 17'-1 15'-0 13'-4 12'-0 10'-10 10'-0 9'-0 8'-3 7'-7 6'-11 6'-4 5'-11 5'-6 5'-1 16 16 36'-5 30'-0 25'-6 21'-3 18'-2 15'-11 W-2 12'-9 11'-7 10'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-1 T-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-10 5'-5 16 8 n/a n/a 36'-0 30'-0 25'-8 22'-6 20'-0 18'-0 16'-4 15'-0 13'-7 12'-4 IV-5 10'-5 9'-7 8'-10 8'-3 7'-8 8 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-10 28'-4 25'-6 23'-2 21r-3 19'4 17'-7 16'-2 14'-9 13'-7 12-7 31'-8 10'-11 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 30'-0 27'-2 24'-9 22'-10 20'-10 19'-2 17'-9 16'-6 15'-5 Simpson Simpson 14 Sf 17 sf 20 sf 24 sf 28 sf 32 sf 36 sf 40 sf 44 sf 48 sf 53 sf 58 sf 63 sf 69 sf 75 sf 81 sf 87 sf 93 sf g— nHD Wail DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 3/8" 3/8" FASTENER DIAMETER 2.75" 2.68" EMBEDMENT LENGTH 4" 4" EDGE DISTANCE 480# 340# FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY lbeseehartsdonot address mp,;agpadtobeamag. Altemalive deals. may be approved by a registered Professional engineer. Supporring amrctuml dements shallbe designed by eregbased Professional engineerfor wind loads inadditioamotbaloadx �f / This drawing does not address the wall desiggbut only door aaechmmt. Wall c.vswNovushowv ontyfarillus�tlon \\�puryoses. The building designer is responsible formstoWg • / that the wall is sufficient to carry the door live andspdcloads. N0.511 none y q :� grA7E OF •� ❑ ❑ ❑ OOO mTE 2-1&2015 John E. Scates, P.E. zs ing Arthur, Ste 454 lly signed b�Scales P E %��.As• A'I,OR10� 0\\\\ ///�710�!8 (,`MjJ B10C1C W8I1 Lewisville, 75056 ir Datea201 02.0�7 ,John 105E \��� Attachment Detail TXPE 56308, P-zzm Professional En ineer's seal provided onlyfor L iC.H.I. Drawing: BJA-b04 •Rev.-0i verification of winNoad censrtucfion details. g FASTENER SPACING 2500 psi concrete Simpson ITW Tapcon Strong- Tie 3/8" 1/4" 3/811 Wedge- An 24 36 24 24 36 22 24 36 20 24 36 18 24 36 16 22 34 15 21 32 14 19 30 13 17 26 11 15 24 10 13 20 8 10 16 n/a 9 14 n/a 8 12 n/a ITW Tapcon Simpson Strong - Tie 1/4" 3/8" 3/811 1.75" 2.5" 2.68" 08# 7364# 340# Anchor. ITW Tapcon or Tapcon LDT or Simpson Strong -Tie Wedge -AIL _ ITW Ramset/Redhead Tapeon, 1/4" diameter, 2" long (minimum) . ITW Ramses/ Redhead Lange Diameter Tapeon, 3/8" diameter, 2-3/4" long (minimum) f •I _ Simpson Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter x 2" long (minimum). i Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity of track brackets speed on the door drawing. I ' Add track brackets to fastener in Maximum in as required satisfy spacing these charts. spacing shown chart. Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". — See chart for minimum edge distance required. Concrete walls shall be minimum 2500 psi concrete and shall be of sufficient strength to resist loads. Load per jamb =0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height. Manufacmrds installation instructions most be followed DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 14psf 17psf 20psf 24psf 28psf 32psf 36psf 40psf 44psf 48pSf 53psf S8psf 63psf 69psf 75psf 81psf 87psf 93pe 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 14'-2 12'-1 10'-7 9'-5 8'-6 7'-8 7'-1 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 n/a n/a 26'-5 21'-9 18'-6 15'-5 13'-2 11'-7 10'-3 9'-3 8'-5 7'-8 6'-11 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-3 3'-11 29--1 24'-0 20'-4 17'-0 14'-6 12'-9 11'-4 10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 7'-8 7'-0 6'-5 5'-30 5'-5 5'-0 4'-8 4'-4 32'-4 26'-8 22'-8 18'-3016'-2 14'-2 12'-7 11'-4 10'-3 9'-S S'-6 7'-9 7'-2 6'-6 6'-0 5'-7 5'-2 4'-10 36'-3 29'-10 25'-4 21'-2 18'-1 15'-30 14'-1 12'-8 31'-6 10'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-0 7'-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-30 5'-5 n/a 31'-8 26'-1122'-5 19'-3 16'-1014'-1113'-5 12'-3 11-2 10'-2 9'-3 S'-6 7'-9 7'-2 6'-7 6'-2 5'-9 n/a 33'-8 28'-7 23'-10 20'-5 i7'-10 15'-li 14'-3 23'-0 31'-11 10'-9 9'-10 9'-1 S'-3 7'-7 7'-0 6'-7 6'-1 n/a 35'-1130'-6 25'-5 21'-9 19'-1 16'-1115'-3 13'-1012'-8 IV-6 10'-6 9'-8 8'-10 8'-i 7'-6 7'-0 6'-6 n/a n/a 35'-3 29'-4 25'-2 22'-0 19'-7 17'-7 16'-0 14'-8 13'-3 12'-1 11'-2 10'-2 9'-4 8'-8 S'-1 7'-6 n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 27'-3 23'-10 21'-2 19'-1 17'-4 15'-II 14'-4 13'-2 12'-1 11'-0 10'-2 9'-5 8'-9 8'-2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 28'-7 25'-5 22'-1120'4019'-1 17'-3 15'-9 14'-6 13'-3 12'-2 11'-3 10'-6 9'-10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-7 26'-0 23'-10 21'-7 19'-9 18'-2 16'-7 15'-3 14'-1 13'-2 12'-3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 29'-9 27'-3 24'-8 22'-6 20'-9 18'-1117'-5 16'-2 15'-0 14'-0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-9 26-3 24'-2 22'-1 20'-3 18'-9 17'-6 161-4 14psfl 17psfI 20psfl 24psfl28psf1 32psf136psf140psf144psf148p; DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) FASTENER DIAMETER EMBEDMENT LENGTH IF EDGE DISTANCE FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY �% John E. Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, Tx 75056 Florida P.E. N 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 Digitally signed by'John E. Scates P.E. Date: 2018.02.0715:10.42-06'00' Professional sea] fort Sapportng soocamal clea ants shall be designed by aregisa+N professional engineer for wind bads to addition to other loads. This drawing does not address the wall des;ga.but a*door \\IIIIIIIII// attachmwt Wan construction is shown only for i0usaedon purposes. YLebngdmg designer is responsible for ensuring that the wall is sufficicatto ea"y the door 8n and stagehands. This drawing does not address the spring pad oonnectioru. Regiuered No. 51737 \ Professional engineer may approved an alternative design. xc (I�In *��**' aTATEOF ifY� none �j�jjOHO VI3ME3�000M I "'TE 10'in IC i details. Place as many track brackets as necessary at an on -center (O.C.) spacing no greater than the distance shown on chart for appropriate pressure and width combination. Refer to door drawing installation instructions for floor to first bracket spacing. Field drilling of bracket attachment holes into the track will be required. Lag screw: 5/16" diameter x 1-5/8" minimum long; most conform to ANSJ/ASME 1118.2.1 Lag screws must be seated in full height frame members. 1-1/2" minimum lag screw embedment into structural wood. l/P' minimum lag screw edge distance required. DRY WALL/SHEATHING TRACK BRACKET MOUNTING SURFACE MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED BY WALL STUDS 5/I6" X 1-5/8" LAG SCREWS MAA I KACK t3KACKt U 5PACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH vs DESIGN PRESSURE FOR SPRUCE -PINE -FIR WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FEET IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 63 PSF 5 7' 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 26" 23" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 26" 24" 21" 19" 28" 28" 28" 28" 21" 24" =1 21" 18" 16" 28" 28" 28" 28" Ml 21" 191. 181, 16" 14" 28" 28" 28" 26" 21" 181• 17" 16" 14" 13" 28" 28" 26" 23" 1911 16" 15.1 W, 13" 11" 28" 26" 23" 21" 17" 15" 14" 13" 11" 101. 28" 24" 21" 191• 161• 14" 13" 12" 101. 9.1 25" 22" 20" 18" 151. 12" 12" 11" 10" 9.1 W. 21" 18.1 161• 14" 12" 11.1 101. 9" 8" 21" 19.1 17" 161. 12" 101, 10.1 9" 8" 7" 20" 17" 15" 14" 11" 10" 9" 8" 7" 7" 191, 16" 14" 13" 11" 9" 8" 8" 7" 6" 8' 9' 10, 12' 14' 15' 16' 18' 20' For doorjambs Spruce Pine Fir (SPF), specific gravity = 0.42 or better, max load per anchor = 67% of 439 pounds. Maximum load per jamb = 0.5 x (door height) x (door width) x (maximum positive pressure) Alternative design may be approved by a licensed professional engineer. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer John E. Scates, P.E. for wind loads in addition to other loads. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 The suitability of the structural building components must be verified by the engineer of Lewisville, TX 75056 record for the building. Florida P.E. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 r / Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. y0.51737 S Date: 2018.02.0715�10:29-06'00' a MD M n o0o none ���//III II\\\•. J Professional Engineer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details. 000 E:1M0 OF-IF-1 iSeries Supplemental Instructions Pan Doors: Residential Higher wind pressures and larger doors require additional reinforcement. A CAUTION Premature failure of door system may result from improper application. See chart in lower left corner of drawing sheet one for the approved wind pressures and door sizes. These supplemental instructions do not contain basic door installation steps and related safety information. to WA R N I N G Failure to follow basic installation steps and related safety information may result in injury or death. Door installers must follow a primary instruction manual for basic door installation steps and related safety information. F The correct selection of door and framing materials in adherence with local building code directives is the responsibility of the building owneddesigner. Use of a reinforced garage door does not constitute automatic compliance with any building code. Local building code officials determine compliance criteria. A locking system must be installed if the door is not electrically operated. See drawing for stop molding requirements, when door is not more than 1" wider than opening. When using stop molding, secure molding with minimum 8d nails or 2-1l2" long screws. Job n R Scates, P.E. 24-54 Digitally signed b 'John E. Scates P.E. 2sL xt°8n than s7Ste 056 Q y 9 y� Lewisville, Texas 75056 Date: 2018.02.08,,11 *42:23 -0&00' TXPE 56308, P-2203 Supplemental_lnstructions_Pan copyright eon en.r. 0.hW oama FloridaPE #51737 ,1111111///� ,pENtF•.� �� No. W737 t i*� �Oa; STATEt)F : �` �� ��.t� ••.F(OR10r ��2�� . J Professional E*neees seal provided only for verification of windload construction details Page 1 of 6 >10° Roof Slope / Residential Applications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp, BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp BMPH 8'x7' 9'x7' Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 10'x7' 12'x7' 14'x7' 15'x7' Z16',x7' Zone 1 90 116 12.9/-14.7 12.8/-14.5 12.7/-14.3 12.5/-14.1 12.4/-13.9 12.3/-13.8 12.3/-13.7_ Zone 2 '= " 100 129- ,- • 16.0/48.1 , 15.8/-17:9 15.7/-17.7 155/-17.4 " 15.3/-17.1 .,15.2/-17.0 ` 15.2/-16.9 Zone 3 110 142 19.3/-21.9 19.1/-21.6 19.0/-21.4 18.7/-21.0 18.5/-20.7 16.4/-20.6 18.3/ 20.4 _ Zone 4 - 120. - 155 " 23.0/•26.1 : 22-:8/-218 22.6/-25.5 22.3/>25.0 , 22.0/-24.6, • 21.9/-24.5 21.8/24.3 Zone 5 130 168 27.0/-30.6 26.7/-30.2 26.5/-29.9 26.2/-29.3 25.9/-28.9 25.7/-28.7 25.6/ 28.5 .Zone 6 140 181 + 31.3/-35.5 31.0/-35.1' ' 30.8/-34.7 30.4/-34.0 .- 30.0/-33.5 - 29.8/-33.3 29.7/-33:1. Zone 7 150 194 35.9/-40.8 35.6/40.2 35.3/-39.8 34.8/-39.1 34.4/-38.5 34.3/-38.2 34.1/-38.0 ._Zone8 --_____356/'160 '201/*206 38.6/43.8 38.3/=43:3 38.0/42.8 •39.7/-44.4 _` "39.2/-43.8_ •39.0/43.5; .`38.8/43.3 Zone 9 166 214 43.9/-49.8 43.6/-49.3 43.3/-48.7 42.7/-47.8 42.2/-47.1 42.0/-46.8 41.8/46.6 *the higher Exp B values apply to doors greater than 10' wide 530° Roof Slope / Commercial Applications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp, BMPH 8'x8' 9'x8' Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 30'x8' 12'x8' 14'x8' 15'x8' 2161x8' Zone 1 116 11.7/-13.3 11.6/-13.1 11.6/-13.0 11.4/-12.7 11.3/-12.6 11.2/-12,5 11.2/-12.4 Zone 2 _90 100 129 p 14.5/-16.4 14.4/-16.2. 14.3/46:0: 14.1/-15.7 13:9/-15.5 13:8/-15.4 13.8/-15.3 Zone 3 110 142 17.5/-19.9 17.4/-19.6 17.3/-19.4 17.0/-19.0 16.8/-18.8 16.7/-18.6 16.71-18.5 Zone 4 - _ _ 120 7- -; 155 , 7 _ 20.9/-23.6 _ 20,7/-23:3 _ _� _ 20.5/-23.1 203/-22.7 _ _ 20r0/-22.3 _ _ ` 19:9/-22.2 19.8/-22.1 Zone 5 130 168 24.5/-27.7 24.3/-27.4 24.1/-27.1 23.8/-26.6 23.5/-26.2 23.4/-26.0 23.3/-25.9 " Zone6 - ". 140,. _:_ 181 ` �. 28.4/a32.2 ° 28:2/-31.7- ,28.9/-31.4,. 27.6/-30.8 27.3/-36.4 - 27J/-30.2 27.0/-30.0 Zone 7 150 194 32.6/-36.9 32.3/-36.4 32.1/-36.0 31.7/-35.4 31,3/-34.9 31.1/-34.7 31.0/-34.5 Zone8 Y. 154;. 199? '" "'. r 34.3/-38.8 34.0/-38:3- 33.7/-373 33.3/-37:2 32:906.7 - 32.7/=36.5 __32.64-36.2:_ Zone 9 166 214 39.8/-45.0 39.4/-44.4 39.1/-44.0 38.6/-43.2 38.2/-42.5 38.0/ 42.3 37.8/-42.0 General Notes -Exp B values are to nearest miles -per -hour (MPH) -Pressure values are pounds -per -square -foot (PSF) -Positive pressure signifies pressure acting Inward to the building -Negative pressure signifies pressure acting outward from the building -Enclosed structure classification with 2' of the door in the end zone -60' x 40' building size (larger buildings may require higher negative PSF) -30' Mean Roof Height (MRH), see chart for differing MRH and Exp values -Greater door heights require lower PSF values to meet same MPH ASCE 7-05 notes -Importance Factor of 1.00 -Utilizes nominal / basic wind speeds ASCE 7-10 notes -Risk Catergory II -Utilizes ultimate wind speeds Mean Roof Height (MRH) / Exposures (Exp) MRH Exp B Exp C Exp D 15' 100% 90% 82% ----20 .. _ 100% _, F 88% 80% . 25' 100% 86% 78% ' 30' 100% _ _ .�. .�84% 77% 35' 97% 83% 76% 95%," ...81% _ _ 75% •T_ 45' 94% 80% 74% 50' ., 92% " 80% 74% 55, 91% 79% 73% These percentages reduce Exp B wind speeds to approximate MPH for mean roof heights shown in MRH column. Page 2of 6 For Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-01306 Strut Placement Door Height section 6'-6" to T-0" T-6" m 8'-0" 8'-3" w 8'-9" 9'-B" to 19-6" le'-9" to IT-3" 1T-6" to 14'-0" 14'-3" to 15'-9" 16-0" to IT-6" IT-9" w 19'-3" 19'-6" to M-O" Number 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I at Detail A I at Detail B 1 at Detail C 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A I at Detail B 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail C 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A tat Detail Iat DetailB Iat DetailB IatDetail B 1 at DetailC IUDetail C Iat DetailC 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I at Detail A 1 a Detail B 1 at Detail D I at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail C % N/A N/A N/A N/A t et Detail A 1 a Detail B 1 at Detail B, 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C I at Detail C I at Detail C I at Detail C N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at DetailB I at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D I at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Data C 5 N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail A I at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B l at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail C I at Detail C l a Detail C I at Detail C 1 at Detail C l m Detail C I at Detail C 4 1al Detail let DetailB Iat DetailB tat Detail lat Detail Iat Detail tat DetailD Iat Detail Iat DetailD tat DetailD I at Detail tat DetailC 3 1 at DetaBB 1 aCDerail C tat Detail tat Detail Iaz Detail Iat Detail tat Detail Itn etailB Iat Detail Iat Detail 1 at Detail C I at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 1 at Detail C 2 la DetailC lat Detail Iat DetailC tat DetailC Iat Detail Iat Detail tat DetailC Iat DetailC Iat DetailC tat Detail 1 lat DetailD Iat DetailD Iaz Detail lat Detail Iat DetailD Iat Detail Iat DetailD Iat DetailD Iat DetailD Iat DetailD Push Nut Detail (use on all rollers) use 3/8" I. D. on bottom fixture roller stem use 7116" I. D. on end hinge and top fixture roller stems r Push nut: Slide roller into fixture and tap 6F. / push nut onto roller stem using 1/ socket and hammer. Leave 1/8" [0 1!4" space between push nut and fixture. Track Bracket Spacing Track bracket spacing shown for doors up to four sections high. Additional door sections may be added for maximum door height depicted on line drawing. Track brackets must be added (per track) for each section and spaced at a distance not greater than the corresponding section height (see line drawing for requited quantities). Strut Placement Concerning Windows Where a strut crosses a window, it is acceptable to move the strut from a position of "Strut above hinge" down to "Strut on top half of the hinge". strut End Hinge Strut End Hinge Do No Excea D 10" C 28" B 28" A 10" +/-Y tolerant strut above hinge Strut on top half of hinge page 3 of For Use With Drawing Number Z6-10-01306 Strut Placement Detail /-- Strut Pop Fixture Strut above top fixture Detail A id Hinge td Hinge rttom Fixture Strut in center of section Detail D Strut on bottom half of hinge Detail B id Hinge Strut Strut above hinge Detail C Strut End Hinge I s Struts Page4oM ' I9-0" width shown (see notes for other widths) Optional Windows (see Glazing Options) 4D Top Fixture 4D 2 7' Ety End Hinge 4A 2 Bottom Fixture 2B 2A Intermediate Strut Hinge This door has been evaluated m accordance with ASTM E 330-2002 and ANS1/DASMA 108-2002, 108-2005 & 108-2012 Applicable wind speeds are dependent on building envelope and must be determined in compliance with relevant ASC87, IBC or MC standards to meet regional and local requirements. Maximum door height: 20'-W Glazing and door have not been tested for windbome debris. Width Design Pn .(PSF) Stile Qty. G-W +52.31-592 1 7'-00" +44.91-50.7 1 a'l10" +39.3144.4 1 9100" +349/-39A I 101.0V +3I.4/-355 2 Professional Engineers seal provided only for verification of windload construction details Glazing Options: (coax daylight opening 39-318" x 12-M") -1/8" DSB •1/4" Tempered Glass or Polycarbonate -7/16" insulated Glass w/apt forTempered JohnE. Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 TXPE 56308, F-2203 Florida P.E. # 51737 Track bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better Soµthem Yellow pine. Refer to Jamb Attachment Detail supplemental instructions for usage of alternate jamb materials. Details for door heights up to 20'-0" are contained in the Supplemental Instructions. which are required in addition to this drawing for installation Do not install door using only this drawing. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind loads shown on this drawing. If don is not electrically operated, a lock must be installed 59XX I of 4 3 14, 2 1 Details on some views may have been omitted for clarity. Top Fixture The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface. Flag Bracket (.059) galvanized steel rap future See jamb attachment details for mom information about attaching jambs to structure. (.086) galvanized &q 000 as attached with steel flag bracket D four 1/4" x 39' screws. 2" x 7116" (nominal) stop molding to be attached with minimum 8d nail attached to wood D Push nut or 2-12"long screw on 5" spacing. Stop molding not requited when door jamb with three is more than 1" wider than opening. 5/16" x 1-58" End Stile woo d tag screws, to (.034) steel end stile nominal (.0185) galvanized steel minimum horizontal track . with two 1/4" x 5/8" track bolts and nuts and to vertical track I t with two 1/4" x 5/8" track bolts and nuts. smo Optional Top Fixture (.034) steel center stile 2" (min) x A45 (min) (.109) galvanized steel top fixture galvanized steel track ' C attached with Track Bracket C two 1/4" x 3/4" screws. (.102) galvanized steel track push nut bracket attached to woodjamb (.034) steel end stile with one 5116" x 1-518" wood f lag screw per bracket and attached to vertical track with one 1/4" x 5/8" track bolt and nut or two 1/4" x 11/32" duets. End Hinge Intermediate Hinge galvanized steel attached with (.058) galvanized steel Q four 1/4" x 3/4" screws. 9 attached with four 1/4' x 3/4" screws. \``��```� C push nu[ \ �; • y\ ,• B E , 2" max. for .069 thick) 23/4" 3 4" (max. for .109 thick) STATE OF j i O nominal A 2" (min.) r--�— 3-1/2" (min.) stem p ,` L. ��.r 10 (min.) ball roller �•.FSOR�C,: 0 \ / with nylon or steel tire. ......./,s I Ij —► 3" $O I—� Aofessional Engineer's seal provided 000 erJ--I 17/8" only for verification of windload A I31 Bottom Bracket construction details bottom bracket A (.102) galvanized steel M pppppppp attached with nut 12" (I�ollllc�nO�O its push four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. John E. States, P.E. ��aaJJ uu 05-25-2017 Optional Bottom Bracket Strut 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Models: 2X4X, 2X5X, 4X4X, push nut (.109) galvanized steel bottom bracket (.040) 50 ksi galvanized steel 3" strut Lewisville, TX 75056 4X5X, 52XX, 59XX Vinyl Aluminum extrusion attached with attached with TXPE 56308, F-2203 C.H.L Drawing: Z6-10-01306 weatherstrip four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. two 1/4" x 3/4" screws per stile. Florida P.E. # 51737 page 2 of 2 4 3 2 1 223R020 Florida Bw1ft Code Online L.,l'»L`7.1i 1.:3 V"te.C'.P� F,$!Poi!) BMH=e 1 Lmin I Casa Re9� I Ha Ttom ! sRbmasm m. y szatcaids E Putbwuma I cRRraaus I Bassae Map 1 unks I seatdr I dN r 9 Product Approval Rpdirtxn> e,�uaorannr�, s� > ApcaouoR Itsr Search Criteria Code Version 2017 FL# 15012.22 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity, ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impart Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL FL# Type Manufacturer Validated By �i FL15' 012- Revision GH.I. Overhead Doors Gordon Approved Bs FLO: FL15012.22 Thomas, History Model: ri; 2140, 2141, 2240, 2241, 2150, 2151, 2250, 2251, 2550, 2551, 4140, P.E. 4141. 4240, 4241, 4150, 4151, 4250, 4251, 5240, 5241, 5250, 5251, 5940, 5941, (513) 5950,5951 314-3653 Description: 11'-00" to 20'-00" wide by 20' high steel sectional door with or vithout polystyrene insulation. Category: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies -w+w�'�+ ur ua,.. npprorap m' uarn vuu m,ev�ew® aim monm cry me tuaRgforme taimumofx u narssary. Comas US::2601BWI,Ston Road. Tanahas 99Phone:830-482-IB24 The State of Florida is an AUMemployer. C9nid4ht 200T-2DI3 State of Hodda. 'PxmStatanem:: ACressibRav Statement:: Refund Statement Ouesbe a✓anable In the pblx To deter Hyou are PmdY ApprvMARxPts: —0 RRM Credit Card Safe tdtpsJAw flaridabuiWing.orglpripr app Istaspx 1M ' keep each area clearof Anchor: IiW Tapcon or Tapcon LDT or Simpson Strong -Tie. any back jamb ITW Ramset/ Redhead Tapcon, 114" diameter, minimum 3.5" long with washer that conforms to ANSI 111822.1 type B. attachment fasteners ITW Ramset/ Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to ANSI BI822.1 type B. Simpson Titen BD, 319" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms in ANSI B18221 type B. T Simpson Wedge -All, 3/8" diameter, minimum 4" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B 18.22.1 type B. 8" When applying hack jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer fasteners to insure minimum embedment required. 1 This chart applies to wood species with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 including spruce pine fit (SPF) and southern pine (SP). See chart for minimum washer diameter. Washer diameters in chart are based on use of Spruce Pine Fir. Washers may be 10%smaller when Southern Pine is used See chart for minimum edge distance required. Lowest anchor to be greater than the minimum edge distance up from the floor and less than 10-inches from the floor. FASTENER SPACING (inches) 2500 psi concrete Filled CMU ITW Tapcon Simpson strong -Tie IMP 1 4" 3 8" 3 8 3 8" 3/8" 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 24 24 16 24 18 24 22 24 16 24 17 24 20 24 16 24 15 24 18 24 16 24 15 24 17 16 16 22 13 24 16 16 8 21 13 24 15 16 8 19 1 12 1 24 14 16 8 16 10 24 12 16 8 16 10 24 SI 8 8 14 8 24 10 1 8 8 12 7 20 9 8 8 11 7 20 8 8 e 10 6 17 7 8 n/a 9 n/a 16 6 8 n/a 8 n/a 13 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a 12 n/a n/a n/a 2500 psi concrete Filled CMU ITW Tapcon ITW EDT Turn HD Wedg& All 1/4" 1/4" 318" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 1.75" L75" 2.5" 2 S" 7-75" 2.68" 1-1/8 7/8" 1-1/2" 1" 1-1/8 1.1/8" 2-1/2' 2-1/2 3" 1 3" 1 4" 4" 508# 319# 1859# 1371#148011 340# DOOR WIDTH 22'-9 36'-3 14psf i 17psf 120psf and DOOR WIDTH (feet and FASTENER DIAMETER EMBEDMENT LENGTH WASHEROSLMETER EDGE DISTANCE FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY at a 21'-e 19'-10 18-3 16'-8 15'-4 14-2 13'-2 24'-1 22'-0 20'-3 I8'.6 17'-0 15'-9 14'-8 13'-9 28'-0 25'-7 23'-6 1 21'-6 19'-9 18'-3 17'-0 15'-11 32'-4 29'-7 27' 31 24'-10 22'-10 21'-2 1 19'-8 38-5 53psf i 58psf i 63psf 169psf i 75psf i SSpsf 187psf i 93psf at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. Manufacturers installation instructions must be followed. Date: 2018.02.07 15:11:58 -06'00' Maximum spacing shown in chart Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". Load per jamb =0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height. 8" CMU block walls shall comply with ASTM C90. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. CMU fastener spacing distance may vary +/-1". John E. Scams, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 TXPE 56308, F-2203 /No.51737 0 a o i STATE OF 8" J highest ancborinstalled at least as high as docropening. Anchors to he evenly spaced between the header and the floor. 2x6 structural grade lumber. May be counterhored up to 3/8" deep at each anchor location to provide a flush mounting surface. Fast anchor in stern at no mare than half the fastener spacing distance and no less than the minimum edge distance. Supporting amcnual elements shall be designed by aagigaed professional engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. This drawing does not address thejamb/wa8 design, but only door m achment Jamb/wall construction is shown only for Blusamion purposes The building designer is responsible for ensuring that the jamb/wall is sufcicat to wry the door live and suric loads This drawing does not address the spring pad connections. Registered professional engbrcer may approved an altemazive design. ��(��t�"�7 M E3OO , none /�LJLJ C7�o aoo ➢ATE 2-18-2015 Back Jamb Attachment Detail Concrete Anchors Professional Engineers seal provided only for verification of windload construction details. C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-101 I Rev.-07 Use SP %Wdes only if both structure and jamb are Southern Pine. 12" MIN 12" MM MIN 1/2-MIN Use SPF values when Spruce -Pine -Fir is present in structure orjamb material. ATTACH EN1' OF 1R" ATTACHMENT OF Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference Fith door hardware and or fastening system. 2x6 WOOD JAMB 2x6 WOOD JAMB Maximum spacing shown in chart. fi^ SHEATHING ON sHEATfIING Lag screw: 3/8" diameter x 3" minimum long, must conform to ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural wall covering, use longer lags screws to insure 1-1/2" minimum embedment required. Washer: 1-1/9" minimum outside diameter, must conform to ANSI B 18.22.1 type A. ati" x 3" LAG SCREWS Predrill 1/4" diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. 1-12" minimum lag screw edge distance required. Spruce-Pine-Fir(SPF) 1?" SEffiAT111NG MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE aka"x 3-12" LAG SCREWS MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS (PSF) keep each area clear of any back IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 63 PSF jamb attachment 59, 24" W. 24" 24" 2B' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" - fasteners 10, 24" 2N. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 2s' 23" 21" 12' 2B' 74" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" Is" / 14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 1r' 16" 15" ® e• Is, 24" 24" 74" 24" 24" M. 24" 23" 21" 19" 18" 16" 15" 14" header is, 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 20" 18" 17" 16" 14" 13" 18' 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 17" 16" i6" 13" 12" 12" 1 e• 20' 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 21" 19" 1r' Is" W, 13" 22' 24" 24" 24" 24" 21" 19" 17" 1S' IN' 13" IT, 12" 11" 11" 10" 10" 9" J / 3' 24' 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 17" Is" IN, 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 9" -}- 26' M. M. 24" 21" 18" 16" IN, 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 8" 8" 30' 1 24" 24" 21" 18" 16" 14" 12" 11" 10" W. 9" 8" 7" 7" Southem Pine (SP) MAX LAG SCREW SPACING (inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH (max) vs DESIGN PRESSURE MAX WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS-PERSQUARE-FEET (PSF) IN FEET 12 PSF 16 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 33 PSF 36 PSF 39 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 63 PSF Ste, 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" W. 24" 24" 24" 2A" U. Highest anchor installed at 12' 24" M. 24" 24" W. 24" 24" 24" M. 24" 24" W. 24" 23" least as high as door opening. IN 24" 24" 24" 24" M. N. 24" 24" M. 24" 24" 23" 21" 20" 15, 24" 24" M. 24" 2N, 24" 2N' 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" IV. 16, 24" M. M. 24" M. 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 22" 20" 18" 17" Anchors to be evenly spaced between 18, 24" W. 24" 24" 24" M. 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" the header and the floor. 20' 24" 24" 24" 24" W. W. 24" 2T' 20" 19" 17" IV IN' IN' 22' 24" W. 24" 24" 24" 24" =I 20" 18" 17" 16" IN' 13" 12" 24' 24" 2N. 24" W. Ml 22" 20" is" 17" 15" IN, IT, o 12" 11" 0 26' 24" W. 24" 24" 23" 21" 19" 17" 15" IN, 13" t2" 11" 10" 2x6 structural grade lumber. 30' 2N' 24" 24" 23" 20" 18" Is" 15" 13" 12" 11" 10" 9" 9" May be counterbored up to 318" deep at each anchor location to provide a r, o flush mounting surface. 10 �' S ,//z/ .. • First anchor to startat no more than half the fastener distance Q' • \G � spacing and f •• j r �-00 no less than the minimum edge distance. No.51737 Digitally signed by John E. Scates RE= Date: 2018.02.07/15:11:28-06'00' = * ( Southern Pine (SP) specific gravity = 0.55; load per anchor = 620 pounds. 8TATEOF i M OOP6 none Spmce-Pine-Fir (SPF) specific gravity = 0.42; load r anchor = 482 pounds. e� I i .r •,� o,.� ��'� • ()Rt �` O \ LJLJ o 0 000 >a.E 4-25-2017 Maximtun load per jamb = 0.5 x (door height) x (door width) x (rtmximtlm positive pressure) ///�SS'••- ��\\ These charts do not address spring pad connections to the building. John E. Scates, P.H. Alternative design be by 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 /// 10NA� ��\\ 4/111110� Back Jamb Attachment Detail may approved a registered professional engineer. Lewisville, TX 75056 Lag Screw Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional -j engineer for wind loads in addition to other loads. Florida P.E. # 51737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for C.H.I. Drawing: BJA-102 Rev.-06 TXPE 56308, F-2203 verification of windload construction details. Self tapping scfews reve angl (with steel) USE 9/16" — 1 INID DIAMETER WASHER IF CREW HEAD i LESS THAN 6" DL\METER A7TACHMENTSPACING(finches) sceEws sin scxxws I arms sra arms 16 ga 14 ga 12 ga 12 ga 3/16" 3/16" Jamb Jamb Jamb Jamb Jamb Jamb 24 31 36 36 36 36 20 26 36 36 36 36 18 24 36 36 36 36 16 20 30 36 36 36 14 18 26 36 36 36 12 16 24 36 36 36 12 15 22 36 36 36 9 12 17 36 36 36 S 10 16 36 34 36 7 10 14 36 31 36 6 8 12 36 25 36 6 7 11 36 24 36 n/a 6 8 36 18 36 n/a 5 7 36 16 36 n/a n/a 6 36 12 36 n/a n/a 5 32 11 32 n/a n/a n/a 30 10 30 n/a n/a n/a 26 9 26 n/a n/a n/a 24 8 24 n/a n/a n/a 16 5 16 n/a n/a n/a 14 n/a 14 n/a n/a I n/a 12 n/a 1 12 SC9EW1 SfAEWS =EWS WEms WELDS 16 ga 14 ga 12 ga 12 ga amb Jamb Jamb Jamb ATFACHMENTSPACING A44412729 nlire 2439 2099 12]29 IAAD PER FASTENER (po John E. Scales, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 TRPE 56308, F-2203 Screw: 114" dia x 3/4" self napping screw; must conform to ANSI/ASME B182.1. track Via" steel Jambs; allowable load per screw=444In. bracket or Allowable load per screw; 12 gauge=209lbs,14 gauge=1431bs, and 16 gauge=1101bs. continuous Optional Washer. 9/16" O.D. minimum; mum conform to ANSI B1822.1 type A. angle Washer not required if fastener head has mmhnum9/16"outside diameter. Lowestfastever to he within 10-inches ofthe floor Maximum spacing shown in chart Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door component system 1 Add holes to continuous angle as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. These chain do not address spring pad connections to the building. Load per jamb =0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height 100" x 1" fillet welds Welds performed by a Coed Welder or inspected by a Certified Welding Inspector to verify integrity of welds. 12 gauge or ynn" steel Jambs; allowable load per weld- 1.272Ibz Use all necessary precautions when welding galvanized steel Welds to be evenly spaced between header and floor. Lowest weld to be within 10-inches ofthe floor Mhmnum of 3 adds per jamb required. Fillet welds m have a straight or convex face surface. Tack weld me of angle m same spacing to prevent rotation of track angle. Cracks and blemishes shall be ground on a smooth contour and checked to ensure sourMms. These charts do nor address spring pad connectiam to the buad'mg. Load pu jamb = 05 x door width x max positive pressure x doorheight - - "f" "f" "r" "r" track bracket or 9'-5 7'-9 6'-7 5'-6 4'-8 4'-1 3'-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a continuous angle 9'-11 8'-2 6'-11 5'-9 4'-11 4'-4 3'-10 n/a n/a n/a n/a g *rOVerse angle 11'-9 9'-8 8'-3 6'-10 5'-10 5'-1 4'-7 4'-1 n/a n/a n/a 13'-5 11'-1 9'-5 7'-10 6'-8 5'-10 5'-2 4'-8 W-3 3'-11 n/a 14'-1 12'-3 30'-5 8'-8 7'-5 6'-6 5'-9 5'-2 4'-9 W-4 3'-11 15'-8 12'-1111'-0 9'-2 7'-10 6'-30 6'-1 5'-6 5'-0 4'-7 4'-1 20'-5 16'-9 14'-3 12'-1110'-2 8'-11 7'-11 T-1 6'-6 5'-11 5'4 4'-11 U4na n/a n/a n/a •txong fillet weld (E60JOI Electrodes Min). 22'4 18'-5 15'-8 13'-0 11'-2 9'-9 8'-8 7'-30 7'-1 6'-6 5'-10 5'4 2n/a n/a n/a weld m he Iocared vertically on 24'-620'•2 17'-1 14'-3 12'-3 10'-8 9'-6 8'-6 7'-9 7'-1 6'-5 5'-1164'-2 3'-11n/a angle a spacing specified in thanand tack weld toe of angle or 29'-1 24'-7 20'-1 17'-5 14'-Il 13'-0 11'-7 10'-5 9'-6 8'-8 7'-10 7'-2 -6 5'-1 4'-9 4'-5 track bracket at same spacing. 31'-5 25'-10 22'-018'4 15'-8 13'-9 12'-2 12'-0 10'-0 9-2 8'-3 7'-7 -10 5'-5 51-0 4'-8 n/a 39'-2 33-3 27'-9 23'-9 20'-9 18'-6 16'-7 15'-1 n/a n/a 41'-9 34'-1 29'-10 26'-1 23'-2 20'-10 19'-0 n/a n/a n/a 39'-9 34'-0 29'-9 26'-6 23'-10 21'-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a 36'4 31'-9 28'-3 25'-5 23'-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36'-S 32'-7 29'4 26'-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35'4 31'-9 28'-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a WIDTH (feet and inches] at a eiven DESIGN PRESSURE Digitally signed by Jphn E. Scates P.E. Date: 2018.02.0715:11:13-06'00' e e No. 57737 —'O i STATE OF Alternative design may be approved by a licenerd professional cngi,... Supporting structand ebmema shad be designed by a licensed pefess®al engbeer for wind bads in addition to cubm Ice&. This drawing does not address thojemb"waa design but only door suachmrnt Jamblwa8 corrtruc ion is shown only for illustration pogases. The building designers respomible for ensuring that the jaraw"ll is sufficient to easy the door five are smtic lme Simpsma Then ITD; 3/8" diameter x 3" long (minimum). Simpson Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter 3" long (minimum). ITW Ramset/ Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 3/8" diameter, minimum 2" long with washer that conforms to ANSI B 18.22.1 type B. Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity of track brackets specified on the door drawing. Add track brackets as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Maximum spacing shown in chart Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". r. See chart for minimum edge distance required. Load per jamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height t Manufacturer's installation instructions must be followed. 8" CMU block walls shall comply with ASTM C90. Use minimum 2000 psi grout or concrete when filling CMU. 1 Fastener spacing distance may vary +/-I ". SPACING DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given'DESIGN PRESSURE mpson Simpson Than I Wedge- 24 16 34'-3 28'-2 24'-0 20'-0 17'-1 15'-0 13'-4 12'-0 10'-10 10'-0 9'-0 8'-3 7'-7 6'-11 61-4 5'-11 5'-6 16 16 36'-5 30'-0 25'-6 21'-3 18'-2 15'-11 14'-2 12'-9 11'-7 10'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-1 7'-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-10 16 8 n/a n/a 36'-0 30'-0 25'-8 22 16'-4 15'-3 13'-7 12'-41161'-5 '-98 9'-7 8-30 8'-3 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-100 2'-425'-0 2 1 1114 2 177 2 13'-7 12'-7 11'-8. 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 30'-0 27'-2 24'-9 _ 22'-10 20'-10 19'-2 17'-9 16'-6 Then Wedge - DOOR WIDTH (feet and ii HD All 1/8" 3/8" FASTENER DIAMETER !35" 2.68" EMBEDMENT LENGTH 4" 4" EDGE DISTANCE 180# 340# FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY John E. Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 ME 56308, F-2203 at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 5'-1 5'-5 7'-8 15'-5 These charts do not address spring pad connections to building. Alternative design may be approved by a registered professional eaginrer. r tllll , Supporting structuralelements shall be designed by a re®s'taed professional engineer for wind loads in addition to othcloadt This drawing does not address the wall design, bad orgy door auschment Wall commucnw is shown only farilhsation `\ \�,L�eeNe�'••• /" •; - purposes. The building designerisresponoblefinensmmg that the wall is sufficient to carry the door livened static lords. No.51737 y_ ? • n none smTE OF IIJJ LLJJUU o 0 0 000 DATE 2-18-201 : �o •.PLOR10P,/ Z� ////�sSj "-� fo���\\ ',John CMU Block Wall Digitally signed b E. Scates P.E. ��7�//I�NI Detail Date: 201 02.07 ,15:10:59-06'00' j�1\��\\ � J ^ 'T - ^Attachment ^ FASTENER SPACING 2500 psi concrete Simpson Strong- ITW TaDcon I M. 1/4 " 3/8" Wedge- All 24 36 24 24 36 22 24 36 20 24 36 18 24 36 16 22 34 15 21 32 14 19 30 13 17 26 11 15 24 10 13 20 8 10 16 n/a 9 14 n/a 8 12 n/a W ITTapcon Simpson Strong- Anchm: LTW Tapcon or Tapcon IAT or Simpson Strong -Tie Wedge -Ali. ITW Ramset/ Redhead Tapcon, 1/4" diameter, 2" long (minimum) ITW Ramset/Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon, 318" diameter, 2-3/4" long (minimum) Simpson Wedge -All; 3/8" diameter x 2" long (minimum). Use a fastener for every track bracket unless the quantity of fasteners determined from this chart is more than the quantity , of track brackets specified on the door drawing. I Add track brackets as required to satisfy fastener spacing in these charts. Maximum spacing shown in chart Lesser spacing tray be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system, but not less than 6". See chart for minimum edge distance required. Concrete walls shall be minimum 2S00 psi concrete and shall be of sufficient strength to resist loads. Load per jamb = 0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height. Manufacturer's installation instructions must be followed. WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 14psf 17psf 20psf 24psf 28psf 32psf 36psf 40psf 44psf 48psf 53psf 58psf 63psf 69psf 75psf 81psf 87psf 93psf 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 14'-2 12'-1 10'-7 9'-5 8'-6 7'-8 7'-1 6'-4 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2 n/a n/a 26'-5 21'-9 18'-6 15'-5 13'-2 11'-7 10'-3 9'-3 8'-5 7'-8 6'-11 6'-4 5'-30 5' 4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-3 3'-11 29'-1 24'-0 20'-4 17'-0 14'-6 12'-9 11'-4 10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 7'-8 7'-0 6'-5 5'-10 5'-S 5'-0 4'-8 4'-4 32'-4 26'-8 22'-8 18'-3016'-2 14'-2 12'-7 11'-4 10'-3 9'-5 8'-6 7'-9 7'-2 6'-6 6'-0 5'-7 5'-2 4'-10 36'-3 29'-30 25'-4 21'-2 18'-1 15'-30 14'-1 12'-8 11'-6 10'-7 9'-7 8'-9 8'-0 7'-4 6'-9 6'-3 5'-10 5'-5 n/a 31'-8 26'-1122'-5 19'-3 16'-1014'-1113'-5 12'-3 11'-2 10'-2 9'-3 8'-6 7'-9 7'-2 6'-7 6'-2 5'-9 n/a 33'-8 28'-7 23'-10 20'-5 17'-10 15'-11 14'-3 13'-0 11'-11 10'-9 9'-10 9'-1 8'-3 7'-7 7'-0 6'-7 6'-1 n/a 35'-1130'-6 25'-5 21'-9 19'-1 16'-1115'-3 13'-1012'-8 11'-6 10'-6 9'-8 8'-10 8'-1 7'-6 7'-0 6'-6 n/a n/a 35'-3 29'-4 25'-2 22'-0 19'-7 17'-7 16'-0 14'-8 13'-3 12'-1 11'-2 10'-2 9'-4 8'-8 8'-1 7'-6 n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 27'-3 23'-10 21'-2 19'-1 17'-4 15'-il 14'-4 13'-2 12'-1 11'-0 10'-2 9'-5 8'-9 8'-2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 28'-7 25'-5 22'-1120'-1019'-1 17'-3 15'-9 14'-6 13'-3 12'-2 11'-3 10'-6 9'-10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-7 26'-0 23'-10 21'-7 19'-9 18'-2 16'-7 15'-3 14'-1 13'-2 12'-3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32'-8 29'-9 27'-3 24'-8 22'-6 20'-9 18'-1117'-5 16'-2 15'-0 14'-0 n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a n/a I n/a I n/a n/a n/a 31'-9 28'-9 26'-3 24'-2 22'-1 20'-3 18'-9 17'-6 16'-4 14psf 17psf 20psf 24psf 28psf 32psf 36psf 40psf 44psf 48psf 53psf 58psf 63psf 69psf 75psf 8lpsf 87psf 93psf DOOR WIDTH (feet and inches) at a given DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" FASTENER DIAMETER 1.75" 2.5" 2.68" JEMBEDIVIENT LENGTH 2.5" 3" 4" EDGE DISTANCE 508# 764# 340# FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. Date: 2018.02.07)S5.l0:42-0600' John E. States, P.E. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, Tx 75056 Florida P.E. # 51737 TM 56308, F-2203 r \ s1lcj�jk4iG �0,�(6emii�:•,��4 �i _J? No.61737 *� IF a* STATE OF L "'10111111%1" i supporting snuctwal elements shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind loads in addition to other bads. This drawing does not address the wall design, but only door anaehment Wall construction is shown only for illustrations purposes. The building designer is responsible for ensuring that the wall is sufficient to carry the door five and static loads This drawing does not address the slag pad connections. Registered professional engineer may approved an alternative design $lace at many track brackets as necessary at an on -center (O.C.) spacing no greater than the distance shown on chart for appropriate pressure and width combination. Refer to door dmwing installation instructions for floor to first bracket spacing. Field drilling of bracket attachment holes into the track will be required. Lag screw: 5116" diameter x 1-5/8" minimum long; must conform to ANSI/ASME B 18.2.1 Lag screws most be seated in full height frame members. 1-1/2" minimum lag screw embedment into structural wood 1/2" minimum lag screw edge distance required. DRYWALL/ SHEATHING TRACK BRACKET MOUNTING SURFACE MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED BY WALL STUDS 5/16" X 1-5/8" LAG SCREWS MAX TRACK BRACKET SPACING (Inches) FOR DOOR WIDTH vs DESIGN PRESSURE FOR SPRUCE -PINE -FIR WIDTH DESIGN PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FEET IN FEET 12 PSF 15 PSF 18 PSF 21 PSF 24 PSF 127 PSF 130 PSF 133 PSF 136 PSF 139 PSF 42 PSF 46 PSF 50 PSF 53 PSF 5 7' 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 26" 23" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" 26" 24" 21" 19" 28" 28" 28" 28" 28" M. 22" 21" 18" 16" 28" 28" 28" 28" M. 21" 19" 18" 16" 14" 28" 28" 28" 26" 21" 18" 17' 16" 14" 13" 28" 28" 26" 23" 191, 16" 15" 14" 13" 11.. 28" 26" 23" 21" 17" 15" 14" 13" 11" 10" 28" 24" 21" 19" 16" 14" 13" 12" 10" 9" 25" 22" 20" ,18" 15" 12" 12" 11" 10" 9" 24" 21" 18" 16" W, 12" 11" 10" 9" 8" 21" 191, 17" 15" 12" 10" 10" 9" 8" 7" 20" 17" 15" 14" 11" 10" 9" 8" 7" 7" 19" 161l 14" 13" 11" 9" 8" 8" 7" 6" 8' 9' 10' 12' 14' 15' 16, 18, 20' For door jambs Spruce Pine Fir (SPF), specific gravity = 0.42 or better, max load per anchor = 67% of 439 pounds. Maximum load per jamb = 0.5 x (door height) x (door width) x (maximum positive pressure) Alternative design may be approved by a licensed professional engineer. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer John E. Scates, P.E. for wind loads in addition to other loads. 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-54 The suitability of the structural building components must be verified by the engineer of Lewisville, TX 75056 Florida P.E. 8 51737 record for the building. TXPE 56308, F-2203 NO.51TV '\ i 4 �• STATE OF ZZ %i0�••,FLOR10r J Professional Engineer's seal provided only foi verification of windload construction details. 1/2" Digitally signed byJbhn E. Scates P.E. Date: 2018.02.0715:10:29-06'00' CAL D( ME419D008S I]00 WINDBREAKER 00 0 SERIES tff iSeries Supplemental Instructions Pan Doors: Residential Higher wind pressures and larger doors require additional reinforcement. CAUTION Premature failure of door system may result from improper application. See chart in lower left corner of drawing sheet one for the approved wind pressures and door sizes. These supplemental instructions do not contain basic door installation steps and related safety information. A WA R N I N G Failure to follow basic installation steps and related safety information may result in injury or death. Door installers must follow a primary instruction manual for basic door installation steps and related safety information. The correct selection of door and framing materials in adherence with local building code directives is the responsibility of the building owner/designer. Use of a reinforced garage door does not constitute automatic compliance with any building code. Local building code officials determine compliance criteria. A locking system must be installed if the door is not electrically operated. F ``Y'� M .. No. 0737 See drawing for stop molding requirements, when door is not more than 1" wider than opening. When using stop molding, secure molding with minimum 8d nails or 2-1/2" long screws. 7o6n E. States, P.E. Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. 2560 King Arthar, Ste 124-54 /� Lewisville, Texas 75056 Date: 2018.02.0811:48:06 -06, 00' TXPE 56308, P-2203 Supplemental_]nstructions3an Copyright eon CEl. owe,nesd]oors Florida P.E #51737 STATE OF 9 Professional Engincer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details Page 1 of 6 >10* Roof Slope / Residential, Applications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp BMPH 8'x7' 9'x7' Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 10'x7' 12'x7' 14'x7' 15'x7' 216'x7' Zone 1 90 116 12.9/-14.7 12.8/-14.5 12.7/-14.3 12.5/-14.1 12.4/-13.9 12.3/-13.8 12.3/-13.7 Zone 2 100 129 16.0/-18.1 15.8/-17.9 15.7/-17.7 15.5/-17.4 15.3/-17.1 15.2/47.0 15.2/46.9 Zone 3 110 142 19.3/-21.9 19.1/-21.6 19.0/-21.4 18.7/-21.0' 18.5/-20.7 18.4/-20.6 18.3/-20.4 Zone 4 120 155 23.0/-26.1 22.8/-25.8 22.6/-25.5 22.3/-25.& 22.0/-24.6 _21.9/-24.5 21.8/-24.3 Zone 5 130 168 27.0/-30.6 26.7/-30.2 26.5/-29.9 26.2/-29.3 25.9/-28.9 25.7/-28.7 25.6/-28.5 Zone 6- 140 181 31.3/-35.5 31.0/-35.1 30.8/-34.7 30.4/-34.0, 30.0/-33.5 29.8/-33.3 29.7/-33.1 Zone 7 150 194 35.9/-40.8 35.6/-40.2 35.3/-39.8 34.8/-39.1 34.4/-38.5 34.3/-38.2 34.1/-38.0 Zone 8 156/*160 201/*206 38.6/-43.8 38.3/-43.3 _ 38.0/-42.8 •39.7/-44.4 •39.2/-43.8 *39.0/-43.5 *38.8/-43.3 Zone 9 166 214 43.9/-49.8 43.6/-49.3 43.3/-48.7 42.7/-47.8 42.2/-47.1 42.0/-46.8 41.8/-46.6 -the higher Exp B values apply to doors greater than 10' wide 510* Roof Slope / Commercial Applications C.H.I. Wind Zone ASCE 7-05 Exp BMPH ASCE 7-10 Exp BMPH 8'x8' 9'x8, Pressure (PSF) by Door Width 10'x8' 12'x8' 14'xS' 15'x8' z16'x8' Zone 1 90 116 11.7/-13.3 11.6/-13.1 11.6/-13.0 11.4/-12.7 11.3/-12.6 11.2/-12.5 11.2/-12.4 Zone 2 100 129 14.5/-16.4 14'A/-16.2 14.3/-16.0 14.1/-15.7 13.9/-15.5 13.8/-15.4 13.8/-15.3 Zone 3 110 142 17.5/-19.9 17.4/-19.6 17.3/-19.4 17.0%19.0' 16.8/-18.8 16.7/-18.6 16.7/-18.5 Zone 4 120 155 '20.9/-23.6 20.7/-23.3 20.5/-23.1 20.3/-22.7 20.0/-22.3 19.9/-22.2 19.8/-22.1 Zone 5 130 168 24.5/-27.7 24.3/-27.4 24.1/-27.1 23.8/-26.6 23.5/-26.2 23.4/-26.0 23.3/-25.9 Zone 6 140 181 28.4/-32.2 28.2/-31-:7 28.0/-31.4 27.6/-30.8 27.3/-30.4 27.1/-30.2 27.0/-30.0 Zone 7 150 194 32.6/-36.9 32.3/-36.4 32.1/-36.0 31.7/-35.4 31.3/-34.9 31.1/-34.7 31.0/-34.5 Zone 8 154 199 34.3/-38.8 34.0/-38.3 33.7/-37.9 33.3/-37.2 32.9/-36.7 32.7/-36.5 32.6/-36.2 Zone 9 166 2149 39.8/-45.0 39.4/-44.4 39.1/-44.0 38.6/-43.2 38.2/-42.5 38.0/-42.3 37.8/-42.0 General Notes -Exp B values are to nearest miles -per -hour (MPH) -Pressure values are pounds -per -square -foot (PSF) -Positive. pressure signifies pressure acting Inward to the building -Negative pressure signifies pressure acting outward from the building -Enclosed structure classification with 2' of the door in the end zone -60' x 401 building size (larger buildings may require higher negative PSF) -30' Mean Roof Height (MRH), see chart for differing MRH and Exp values -Greater door heights require lower PSF values to meet same MPH ASCE 7-05 notes -Importance Factor ofl1.00 -Utilizes nominal / basic wind speeds ASCE 7-10 notes -Risk Catergory II -Utilizes ultimate wind speeds Mean Roof Height (MRH) / Exposures (Exp) MRH Exp B Up C Exp D 15' 100% 90% 82% 20' 100% 8891. 80% 25" 100% 86%- 78% 30' 100% 84% _ 77% 35' 97% 83% 76% 40' 95% 81% 75% 45' 94% 80% 740 50, 92% 80% 74% 55, 91% j 79% 73% 60, 90% 78% 73% These percentages reduce Exp B wind speeds to approximate MPH for mean roof heights shown In MRH column. r � Page 2 of 6 For Use With Drawing Number Z7-16-01306 Strut Placement Door Height section Number 6'-6" to T-0" 7-6" to 8'-0" S-3" to S'-T 9'-0" to 10'4" 10'-9" to 12'-3" l2'-6" to I4'-0" I4'-3" to 15-9" 1&0" to 1T-6" 17-9" to 19'-3" l9'-6" to 20'-0" 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 a Detail A 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A. I at Detail A 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail C 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I at Detail A 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 a Detail tat DetailD 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 1 a Detail B 1 at Derail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail Iat DetailD I Iat DetailD 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail C 1 at Detail D 1 a[ Detail D 1 at Detail D 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B l at Detail B I ra Detail C 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D 6 N/A N/A N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B I at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail tat DetailD Iat DetailD tat DetailD Ira Detail I DetailD j N/A 1 at Detail A 1 at Detail A I at Detail B I uDetail B l at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 a[ Detail B I mDetail B 1 a Detail B l at Detail tat DetailD Iat Detail Iat DetailD I Detail Iat Detail I DetailD Q 1 at Detail A 1 a Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B t at Detail tat DetailC I DetailD tat DetailD I Detail IaDetail D Iat Detail 1a Detail I DetailD 3 1aDetail B Iat DetailB Iat Detail Iat Detail 1az DetailB Iat Derad13 tat Detail 1at Detail Iat Detail I Detail 1 at DetailC Iat DetailD Ira DetailD I Detail Iat Detail I Detail Iat Detail I DetailD Iat Detail IaDetail D .L 1 at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail B I at Detail B I at Detail B 1 at Detail B 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Derail D I at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 at Detail D 1 atDemil D I at Detail D 1 at Detail D I at Detail D 1 1at Detail Iat Detail Iat Detail Ia[Detail B Iat DetailB tat Detail Iat Detail I Detail Is Iat Detail IalDetailB 1 at Detail Ia[Detail E Iat Detail I Detail I DetailE lai DemllE 11at Detail I Detail Iat Detail lat DetailE Push Nut Detail (use on all rollers) use 3/8" I. D. on bottom fixture roller stem use 7/16" 1. D. on end hinge and top fixture roller stems Push nut, Slide roller into fixture and tap push nut onto roller stem using 1/2" socket and hammer. Leave 1/8" to 1/4" space 'between push nut and fixture. Track Bracket Spacing 'hack bracket spacing shown for doors up to four sections high. Additional door sections may be added for maximum door height depicted on line drawing. Track brackets must be added (per track) for each section and spaced at a distance not greater than the corresponding section height (see line drawing for required quantifies). Strut Placement Concerning Windows Where a strut crosses a window, it is acceptable to move the strut from a position of "Strut above hinge" down to "Strut on top half of the hinge". Strut v Ed Hinge Saut above hinge Strut on top half of hinge Snot End Fringe Do Not acced E 10" D 28" C 16" B 12" A 10" +/-3" tolerance E D C B A Page 3 of 6 Strut Placement Detail Strut Pop Fixture Strut above top fixture Detail A Strut End Hinge Strut above hinge Detail D For Use With Drawing Number Z7-16-01306 Strut on bottom half of hinge Detail B Strut above bottom fixture Detail E id Hinge Strut Strut ddential xom Fixture Strut in center of section Detail C 7 Struts Page 4 of 6 1 (arse notes for other widths) Optional Windows .117(see, Glazing Options) I I Top Fixtame j] j ® 1 ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ ■ 1 End Stile� End Hinge 2B 2A Intermediate Strut Hinge This door has been evaluated in accordance with ASTME 330-2002 and ANSJJDASMA 108.2002, 108-2005 & 108-2012 Applicable wind speeds are dependent on building envelope and must be determined in compliance with relevant ASCE 7, MC or IRC standards to am regional and local requirements. Maximum, doorheight.' 20'-00" Glazing and door have rat been tested for windbome debris. Width I Drsiga Pteoure(PSF) I Stile Qty. 11'-00" +502/,55.9 4 12'-00" +46.0/-512 5 13'-00" +42.5/47.3 5 14'-00" +39A / 439 6 15'-00" +36.8141.0 6 16'-00" +34.5/38A 7 1T-00" +30.6/-34.0 7 18•-00" +273/303 7 19'40" +245/-272 8 20'-00" +22.1/-24.6 9 vi No. W137 s * � % STATE OF \ • A Professional Engineer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details Glazing Options: (max daylight opening 39.3/8" x 12-1/2") "1/8" DSB "1/4" Tempered Glass orPolycarbunme "7/16" Insulated Glass wlopt fmTempered John E. Scates, P.E. 2560IGng Arthur, Ste 124-54 Lewisville, TX 75056 TXPE 56308, F-2203 Florida P.E. W51737 done height 6'-6" to T-0" T-6' to "" 8-3" to 8•-9" 9'-0" to 10'-6" 10'-9" to 12'-3" 12'-6" to 14'-0" 14'-3" to 15'-9" 9 1 17 1 9 16'-0" to 17-0" 10 19 10 IT-9"to 19'4' 11 21 11 19'-6" in 29-0" 12 23 12 Track bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better Southern Yellow Pine. Refer to Jamb Atmchment Detail supplemental instructions for usage of alternate jamb materials. Details for door heights up to 20'-0" are contained in the Supplemental instructions, which are required in addition to this drawing for installation Do not install door asmg only this drawing. Supporting structural elements shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for wind loads shown on this drawing.Jfdoor is not electrically operated, a lock most be insm0ed. 4X5X, 52XX, 59XX loft ` 4 1 3 2 1 Detail's on some views may have been omitted for clarity. Top Fixture The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface. Flag Bracket galvanized steel top forme attached with See jamb attachment details for more information about attaching jambs to structure. (.086) galvanized 000 attach D steel flag bracket four I/4" x 3/4" screws. 2" x 7/16" (nominal) stop molding to be attached with minimum 8d nail attached to wood D push nut or 2-1/2"long screw on 5" spacing. Stop molding not required when door jamb with three is more than 1" wider Nan opening. 5/16" x 1-5/8" End Stile wood lag screws, to (.066) steel end stile nominal (.0185) galvanized steel minimum horizontal track with two 1/4" x 519" track bolts and nuts and to vertical track with two 1/4" x 5/8" track bolts and nuts. e� Optional Top Fixture (.034) steel center stile 2" (min) x ,054 (min) (.109) galvanized steel top fixture galvanized steel track C attached with Track Bracket two 1/4" x 314" screws. (.102) galvanized steel track C push nut bracket attached to wood jamb (.066) steel end stile with one 5/16" x 1-58" wood lag screw per bracket and attached to vertical track with one 1/4" x 518" back bolt and nut or two 1/4" x 11/32" rivers. End Hinge Intermediate Hinge galvanized steel attached with (.058) galvanized steel six 1/4" x 3/4" screws. Q attachedwith four lx 3/4" I��UII screws. NX t push out �C,v%OENs(t••.• / B `\ • •� % B 2" (max. for.069 Nick) 2 3/4" 2 3/4" ; NO. 0737 : 0 4" (max: for.109 thick) • i nominal 0 2" (min.) 3-1/2" (min.) stem ps,•• STATE OF f 10 (min.) hall roller �� �� •••!�COR10P' 0\� with nylon or steel tire. �e 3, Professional Engineer's seal provided Goo O 17/8" only for verification of windload A Bottom Bracket )D construction details (.102) steel bottom bracket A galvanized nts attached with push nut Murifft four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. John E. Scares, P.E. OS-25-2017 Optional Bottom Bracket Strut 2560 King Arthur, Ste 124-34 Models: MY, 2X5X, 4X47, push not (.109) galvanized steel bottom bracket (.051) 50 ksi galvanized steel 3" strut Lewisville, TX 75056 4X5X, 52XX, 59XX Vinyl attached with attached with TXPE 56308, F-2203 weatherstrip Aluminum extrusion four red 1/4" x 3/4" screws. two 1/4" x 3/4" screws per stile. Florida P.E. N 51737 C.H.I. Thawing: Z7-16-01306 page 2 of 2 4 3 2 1 112712019 Florida Building Code Online XIS Home I Lug to I user Registration I eat Topics I submit surrhmge State a Facts Publications i canted us i gels Site Map I unto Search dbpry a��rrrProduct Approval 1 I usER: Public user Prmlud Aomwal Menu >BVdoet cr Application Search> Application riot Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FLS 25872.2 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Rewubc - Annlieaeinna PLA jy= Manufacturer validated By, SYatYS J]�j7 872 New Morton Buildings, Inc Berman, Theodore Approved FLR: FL25872.2 (305) 205-7809 Model: MB-910 Door System Description: swinging steel entry door Category: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies -wppmvee oy uerw npprova s My uurn svn as renew¢a ana auntie by me wo anayor me commission n necessary. contact Us :: 2601 Shlr Some Road. Tallah,,E M n3es Phone- mo-4sy-1824 TM State of nodda Is an WEED employer. Cowden 2007-2013 State of nodes. ;; Mvary Statement ;; A�w�,I Refund Statement Under nodes law, Mal addresses are pudl<records. If you do not want your a,mall address released In response N a publltrremrds rMuest, do not send decbonle mail to the crow. instead, conmd the once by phone or by traditional mar. If you have any yuestlons, please mntad 850.487.1395. 'pursuant to Sectlon 455.275(1), nodda Statutes, effective copper 1, 2012, 8rens a AansW under chapter 455, F.S. must besides We 0e,unment sign an wag address If May have one. The ¢malls muvided may he used for official communication win Me licensee. However Mal addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a pmsonal address, please prevlde Me Department Who an Mal address wMn can be made avalable to Me pubbe To determine If you are a losses under chapter 455, F.S., please dirk hem Preeud Approval Acacpte: noel Credit Card Safe hhDs:/AA .goddabuildino.oro/pr/or apt) IsLasox 7/1 O. Bow ME 910 ENTRY DOOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Allen N. Reeves, P.E., SECD Stnictural Engineer Florida License No. 19354 © 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, [Na F] PAGE 10F 8 O�. BUILD NGS,ft MB 910 ENTRY DOOR STEEL SI SING (FOR 7V O.C, d 100VA;w BUILDINGS) 8TEPI.FRAME OPENING. LOCATE CENTEROFAWDOORTOLINEUP WITHAHI-RIB. FRAMINGMUSTSE PLUMB OR LEIIEI. DO NOT LOCATED OUTBWING DOOR IN SLIDING DOOR PATH. 98.8NIN) FOR 2W STIFFENER 2x4 HEADER CJ_ TO CORNER) I CORNER COLUMN' 2wOx81'JAMB 81. 182-1/2` Zd3 NAILER- SHOWN 24 TYPE 2TREATED I BSTIFFENER ETWEENI VERIFYCOLUMNSPACING COLUMNS - 2(4x81' UPRIGHT 07-TYPE 2 TREATED BLOCK CATX1-IMIX40-12� NOTCH SPLASHBOARD 40W4• WIDE FLUSH WITH TOP OF CONCRETE FLOOR (4`ABOYE GRADE IF FLOOR IS HEAD/SILLSECTION NOTWCLLJDED). TOPOFTYPE2 TREATED SILL FLUSH WITH TOP OF CONCRETE FLOOR GRAD— E�� JAMB SECTION I Q7TYPE2TREATED 2t4STIFFENER BLOgC(3nl425W0=1Q) 2W JAMB 2x4 UPRIGHT RIPPEDOOWN 2x4JAMB SPLASHBOARD 3 2x4 TYPE 2 TREATED STIFFENER RIPPED•DOWN SPLASHBOARD, 2x4 TYPE 2 TREATED STIFFENER A 07 TYPE TREATED BLOCK (818'XI-12'x404M © 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC i PAGE 2 OF 8 Cirdft Q .BUILD DID NGS. e •w STEP 2 NGLE- = CUT PjS9 TOOR LLNFGORAT HENCAT MVBOOTFTSOTMEEL FLAT HEADER 8 BEND THIS STEEL AROUND JAMBS TO EASE FRAME INSTALLATION. DIN OF OPENING; STEPS: CUT APIECE OF T#14 TO 41• (DO NOT INSTALLAT THIS TIME). STEP4: PLACE ALUMINUM SILL OVER TREATED SILL TURN ALLENSCREWSBACKFLUSH AGAINSTJAMS FRAMES.. PLACE JAMS FRAMES OVER 2x4 JAM SLIDE SILL TABS INTO SLOTS AT BOTTOM OF FRAMES. NOTE: FRAMES ARE NOT HANDED- HANDING CAN BE CHANGED ON-SrM STEP 5: SLIDE T#11"UP INTO PLACE: PLACE HEAD FRAME OVER 2z4 STIFFENER g SLIDE TABS INTO JAMB FRAMES: NOTE "DUEJO INSULATION DRAFT STOP IN FRAMES, IT WILL HELP ASSEMBLY PROCESS IF A 2w47fJ7' BLOCK IS WEDGED BETWEEN JAMB FRAMES TO POSITION. HOLD THEM APART UNTIL HEAD FRAME IS IN STEP e: ADJUST ALLEN SCREWS TO PLUMB JAMB FRAMES. KEEP FRAME CENTERED IN ROUGH OPENINQ FASTEN SILL IN FRAMING TO (4) #Sx7-1/4' S S. F.H..SCREWS (IN FRAME PACK). IF DOOR IS OUTSWING, INSTALL SILL INSERT PRIOR TO FASTENING (SEE SEE A FOLLOWING PAGE). SLIDE T011 DOWN TIGHT f0 HEAD FRAME S FASTEN PER STANDARD PRO CAULK NOTCHES IN STEEL AT EACH END OF T#11. STEP 7: CAREFULLY.CAULK ALONG JOINTAT SILL TO JAMB CONNECTION. WITH START AT SILL END OF EACH JAMB FRAME & WORK 4CT WITH'SILL. INSTALL WEATHERSEAL INTO HEAD (TRIMMING JAMB WEATHERSTRIPPING WILL BE INSERT SWEEP BEFORE HANGING DOOR. FASTEN GDenitenwnv STEP'B: 'HANG DOOR PANEL WITH (S) #12241fJ/4' FJi. SCREWS PACKAGED WITH FRAME SET. DO NOTFULLY TIGHTEN ANY HINGE SCREWS UNTIL ALL 9 HAVE BEEN STARTED., CHECK FIT &ADJUST AI I EN SCREWS IF REOlI1RED. SEE STEP10 g DETAILS BELOW FOR 3 REMAINING HOLES. STEP 10: 1 HOLEAT EACH HINGE LOCATION ON HINGE JAMB,FRAME HAS BEEN DRILLED OUT FOR #tw irx' F.H. WC ID SCREWS (INSTALL3SCREWS -DONOT OVERTIGHTEN); OF DOOR, SECURE JAMB FRAMES INSTALLATION HOLES IN FRAME STEP 12 INSERT PLASTIC CAP$IN (4)ALLEN SCREWHOLES. HEAD, SECTION LEFT HINGE DOOR 2x4 HEADER RIGHT HINGE DOOR 2x4 STIFFENER THIS HOLE DRILLED 1 OUTFORLONG WOOD SCREW • ; EEL 1' ABOVE BOTTOM OF 2*4 FLAT HEADER' SCUT RIBS 114' TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE FRAME. © 20%MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. PAGE 3 OF 8 i .Q WITWILDI& MB 910 ENTRY DOOR (STEEL SIDING) NOTE: FRAMING MUST BE PLUMB OR LEVEL NAIL 2x4 HEADER TO COLUMNS Z HDG R.S. GUN NAILS. NAIL 2x4 HEADER To 2x4 STIFFENER, V R.S. GUN NAILS 120 D.C. PLUMB2x4 JAMB. NAIL TO EACH NAILER & "RIGHT WITH 2-718' R.S. GUN. NAILS 12- O.C. STEPA3: PLUMB 2x4 UPRIGHT B NAIL TO2x4 STIFFENER & EACH NAILER WITH (2) 2-78' R.S. GUN NAILS PER CONNECTION. NAIL TO SPLASHBOARD WITH (2)10D GALV. R.S. NAILS. STEP A2 NOTCH SPLASHBOARD 40- / WIDE, KEEPING TOP OF NOTCH LEVEL & FLUSH WITH TOP OF CONCRETE FLOOR (OR 4'-ABOVE GRADE IF FLOOR IS NOT INCLUDED). POSITION 2x4TYPE 2TREATED STIFFENER&47TYPE 2TREATED BLOCK TO INSIDE & FLUSH WITH TOP OF. NOTCHED SPLASHBOARD. NAIL TO SPLASHBOARD WITH 10O OALV. R.S. NAILS 12- O.C. INSIDE VIEW OF SILL SPLASHBOARD, 2x4 i 2 STIFFENER & 07 3HT © 2010MORTONSUILDINGS,'INC. PAGE 4 OFS 0 nYw vwp® END OF T#107 (SEE DETAILS BELOW)13/S' BACK FROM EDGE OF2x4 JAMB TO ALLOW FOR DOOR FRAME INSTALLATION'. TpPREVENTWATERFROMGETTINGBEHIND WAINSCOTSTEEL&'ToCOVER EXPOSED WOOD SLIP SMALL PIECE OF FLAT STFFL RPUlMn �r my • .. �. v=K WAINBCOT STEEL WITH BOTTOM H WITH CRIMPED EDGE OFT0187. MAKE COLOR AS T#187 (MAYBE CUT FROM A HOLD CAPPED END OF T#167 (SEE DETAILS BELOW) 1-3/S' BACK FROM EDGE'OF 2x4 JAMB TO ALLOW FOR DOOR FRAME INSTALLATIOW. TO COVER EXPOSEDNONTREATED WOOD, SUPA SMALL PIECE OF FLAT STEEL BEHIND T#187 8 WAINSCOTSiEEL LAP FLAT STEEL OVER TREATED WOOD. MAKE FLAT STEEL SAME COLOR AS T#107 (MAY BE CUT FROM A PIECE OF T#167). 'NOTE: WITH DOOR CENTERED IN OPENING, THERE WILL BE APPROX. A 7H8' GAP, BETWEEN T#187 8 ODOR FRAME TO ALLOW FOR DOORFRAME INSTALLATION. T#1S7 CUTTING 3 BENDING DETAILS 9/e' TAPERED NOTCH FOLD TAB UNDER HORIZONTAL LEG TO CAP END OF T#16T AT 810 FRAME 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. PAGE S OF 8 ec-o-mulame JAMB SECTION #Ww SAID. SCREWS• 2z4 JAMB - #9x2' S.S.I.D. SCREWS• 910 ENTRY JAMB FRAME - ALLEN SCREWS PLASTIC CAPS *REMOVE WASHERS. 1W OF STEEL BENT TO INSIDE OF OPENING STER 1 FASTEN ALUMINUM SILL WRH (4) #Sxf' 8:3. F.H:SCREW5 (T 20 TORX DRIVE) IN'PRE PUNCHED HOLES (CAULK HOLES IST) AN OUTSWINGDOOR REpUIRE3 A SILL INSERT Ag SHOWN BELOW -TRIM WEATHERSTRIPPING FOR INSERT. IF;BUILOINO IS ON'CONCRETE USE CONCRETEiNSERT5 FO—TRIM WS. OUTSWING DOOR SILL INSIMNO DOOR SILL SIIORTLEG OF SWEEpAL►NAyg LONGLEG OF SWEEP ALWAYS To TO SAME SIDE OFDOOA THAT SAME SIDE OF DOOR AS HINGE PINS CLOSES AGANST JAMB STOP OUTSWING SILL INSERT SHORT LEG OF SWEEP ALWAYS • . TO SAME SIDE OF DOOR THAT • CLOSES AGAINST JAMB STOP STEP 2: APPLY A SMALL 1 'CAULKING AT EACH END MB 910 APPLY IN/ CAULKING' Ll • *BULB SIDE OF SWEEP HERE AMOUNTOF' OF SWEEP. ENTRY DOOR (FRAME PACKAGING) i HINGES ATTACHED. H DEADBOLT MORTISE CAPS INSTALLED. WEATHERSTRIPPING. #Sxi-1/4' $:S: ALWAYS TO SAME F.H. SCREWS SIDE OF DOOR THAT CLOSES AGAINST JAMB STOP 1D WOOD SCREWS (HINGE TO FRAME) D UNDERCUT SCREWS (AINGE TO DOOR SLAB)EN VE TO FRAME ATTACHMT} CAP +4- s,S.1,D. FLAT HEAD SCREWS (SILL TO FRAMING) IET STRIKE PLATE. :ER USE BETWEEN LATCH PLATE OF LOCKSET DEAD80LT al<DOOR EDGE PPA STUZW/CCD SCREW (M8320SWEEP NOT USED FOR'MBS10) WEATHERSTRIPPING 2016 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. PAGE 6-OF 8 MB 910 ENTRY nrnc)P IAn-ru Cv-rmmi m HEAD SECTION (iJY OR 1• SHEATHING? 2X4 HEADER JAMB SECTION Mir OR 1• SHEATHING 2X4 UPRIGHT 2x4 JAMB FLUSH WITH SHEATHING ( i < \ 2X4 BLOCKS BETWEEN NAILERS TO SEAL THERMAX & TO PROVIDE NAILINGSURFACE FOR 2x4 JAMB SHEATHING SILL SECTIONS 1/2• SHEATHING 1• SHEATHING W TYPE 2 MOVE CIT 3185t 1•x-lrA"k40. V TYPE 2 TREATED TREATED 9-120c4D-Mv TYPE 2 BLOCK EACH SIDE (RIP FROM 2X4 STIFFENER TREATED BLOCKTq TYPE TREATED) OUTSIDE HOLD 2x4 TYPE 2 TREATED STIFFENER OUTSIDE DOWN'1-12-(COLUMN To COLUMN) OUTSIDE 'GRADE GRADE SPLASHBOARD RIPPED DOWN SPLASHBOARD 9 ©' 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. BLOCK.DOWN mas PAGE 7 OF 8 Q MB 910 ENTRY DOOR HARDWARE (STRIKE'PLATES & HOLE COVERS) LOCKSETPREP 1. SLIDE,(1)UNUT(INCLUDED'IN FRAME PACK OVER EACH SCREW HOLE (SEE'DETAIL TO RIGHT). 2 INSTALL STRIKE PLATE (INCLUDED WRH FRAME'PACK). FASTEN WITH (2) COMBINATION SCREWS (PACKED WITH LOCKSET). 3..COVER OTHER LOCKSET HOLE WITH MORTISE COVER (INCLUDED IN FRAME.PACK). DEADBOLT PREP; 1, REMOVE APPROPRIATE MORTISE COVER FROM DEADBOLT HOLE. 2 SLIDE (1) U-NUT(INCLUDED IN FRAME PACK) OVER EACH SCREW HOLE:(SEE DETAIL TO,RIGHT). 3. INSTALL STRIKE PLATE, PACKED WITH DEADBOLT. FASTERWTTH (2) COMBINATION SCREWS (PACKED WITH DEADBOLT), NOTE: WEATHERSEAL NOT SHOWN. LCOKSET 3 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATES LOCKSET STRIKE PI "- COMBINATION SCREWS UNUTS FOR DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE, IF INCLUDED U-NUTS FOR LOCKSET STRIKE PLATE USE COVERS. LCOKSETA DEADBOLT MORTISE COVERS -c wwu!'lwum I IDl7 COVER © 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. PAGE 8 OF 8 BCIS Home I Login I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts I Publlmtions I ContactUs I BCIS Site Map 1 Unks I Search dplrba product Approval (fig i USER: PublicUser w :isrN�§ttv Product Aoeroval menu > Product or Annilcanon Search > Application Llet —""�""' Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 25871 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL FLV`... _ V -t,ypgA-._..Manufacturer Valldatetl ey," Status FL25871 New Morton Buildings, Inc Berman, Theodore Approved Category: Panel Walls (305) 205-7809 Subcategory: Soffits ^,aPPmveo or ............... ......�....r ......._............._ __......._._.. .. ..______. Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone, 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail m this entity. Instead, mntact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made avallable to the public To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick bsM. product Approval Accepts: K] PE-1 eCtad -®R Credit Card Safe hHn�•IA.nmu Flnrid�huilrlinn nrn/nr/nr nnn IAt.Rgnx 1/1 cm t Q B� UUILD NGS. FLASHING 1' OVERHANG 15#288/11r289 SOFFITIFASCIA TRIM INSTALLATION) . l . SIDEWALL FASTEN BETWEEN RIBS WITH #9x1"SCREWS AT SIDEWALLOR ENDWALL, STTTCK T#288/T#289 SOFFIT/ FASCIA TRIM TO EVERY RIB WITH #9x2* SCREWS _ X-1'TO14WLAP 14289 TO 1#289 LAP DETAIL FASTEN T#288/T#289 SOFFIr/FASCIA TRIM TO SIDE FASCIA WITH #9x1• SCREWS EVERY 12" O.C. CR E i. SCREWS 12" O.C. #9x2"SCREWS AT EACH RIB SHOWN BEYOND OVERHANG CROSS SECTION -#9x1" SCREWS BETWEEN R113S © 2010 MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. SEE T#289 LAP DETAIL BELOW vZ67v 27 / LtW 3 JA.V. 2 O) 8' Allen N. Reeves,P.E.,'SECB Structural Engineer Florida License No. 19354