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Certificate of Title
Mau Use saWhcuon to: Best of Mlehway Safntyand ae ticlei, Nall munuran Bul101na, Tallahaaiae, FL 323594600 Ideneestion Number Year Make 000 Wr-L.BKP Vessel Regis. No. Title Number T# 1132260225 $# 324SS42 3 T24914944A 45rR -T 122441414 �1111M RKA KIAINI Rc&t=d Owa= Date;.of Issue 01/23/2020 Uen Roleaeo Intaroatin the dearribed vWde la hereby W .ad W1116SONGMOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ar 3200 8 7TH ST LOT 70 Title FORT PIERCE, PL 34982-6344 .. saw Mail To WINDBONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT I0 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 i VoWIIID80NG MOBILEt VILLAGE'7+II4ITED ;A1iTNCR98'TPr €v SlstLieahalderl+ d i 01NSION CF MOTORIST'SER1I)CES� r r7p11ARAS5EE%�I. FLORDA s� Robe'IR KyriOrh OlNddr =, _ control Nucor h j 4 Q 25 9 7° 3 6 s 30 .24 /it <UO989736. TRANSF{ER OFTITLE SWSELLER QNaaacioe must ' } FadGti eLd/W B�OiawjlQulla�la(Ia0'adhfalHfel6l mgPA90,pmtheiCla Nino, 6�wy eeti tua®plgem WO�dmYefduawm�entTnayn `5:;: s p lhiititlea woms4 t0�fiteeam_anylima eaWptuneV�aadu fir<dtbecrtsrin IMPORTANT INPOP11ATION T. When ovmership of the vehicle described herein Is tre116%11ed, the eager MUST ramplate in full the Transfer of Wit by Seller eedion et the boNom of the certmcate, at Bide. 2. Upon sale of cols vel lde, me seger must complete the notice of sale an the reverse side of thin farts. 3. Remove yeurlicence plate from the vehicle. 4. Sae the "It address below for more Infounauor and the app opriale forma required for the pulehaserto Elie and register the vehicle, mobge home orvassal: I http:lAx..hsmv.state.fl.ualhtmL4Minf.hlml y 3�x �5 ddemelPl lemN. t" STATE OF FLORIDA Ct7 DE., MENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEI.iS DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 2900 Apalachee Parkway a Nell Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 1 ( / Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel p Section 319.22(2), Florida Statutes, requires that the seller file a Notice of Sale with the department within 30 days after the sale or transfer of the motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. Filing this form removes any civil liability for the operation of the;sold motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. In addition to tiling ibis form, we su66est you keep a copy of your bill of sale (we suggest it be notariz@), certificate of tide or other type of transaction document showing the Yehicle was sold. Compute the Infunnutlon below, tear the top portion of this document at the.Qerforation and mail to the address above or submit to your local tax collector's office or Heense pinto agency. i have this day of , transferred by assignment of and delivered Florida Certificate of Title to: ' Name: Purchasar(s) ) Purchasers DUID First i MI Last Address i, Selling Price $ UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ITARE TRUE. Sellers Signature Co -Seller's Signature 4, NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENOY On TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE`TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER. THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. � i��➢ialve`. di� d t��Nu �5.*..i�v .ct o;�l ".w -! ".de ! k� '�' ?e' F v 's a t iI$yY A>F y ,{SM£ lil�ee ID;, feieSy rt �.+3{ e9old q�h�Ylilt C°al.1 i i!� 3<fr//✓r M��'�''<<��11`"'.l'4'.`�h� .�� 4x F. hY �...�. '� `BA i f r3•� Y `,�++�.�iQ `e'V1 Y ^^MM t�l 1.^rsd'i+= 3 f �l{em 9 .�df�l�, t.15 AQ 64 w^i k t•. a1 Yn tC: £j{{§ tti�✓` j)i .�77" !S'1.. 3x�. $� i /+' tkjJ F iE Y:. 21$s r -I B!f' §Nr/it'2( .,1 3 s'(1'Y..-6 ¢ S t 151 M t £ 4 �'t�1 �/�'� (y'x,..,� 6j�R71T`AROM6fPa[�'tTVpD�w c ®.ka(tf.O TBNy'KSl hi7lp+�0.�=vi r �' r a ANDF}IDRDDY yYi'�'ySOh.� <. Fi' } nLE"t�✓eiif a's r� s.eF{a �f3 ipr �1ijBv'�'fs �livs�s^rt!$iCFR'''T 361y{]J�kTa$}[F%ENES{'OP.M1PL KNOWLF�G6J'HR ODOAim'HR RHADWO c.trYrok cAnnF(ir nYx �t rt@t2.ecrs gcrll v.rtDsnoe Q1�SIE S%CPSS O'F hmCFlgYJfCAI.J.RaTS`n G T:MVOT TKS AMUAL MILEAOB, [Dloo CFIA%RCAL L11rV1'Sy w,. rWARtyI{�6 OIYOME'm0. DISCREPANOY CNECK ABOX yl. tx . !l ¢s y f+ £sr.' 4tgAF!?Lm9 To $IGIT OOOMehRS)fl^^a3a IL44 4 s Purebuey Must yy 1 } r r� 4. . ro ,P S x ✓' x C s " ssr r :� }'¢rc Hem £ ✓ 2. K Aet r £ f x Sgv Hoer '+ ' &Ilea/AsgntM tt t `�x A"N N m qWh nAlpamDl) '' Smaif 4ti 4y9Y s i. ;� 1 .t. 6E.I s ....;xi y,✓ 4 �'j $ i.'i.', Pucbon Lianse Number SelnagDealer's t s¢ablQ�reulerh£ § p £ q J 4 x T < llrense Ndt•. 4 `< fi. t Name: f � �.,, :i' .i No; V r > `eouenm, .. . a Y i i 6 ) £ ' ^a 4 n4 r -£ d [ ' b i "?v?: i 3 e ". (F > f Date Sola Selling Orererra,lddyes} i.° �..ze fi •.., • ress¢ PgMhasel9a1gN9)6 { :. Y ri 3 rI tB f ) i r' i £ F f :.F t >< /�� S > ! '. I'I1D3�„5ORD g 0.1 r€ ✓M't 6DIDIT ODDIaCIE(thOW READSt e � r -' .�..INO s}M1f8S> 7E R8AD 1 / AND I99REBY 1M'E 57A'rC'rHAT � -1> 3 % n•r' '3tr(( sF `: - CER THAT TO' DPS','OP KNOWLED09 TPP ODOLUM RP.ADING: It f ✓• 6 ✓t Y¢"x4 „^' kt ¢ .l n t .} cAVIION-,1tFAD cnneF!?1d.Y �fjlaPt.aCfSACniALbu1.FAGaF �'2ISPr 1DtdSS OP TfS'IdECHAMCAi.I.A1LiS �3'IS NO1"Cfm ACfUALMILEAC2' �� s s vBEFORE YOD Br -i MECFfANi('.Al.I.Aff1S '"(r WAh�tWO ObDMm'6R DI$CR6PANCY t £ 0y� Cm/CK A BOX lAPPr me TO S DIGrf DUOMaTHRS) ^" To N Psrebaser M, &q, t �? tl �. � $Itn liGl! 1 f } i �._➢ F 3. O '} i £ {s,� a3 � - £` f 3 5 5 [[till PEnx aeC Y M !"'. \ M `b a ta3 Y •• �. ✓"i `'4v. FHnI K[fes'w' Y ' iE f d/ t Ir f{ Ar l 3✓iY F £ • i, £ fi F i, L q SdIV/AemrMu6t '` e+F" ^^ 'u ,. / ^w, '` A d No (When ApHtteebl ix `j SPx HCR. kf ... f F. EI PO K¢SS tf 3�f I� �.✓ t;fit£$} R rd#AASapi"i. g }y a3v;A ` Pdce1"1 [AULmnv LiMo ... sdftNumber i f .Ia f 6 YI T 6 xi sx� t :. �9eWnS era b ! £ 4 / 4 Teti. # 3 Lr, s £ -r J.t ( ~}t.'rt1 Ueenfie N0.iirl } r } <� Nellie.,' a 4 a - 3 Ceieee.a ItF b/ 11A'• „d#- �.N d3 hl hf N3 f b X SetgogDole Addreu � ¢ Date sold: iW P£Ilrhafel9 si �r Yi [iWGSfATE TgHATTNIS ❑. SAR ❑ 6DIC�rrDDDM8iy8r,R,'iNOW REAbS riiz MEx®Ik jND 7'ENTIIS)TAOF$ DAT&READ^I t 1' -, AND I iiP.RPBY new £ - i /�'M_r�._�} ` i I. �'{ f B Y~ . '•' F} :.. xSJ y, i, L'�Ii1PY iHAT TO TIDi HrS'r OK F1Y KN6wr.®OH TIIB onowfd'JaR 1E 3i f3I ,}. F GA MOriy READ CAREFULLY',IJ zs BBPLaCr564�C'NAI�$mFdGa* a.�141�.•£XCFSS9pl MECHANICA£LllrE7S` �AISNlY1`THEACNAi:MHPAOD., I p FO YOU 4 x d.s 4' + CESS'OF 1'CS MECH)NICAW,'1RAr5 ?wATNH1o30m3S ntScn4rwNCr l f4 /.rF.fFORRr6 g �i 8 3 ram' y q` t# / � i£ SRE C �§ tx F. t§ £ AP,FL�]Y15 DCOn'ODDM�[fiaYT °�/� £pBij 7.a Y� �^n"AXe !'..4i f,: {„ s Y '1 �I .rt" Jt h `•,. Pnrchtser fylv5t 1; Ps�`y,:✓aq yS 3"e`'" �t rd,'°' T 6✓"''abmaaaer Muw y�f�'x%; d"3 `>x >� °'t R ✓ ggdi ;r 1 i es x'b Y�: '� S� � j�� 4 i;� :a F. � s'�.`�, c� w.``' �. >, p '�t � '�`'^ <t..� �, aZ{ 5a, Y Wt R� "..^-sj Fy t X y d✓ /'.�h.'•h-•" ;�.+<�p"��r5 rt .(i { iqq Yy! {{ F:{ !'J + - iV 4' A t I:S ' iJ 4 5 ��rr--i 1� T �F3Y rtxf PF rho% }V L. d eN x m J im le M I r it Y'J' aF'Ue!/Agent tt� r 4q. w, < .b+I�� ! VT 'ww !'w`"*aWJ ` ii.� hti ��� `'.c'v y W 3 N � •�°i . .s�"9wN�i` '� fi t i C-/�j { ��/.{rtir{)£ {�3tr l i .-- 1 4 o�d ./ tly/✓_ 1 i .✓9ylYa "✓c,a�((��xJJ s •'�.t '+ �i?F,�'�^+a .at^ I '4',✓+^w 14'a i f� YT ^4•.�Kti4i C.. �i 'L4 %.h i.fi l 4. W,.+ 'k' ,i3 IY r. t f• 'red Mall Uan SaaeLcean to: Dept of HiahwsY 6afatY and N. i t T2491-4944B 11983 ilclati, Nall Foramen Bulldlnp, Tailahaaseo, Fl. 3119MISM) ' BadY T, WI-L-BHP HE 52, Rbgistered Owner: Date -..of Issue WIF16SONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 _ Mail To: WINDSONG MOBILE VIL%AGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Vessel Reels. No_. — Tire Number 22441415 01/23/2020 _.... �......:.. ..........._._ Ostei'ed Olwer _ . WYNG$ONG MO$ILEsVILLAGE LII4ITED'PARTNERSFIIP � M �. °, h.a r SORT PIERCEL FI. 349e2-6344 .t e r ealioldrx r = s-< r, t bide F . .! sx J' \ .. ✓ , � gA.; �' �.< rr a +TaCAHg65EE) M � PlORIOA �.. sj j ;, °.pj si Cooirot Nombes ` 4, O.i:5 97.�7 n 30a '> t - ,24y/lt 140259737' t d i I rr i oa , ' oe' ""� -`dRAN6FER DF:TITLE aY6ELLER OhIesection must E canI (ds J t', � ✓it ,. s F ;3 T# 1132261649 B# 3245542 111 IN NO WON Uen Release Interest In the described veNde la hereby released IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1.' When ownership of the vehide deecn'bed herein is 'transferred, the seller MUST complete In lull the Tr apefer of Tlae by Saner section at the bottom of the certificate of tide. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the serial must complete the l llrs of We on the reverse side of this form. Remove your Ownse plate from the vehlde. 4. Sea the woo address below for more Information an the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and mglstet the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: httpJAw ..homvstate.B.ualhtmWIlinf.mml IN 0 tvo F^am ,�'t5a�f�"p^aiaar� � P0111id, ��r Sectlon 319:22(2), S, r�ui3es'ithat the s mobile home: Filidg'itds form removes any civil liabil kecp a copy of your bill of sale (we suggest it be nourb below, tear the top portion of this document at the, I have this _ day of , _, Name: Purchasers) First Address UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I STATE OF FLORIDA - TMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Parkway • Nell Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 Ice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel �. file a Notice of Sale with the department within 30 days After the sale or transfer of Q'motor vehicle, vessel or )r the operation of thetsold motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. In addition to filing this form, Wo suggest yea certificate of tide or other type of transaction document showing the vehicle was sold. Complete toe Information oration and mail to the address above or submit W your local tax collector's office or Unease pinto agency. by assignment of and delivered Florida Certificate of Tll� to: Purchaser's DL(ID _ Selling Price $ I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. Seller's Signature . rt Co -Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENOY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE C RK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASETO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ' { ii'x. s.. •`k /'� N�y,'.��It{x�� rS>mS*w.W,3 555! .r a �/� � �q ()y} ([.� .F?1 i^'r"'ro {5�� qj }.t i" it�erp" x 1i5'.✓ Y liwf3. tilD✓i $ ��x..✓' S { i{ N' {Yp r 5Rq{,y* �n,1� l' q '*Il A .ry i 4 1 V`r '1 F6 n'ry t iY hi P� hai i A`Ci.'•b 83)/ n F'jlfd a{��.V W3 .h Jw� o'a �4 ^•i o .SO G�1IOt A r�fP `r�7=&re��'•d=4 Y v-�Y AND,[ nay A e a.. tf h�.cj ✓j' 4T.Q.�A.'',4'Li51M •,n, 'T D Dplvaa �W 1•i1,C'Ddn TijH GDD xBMWG tli� a CA tlk� Cnn�efltLrasl," ai 'aoFr.ec tAd'e :'" �3�4$DF�sXCt Sg ap Ys FhiF,C6d 1�AL�t3Mnx:>,AC?W=D1.AGK.` q°I.mtax �S' �' �& F LxAI. / t i -> W 0' OM97Sni DLSCRnAA)M d I'+ BBFORE XOtA`' ( a'S� tom( h'�ayfECliA`Nf Aa4]Rj OIY v ! "•.a} y 5"' w3. xsri itt .y s✓ £ '3 e .$Ci¢CX A,BO)C p„F ✓ ✓ " d r..,a i >s"" EPAlSFIjPS"ip$DIQrIl"Oh TB4.1I ( F$/'" f ✓_. iQ M1 F F l Y 55 S\ YRx � f^'q � K 2� 1< " � Anehesez s QpPaerhnser Mun a { ..' .4 P r £ .. S /a rGu„p�; 4r r i! ... f , Kgei^' f✓ £5: x r {� � � � ♦fix +' ,, Pdnl nne 54 IMnt Nere' i Y 5 N' tYp '^ $i .G; t F y" Q j$t fYf 3{ r Y ib� by i71 ift/"Y} R W X W �c 9e11lNAainRMuet Y' u'f ,a )< $Hns}tae 51+ ry { ipt7 tr :. f s r .,+ 7 $3 '4 ^`=9 ri 4i. a Sr .. s 3 �^ ,_ ear �� , NSt✓ Aannon LiFenae ambit iw a 0 i :' a% d ' 9elan�' er+e s s cz { =,i a :ram Sel➢a"eat Pa Y ^f, ,, ....}'�' r.. n .. et ✓No.: '{ f :rQ a\ .G J 'oon..wa ✓ •{ S ib i ♦ 3 iv F4 +. II h h DY b } _ � { va'``*..�..w vrT w -•. ��(d' 1'otrheserB N,@IDlt9) - r" a'* � �d� y{am` j e ¢ )11gi ~j {7� M tl3{ € gtl `� ii .✓a x i(WBy'7AfETi�fTTH1a p.:501tDOD10C BBAr)S\. n M�'IF{ITDs)MD.{SrI3ATe RPAD'-_7�e_l - ANDIH2n6BY ,O1M)ML'TB(£NOW r ^nr =✓+ > '� ;a� r!(�lrr ."et)Ny ¢ tt �# v CaR'iPY TI ATTOT1@AFS'�OP MY7CNOwC®011TH20 OMGTfla APJ wo Gf�tl'[102{Lrnp 4n`axFDLF�` �ls 7iEP1.ECrS'RCIyls1.TDL$Ao0``: �`21S7N.B%�OFTfS`tCIpMCAL LiMiTS ��`ISNMi3f}IE ACfUAL1N11.pAGH:' "�i) try Kt q'r.�'BEFD)tE Yptl tit r {,£7'3 r ( ;5^/a ()DrCESS Dtp TrS MECF7ANICA(`TI.nNrIS #S WAANINQ OUOMarBa Dl$rR6PANLN F r !' # f t',ID±CX A Bd ^� z ''t APPLTBa TO 5 D[OII"F)DOMa'1'ARb�) 'v�Jj hK S T '� hY yT 5 { v2 S y%('!-ttYMllefep MVAf i NS 4 �� L` £ ;i C �17lr9ul{t 45# 4 " ✓ t P t 7i e yil �1 ry ✓r Y "; K r" t i..' U _ �� . }e29�t:FY 59 Y `w.,; ' 9i.Mti dM r$v-IYT'jr SellerlArmkhtust'e ,� i,.N. Y h.� .!^ Nli a fL AVPnmWelfy r J ¢e 3§f b £ i v l :• T,ic�1 'Y §tIDP� Qx ii1 /a. ife xi l ':3 A3 Y33 Y3 3 n d( b+ tf 4f \r �t'i.. _. p.✓ \".O W r .b� ✓F'� ^N.R�PJ Gt Y G Jf� YYF" 1S? 4,t. Y� `N .+°i �" �, /, AlongD 'sAddrvm t Said. /gf Ji{ ,. 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(t''� ` ' � t ? ,{r'-,-✓ �,r�,�nn",�`o,� ,'N�"fi�'�li�F,", '� ).v k� . M. a :> by i .�4+. • n51"�'�M IS k�' { k' /,