HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval• t � >W� 'n �` car wt� rrr• �nv�t� ��<'i IIE,-- . �. la . rq.�y •rp-y. Y6�,yI—�r^I' "dr�7�"�"',-�"(�"s'�y"" • Dos Home Lapin User RNISuatlon Hotlaplss Submit S,nvftMe RaMSFads vuWica ions Cantad Us BCIS Site Map links SeatN flolldro i 3 Product Approval Ill �°° pSER•Publk Usar &Mnd-aonmval Menu>P,Mad or Amllutbn SeaM,> AaWkWan Let> AppnGnon Dean RECEIVED . FL 9 FI27402-Ri Application Type Revision FEB 0 4 2020 Code Version 2017 Application Status Validated ST, Lucie County, permitting Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Carports Anywhere Address/Phone/Email 10858 S.E. County Road 221 Starke, FL (352)468.1116 hodom@arportsanywhere.com Authorized Signature grannie Odom bodom@carports nywhem.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email ,Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck ComplianceMethodEvaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Pmfesslonal Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Terrence E. Wolfe the Evaluation Report Florida I)cense PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC. Quality Assurance Contact Expiration Date 06/23/2023 Validated By Brian laks, P.E. Validation Cheddist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code F127402 RI COT Letter of Certinration.od( Standard ASTM E 1592 FM 4471 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Year 2005 1992 • t ' ' Date Submitted 00/08/2019 Date Validated 00/09/2019 Summary of Products -1 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 27402.1 Hampton Rib Roar Panel Hampton Rib Roof Panel aver Open Framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL274O2 R1 it Hampton Rib Roof Panel overopen Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes framino.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified 6y: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Design Pressure: +46,9 psf/-57.3 psf Other: See evaluation report for various design pressures Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Install per Manufacturer's details. Not for use In HVHZ Zones. FtZ7407 111 AE Hammon Rib Roof Panel over ape n fmmina.pd( Created by independent Third Party: Yes C410d Ut :: 201 Stone Read. Tallahattre R NMFhanc 850-407,1024 The State of Ranch it an AAgM mployoc,a ht Im7-2013 State of godda:: Rl mStatement:: AcmWTM Statement:: RNUM Statement Frodu ctAppmwal Accepts: ©® Kerr Credit Card Safe FL# 27402.1 Rl Force En330 ngineering & Testiag Inc. 19amble cd Duve H.blc,TX 77338 Product Evaluation Report CARPORTS ANYWHERE Hampton Rib Roof Panel over open framing Florida Product Approval # P7402.1 RI Florida Building Code 2017 Per Rule GIG20-3 Method: I—D Category: Structural Components Subcategory: Roof Deck Compliance Method: 61GZO-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer. Carport Anywhere 10858 S.E. County Road 721 Starke, Florida 32091 Engineer Evaluator: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. It 44923 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1920 Validator: Brian Jaks, P.E. #70159 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1-4 H C E'E cEkSFI�. No. 44) STATE OF a+.rrama ,i �F 'to Ri 1) A ; August 8,2019 rForcegine (-airhl ig/ t8c Testing Inc 105301tamblswood Drixc Humble;XX 7723E Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Cade 2017, Sections 1504.3.2, 1504.7. Product Description: Hampton Rib 26 Ga. and 29 Ga. Steel Roof Panel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural roof panel. Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90.Grade 50 29 Go. Steel, ASTM A792 orA5TM A653 G90 Grade g0 Conforming to Florida Building Code 2017 Section 1507.4.3. Optional paint finish. Corrosion Resistance: Panel. Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 26 Ga.: 0.0185" min. orderthickness 29 Ga.; 0.014Z" min. order thickness Width: 36" maximum coverage - Rib Height: Y." major rib at 9" D.C. Panel Roliformer: MRS Metal Rollfdrming Systems Panel Fastener: N12-14 x Y.." HWH SDI13 with 14mm neoprene banded washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4.4. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing, Minimum 16 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing, or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing. See Table A & B for steel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2017. Allowable Design Pressures: Table "A" 26 Ga. Hampton Rib Roof Panel Maximum Design Pressure: -57.3 Psf -72.9 Psi -67.7 psf 446.9 Psf +54.7 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1-2-1 2.1-2.1 2-1-2-1 2.1-2-1 2-1-2-1 Panel Span: 5'-0"O.C. 4'-T O.G e4r O.c- 5'.G"O.0 4•-a0— Substrate: Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Mtn. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Mtn. 18 Ga. Steel Framing Min. Is Ga. Steel Framing MIn.18 Ga. Steel framing •Design Pressure includes a Safety. Factor =2.0. FL# 27402.1 R1 `,N C E'f ttyoL,� i GEkSP No. 40 STATE OF ;C' 00 W se`.rrrn 00Fs; •. 1�J Dann,,1J, IOM 1151" Ito t ,`, August 8, 2019 I I , Force Enginerfng Tcsting Inc.19530.Rammood Drive Humblg7X 77338 Table •a" 19 Ga. Hampton Rib Roof Panel Maximum Design Pressure: -57.3 psf AS0.9 psf +39.0 psf +143.1 psf FastenerPattem: 6"-3'-6'-3"-6•-3•-6' 6"-3"£c3'-6•-3.6• 6•-3•-6•-3•-6"-3•-6" 6"-3•-6"-3•-6"3"-6• Fastener5padng: 4'-0"O.0 2'-G'D.C. 4'-0°O.0 2'-0"O.0 Substrate: Min. 16 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 16 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 36 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 16 Ga. Steel Framing "Design Pressure Includes a Safety Factor = 2.0. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1504.3.2, 1504.7. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference • FM 4471-92- Foot Traffic Resistance Test Reference Data: 1. ASTME 1592-05 (2012) Test Force Engineering &Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization # TST-5328) Report No. 667-0060T-18A-E, 667-0O61T-18A-D 2. FM 4471-10, Section 4.4 Foot Traffic Resistance Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc (FBC Organization # TST-5328) Report No. 667-006OT--18F, 667-0061T-18E 3. Certificate of Independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No. 44923) @ Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization # ANE 10: 1920) Test Standard Equivalency: The FM 4471-10, Foot Traffic Resistance test standard is equivalent to FM 4471-92. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for FL#27402.1 RI \\\\\I 111 ll/flrr! N C E• ry a`�t ce NSF •<�, +, S* ._ No A 449 �'o• STATE OF s�nrrsml, 'P?nFs Fi 0P-1'fl A. .m. rh ��OHrn11P0 August 8, 2019 1' y Fotce Engineering &Testing Inc. 19530 Romblewood Drive Hweble.TX 77338 manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, Including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. Forslopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: Install per manufacturer's recommended details. Insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of [he Florida Building Code 2017 for roof cladding wind loads. These componentwind loads far roof cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachmentto his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must be In compliance with Florida Building Code 2017 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 far structural loading. FL# 27402.1 RI O�st`NtC E'e rlk"If � (VQ'•1't CE NSF <.n A. No(((777 C W. MA / STATE OF ace nmr �4 SON nst� Os, August 8, 2019 26 GA. HAMPTON RIB FASTENER PATTERN 2-1-2-1 512-14 . 3/4' WWII SD3 V// 14MIA RONDED NEOPRENE VIASHER 29 GA. HAMPTON RIB FASTENER PATTERN 6"-3"-6"-3"-6"4--6" G. _ 3" 6" 3" G Y 6' 3. 012-14 x 3/4" IRVII S03 'W/ 14MM BONDED NEOPRENE WASHER 81oto of Flolldo C.OA. #tam Igllll II11111q//� NO E. tk �'/// ocENs"t`o�,;1'G NO. 44933'•lT STATE OF August 8, 2019 9120/2018 Florida Building Code Online BM Home Log User Regatradan I HatTapl6 SubMtSurchatge Stats6FaG I PubUmdam Catnaa Us BOSSIte Map ! Uaks I Sezrd d Fb I Product Approvals 5 _ - UPubue user r � PMd"MAaamval Meng> emduM ernnnn¢don Search > Ppalintlon ❑rt> Apptimdon detail ,.._o FLU Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email. Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Small Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL27403 New 2017 Approved Carports Anywhere 10858. S:E. County Road 221 Starke, FL (352) 468-1116 bodom@carportsanywhere.com Brandle Odom bodom@mrportsanywhere.com Structural Components Structural Wall Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Floridl Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Terrence E. Wolfe Evaluation Report Florida Lkense PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity FRI Constructlon Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 06/13/2023 Validated By Gary Hartman, RE. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL27403 RO COI Letter of Certification.odf Standard ASTM E 1592 ASTM E 330 Year 200S 2002 https:llwww.floridabtilding.org/prlpr_app d6.aspx4pamm=wGEVXQwtDgUHOE2Ywe%2bOsAuSaRIO%2fsNildtoBIC%2P/a2bLV98RAA3xJ6YA%3d%3d 112 9/20/2018 Florida Building Cade Online C Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 06/18/2018 Date Validated 06/19/2018. Date Pending FBC Approval 06/27/2018 Date Approved 08/15/2018 bqmma PIOtlYOts FL # Modelr Number or Name Description 27403.1 Hampton RIb Wall Panel Hampton Rib Wall Panel over open Framing Limits of Us ar use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-57.3 psf Other. See Evaluation Report for various Design Pressures. Install per Manufacturer's Details. Not for use In HVHZ Zones. Installation Instructions FL27403 RO IT Hampton Rib Wall Panel Secured.pi Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, RE. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL27403 RO AE Hampton Rib Wall PanelSecured.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 27403.2 Res] -Lap Siding Wall Panel Resi-lap Siding Wall Panel over open Framing Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +40.0.psf/-37.0 psf Other.+40.0 psf at 4'-0" o.c. -37.0 psf at 4'-0' o.c. Install per Manufacturer's Details. Not for use In HVHZ Zones. Installation Instructions FL27403 RO IT Rest -Lao Nall Panel searred.ildf Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL27403 RO AE Resi-Lao Wall Panel seelred.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes D Ea cannot U :: 26018WrSWaeRaad.Tallahassee a 3Z399 Phone: 050402-1024 The State of Honda is an AAtUO employee Capydd ht 2007-2013 State of Florida, tc vneary Statement:: Acceaslbnly Statement :: Refund Sharon, Under Flodda law, mall addresses are public records. If you d0 not Want yc rCmall address released In response to a public -records request do not send clectraall mall to this aridly. instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any quesdons, please contaa 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(l Honda Statutes, effective October 1, ZD12, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. most provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emal provided may he used far official communication with the (l ansee. However emaill addresses are public mcc rd. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, pleas provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine If you am a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please click Lion ProductApproval Accepts: M= ® =Qct Credit Card Safe httpsJltww.floridabuilding.org/ptipr app dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtt)quHOE2Ywea/a2bOsAuSaRIOp/o2fsNjldto6lGa/2P/o2bLV98RAA3xJ6YAa1.3d`/A3d 7J2 Force Engineering & Testing Inc. 19530 Ramble dWve Humble,7X 7338 Product Evaluation Report CARPORTSANYWHERE Hampton Rib Wall Panel over open framing Florida Product Approval # 27403.1 Florida Building Code 2017 Per Rule GIG20-3 Method: 2—a Category: Structural Components Subcategory: Structural Wall Compliance Method: 61G20-3.005(2)(b) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: CarportAnywhere 10858 S.E. County Road 221 Starke, Florida 32091 Engineer Evaluator: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. # 44923 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1920 Validator• Gary Hartman, P.E. #73227 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1-4 ttttttlu lurrrr� N s (.' No. 410 STATE OF x.vrwf 0+ W. AL0Rt9 �'Opnnn t6ttt FL# 27403.1 JV-K'i ZE, zois. 1' Poore Engineering& Testing Inc. 19530 R.1,1 6,[D&c Humbl.;= 71338 Compliance Statement. The product as described In this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1709.2. Product Description: Hampton Rib 26 Ga. and 29 Ga. Steel Wall Panel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural wall panel. Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 Grade 50 29 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 Grade 80 Conforming to Florida Building Code 2017 Section 1405.2. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 26 Ga.: 0.0185" min. order thickness 29 Ga.; 0.0142" min. order thickness Width: 36" maximum coverage Rib He Y.." major rib at 9" O.C. Panel Raliformer. MRS Metal RDllforming Systems Panel Fastener: #12-14 x '/." HWH SDN3 with 14mm neoprene bonded washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing, Minimum 16 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing, or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing. See TableA & B farsteel gauge. Framing must be designedin accordance w/ Florida Building Code 201.7. Allowable Design Pressures: Table "A" 26 Ga. Hampton Rib Wall Panel Maximum Design Pressure: -57.3 psf -72.9 psf -67.7 psf ♦45.9 psf s54.7 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2.1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 Panel span: 5'-0' O.r— 4'-U" O.0 4'-0' O.C. 51-0, O.C. 4'-0' O.C, Substrate: Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 18 Ga. Steel Framing Min. 18 Ga. Steel Framing *Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor 2.0. i STATE OF ; sa..rrsnu e. f ' , , • 't J `% FL# 27403.1 Jlt4�18a 2018 „ rFlorce Engmecrin&Testing Inc. 19530 Hamblmood ]Drive Humblc,TX77338 Table "R” 29 Ga. Hampton Rib Wall Panel Maximum Design Pressure: -57.3 psf } -150.9 psf +39.0 psf +143.1 psf Fastener Pattern 6'-3"-6'-3"-6"-3"-fi" 6"-3'0-3"-W-3'-6' 6"X-6'-3"-6'-3'6" 6'-3'-0-3'0-3"-6" Fastener5pacing: 4'-W O.C. 2'-0"O.0 4'-0'O.C. 2.0 O.C. 'Design Pressuretndudes a Safety Factor=2 0. Cade Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida. Building Code 2017, Section 1709.2. Evaluation Report Soope: The product evaluation its limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference Reference Data: 1. ASTM E 1592.05 (2012) Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization OTST--5328) Report No. 667-006OT-18A-E, 667-0061T--ISA-D 2. Certificate of Independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No. 44923) @ Force Engineering &Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization 0 ANE ID: 1920) Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturerhas established compliance of roof panel products In accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Installation: Install per manufacturers recommended details. Insulation: Manufacturers approved product (Optional) Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 'N C ErE rr .•��, tzjri C E M No. 40 STATE OF sti. %�F AL O F 11) c, ` . s•. V"ti�� FL# 27403.1 Jw.w 1-8, 2.018 Force fi�n& Testing Inc. 19530 R.wood Ddve Humblc;=77338 Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based an the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2017 for wall cladding wind loads. These component wind loads for wall cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must he in compliance with Florida Building Code 2017 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. `,tstNu t r t grrr N C E. E , �1"6 t C E iNJ 4 . nw„Fe .ir STATE OF ; ��• 4r VIM FL# 27403.1 jv*i 28, 2018 26 GA. HAMPTON RIB FASTENER PATTERN 2-1-2-1 `-®12-14 • 3/4- F9M S93 W/ 14UU RONOEO NEOPRENE WASHER 29 GA. HAMPTON RIB FASTENER PATTERN V-3"-61.-3"—C-3"—V 9 3X HMI 503 W/ 141IM 0ON9E0 NEOPRENE WASHER fI71 md991 F70116L4 !//// C.OA E. l-�//ii. Q2671O No.44923 0' 1r ek_ STATE 04 1ON18208 313012018 Florida Building Cade Online 4t'� ._ :Kir,,!� rn-^�JJ .�} rS•st' �•"8^s`�'r'Z''r"�'. �w�� ..- 1F s' t40R'W.-OxN1rM4rr�Cr��i a ftE y�P Rr 3� �i,, }' 't� `k• 0�• ., u dbpra FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By F117996-R1 Affirmatlon 2017 Approved Elixir Door and Metal Company 1215 Pope Drive Douglas, GA 31533 (912)493-2215 ryarberry@elixirdmc.com Randall Yarberry ryarberry@e1bdrdmc.com PfC Product Design Group PO Box 520775 Longwood, FL 32752 (321) 690-1788 Info@pte orp.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Usting American Architectural Manufacturers Association American Architectural Manufacturers. Association Standard ASTM E330 Year 2002 I affirm that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affect my products) and my product(s) are In compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A https,./Avww.Ooddabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?pamm= GEVXQwtDquTluhTgK2%2bd3R%2b%2bN%2f8gOsgRCIoMU°/,2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXiw%3d%3d 3/30/2018 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 OpBon A Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Go to Page 0 01/29/2018 01/29/2018 02/04/2018 00 Page 1/200 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17996.1 Series202-20S Steel: Door Series 202-20S Steel O.S. Door w/ Vertical Slider Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 Rl C CACEXR 202-20S Vertical Slider ASrM E330 p us5 pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +30/-30 12/03/2018 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 RI It ELIX0034 Rev A Series 202-20S SS.odf Verified By: Robert 3. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1642 Rev3 415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.2 Series 230 W9 Steel Door Series 230 W9 Steel O.S. Door w/ Cottage Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 R1 C CAC EXR 230 W9 Cottage ASTM E330 EW51PA Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure. +30/-30 12/03/2018 other. Installation Instructions FL17996 R3 It EM—G033 Rev A Series 230 W9 SS.odf Verified By: Robert 3. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports EL17996 91 AE PER 1642 Rev3 415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.3 Series 402-14 Vinyl Steel Out -Swinging Regular Door - 14"x14" Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR 402-14 E330 RWO.Plif Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2020 Design Pressure: +40/-40 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI II ELIX0050 REV -A OS MODEL 402-14 ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 1. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports EL17996 RI AE PER 1951 Revla 415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.4 Series 402-20S Vinyl Steel Out -swinging Regular Door - 20" slider window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR 402-205 E330 gluk2,Ri f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant•. No 09/14/2020 Deslgn.Pressure: +40/-45 Installation Instructions Other: EL17995 RI Ii ELDm051 REV -A OS MODEL 402-20S ss.odf Verified By: Robert 1. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1951 Revla 415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.5 Series 407 Vinyl Steel Out -swinging Regular Door -Blank (no window) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 R3 C CAC EXR 407 E330 WAL%0df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2020 Design Pressure: +40/-45 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI II ELIX0052 REV -A OS MODEL 407 ssj)dff Verified By: Robert 1. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports hops:l/www.flofldabuilding.org/prlpr app d0.aspx?paramZVGEVXQwtDquTluhTgK2%2bd3R%2b°/,2bN%203fjOsgRC[oMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw%3d%3d 3/3012018 Rodda Building Code Online FL17996 RI AE PER 1951 Revla 415-0705 ss.pd( Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.6 Series 430 We Vinyl Steel Out -swinging Regular Door - 9-Ute Window (1'B° x TO-) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate. Approved for use In HVHZ No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17996 RI C CAC EXR 430-W9 E330 nlus5.odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2020 Design Pressure: +33/-40 Installation Instructions Other. FL17995 RI It ELD(0053 RE" OS MODEL 430-W9 ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 3. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1951 Revla 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.7 Series 6400 W9 Cottage Series 6400-W9 Non -Impact Inswing Painted Steel Door w/Storm Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR6400 E330 olus5.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/16/2019 Design Pressure: +661-56 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI It ELIX0056 Rev -A IS MODEL 6400-W9 WITH STORM DOOR ss.pdf Verified By:. RobertJ. Amoroso,PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports rLI7996 RI AE PER 1 54 RevRev2 415-0705 ss.gdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.8 Series 7500 Oval Series 7500 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Adjustable Threshold Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZNo FL17996 Ri C CAC EXR 7500 Oval 21 adjustable threshold Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes E330 olus5.udf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Explration Date Design Pressure: +34/-50 09/17/2019 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 RI It FLIX0055 Rev -A IS MODEL 7500 OVAL 21 WITH ADJUSTABLE THRFESHOLD ss.odf Verified. By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1955 Rev2 415.0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.9 Series 7500 Oval Series 7500 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Storm Door and PVC Jambs Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17995 RI C CAC EXR 7500 Oval 23 E330 olus5.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No 09/16/2019 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other:. F 17296 RI II E rX0060 R v-A IS MODEL SIR 750022 OVAL ME" STORM DOOR ss.odf Verified By: Robert J. Ampmso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R3 AE PER 1955 Rev2 415-0705 ss.pff Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.10 Series 0400 W9 Cottage Series 8400-W9 Non -Impact Oval Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Storm Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17996 RI C CAC EXR 8400 E330 olus5 pAf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/16/Z019 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI 11 KU0057 Rev -A IS MODEL 9400-W9 OVAL WITH STORM DOOR ss.odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1954 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes https:IAvww.0oddabuilding.orglprlpr app_dtl.aspx?pamm=wGEVX0wt0quTluhTgK2%2bd3RY°2b%2bN%2fBgDs9RCIoMU%2biRDgsg3ZdG)XIw%3d%3d 31301201E Florida Building Cade Online 17996.11 Series 9000 Series 9000 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Stafm Daar Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR 9000 50 E330 DI"S.Odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ImpactResistant: No 09/16/2019 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 Rl D ELIX0058 Rev -A IS BLANK 9000 DOOR W. STORM DOOR ss.pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports EL17996 RI AS PER 1954 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.12 Series 9400 Cottage Series 9400-W9 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Storm Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No EL17996 RI C CAC EXR 9400 E330 Dlus5.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/16/2019 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: EL17996 RI TI RJX0059 v MODEL O W COTTAGE W. STORM DOOR ss:Ddf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso; PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1954 Rev2 415-0705 ss.pd Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.13 Series AFIF7N Series AFIF7N Non -Impact IS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR AFIF7N E330 Illus5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure: +38/-38 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI 11 ELIX0040 AFrF7N-BFIF7N RevA SS.g_dff Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RS AE PER 1952'Rev2 415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.14 Series AFOF7N _' Series AFOF7N Non -Impact OS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certiflcate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR AFOF7N E330 Dlus5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure: +3B/-3B Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI 11 ELIX0042 AFOF7N-BFOF7N RevA ss.pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amcroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R3 AE PER 1952 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.15 Series AV1F7N Series AVIF7N Non -Impact IS Steel Doer Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR AVIE7N E330 p1us5.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 04/05/2020 Design Pressure: +25/-25 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 R1 11 EUX0047 AVIF7N-BVIF7N RevA ss:gdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 Rl. AE PER 19$3 Rev2 415-0705 ss.Pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.16 Series AV0F7N Series AVOF7N Non -Impact OS Steel Doors Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR AVOF7N E330 olus5.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 04106/202D Design Pressure: +21/-21 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI 11 ELIXCG48 AVOF7N-BVOF7N RevA ss.pdr Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes httpsJAvww.Ooridabuliding,orgiprlpr app dtl.aspxTpamm=wGEVXQwIOquTluhTgK2%2bd3R°/alb%2bN%2f8gOs9RCIoMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw%3d%3d 3/3012028 Flodda Building Code Online Evaluation Reports EL17996 RI AE PER 1953 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.17 Series BFTF7N Series BFIF7N Nan -Impact IS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 R3 C CAC EXR BFIF7N E330 o us-Lildf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/15/2019 Design Pressure: +39/-38 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 R1 11 EUX0040 AFIF7N-BFIF7N RevA SS.odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 195Z Rev2 415-0705 ss.pd Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.18 Series BFIF7S Series BFIF7S Non -Impact IS Fiberglass French Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR MjU5 E330 oM2LPdF Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact. Resistant: No 09/15/2019 Design Pressure: +30/-38 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI II ELIX0046 BFIF7S RevA ss.pdf Verified By: Robert 3. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER 1952 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.19 Series BFOF7N Series BF0F7N Non -Impact OS Fiberglass Door .Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17996 III C CAC EXR BF0F7N E330 MgS5,,DdF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 04/06/2020 Design Pressure: +30/-30 Installation InstruNons Other: EL17996 RI 11 EUX0042 AFOF7N-BFOF7N RevA ss.ndf Verified By: Robert 3. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI AE PER-1952 Rev2 415-0705 55.odf Created by independent Third Party: Yes 17996.20 Series BV163S Series BVI63S Non -Impact Single Inswing Door w/Fixed Lite Insert and Outswing Storm Door Limits of Use. Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 RI C CAC EXR BVI63S E330 olus5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant No 12/17/2021 Design Pressure: +65/-65 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI It ELIX0061 BVI63S RevA ss.pdF Verified By: Robert 3. Ampruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RS AE PER 2244 Rev2 415-0705 ss R& Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Go to Page 0 obeat 00 Pagei/200 CenpRtle :: 2601 Blalrstene Read, Wlohassae F132399 Phones 850.497-1824 The State of Parldo Is an APJ E employer. Cyou yd9ht 2007-2013 51ate of Fodda.:: pdvacv Statement :: A¢eu1bII1N Statement u Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are publle records. if you des not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any quesnons, please conl d 550.487.1395. *Pursuant to section 455.275(1), Flodda subtlest effective October 1, 2012, ficonsees licensed under gapter 455. F.S. must provide, Me Department with an email address If they haw one. Tlse:mails provided may be, used far official o mmunlco0on with the licensee. Hawever email addresses am public record. if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provlde the Department with an email address which ran be made available to the public. Tb determine If you are, a pconsee under Dsapter 455, FS., please click hget, Product Approval Accepts: ���- hops:fAw .fladdabuilding.org/prlpr app_d8.aspx7pamm=<vGEVXQwtDquT[uhTgK2%Zbd3R%2b%2bN%2f8lDsgRCIaMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw%3d%3d 313012018 Florida Building Cade Online Credit Card Safe hhps:lAvww.0oddabuilding.org/pripr gpp dl1.aspx7pamm=wGEVXQwtDquTluhTgK2%2bd3R%2b%2bN%2f8fjjOs9RCIDMl1%2bfRDgsg3ZdG174w%3d%3d v%IL 1 ITI]_' � HA 010113 MODEL 407 NON -IMPACT OUTSWING VINYL LAMINATED STEEL DOOR GENERAL NOTES: I. THE PRODUCT ANCHORAGE SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED SANAREASWHEREWINOBORNEDEBRISPROTECTION TO COMPLY WITH THECURRENT EDITION OFTHE REOUWEMENTSEXIST,USEOFANIMPACTPROTECTNE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FSC) EXCLUDING HIGH SYSTEM COMPLYING YAM WE FBC REQUIREMENTS FOR VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE AND WE DESIGN WINDBORNE DEBRIS REGIONS IS MANDATORY FOR THE PRESSURES) STATED HEREIN. PRODUCTHEREW. In. THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ME BASED 6. FRAME I.WTERIAL: AULAINUMALLOY 600-TS UPON SIGNED AND SEALEDTEST REPORT DALLAS DOOR PANEL MATERIAL•.00 MLVINYL LAMINATED LABORATORIES, INC. W4278 MDASSOCIATEO GAVANGEUSTEELOIVSKINWIURETHMEFOAMCORE. LABORATORY STAMPED DRAWINGS. T. DESIGNATIONS'X•STANO FORTHE FOLLOWING: J.AOEQUACYCFTHEEM=NGSTRUCTUp 2XFRAMING X:OPERABLEPMEL ORSTEELFMMWG ASA MANWWD FORCE RESISTING O:RMEDPMEL CMAG HSTMCWG AND TRANSF APPUED PRCIBCTLOADS TO THE 9.HAPOWME: FMXDEONJGMPUFO A NATCHLO ES:(4)606}Tfi EXmUOEDAUMINUM CRARCTECTOFRRESPON6IBILRYOFTHEENGINEER OR MCNRECT OF RECORD. B. DEADS MSING E C. DEMO SOLT:SINGLE CYUNOER 3.1XAN0 ZX BUCKS SHALL TOTHE ANCHORED ERLYTRMS ALL UQ=S TO PROPERLY O. SEESXEETI FOR DESIGN PRESSURE CHART. SUCK STALL'LOAOS STRUCTURE SBCKDEEIGNMD WSTRMCHI IS THE RESPONSIBIIRY OF THE ENGINEER Op ARCHITECT OF RECORQ 4.71HE INSTALLATION DETAILS DESCRIBED HEREIN ME GENERIC AND MY NOT REFLECTACNAL CONDITIONS FORASPEQFICSITE IFSITECONDITIONSCAUSE W STALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS UETNLEO HEREIN. A LICENSED ENGINEER OR MCHITECT SHA, PREPARE SLTE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE wlm TwslJacuMENT: DESIGN PRESSURE RATNG(PSF) IMPACTRATNG WHEREWATERINFILTRATON REQUIREMENTISNEEDEO WHEREWATERINFILTRATION REOUIREMENTISNOTNEEOEO NONE MD.OI45.0 "UNIT MUSTSEINSTALLED BENEATH M "PROVED OVERHANG TABLE OF CONTENT SHEET DESCRIPTION I GENERAL AND INSTALLATION NOTES 2 ELEVATION, ANCHORING LAYOUT 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS 4 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS INSTALLATION NOTES: 1.ONE (1) WSTALLATIONANCHOR IS REQUIRED ATEACH S. MINIMUM EMSEDMENTAND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE ANCHOR LOCATION. WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMBED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEERAND SIDING. LTHE INSTAUJIMONANCHORS ATTHE SPACINGS SHOWN ME THE MINIMUMNUMBER OF ANCHORS AND MAXIMUM 4 WSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SPACINGS TO BE USED FOR PRODUCT WSTALLITION. ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL J. SHIM M REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS WITH LOAD BEARING SHIMIS). MANNUM ALLOWABLE THAN THE MINNUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED W THE SHIM SIZE OF HUNCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF LBO INCH 'ANCHOR SCHEDULE' THIS SHEET. ORGREATEROCCURS SHIM(S)SHALBECONSmUOTED OFHIGHDENSITYPLASTOORSETTER. T. INSTALlATIONANCHORSANDASSOCIATEOHAROWME MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANTAIATERIAL 4. ANCHORS FOR INSTALLATION INTO WOOD FRAMING OR OR HAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING. 14GA MINIMUM STEEL FRAMING SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN •ANCHOR SCHEDULE' THIS SHEET. ANCHORSCHEOULE SU60lRATE DOORFRAME TYPE SIZE MANUFACTURER ANDIOR EMBEDMENT EDGE DISTANCE ANCHORCAPACITES TYPE SPECIFICATION IW'11M1 (IN)IU IO BASEDON SHEET AON.3 i&7TUBIEGA, AShE 810.e.4 RIENSISIDE MN. 33 KSI YIELD FIN(Z-BPR) PAN HEAD NO.B (TAPPINGSCREWI PASTEL LS' STRNEGTH MN. SURFACEOF THICKNESS SUBSTRATE ANSI 310.6.1 (WOOD SCREVV) HOOD WITH AMNIMUM 2X WOOD FIN(LBAR) PAN HEAD NO.B OR 1' 12' SPECIFIC GRAVRYOF FRAMNG ASME01B.0.4 0.42. (TAPPNGSCREVO NOTES: N PoR WOOD OR TAPRN(J SLAE.YSIFSFLITTNG CIA CONCERN. CRLL O.CSY FLOTIOLE(ORLLSQE45). ZI ®CiEOGTANCEM1ME45UP®FFKXd BMERSOEOFANQItlLTO ®GEQFbU851M1E FL Oi91U11YFISRM GYPAMrtl amolvu DN:m=RCeenl AmgnGMU ov:pTC Ploaun Design GmuP, Da1e:201548.06 C949564M'00' !I 79 V' 703N' MAX. O.A. MAX FRAME DOOR FRAME WIDTH 34 3/4' MAX. DOOR PANEL WIDTH X 4 01 BI O —74 T42' 1 3B' 34' MAX. (TIP.) I_ HALFHINGES WI 98 X 3f4' SCREWS A C (TYP') 3 3 ELEVATION EXTERIOR VIEW 98 x 212' WOOD #ax12'� I SCREW SCREWS ENTRYDOOR STRIKE DETAIL oxworxrortwosTav[ Ellin 10'MA%. O.C.(TYP.) i 2 ry 3' MAX (TYP.)—.{ i�- =3' MAX. (TYP.) 4' MAX. (TYPJ_ .00K ASSEMBLY (REGULAR DRIVE-IN) MAX.E-IN) O.C. (7YP.) IS LOCATED APPROX. 3B' ABOVE )TTOM OF DOOR LEAF AND THE DEAD O Fi BOLT ASSEMBLY APPROX. 42-ABOVE X —j' BOTTOM OF DOCR LEAF. SEE STRIXE O ( DE TAILS THIS SHEET wti 0 a 4� I I NB TAPPING SCREW. . SCREWMUSTSEOF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO 1 PENETRATE(3)THREADS I MINIMUM BEYOND STEEL — I TUBE ENTRY DOOR RI'RIKE DETAIL MI.LTe'e1MGeex1TWT[ �—SILLANCHORSPACWG SAME AS HEAD SPACING ANCHOR LAYOUT EXTL'RION VIEW ANCHORING NOTES; 1. MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS IN JAMBS IS 13. ANCHOR SPACING VARIES. BUTNOTTO EXCEED 10' MAXIMUM O.C. 2. MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS IN HEAD AND SILL IS 7. ANCHOR SPACING VARIES. BUT NOT TO EXCEED 10' MAXIMUM O.C. FL P.E. No. 497S2 01glMly9gneS by Roben J. ...... AmON30 [KorP.wm. mUy O IM11,Z.Zo5 0950AS-OP00' 1• MIN. EMBEDME! 7X WOOD FRAME (BY OTHERS) 1/4' EXTERIOR MR INTERIOR E VERTICALj SECTION \VOOD FRAMSDBYIRATE EXTERIOR INTERIOR INSTALIATON ANCHOR A VERTICAL SECTION WOOD FRAME SUB--- THREE THREAD MIN. PENETRATION TAPPING � N NTALLAMON ANCHOR 3/8•MIN. owa SEAIANT TAPE TO BACK rEOGE 015T.SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN llomlw %14 GA. MIN. SQUARE O STEEL TUBING (BY U OTHERS) EXTERIOR INTERIOR N W m G VERTICAL SECTION u STEEL'T BIN, SUBSTRAfE o 0. EXTERIOR INTERIOR Ir ' P.E. RoFL .F NO.497 FL P.E No.497fi2 318' MIN. j Dlgllal"Igng8 SEALANT TAPE TO BACK EDGE GIST. EyftMA. SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN Am0iw0 THREE (3)THREAO 08 TAPPING SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR ;,y OMm•Robgrtl. g` G Amoium, e, auePTCProEun •email-mbC MIN. PENETRATION VERTICAL C TEELTUBINO SECTION SUBSTit ATE g'+�,'<,A De+1 nGrou PPt ,,Opxmn -Us Ome]OIs OeSRIB-04-W- '00' 114' MAX SHIM 114'MAX SHIM c 12' MIN. EDGE GIST. 12' MIN, EDGE DIST.2X I VL v $ WO 00 FRAME 2X WOOD FRAME n O (BY OTHERS) g RR R 6 RB WOOD SCREW pB WOOD SCREW 3 s INSTALLATION ANCHOR INTERIOR INTERIOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR a 0 X 3/4' SM$ O. I. MIN. 1'MIN. r EMBEDMENT m a a y EMBEDMENT SEALANT TAPE TO BACK Ln EXTERIOR EXTERIOR SEALANT TAPE TO BACK OBAC E w w NOoz o� BN SIDE OF MOUNTING FINm SIDE OFMOUNTING FIN rLi Z ui C] cf M dV =[J W A. 0.0 Iw O �„�HORIZONTAL SECTION t E HORIZONTAL SRI dOOD FRAMC• UBSTRATL• Q ..? \VODU HIL\MESURSTRACTION ' Q o !S a pyl 1S lk 5S Paang 14GA. MIN. SQUARE �NBS gg fl"� T2�I 318'MIN. EDGE GIST. STEEL TUBING(BY OTHERS) INTERIOR 14 GA. MIN. SQUARE STEEL TUBING(BY OTHERS) INTERIOR 3!B' MIN. EDGE DIST. I -a W 5I t " pB TAPPING SCREW pe TAPPING SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR 98 X314'SMS INSTALLATION ANCHOR THREE (3)THRFADr - OPM THREE (3)THREAD MIN, PENETRATION MIN. PENETRATION RoFL PR. bag J. No 48752E SEALANTTAPETOBACK EXTERIOR EXTERIOR �HORIZONTALSECTION STEELTUBI OSUBSTRATE HORIZONTALSECTION STEEL TU8INOSUBSTRATE Dlyluny lIg ned by Robert 1, Am..,. ON: m=R9benl. Amoru[q q ou=PTC Pm4eCl Deilgn Group emHl=mbenep Le<urp.aom, m115 DUr.201 S V US UDSD29 -0L'OP ARRIIB � t f s t r.S'LrZ'r' E1 MR acts Home Loa User Wouatioo Hot spits SudNtSwrkarye Siatsa Facts PUEpraUons Cool, LUs Sets Sae Map links Sfaa, d Product Approval b`dp r } usul: wbrc aser ReEm 1ppryglnnnu> P i,aor aamFagn SeartF> amitrarmn List Appnouon Detail - Fl-= - FL12765-RS Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Janus International Group, LL . 135 Janus International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 (770) 562-6135 Ext 360 curts@janusinti.com Curtis Schroeder torts@janusinU.com Curtis L Schroeder 134 Janus International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 (770) 562-2850 Ext 360 curts@janusinti.com Jake Lyons 134 Janus Intemational Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 (770)562-2850 Ext 304 jakel@janusintl.com Exterior Doors Roll -Up Exterior Door Assembl !s Evaluation Report from a Flori a Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional E igineer Evaluation Report - Hardcc ay Received Joseph H. Dixon, Jr PE-7768 National Accreditation and Mai sgement Institute 12/31/2020 Gordon Thomas, P.E. Validation Checklist - Hard opy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ANSI/DASMA 108 ASTM E330 TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 Equivalence or Product Standards Certified By Year 2005 2002 1994 1994 1994 Sections from the Code 1 affirm that there are no c anges In the new Florida Building Code which affect my product s) and my product(s) are In compliance with the new Son a Building Code. Documentation From approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A FL12765 RS COC FL12765 A Im1-far FBC 6th 2017s.odf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10104/2017 Date Validated 10/04/2017 Date Pending FEC Approval Date Approved 10107/2017 Summary of Products FL# Model, Number or Name Description. 12765.1 Series 1100 Series 1100 - 26 Gauge Do r Assemmly Max Size: 8'-8" x 14'-0' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 It 29018 Dw i T1012 Rev A.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FLI2765 RS II 2901[8 ins 111750 .1100.odf Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +24.41-27 Verified By: Joseph H. Dlxe 1, Jr. 7768 Created by Independent TI rd Party: No Other. Not for use In High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports FL12765 RS AE ER-09-0( �R.od Created by Independent Ti ird Parry: Yes 12765.2 Series 1100 Series 1100 - 26 Gauge Do rAssembly Max Size: 10'-0' x 14'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ.- No FL12765. R5 If 79018 Dv r 71011 Rev A.ndF Approved for use outside HVHZ.- Yes Impact Resistant No FL12765 R5 If 2401e ins A 75n 1100.ndf Verified By: Joseph H. Dix: 1, Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +19.41-22.7 Other: Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Created by Independent T Ird Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1276S RS AP R-09-0f )R R.ndf Created by Independent T Ind Party: Yes 12765.3 Series 3100 Series 3100 - 26 Gauge Dc r Assembly Max Size: I6'-0' x 20'-0' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17765 RS IT 34017 Dv 1 T1004 E.ndl Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12765 R5 11 34022 Mc 1 3100 inst instcodf Verified By: Joseph H. Dix. a, In 7768 Design Pressure: +36/-41 Created by Independent T Ird Party: No Other: +36/-41 psf at 12'-0" wide. Varying loads are shown Evaluation Reports for widths 8'-0" to 16'-0". Not for use in High Velocity FL12765 AS AE M3100 ( 12765 TI005G P2.od1 Hurricane Zones Created by Independent T Ird Party: Yes- 12765.4 Series 3100 Series 3100 - 26 Gauge Dc n Assembly Max Size: 20'-0' x 20'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instruction: Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 It 32041 FL 'I005-F 0002.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17765 R5 II 34022 Mc 13100 inst instrodf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Joseph H. Dix n, Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +3S/-38 Created by Independent T Ird Party: No Other: +351-38 psf at 16'-0' wide. Varying loads are shown Evaluation Reports for widths 15'-0" to 20'-0'. Not for use In High Velocity FI 1 765 R5 AF 32041 F-09-0007-R2 170117 n005.ndf Created by Independent T led Party: Yes Hurricane Zones 12765.5 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge Doc Assembly Max Size: T-0" x 12'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructiom Approved for use in HVHZ: No FLI2765 RS 11 29018 Dv 1 T1000 Rev B.udf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL12765 R5 11 29018 im all 750 1100.od/ Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Joseph H. Dix n, Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +351-45 Created by Independent Th d Parry: No Other. Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports FL12755 R5 AE ER-09-0077-R.ndl Created by Independent Th d Party: Yes 12765.6 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge Door assembly Max Size: 6'-0' xIT-0' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 91 29018 Dw< T1001 Rev Bodf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL12765 R5 11 29018 last It 750 I I[Wrdl Impact Resistant No Verified By: Joseph H. Dixo , Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +19.9/-24.4 Other: Design pressures listed is at test width of 6'-0'. For Created by Independent Th d Parry: No Evaluation Reports pressures versus widths, see Table 1, Page 4 of evaluatian FL 12765 R5 AE ER-09-001 7--R_Ildf report Not for use In High Velocity Hurricane Zones. Created by Independent Th of Party: Yes 12765.7 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge Door assembly Max Size:8'-B' x 12'-0' Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 IT 29018 Dwr T1002 Rev B.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12765 RS rI 29018inst it 7S0 I100.od1 Verified By: Joseph H. Dixo, Jr. 7768 DesignPressure: +24.4/-27.0 Created by independeRL Th d Party: No Other: Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports FL12765 R5 AE ER-09-00(7-R_n4/ Created by Independent Th d Party: Yes 12765.8 Series 750 Series 750 -26 Gauge Door assembly Max Size: 10'-0' x 12'-0' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 all 29018 Dwf T1003 Rev B.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes E 12765 R5 .rf 29016 ins t 11 750 1100.odF Impact Resistant No Verified By: Joseph H. Dlxol . Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +19.4/-22.7 Created by Independent Th d Parry: No Other. Not for use In High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports FL12765 R5 AE ER-09-00( 7-R.ndf Created by Independent Th d Party: Yes 12765.9 Series 850-5 Series 850-S, 26 Gauge Doc Assembly Max Size: 8'-8' x 12'-0' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R5 II 29018 Dwr .T1006-S Rev 8.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL12765 RS It 290161ast. 1850.odf Impact Resistant Yes Verified By: Joseph H. Dixol . Jr. 7768 Design Pressure: +461-54 Created by Independent Th of Party: No Other: Not for use In High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports Ftt2765 R5 AF ER-09-00(I-R.od Created by Independent Th d Party: Yes I9$h53J S 112601 D'Rfr Stone Road, Wlahassm FL 32399 Phane: 050-a8148 1 The state of Fonda IS an A emparnoe[nnenaht2007-2013 Rate of nndda:: I'Macv Statemnl l: A,, ally Statement ::gfad qlAmort under nanda law. email addresses are tablik records. If you do not want your e-mtll addrem mimed in respanse to a p )tic -records request, do net send elemmnk mail totlds enuty.Instead, contact Me office by phone or by mdlnonal mall. If you have any gvedbns, please at A 850.487.139S.•Pursua1t m Sociion 455.275(t), Ronda Statutes, enedwa carter 1,2012, canowat comwo under Ureter 455, FS. must cravWe Me oar dment with an emall address it May have pne. no emaiti provided may be uwc! far aTWu WnmunlmUM with the II@nYG. Havwye emall addrm)ee are pub :record. Hyau do not vish he euppil e personal addra'S, please provide me Department with an email address wMm ran be made available m Me public. To de unnine If you are a licensee under Dwpter 455. as_ W.. redtham, Product Approval Accepts: o=Roo Credit Card Safe �a _ � p I piny' 1I1 j SEE SNEEf 2 FON NOTES .a.na orcapOt _ ji STATE OF ¢/r I I � 46 ` I�b 7M s p z 0. 51janus International Group 135 Janus International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 770-562-2850 www.janusinti.com JANUS INTERNATIONAL C MODEL 3100 1-866-562-2580 www.janusintl.com INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS O d \,\ 8 "% r _ 3 i tl d NUS INTERNATIONAL DOORS MUST BE INSTALLED BY TRAINED ROLLING 1 OOR• TECHNICIANS QUALIFIED TO INSTALL PRODUCT SAFELY WITH PROPER KNO VLEDGE, TOOLS, SAFETY ANDdNSTALLATION EQUIPMENT; CAREFULLY READ INSTALLATION II ISTRUCTIONS. . FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH'ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES, WARNINGS CAUTIONS, AND NOTES BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL DOOR:. JAryUS INTERNATIONAL C( RPORATION WILL' NOT WARRANTY OA ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR'DOORS NOT INSTALLED' I 'ER THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. A IMPORTANT INFORMATION A eAR611LLOY�g0.FADINBIALLAT10Np6}pyOENINq, FAYWgIIP YouRBEU NITNALLwsrALLATONINOCEAUNEB, wAIOWf$UUIIOYT. NONOTFd OENN ATTFLMUWm p9eRRFC6V®DOOq AE6EY0LY FOq VIS@tE 0Atl110E ANOggCONPpNEMBNOgTMEM1 • SN@WYOOAMAOEFNPaNUOE[LOJYpWED1ATEtYN9NIfNFIOMTCANRIFIL6UPPlY o00fLYUFPI®i1Mi1 PNOTOOOCUNEN 1TfON mYECE1VEHEPIACFYEM CW/FOMENTB. - . • FAIR FNORTAOE: UOIEOWIB,YCONTAm OOON6UPPLQ:N WRIT PARFB aNORTAOECLAW.OgOERNUYBE0.000fl NW0.PNOT OOWYENTATONARF0ICWRAGED TO eDFEmeFrYNxas • DIWNRECTPARIe:ff pECE1TEpOWRCOYFONENTSANO PANTS DONCTNATCHTHOSE YEFEpENDEpMT E1N0T TICS I'WRUCIIONS,OWEdATELYCONTACT DooflsumuER. 6ATANPNFEBFFOII80R W WN0 OLTTALLATMN YOU MEUNFANCLU, U=WORTABLF O0. CONFUSE0BY U4TAWTN]N MOCEOuI Ul0UO1NFD W TNESEVNITALUTfCN Dai1MIC11p.pOOMafAT1El.RrohTTALLoOCRAssENBLY. WNEpIATFLYCONTACT000RSUPRQIEMfN WE9TRINSN:OIKERIO, A READ ALL WARNINGS BELOW. A ® pseAv.RpvMAre eAFT:TYEauDYJENrmAmOSEmwsuu,URr. ACLPMFLaaRATWMUma C, AuMa=eEi0YE1MsrALUNO MOWC,. A w6AFmorxureuFTWoeauu�liJFTYrmaaxxEaurTpa ipoceouYearoAYaouwAce,sewova wJuxraflaEUM ,,,�AA�N N o,T/////,I AYOYDIO RCCVLO xE5111.TW CUT" OR sEMOUsmAr. DO Nm CLOSEOOORuNmu00RWAr6 C1Fi1R_ \\\� ......yiDI�/ A coxrnOLTNESPEE00F1NEp0pgWRWOWWUALWBU1TNYa `\ ; I J.r�GEIV24 ` No. nse ; A WxmHrANoopwALNYNOFNAtlaWNaoopa � * � * , ANeFp000xwAreL¢wA mWFuuWEWwxneopexATWaopox i STATE O • a AWYmPEIOMTCMM1DiiCxTO OIAYON, MPAII, OR WIINOOOR.OR OpEJUmOW0.WNTRWI I • ~ QR�O•41 A uxIOCNWOpeEFOpeaFENlxppWR. / AL ,011� A sExsdaDEvxEBONtlmOR aPExATwaopom aNauln eET¢sreo FReouermr, glNuutN A M�YUgMOMRANOk=WAREWNINLYfaRWONN ANOTNEBRO PARTSAND CNEMWff ROPERATRaMEELY.WMC) PERAre AD00RW AMONEN ACOYMMENfBAgEUNOER6iTRE1@BPgWpreXBMN.000W REBULTU OEAM Oq HEte0U91NJYRY. AOODp NUSTBEFYLLY pPEMED WHEN IMNN0l10JYSTNENT1. A VENFYOPEpWO WImNANpNEMMBEFOR WSTALUXOOUDEs. _ ADOORCANiALLff BOINBMCNETe AIiENm9ECURELY FAdENFO roTNl JANdS ALL PASTBJEA9 ATTAtlNIa BRACNEIsroJANBTM STWSECURELY=OA STRUCNRLLtlEYBER Oii WRFACE6OWq FALL1, BERIOY91NIU0.YOp OEAMAxppN OAs1AOEro DaOR CAN PESULT. ®DFf011E{YlP10 aODRINT0 PO8RMK AfisUREWUTAW HEiACREYJ9 ARETIONTENED TO ADEOWTELY 9EWREA%LE 9UPPORTB AND TI LYIONEll F1UWRETO SECVPB YALL RESIILTfI FAWNa FART$ W WCN W,LLLEAO TO tERIWB WYIIIY Oq OEAM AUBE APPROPRUOEIlFTN0E0UffYExrANO C011REm LD1Wa PROCE0UgF9roAWWDAW10F.8FA1W80LWIlYOq OFAM Q DDNerREelDvfixnApFwaMatl coop uxm dsrRUDTEnr000 sa AFARURETOADNEpE10TNEAe0Y6CONDRMNsyQ, ffBULTNPMW6 INIURYORPRWULTDAYA=HWCpUP@DYND611JAYVS REMi MMM=CT WARIUIRY. �WAY9 AND REWEW ALLINS111UCTONB,WMtIQ10S.AdT N0TE80FlORC WOTALLB10 FR00 CT. ® flfl'ICW OOORA63EYSLYAIM GENERAL FARTS OESCWPFN]N9dLLmsUlER1ALFR0Y FA0E; R0URElmi/JIONPQE TOIWSElFWI1 OWNASSENBLY. W8NI CCUY PARTS OFRON0EET AOOORASBp1BL0:e IJI6 WWUFACNREp FEROPENWOYADTMAYD NEIaIFI89PECFIED AT Tgfi mORDFA.JMIUB VITFNNATRINLL WiL IDTafi N--WPON®L6FOR OPENWOWMMCNNETONTSTNATOONm MO TMG9ESF =MATTWe OFORD FIGURE 1: DOOR ASSEMBLY & GENERAL PART DESCRIPTIONS 1d 1 1 9 :6 .6 10, o 1i. t 1 .3. r No. f Ta 15 1 16 IreouWart `nde. InstIdw 2 RgM _ P='. IFII0NMA tT,HUIHQER .,:. 471 M , PESGRIP41CN C4A� OW. ; :ii�M '4 SCIg1F,"- ,1i3A�"MOW -' I ] Ir Spiral Barrel 7 _F LH _ Rail Formed Guide with w(ndbar •`�t3.;:� RH � Comm. Bracket • 2, 26 Ga. Curtain `.?Qi RH- Roll Formed Guide with windbar .�14;;'t., Star. pad Ards Support 9,= Wmdlocks ;y•WF Headsrop `1fU' Con n.Sllde Lock 4- 1 M O•D. Axle : .; Tens(oner . <7,6r?` Con n. Step Plate 9 ��. 12' Dmm;i` Mounting Pete Gott m BarAssembf •6- SpdnglCounterbalance Assembly ,. 7$;; LH-Comm. Bracket Slidr Look Assembly FIGURE 2: SIDEROOM CLEARANCE REQUIRMENT CHART GVLAIIT!llA; * -O-0�FE-1 S a. r t - .:.N 4 IME ,'. GiF, RFiMim" PUSHAIP aY.• CHAWHOIST eY• Sjf' e$• 7Y• i JACKSHAFr MOTOR AY- S;¢ 7W - �• PAND¢GH AY' SiQ 71)v 1 Y- T,29MAMNOIFB r a�esameraae� . pi@epTgpoaR) -a r J JA END OF AXLE CLEARANCE END OF AXLE CLEARANCE -� I OUTSIDE OF CHAIN ORNE OUTSIDE OF TENSIOKER BRACKETCLEARANCE ` OUTSIDEOFORNE BRACNETCLEARANCE' 1i TENSIOKER DRIVEENOSHOWN END SHOWN c C ° (NON-TENSIONER) 0 �, ---• EDGEGFOPENING EOGEOFOPENING --- 1 o yl o BACKOFGUIDECEARANCE .— �- BACK OF GLUDECLEAAANCE FIGURE3: HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL HEADROOM REQUIREMENT CH AT HORIZONTAL ` HEADROOM -0e.F2nkq -yo.;aL' �6jw l ew >H6dijf:: HFi�R46ri-..!MiT Do11:_ �ZO. . 20•• -fK j - 27• 27• n'LYd:_a 21 V 21' 22' 21" 22• 22• am .. 1SC::.' 22 22• O O VERTICAL HEADROOM A 7z'o C - < �B �5, ENS`F OPENING j ..Type t Ly/ f/i�V� HEIGHT r j Ri = 1 SATE Vr ia:. i 11 STEPS: VERIFYOPENWG ONafo: DOORASSEMBIJES ARE MANUFACTURED PER OPENING W0TNSAND HELMS SPEGRED AT 7IMO OF IRDER. JANUS INTERNATIONAL MLLMOTASSUNERESPONSIBILftI'FOROPEMNGWID7HSORNEtf;MSTNATDONOTMATCHTNOSEI PECIREOATTIMEOFORDER. O Veft Goering wkd1 h and helphtand Mnrum measumnents match width and h"Idetaged an door oacaft la d. O Verify that iambs are olumb. O VedHgocr and headerforlevel, O VMN adequate skis deamnre at Lambs and dearance above and at sides of header See Side Rm, and H do tm cleamnoo Regulmment Chad (sage 3. Rgums 2 S 3). o VerIfv that the guide mounting surlwa on the lamb In Nish. 9 VmfN that all Parts moulred for Installation ere with the dcor. Sao sage 2 R rte 1 for General Bill of Material STEP2* MOUN17NGPLATES ONate: MounlingPlotes are opflanal components for InsfaOagon to steel jambs. NauntingrPlares ere ro be Insrathut Nth fasfeners sopptled or weldeddliectrytosteeljamb. Ifmounting plates were net ordered. arlamb"Is other than steel, Proceed l hstep3. o Paslllan Mounting I tat"whem bottom edge is gush with headererm inside edgels gush YAM jamb edge. See Fig M 4. O brstall mwnting Plates to steel Iambs with 3 each ire -16 s 1 Yd- he[ -head balls, washers. and lack nuts supplied. ONoW: InsmD washers an her not side only ONate: Assure Mounting Plalos am fevef wNh eaeh of her 3-%-1BX1y.• LEVEL MOUNTING PLATES HEX -HEAD BOLT I. LH MOUNTING PLATE •. awns euue RH MOUNTING PLATE ,,11\Illllf(2j� 'QN H. 00 G ..•..... 7 •�.•�CENy.vp• * No.7768 STATE OF . ' a I STEP 3-- COMMERCIAL BRACKETS TO GUIDES ONOfeT GUIDE BELL MOUTH FOR CURTAIN ENTRY INTO GUIDE IS FACTORY NOTCHED. APPLY 15-20• BEND IN III LLMOUTH TO ASSURE SMOOTNCURTAIN ENTRY. FAILURE TO FLARE GUIDE BELLMOUTH WILL RESULT IN CURTAIN SCRATCH NG AND/OR DAMAGE *Attach Commercial Brackets to gullies, lacattng top surface of bracket 2' below top of guide. Use 2 eaMY -20 x 6' cordage bolts. 114 -20 serrated Range has nuts and& flat washers perbreckel fortensioner and the nonfentsicner(drive) end for pushup upeml m.See FTgure5. TJNOIW DOOR DRIVE OPERA 170M MAYBE INSTAL LED ON EDHER END OF DOOR ASSEMBLY go TM I{ i STATE OF 4/zi%/¢ COMMERCIAL -� BRACKET --O F SERRATED FLANGE HIX NIIT TOPOFGUg1E — h.- FLATWASHER FIGURE 5: TENSIONER END (LH ShownlRH Opposite) 20xea C NRIAGE SOLT GU ]E BEILMOUIH Gull c LNofo: FOR MANUAL PUS"P OPERATION, SPACERSARENOTPROVIDED OR REQUIRED FOR COMMERCIAL BI ACKETMOUNT. o Reduced Hand Chain Drive: Attach Commercial Brackets to guides, locating top surfam of bracket r below top of We. Insteg drive bracketwilh 2 eachY - 20 x 131` tantage Ix;1I - 20 serrated flange hex nuts and Y. flat washers. h cart 1 each3F O.D. Or log spacer tubes between guide and bracket at a ldl bolt 1pcatim. See Figure S o Jack Shah Motor Operadom Attach Commercial eredmLs to guides, locating top surface of bracket 2- below top of pride. install drive bracket with 2 each Y - 20 x 2& adage bogs, y .20 serrated flange hex nuts and & flat washers. I Bert 1 each 1 Y: O.O. x 1 V long spacer tubes between guide and bracket at sack bolt lomilon. See Figure B. e Pantheon Motor Operation: Install drive bradrotwiih 1 & spacing between outside of guide and inside of hrackat. 10 spacers ere provided for this application. Locale top surface of bracket 2' below lop of guide. See Figure 6. (Spec, m not provided). �0 CARRIAGE BOLT WOE BELI.MOUTH - SPACER TUSE(S) GUIDE TOPOFOUIDE is COMMERCIAL BRACKET FIGURE 6: DRIVE END (RH ShowNLH Opposite) • ... 1'FLATWASHER 20 SERRATE FLANGEHEXNU7 r`_ . STEP 4: GU/DES AND BRACKETS TO JAMB 0 BmdzM and gulden must be attached lnfambs using fasteners as spedfied N Table I. TABLE 1: GUIDE & COMMERCIAL BRACKET FASTENERS _ _ _ - _.171M8'' _':'`'i"J' _ es:--• - '1FS51'EHER$i; ' -r ' 'bRIZ .81ZE` - .BRtS61(E_ ('S! Seel Y 16 x 1 Y'.Hex Bolt and Nut ; a• `� �ar,. `; r'"" ""' �. Concrete or Filed Block Yex 1 %' Powers Wedge -Bolt Powers. 1S+ol3le •'r., 4:�. 4 Steel Y4' -14 x P TEKS Screw N .'�23UIDE5 ' - no COnCrete OrFilled Block _ %'x4'Powers Wedge -Bolt PowersSaa+male *Note:DOORASSEAIBUESAREMANUFACTUREO PER DPENWO WIDTHS AND HEIGHTS SPECIRSDATTIME( FORDEP- JANUSWTERINATIONAL wa-L NOTASSOMERESPONSIBIUrYFOR OPENING WIDTHS OR HEIGHTS TW TDO NOT MATCNTHO.SESPECfFIED AT7IMEOFOROER Gulden to be mounted Centered about the opening. Badc of guide placemenlArgawremenl flam lamb edge is 4Y' perside. Overall back of guide to back ofguide meawremerd to be Openteg width * eW. Sea Ogure T: 2adi • I .. __ OPENING tmmN•e'i - .- _ lip � H. Dix 000 FIGURE 7: GUIDE PLACEMENT k ���%o *THREE MOUNTING OPTIONS EASTANDARE DICTATED BY JAMB TIDE AND/OR THICKNESS. = ND. a OPTION 1: Steel iambs V,s orgreater.Y.-14x1'settddiBngllapping sorewsal tee algulde. See RgumZ OF Q. i, �(ORIW'J �A a OPTION 2: Masenrylambs, a/' x 4' Pawem Wedge Bob at Inside of guide. See Figure 9 . O .� OPTION 3: Steel Jambs less than 3is thidmses. y -14 x 1'self dnllingAepping screvrs at toe and Inside of guide. See Figure 10. '.-14x 1.3riF DRILLING i SCREW ,tSTEabNB TMICIalE53 9-WO(kFNiERS ^ OPENINGNAOTH.81i •- - - FIGURE B: GUIDE MOUNTING -OPTION 1 ]>i . EIOSTLYC OEOR FRLEO BLOIXJAACKJAM.69 aia<- POWERS WEDGE BOLT-.... . r I 1 ^ 47 - ^ 4... ^ .- OPFmNG WDIM.9 ri .__. �• FIGURE 9: GUIDE MOUNTING -OPTION 2 3ni EXISTWGJAAM N GA M"UM S-14, V SELF DRRLNG .._ _ SCREW _ 9'MAKCENTERS r r 1 r OPENWGWDTPl-S!i FIGURE 10: GUIDE MOUNTING - OPTION 3 e Insta0 guides Par=11aling apdon dal3n that ePPBas to specific ins!a0ation app0ra0ms. Sea Fig= 8, 9 or 10. s InsteD guides and brackets with fasteners supp0ed. Which 4=W match !hose referenced on Page 6, Table 1. ❑Novo: Rgma 11 bdowLff Beams bmeAet mount to steel jambs via mounOngp/ales. Refer to Page a Table 1 for appmprfato fastener type perjamb type. 3•ri LOCKNUT 3-'i FLATWASHER MOLINONG PLATE - CCMMEBCIAL BRACKET V .wway � I ehj�GENS"''r� STATE of s�ONAL G w1i1� A --- ]-�i FIAT WA9N R 4—/_I 3-re-18s1'i HE"EAO BOL' FIGURE 11: COMMERCLAL BRACKET TO WALL (STEEL JAMB) L 7 i STkP 5: PUSH-UP TENSIONER END - FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION o Rotate bmsonerrdeasa arm (awards wag. o SUde tarislonera a)de, with ertaw potnang toward wall, uns approximately 2 W of age Is aulsldo of tensloner. AUow release arm to rotate hack towards starting If . See Fgure 12. c Tighten sat saeww hell In place. AXLE - FIGURE 12: TENSIONER TO AXLE STEP 6: PUSH-UP NON-TENSIONER END -1 LOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION o Slide stamped age supped over ade, with arrow poir bg toward wall. See Fgum 13. * Slide stamped ade supped over ade WUI appradma dy 2 W of wle is outside orstamped aide support. o Tighten set screws when In ptam. ME .. a TRUPEDMLESUPPOrtr Er FIGURE 13: STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT TO AXLE pi ��GENS�L% We . No. nseIt - J -. 1, ; STATE OF ' a > of R P}�u NO +w ..ID r���,` STEP 7a: REDUCED HAND CHAIN DRIVE END -FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLA7ION O Fasten Ct ring geartodnan ustng3 each Y-16x1X- gmde 5 hex back andy,' lock washers. n Ironed 2 sadh %.16 x 1'square head sel screws in the threaded holes In the cast axle support. These will be tightened against the axis later. e Slide east axle support Over axle unfit approximately 2%' of axle is outside Of=1 axle support. See Figure 14. DRUM Tighten set spews when in place. - CASTAXLESUPPORf 2.3,-1B %1 SOUARE HEAD SETSCREW ti mNN r{9 .3-3,-L=WA2IER AOE5 EX BOLTS GRADE 5 HFJt BOLTS FIGURE 14: CAST AXLE SUPPORT AND CAST RING GEAR TO DRUM ASS I NBLY STEP EW ELECTRIC OPERATOR DRIVE END -FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION a Locate 3 each V O.D. x 2 V long spacer tubes and strut between 72 tooth sprocket and drum. Attach sprodMI with 3 each %-16 x 31i' grade 5 hex bolt and a/.' lock washers o Slide stamped axle support over axie. with allow pointing laward wall. until apprmmnatety 1 it' of axle Is "We of stamped axis support See Figure 15. o Tlghlen set screws when in place. AXLE 2. SET SCREW STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT - 0 1 4 3-s.-16X3hf ® 0 GRADESHEXBOLTS i o• R i ... ..` .. ` ® B ._._3-3.-LOCKWASHER FIGURE 15: EO KIT TO DRUM ASSEMBLY Q/1 if T 3 - V 0.0.2 Jm- LSPACER 3-STRUT % ��� F,1 �., ..... O , �pS,GEMS�.',.: v� * = No TM STATE OF 1X�/•.�ARtDI`� 4.� STEP 7c: PANTHEON DRIVE END • FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION CAST IRON SADDLE ANCHOR BRACKET WITH STEEL TUBES INSERTED DRUM AXLE SH 'PING WRAP& PADDING PANTHEON CO) TERRCIAL ROLt1NG DOOR PERATOR FIGURE 16: PANTHEON BARREL ASSEMBLY STEP 8: RAISING DOOR ASSEMBLY ONTO aRACKETS o Before Offing, orient bottom bar at 12 o'dack position. 111111f1f1f�� 06, o RaLse door `\\\� � H. �4 �Q 0 using appropriate 0ftlng egWpmenL assuringe protective barriaris ma'udalned betvvaen product and my 009800"000 GJ Surface or object that it may come boa contactwilh. ENS� •S , o Position door an brackets vAth tensloner and aide support nesting safely on top of commercial bracket flange. See Flgmes 17-20 for appropriate dove type application. * t *. Door should be poslfloned as dose as possible to the header and still te an be able to rotad dear bottom bar. $ ; STATE OF A Each end of door should be equal diatom@ from the header and the wrtain must be centered to the opening. j O•�� •• �R1OA.••� � USEgpp(tQPR1A ELIF{)-9G QUIP�1EaJy%N)lT tjEq-T *IAROCEDURESTOA, IDD���j� fURC0i15 URYOR6E/1TH - tiZ 4 rvrN ^V- �. `1 L� e STEP 9a: REDUCED NAND CHAT V DRIVE END O Attach cast aide support to commerch bracket using %-16ItWgrade5hexbob,3'il=k asherand %'flat washer. O Position dha6t heist assembly on door bracket ned to cast ode support and attach to docrbracke using each %-16xY'grade 5hour bob. %'rock mshemardW Rat washed The spur gear on the hole vd0 engage with die Infernal teeth of the previously Inetades ast ring gear. See figure 17. I II Combed cast ode support bracket to t de of Chain hoist r, using-16xs/,-hexbcftand%wbd washer.See Rgure17. �.? O Feed hand ehaln mrarchain pocketwl xl and txough holst Canned ends of hand chain, being ca thi not to Mist ahaln. Hand drain may be lengthened or sha rued as necessary. 3 -'a FLAT WASHER o instal hand chain keeper on wait orlm b. -4-'i LOCKWASHER 4-'e-te['i GRADE S HEXBOLTS FIGURE 17: CAST AXLE SUPPORT TO BRACKET STEP 9b: ELECTRIC OPERA UR DRIVE END O Attach stamped ade support to h rmmercial bracket using 2 each %-l6XV,'grade5hoxbcjt.YS* ock washer and V Bat washer. See dgum Is. L, - SHIPPING WRAP&PADDING gT� 2-3i FIATWASHER P ...2-'i LOCKWASHER -,2-'s-16 x'. GRADE 5 HEX BOLTS FIGURE 18: STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT TO BRACKET 0/kit 1-ft. �d No.7788 all _ �.�` s OR110- 35-16-u-SOLT STEP9C: PANTHEON DRIVEDVD a Allach anchor Grarket to con men of hradml using "dt and 2 each %-16 Range nuts and V flat was Iers. See Figure 19. SHIPPNG WRAP 6 PADDING ANCHOR BRAN ASHER 2-3.- sa F ANGE NUTS FIGURE 19: PANTHEON ASSEMBLY TO BRACKET STEP 10: TENSIONER END AUach lensloner W tbrrunerdal eraaet using 2 each %.16 x %' grade S hex hells. V lack washers and Jr flatusrshers. See Figure 20. 0��QN H. DGYD 4i� r...........� N �' �'p5;•��GENSFti.. gyp. No. 7768 p 1 STATE OF 41Z 014- -. U n i :,0a`;� o� SHIPPING WRAP e PADDING — 's 2-'.' FLAT WASHER 2-'.' LOCKWASHER , GRADE 6 Xlix BOLTS FIGURE 20: TENSIONER TO BRACKET -BDTTOII BAR HFIDSTDP HOLDFA =.• 0 13 STEP It SETTING INITIAL SPR VG TENSION e With bodombaratl2e'doccposNon rotatedocruwardswag7J5 rev"ons. O While fmily holding door al bottom ba, cul padCaglng dot aecum dw door. Direct bottom bar Wo guldes, sl pping just balm headstop area. See Figure 21. FIGURE 21: DOOR ASSEMBLY, TENSIONER SIDE STEP12: HEADS''OPINSTALLATION 9 Slide heedstop Int headstop holder, gning up holes on each. Attach head lop using W x$' hex ball and'/i lock washeras sh we to Figure 22 �i n'i HOC BOLT •i LD(MWASHER 0 1 NFAf)$yOP FIGURE 22: HEADSTOP TO GUIDE �Q � 1 i�0,\GEWSte..v�1 .`. No.7788 2- %' x 1 HEX BOLT STEP13: SLIDE LOCK ASI'EMBLYINSTALLATION o Lower bottom bar and install s de lock and step plate using 2 each X- 20 X 1'hex balls, 14, 1S heir nus,& flatwashas and Y -20 nylon insert hex nuts D this at both ends of boll= bar. See Figure 23. c Transfer the Y.-20 xX'cardaf Ibolls and Y- 20 serrated flange hex nuts that were removed he n both ends of the bottom bar to the 2 holes at the comer of the chum bar and angle. e Forpushup operetlon only. Ins ill rope in one of Use helm at the renter of the borfzonlal leg of It h bottom barangra. 2 s,a HEXNUT SLIDE LOCH — STEPPLATE -- 2-ri FLATWASHER 2-1. x 20 NYLON f INSERTNUT , r FIGURE 23: ATTACHING SLIDE LOCK ASSEMBLY ,�7111N /1//J/ �QN ��row 01b 4% EMse--. st No.T768 p STATE OF J or STEP 14: DOOR OPERATION / N¢�*" lzfl *Note: Berore cycling door to rest dooropera0on, assure that all fasteners endsetseraws ere tightened ardseeud, T alf camponens. o Cycle door by rasing and knwedng door to Its fully dosed and hilly opened position. 1 Set limits of electrically, operated doors at this tone. 9 Evaluate spring tension. If adjustments to spring am required, proceed to Step 15. STEP IS: ADJUST SPRING TENSION d' Soldier Increasing or decreasing spring tension, loosen 36-16 square head set screws In lensloner and aide support at be I ends of door. INCREASING SPRING TENSION: Altenslonerend, using pipe wrench, mlale aidelpipe wrench away hem wall. In seaselensloninY.-Xtum increments. Allow axle/pipe wrench to ease back towards will real lensonerse seas aide rotation. Reset set screws and reevaluate spring tension by cycling door, I DECREASING SPRING TENSION: At tension end, using pipe wrench, rotate exie/pipe wrench away from wail sugh y. Holding this position, mote tendoner release aml towards wag. Cam" allow axlefwmnch to rotate towam : wall in X ono Increments. Me hdding this positon, allow tenderer release am to rotate back to Its start Ill position. Commy allow, mdelplpe wrench to as= back unto to nSIOMrseeues Bide notation. Re-agmen s :l screws aM recvdluats spring tension by cycling door. y� IAIC-REASING bR tIECREASING SPRING TEIu�jDN:)aLL�y �•�? 73E DONE FEN+7rF�p131Df�E1FSIDE,OF,Q00R',/1RSEfylBtt�t. �- I STEP 16: WARNING LABEL Or Apply warning label at a readable heighten the drive side door guide crjamb. DECREASE f WMG TENSION a O J WCRE semNc a � TEN son • 0/