HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # !�UNTY �r d,t PL, A^ s 5 ti Don Green Electric LLC the (Type of Trade) ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RccvEn BURRING PERAffr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM ENT For the project located at 3200 S 7th ST (Project street f �'E& 0 6 ?020 �Ierftllfting o o St. tulle Cp ¢dent Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) Parcel ID: 2427-601-0060-000-0 or Property Tax have agreed to be r It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. i CONTRACTORS (Qualifier) PRLN AME i 6 305t COUNTY TIIFICATIONNUMBE State of Florida, County of LIA G The foregoing instrument was signed before me this —(a- day of �, 20a% -'e 2 i CA wbo is personafiy known _or has produced a 1 .7 as identifimthm. t 11--� STAMP Stanton of Notary PubliV SUBCONTRACIORSIGNATURE Donald B Green PR)NT NAME EC13007447 .e 71 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of MARTIN The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 4th day or February 20 by Donald B Green who is personally knownL- or has prod¢ a ! Yion D 001T STAmp tgn vc of Notmy Public Joy Christine Copeland r- PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES atct° Building & Code Compliance Division 1p10 FEB 0 6 BUU,DING PERMIT Pe S m g o �o�^Nent SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT /--)o Illow— have agreed to be .(Company Name{fidividual Name) the p-mi'mVal -_, Sub -contractor for%��d vthihA Z{' I "a P — (T a of Trade) (Primary Contracrt For the project located (Project Street r4 L It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA SI (Quaafier) PRINT NA315E���� a rg?1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ot}S_k-_- UG� ( � The foregoing instrument was signed before me this (P day of �eO 10�qby P)P" Z�=1 who is personally knows por has produced a �, V (Iti(gc as identification. 1 u�FLx— W GUI.�J� — STAMP Signature of Notary Public 1 � U Imo. 9 li COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER � pp State of Florida, County of�_ The foregoing instrumentwaS signed before me this A day of �tb 20 % S�e" Zela'.-ate v ``t -t who is personalty knowm _or has prodmxd a �JQ \ V Cr (,P as identification. C4SSpLO _ C A %'4 STAMP Signature oCNotary ��IlQ nV -1 m a-h� o l\ )c A ( (?:��� Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pullue ELLEN VAUGHN PO `¢ti:?State of Florida -Notary Public a Commission 0 GG 270079 °� k=State of Florida-Notar Public y Commission x GG 270 -.��a;' My Commission Expires October 22, 2022 . �%;;,�����„ Y Commission Expires Revised 11/1620I6 October 22, 2022 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUIIAING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED FEB 6 6 2020 Permitting Department St. Lucie County `� ' ) do have agreed to be (Company Nam ndividtralName) �" lI '" the — , yf i� �: n a 11� Sub -contractor for _ ?�� jOlS �i1D%I� �,v t � (Primary Contractor) I Y)OV(PS For the project located at (Project Strut Address or Property Tax M #) _�--60/-ooGo- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 'Aft-11YR rip A COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of s1WG_?_ The foregolaQ instrument was signed before me thb —CO day of 9�b 2q156 Penn le d��rr�� who Is Personally (mown or bas produced a (5 Q � in-6 r as Identification. I '' .. pass? p�— ,,A Signature of Notary Pubae &e�zaQi SUB-CONTRACrOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME LtIF33' COUNTY CERTIFICATIM r4 UMBER State of Florida, County otSl • LtK i The foregoing Imtrommt wits signed before me thb,�[_ day of 'FFe.brunr I Z chard Wh,44w xe e— who b personate Immrn �ar ha produced a an identificadon. STAMP SignaturebCWtuty Public C�uan PriV�n� l��l,� Nicole iCul��s�c; Mot Name of Pabst r Prlat NalutdMotHyPablic ELLEN VAUGHN ' HOLLY NICOIEKULINSKI ;+ mf Florida -Notary Public State omission Camp"on0GG207743 CoMGG 270079 ExonA*W5,2M Commission Expires moo`~ Revised 11/162016 October 22, 2022