HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeating & Cooling Design Basis CertificateL 0 4 � `1 der rvml �- I Zn 02. -- 01 & I DatDat oT J- ?, This mantis itamelhueall" tl Afu-molpVill ew aaAtraCDtl et1 ag1eG�atidil/adG•t0idi>it (tar addidoaal informstfuN, consort awNi i �slgnello�', .• ral molille home . f me" qq notate. The factory installed equipreiMt Inch tfee: EgOlpmenl Manufacturer Model Designellon -For heating For air cooling For cooking r �Z Refrigerator `• Waterheater c ill �-�+------- - Washer Clothes Dryer Dishwasher , Garbage Disposal __... DESIGN WIND ZONE MAP + •' Standard Wiod Zoned 15 PSF Horizontal 9 PSF I lot ft X_x Hurricane Resistive Zone II 25PSF Horizontal i • n,.T Other ' „ _ PSF Horizontal _ PSF 1. Vvi a DESIGN ROOF LOAD ZONE MAP ` —North 40 PSF Middle 30PSF _Other' _PSF ;. X K South 20 PSF , NORTM ALAI .., C=Fiit NUM' This. mobile home Ms town thermally InsuYtdd to conform w'pli ihe,!dPdrarnsab, W federal mobile hone eaelMIIOn and Watt slendefdo Waabcatbl sons OwAlk Q ' aleednp *pulprmnt mnWaclunr and model (ae Nat at NA) •• ' ' TM aloN hw ogWpnlnl hu'UW c' m 'Wily to eMNdabt an awiepa 7O FIB q; �' this home at wine r, lempenluns of F. m`, To maximise furnace operating econatrry, and to corwee erwar, N Y /aaerrsllendw r this home MlnsYlledwMn theoutdoorwinfudewon Yo"MIUM191111 lYnsthlj/Ief degrees Fahnnbelf. u: - WTMobonlnfom llmhxbeen Ukufstedeuuimnpameilm Windwbckdi!S'm Vstandard atmospheric pmaure. ' y .. iRMIrAAT CppllaO . .. ❑.Aireemitlenst pmrWW of laMIT talismans ll - e/I A •AIr oatWhbMr nYnNulunr and nsodst (see lYl atkie. ry a ceNR:dapacRr: ' e.T.Whwtlnaccddrtpwwassappep m Mir conditioning and molestation YsdSM standards. The antral air undlllening system po.ldod In rid. Aare has beer ON ararin Z orientation at lM front (hitch and) of the home facing Oneialwae y system le designed to maintain se Indoor lerrwerlhee of 75• F,'anwn, outs Nti mperaturso are F dry bulb and r eel bu@. W The Ymparsture to which this harm can be coaled win it. ge e.e. rda s open armunl of •1llaure of tin wbeowsof IMsNawe bewwYarmd wghmLThoOm 0'. home's Mal gatm WE vary dependentuar, M alentationbeeafnlndWFprmn shading provided. Information conceming Of ulaMmn of rmaitp bade at War IxmtIons,window*apoaumandohodkWmn kip InChopler?]gMiQlW V ' dugs AANRAE Wndooek d Fundrmarmh. Z taromstion'n•cesuryloalalaftco*MgioidlevatoLvio U 800dw YUn a - provided In the special eom(on coating blornatbn pepeMW Wlas Y Mabee hA O }� Air conditions, not prarlded at factory IA"nrnw a) . TM alr dltlrlbullon srelem of this home le nowbh ear o�e InsliaeYon at mate ,Q t • , conditioning. ' Jim supply slidislrfniflon system rnsYlled In bid home IIIWndpertlalho " V. candied acco system it up b appropriate air .. RT.UJIw. raid arletr rtdcn 4t J standards. s. ahenrdanea with Ind appf such Mir cY err Condipaangand ruwfpwaeen YaMI "Fumnde. whentheall or greater Ylen of e," air eawra ore w wwkh 04 abmn atallepmmre orpmlerforindcaoetrg Wda9earW bliearoblYloampay • NrAucl.iirslam. Inlamatlen naasury loakulelveedirpfoadaHWadwoloeaaarraand arlwma provided in the speclel comfan coating whys now pleealud wMl genobee hm •�. Air conditioning not apcommeasled (anernsb 09 ' 11 •.., TMalrel'1Maufbn ryslem of Gelb. win a control air conditioning system. W INFORFSATtON PRCVM9 nr TE MANnDL - NECEASAAT TO CALCULATE Sears iBi EAM w:ile (wunoul windows Ind eoon)........ ... :... ..9. - .......... v .090 . Cellingsend iools of llghte6l:r...............: �....... ......_V .057 ..... collage sad roofs of own, coo,.......... I. • ' ....... V •__ °.. .073 Ffoon.. :..:.........::........ ............. ..:.........1...... _... V Air date In door ............ :.............................. ........... V " Air each In Wing ..................... .L ..::...................... _«q. 'Air ducts InwilYd oulYN par MaVvL ............................. V . 226 6 ....:The Yllaming am the duct ame In We name - Air ducts In Mow .................. ,.,.:' dry A ' Air duct. In callbp ...... `.. `...... .::.............:.. 1e A Air date oul"Ufe home ................:.:........:^... 4 7 . 1 all. A "Yo dwamlbethe ripWndoepwbof epwpnteftfrocol•hansentlendrMost, Maly, a cowling food (host own) aoicWb Wonm abed The aaoagbWYOywrdancowlingMInacrbw Mallon, Ioe111an arfdlMemelunollhehOmwQmrnlslteendlWrwoaFraaawwwasMwarlly andproo do tin fer"Not com" when the caaaob claw, apgaWaW no cattadessd cooling Wd Each hornoro We condflbner should he WW In mccOmUree WO Chips rnor the American toclely of Iieelino. Refrigerating and All Candtbn M Engineers (AANAM Handbook of Fundem t" anao the loaaon and er ""M arm anodes