HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement,76SEiAl E. 6141t8-, CLERK, OF THE CIRCUIT',:COURT :_ SAINT LUCIE COUNTY rttk # 46717a5' OR ili663k cjlbs PAGE 2751,, -Rea=6eci 02/67-/2020 09,56;'43,-AM1 AF7ERperacVVCMErupumivY Pso-ffrimmm-, 'A the NOTICKOF COMMEcenam NCE NT FlOfidi&'swolesiha f0116�9itilbooRtim is jitovi�jnihe Notice of I.DESCREMONOFPROPEWrY acloLdekription mild sdectad&iu FOLIO NUMBEX. 3414-501-1701-0009 LLakeg _BLACR__TRACr___WTAtmG UNIT, 73EL.CAM090REAL Secdon26-T&WW1lp36i-k8mGV406. I 2GENEPALJ5ESbAlinOX OF ' 'r"RovEnoiT..,&mWCwpononMobUsHmne r 'I.OWNERDIFORMATiON. aN mcftm . llmmg - Cw p . oradon� &Addr*ss 8000.South 11SNwy. 1; W640ZPcitstLode: -FL34952 &CONTRACrOR'S NAME �ADDRESS AND PHONZNUMBER.Ivo°" Ai�------rm or -se P- 5.1SU RM!S ' rJAM4 ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUN* NfA 6-LWWER'S'KkWh,ADD14& AND PHONE iummm. WA pby -m NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Joe Jcnes;ISIlverOakDr., Port SL Lark —.FL. 34952,(772)20�1_841e:, dtagoat713.11 (Mb)' Ploci& Scogw.' be. f0H0win18 to mmiv* a copy of the LimucerNotice aipi� iii Sectic4 N4ME,ADDRESS'AN'DPH0h7EKUh2WR,- 9 &Tira"n date Of MUM Ofmmtneaoemm (theei ltwiom date is fye&�fiomj Lhe #* of sp—fi-d) &gmture vf,Owrteror. Owner's Authorized OMcerMkectodFa1nerW=ner ;Score of Furida ( bo,yopSt.Lucie Ma!130w We Mlynne.Vice President print Ni*mmd PiavliLe. sk--tows 7 1 ft IdOwce pemenally Knom-X— orproduced the following type ofm DOROTFIVANN WMN ?G 030145 N" "'.*Ociiesmw WCG&W1SS10N#WG30l45 (pf a2 (P=u�dNaznpofNotary,.FubH6) (sign onlotary Public) E)a!fRFS-0cWbf2;zo2o E) U)J�dm peaddes of perimy., I declare 111m I hiYe read foregoing and a ffief facts in it are belief (section,97525, Florida Sutuleq- Si9MUu1Qs) of Owuer(s)or By, lv� MnuWbm J-Digit4-11�--iijned by'Wre Honorable : Joseph E. S�th �Datd:200.0.07 09.59:54 05:00i ).Reds'n- Elktronically Certified -op