HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas Piping SchematicsBOARD OF .COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building and Code Regulation Division . GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC TANK 1.1 1.3 1 L5 SIZE L2] [I [Al] [A3 TANK SIZE �t -312 GALS. APPLICANCE — TYPE/SI PIPING LENGTH & SIZE L1 FT. INCH DIA. L2 FT. INCH DIA. L3 FT. INCH DIA. L4 FT. INCH DIA. L5 FT. INCH DIA. L6 -FT. INCH DIA. L7 FT. INCH DIA. L8 FT. INCH DIA. L9 FT. INCH DIA. L10 FT. INCH DIA. L11 FT. INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. Revised 7/22/14 FFB cs, @ '99 Lucie County, Permitting [AS] BTU BTU BTU (PIPE SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM THE 2014 FBCFUEL GAS CODE - TABLE 402 L_)) Websile: www.stlucleco.00v 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 XLV. CABLE W/ CLAMPS TO (PULLED ANCHOR STRAP (2) LAYERS OF FELT BETWEEN STRAP AND (2)HDG CLAMPS TO ANCHOR (PULLED - TIGHT) FEB 2 8 NO ,T. Lucie County, Permitting UNDERGROUND TANK HOLD DOWN DETAIL GENERAL NOTES: 1. HELICAL ANCHORS SHALL HAVE AN ALLOWABLE PULL-OUT CAPACITY AS SHOWN BROW. ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ANCHOR 1,4pf0 AWRER;TO ACHIEVE STATED LOAD CAPACITY. CAPACITY VARIES WITH SOIL TYPE. VERIFY ANCHOR CAPACITY WITH SOIL JVP�;P�CWNTF�6!f`..�,; 5 0(Z�:GAL,%K 2�30 'CA}:.iANK ` 6669, TAN�C. "�y,z 35 p{CJTIUTIES PRIOR TO ANCHOR INSTALLATION .2. "'a CHECX�FOR'UN6ERGRdUN.. `. 1 , LOCATION OF TANK REIA%fEE-JO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND FEATURES ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCAL CODES AND IS THE RESP,,ONSIBILNY 6F OTHERS. U. THE,TANK .AS SHOWN NAS: BEEN DESIGNED TO PREVENT FLOTATION, COLLAPSE, OR LATERAL MOVEMENT DURING THE BASE - OD.. EVENT '1\n m COPYRIGHT 2016 — FARLEY ENGINEERING, Dt AMERIGAS r 4w' .. -- CansulDng Engineer #40111 — CA28108 aaumsim - Qualit _~teel Corporation AG/UG Propr., -.-Tanks I[ fEB 28 5T, wcie CountY iEC. raiin, LE, wimr. 1450 , g. AND UP APPROXIMATE ABOVEGROUND/UNDEGROUND(AG/UG) VESSEL DIVENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS WATER CAPACITY DIAMETER (OD) HEAD TYPE OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL HEIGHT LEG* WIDTH LEG** SPACING WEIGHT (lbs.) **QUANTITY FULLLOAD. PERSTACK *120 wg. 24" Ellip. S.-S..3' 1'-1 1/2" 2'-101/2" or 3'-11" 260 108 196 161 12 *250 wg. 30" Hemi. T-10" 3'-8" 1'-5" 4'-11" 480 54 9 *320 wg. 30" Hemi. 9'-7" 3'-8" 1'-5" 5' 620 45 9 500 cagy 7 1/Z" Hemi. 10, 4'-2" 1'-8" 5 950 37 30 8 6 1000 wg. 41" Hemi. 16' 4'-5" 1'-8" 10'-1" 1,800 17 1 15 6 1 5 1450 wg. 461/2" Ellip. 17'-4" 4'-11" 1'-9" 117" 2,650 12 4 1990 wg. 461/2" Ellip. 23'-11" 4'-11" 1'-9" 16, 3,520 8 4 Dimensions and specifications shown are approximate. Individual vessels may vary. Leg spacing +/- 2". Leg widths and spacing may vary based on mfg.location. Check with your salespusan for details. 120, 250,320 wg. standard tanks - no holes in legs (one center hole on request). 500 and 1000 wg. standard tanks- 2 holes 16" on ceder. 1450 wg. and up as shown above. '-Full load and stack quantities vary by shipping location. Check with your salesperson for details. General Specifications Conforms to the latest edition of ASME Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1. Complies with NFPA 58. Rated at 250 psig from -20° F to 125' F. All vessels registered with National Board. Two serviceoptions available: Option 1: Ready -to -bury underground option, coated with either powder coated phenolic epoxy finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with composite AG/UG dome. Option 2: Aboveground option, coated with either powder coated TGIC polyester finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane topcoat, supplied with steel AG/UG dome. - All vessels are shipped vacuum pre -purged to enable simplified first fill of the vessel. Updated June 30, 2015 Chapter 1s • Pipe am, ng5ftingTables FEB � B 11075 2014 LP -Gas Code 1-11,06001C TABLE 15.1(d)IlYITVJ*'Im Regulators. Nominal Outside Feat -Stage mid Secartd-Stage (far: Undilutadpnupmie (npt prusure:. IO,O pr1 IresareDrop: 1.Opsi 1peufu Gravrilc 152 Pipe 4 in.m im SDR 10.00 SDR IL00 SDR IL00 Length SDR 9.33 SDR ILO SDI i118 (1318) (ISSN (1943) (fl} (0:660) (0860) (Lon--- 20260 36402 30 2143 7744 13416 11482 17340" 31155 40 1835 3 673 6628 10176 15368 27611 50 1626 3671 5874 9220 g120 1392A 25019 60 1473 2950 5322 4896 13924 23017 70 1355 2714 989I I MS 21413 80 1261 2525, 4555 4274 7404 11182 20091 90 1183 D69 4037 6994 6994 10562 18978 t00 1117 21-18 3579 6199 9361 16920 125 990 1983 3242 .5616 9482 15240 150 697 1797 5167 781 14020 17$ 826 1653 2993 nen7 4510 7TU 643 ta04a 12.3 225 731 1443 2603 2459 4260 250 691 1363 1294 2336 4D46 6111 1 979 275 646 1235 2228 3860 5830 10474 963d 300 350 bit 567 1136 2050 1907 3551 3304 5363 4989 8965 400 529 1057 9 92 1789 3100 4681 8411 450 495 937 1690 2918 4422 7945 500 4d8 849 1531 2653 4007 7199 600 424 781 1409 2441 3686 6623 .700 390 726 726 1311 2271 3429 6161 800 363 692 1230 2131 3217 5791 '5461 900 10 644 1162 2012 3039 1000 322 2441 43a5 1500 253 ,5j3 798 1383 2089 3753 2000 221. IFS: Iran pipz sir S➢R: 5mndsrd db=aslon 1e60. NuM5 (1) Caps,�W"s = in logo BwAm de damzta'. zm insi Oi ➢imrn5i0ns in Paxentbes -= Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5.to 20 PSIG down to bumer pressure, normally 11° w.c. Ideal for medium commercial installations, multiple cylinder installations and normal domestic loads. Large vent helps prevent blockage and has w" F.NPT for vent piping. With 15 PSIG inlet pressure, regulator is designed to not pass more than 2 PSIG with the seat disc removed. Incorporates integral relief valves. Replaceable valve orifice and valve seat disc. Straight line valve closure reduces wear on seat disc. Unique bonnet vent profile minimizes vent freeze over when property installed. Large molded diaphragm is extra sensitive to pressure changes. Built in pressure tap has plugged 1i6° RNPT ouflet Plug can be removed with a 3/16° hex allen wrench. Select brown finish. ckirlo .—Masi Mounts directly to house line piping. Eliminates need for union joints, elbows, and mounting brackets. Quick and easy to install. LV44G313 3W I W Ma terbilb Body..................................... _................ ..................... . Die Cast Zinc Bonnet....... ........... _..................................................... Die Cast Zinc Nozzle Orifice ........-......... .........-..._. Brass Spring.................... _....... -....................... _.............................. .. Steel Valve Seat Disc ..... ... .............................................. Resilient Rubber Diaphragm .......................... Integrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber. LISTED E 'Ur 5;1 a�t m qt ac CR*r. Bltt'tr. �LV44031346 %' F. NPT LV4403946FV #26 Drill 11° W.C. at 10 PSIG '/.° F. NPT Intel LV4403666 /.' F. NPT LV4403B66R" • BackmouN design IAW=m Mw Eased on 10 PSIG Wxt a 9- wn delivery pmesme. LV44033Secies MOM 1 9 11 1 JI 1 i;!KQ11.1�2"A111. LV4403BR '1111 111111 w'1 ��� 9" to 13°w.c. I Over Inlet 1 935.000 q 16 100 Re O Dr. P.O. 8m 2410on, NC ZM44 USA wwn M, Pmducts.mm Pfmne (336) 449-MT Fax (33s) "13 4 ��G� Application Materials Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or Bo . ............................_._....................• Znc DGT container in propane gas Installations requiring up 10 1,500,000 Bonnet ........_......... ..—........ •••••- """""""-" """. Znc ----- Steal BTU's per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container Spring ......... ... ......... ................................ .. ....Resilient Rubber Pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 PSIG, Seat Disc ..... ................. •-•-•'^ ••-d Fabdc and Synthetic Rubber Diaphragm ............... ........_ Ors Features Compact design can be connected to a service valve using either a POL adapter or a Rego product pigtail. Large threaded V F.NPT bonnet vent can easily be piped -away underground installations without the need of glue kits or extra adapters. • Non Adjustable • Large Flow orifice resists freeze ups due to water concentration in LPG vapor. • Design provides far good flow regulation at both high and low container pressures. • Built In relief valve and travel stop comply with NFPA 58 over pressure requirements. • Incorporates W F.NPT downstream pressure tap for an easy inline check of the regulator's delivery pressure. • Molded diaphragm provides an o-ring type seal between the body and bonnet. • Body and bonnet are assembled in the USA using the unique, patented RegUlok seal system. • Fully painted In brilliant red for complete corrosion protection. • Mounting bracket available as an accessory: part number 2.302-31. 3.56" Ordering Information 1/7 F.NPT ¢NISI. =oaa Mae reum 1AaaPea Flaw reoraaE %- F.NPT I '/a° I 10 PSIG i,a`JKa I e Aw 1,500,000 LV3403TRV9 Maximum flow eased an inlet l menew 20 PSIG higher than he regulaterseding and delivery pressure 2a%lower man me regulaesem ing and delivery pressure zo % lower than the seling. A14 10a Rego Or. P.O. Box 26T alon, NC 2T244 USA www.regoPmductv.mm R+na (336) W9-TTaT Fex (338) 449-6596 0aMfi7_