HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompliance CertificateLod ` 5a �e NA11 k I z oo2 - n 19 f , Manufacturer Address HOMES OF MERIT' P O, lox 1606 BARTOW, FLORIDA 33830 e 1' - Date of Manufacture Pliant Number Manufacturer's Serial Number and Model Unit Oesignat(ori T 249]? — 16556 AQ HILL tI�� AVLRNE�2� & CAE�TER This Rghll national Noddle home 1A me of manufacture. j (For additional dflformatdon. Cobalt owner's Manuel,) The fagttory installed equipment Includes: Equipment Manufacturer Model Designation For heating For air cooling _ For cooking Refrigerator E zzleffXLiVI p Water heater or�T� .SaS as Washer .X�OdX/yl/1%D Clothes Dryer Dishwasher lL.9DasD.l'.�G) Garbage Disposal Fireplace. ! i DESIGN NANO ' ZONE YAP ❑ Zoned •Standard Wind ZonolI AM Hurricane 15 PSF Horizontal 25.PSF Ha 9 PSF Uplift 15 PSF U1 lu a V U. F I W V N N Q (a zR V W W G J Q Q Imo, ti R f N rr_. 9w 4 DESIGN ROOF LOAD _ North AC PSI — South 20 PSF ZONE NAP —Middle 30 PSF Other _PSF 0 COMFORT HEATING This recall home has been thermally Insulated to conform with the requlnmenti of the; W Ieeanlmoailg home construction and safely standards fares locations within cathode t ode c few, Zone 1 aQ Hearing equipment manufacturer and model(ooe fill of 1011). ' (� The soon healing equipment has the opacity to maintain air ewrs9I Ftampanlun In , LL this home a1 aptdoar tompemlune of `- F. To maslmin fume.. operating ecanomy, end n eanssne .he 11 te recommended that !` I- this home be Installed wMn lh.outdoor.dnlvd..IJWM Pentun(g7VA)lenglhfgharlaan 1 i W arrive Fahrenheit i ThubocUnlarmallow has been calculated essuming amskbnum wind velocity of 15 mph at '. V standard atmospheric pressure, W C0Mf011T COmINB . y 0 Air Conditioner provided at famary (Alternate 11 , mAft conditioner manulaaluror and mode[ vise Itet at INU. ' Z CeNlllad capacity— B.T.U.fhanm accordance with lMepprapelet. air conditioning and refrigeration Institute standards. (1 The central all condlllonhg!ystam provided In this hoar Me 6emilW asouring an N orientation of the hanl(hitch end) of the hems [wing OnthisOulsdn. W system Is doslgned to MMISM on Indoor temperature ad 7e' F when outdoor temperatures are F dry bulb and F a1 bulb. ' (,7 The temperature to which this home can be cooled war do wq, dependi g upon the Z amount of exposure of lh"Indovn of this home to me sun's ndbmheaLTharAore,tlw home's heat gains will vary dependent upon In orientation to IlramartlanYlsenaarwnl J shading provided. Information concerning The cse leaon otdooMV bads as eade e 0 locations, window exposuresand shadings 9reprovIdedIaCwVfev22oHhe1g72edmew O at the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals.' „ () Information necessary to ealculatecooling loadsat Varian lorabm andalentrS ifs provided In the special comfort coolimr lnformaUon pro~ with We motile lams. - Air conditioner not provided at factory (Alternate In Z The air distribution system of this home Is suitable for W Installation a.erdnl at, Q conditioning. The supply air distribution System installed in mix hame is shed lormo0ile came dry". air candlllonin9 splem al up fo 26,566 B.T.Whr. reed capacity:ankh eve ::;lined In accordance wile the appropriate air calculating and refrigeration Involves ir aMatas.wnwhen the air circulators or such air eonerflonen am rahM es"ill care itt c.dn slaUc pressure or greeter rot the cooling alydellvered tot emcbRil eeeuipply ' �,ir dacl aW... .)n`IonnSllon necessary to calculate cooing loodsatexdmmloratrauand orlenta0arsn r t , sm ided in the special comfort cooling InfonUon pravfit.d whir this .tnoh7e fmw. rc conditioning not recommended (Alternate ILO the air distribution ayslem of this home has not been destgnedmaaidpationollbsas `'with.: central air conditioning system. , • INFORMATION PBOTIOEO.BY THE MANUFACTUR® _ NECESSARY 70 CALCULATE SENSIBLE NEAT SAN Wells (without windows and coon):T................................ V .097 " Ceilings and roofs o1 Ilyhl .................................. V :074/.055 Celmgs and mole of dare color.........' .......................:... .074 _. Air ducts In floor.....................................:.............'U^ .25 .Aar ducts In calling .............................. I .................. . `— Ali ducts Installed outside me home .................. ................ .W • 25 The lotlaadeg ere the duct areas In this home: Airducts In floor ....... _ _.............................. All duel. to calling ........................................ Air ducts outside the home ................................ the American Handbookol