HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permitA= APPLICABしE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPしICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building Permit Appiication p/oming ond Deve/opment Servic錆 Bui/ding ond Code flegu/otion Divi5ion 2300 Virginio Avenue, Forf Pierce FL 34982 Phone‥ (772) 462-1与53 Fax: (772〉 462-1578  CommerciaI ResidentiaI PERMITTYPE: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: =叫 PropertyTaxID#: 3じk単一兵五〇 〇仁王ゴーC=C=C)二三 Site PIan Name: Project Name: ot N0.臆臆之\し臆臆臆_ Iock No. DETAILED DESCRIPT10N OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION iNFORMATION: AdditionaI work to be performed underthis permit-Check a旧hat appIY: MechanicaI Gas Tank Gas Piping 玉 EIect「ic Piumbing   _ SprinkIers TotaI Sq. Ft ofConstruction: Shutters    _ Windo Generator Roof Sq. Ft, OfFirst FIoor: S/D○○rS Pitch OWN駅/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: State:壬」 F帖n fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owne川sted above) CompanY: Address: Phone No State or County License Ifvalue ofconstruction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED NotIce of ifvaIue of HVAC is $7,500 o「more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAしCONSTRUCTION DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: Not AppIicable Address: MORTGAGE COMPANY:     N Name: t ApplicabIe Address: FEE SIMPしE TITしE HOしD駅:  Not App=cable Name: Ad寄「e§S: BONDING COMPANY:     N Name: t Applic∂ble Address: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDV汀: Application is hereby made to obtain a pemit to do the wo「k and ins I certify that no wo「k or install∂tion has commenced prior to the issuance ofa permit. 薫蕊諾誤認鵠繍器畿嘉諾鵠鵠盤黙諾駕謂 ln consideration ofthe granting of this requested perm時do herebY agree tha= w間in a旧espects, Perform t in accordance with the approved plans′ the FIorida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The fo"owing bu冊ng permit appiic∂tions are exempt from undergoing a fu= concu「rency review: rOOm ∂dditio accesso「Y St「uCtureS′ SWimming pooIs・ fe=CeS′ Wa嶋′ Signs′ SCreen rOOmS and accessorv uses to ∂nOther no…eS ``wARNING TO OWN駅: YOUR FAiしURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMM剛CEM馴T MÅY RESUし TWICE FOR IMPROYEM帥TS TO YOUR PROp蛾TY. ^ NOTICE OF COMMENCEM削丁MUS丁 POSTED ON THE 」OB SITE B騰OR王THE F!RST INSPECTION. 1F YOU INT帥D TO OBTAIN FIN WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY B陣OR亡RECORDlNG YOUR NOT!CE OF COMMENCEMEN a=ation as indicated. ubject structure Ct 6r prohibit such dentiaI use lN YOUR PAY!NC RどCO韓O各D ÅND 鵬CiNG, CONSUし丁 S宙少u「e Of Owne「/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF乱ORiDA COUNWOFi、写十/〈ど1声音,・   臆  臆臆臆臆臆臆 藍豊豊諾 nt was acknowledged before me 2姥乏bY 音酷霊融。宙パ ー- Pe「SOn訓y Known OR Produced Identification ;X二 Tvpe o白dentification Produced;㌢ /うん (Signature c)f N( Commission No.覇籍3○○319 S少de of Contractol 認識-ごりCOUN丁YO離封-〆/ 葦整轟 acknowIedged before me Name Of person making Persona”v Kn。Wn Type of ldentific∂tion OR Produced Ide tific∂tion山/ of ZONING REVIEW SUP巨RVISOR REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTしE R亡V惟W MANGROVE REV惟W GET丁HE M轡艶OUTOFYOUR 熟読舞踊駐餓繭態INVESTMENT! High performance titanium heat exchanger伸fe”teO, 777e仰OL柄啓力7功 ● Mic「op「ocesso「 contro圃defrost cycle altows operation down to mid to lo Lockable,的-Out COntrOI pane恒OteCted against sun and weather Bu岨n d「ain pan for conclensate management resistant Cabinet d T13功 40s °F BTUs二塁nalhea三二言。9拙宅亡\132。。。 蕊岩盤…′′ 80/80′63       4了〇〇〇  6了○○0  90,0。。 I 125,○○0 84000 80150163    30,000 46,000 65,000 C・〇・P・ 80/80/80    5.6  5.4  6.0 5.6 5.4 5.7 5、6 誓書屈書芸∩∞80/80′63       5.5   5.3   5.8 「oI81′Vehu爪母〉   80′50′63        4.0    4.0    4.2 4.0 4.0 Refrigerant                B410A   P41OA   B41OA R410A二 匡410A HeatExchanger           lfubeinTiIbe 巾beinlhbe ThermoLinlk⑨ ThermoL車T串ermoL請- ̄ ̄ 5・9)6・8 ElectricaI   kWlnput         2.7    3.9    4.7 Voltage/Hz/Phase    208-230/6O/1208.23O/6O/1208-230/60/1 208-230/6 11 2 8-230I60/1 Min.CircuitAmpacity    19`1    26.8    4O.2 38.2 43.3 Max.FuseSize        30     45     60 60 60 WaterFIow  Min‘/Max・(gpm)     20145   20/45   3O〃0 30I70・ /30nO A子IeaIe「BypassK柄srequi「edwllenliow「alesexcee〔∥hemaxir冊m Physical   Weight(Ibs)      18O    200    255  259 34’’x34’’x 口。4雷。9,, LengthxWidthxHeight個 34・一x34・ix28'′ 34)・×34”×28“一 34・,×34・,×39” Snipping   Weight(圃       220    240    305    309 X亡的∵× 337 LengthxWidthxHeight(in)38,一x36’.x33・・38・・x36,一x33・・38-一x36"x43,・8”x36,高 3-  38’’×36,↑×43,, Ra(edinaccor軸cewi!hAF"s軸a印160watertemp/ambre∩Ia肋ela-ivhumid時     Spcc葡caびcnssupjec~章°Ch紬ge 登彊聡醇機嫌 Overhcad C!earance T「opiCaI⑱ T90 Home 〉’Proqucts ’’TropICaL8’「90 園函圏 Ge同Ie mOSt OUしOr yOUr POO川eatlng lr\VeS帥e証 ・  日朝間e直川-d=しeし廟一間「、 he∂しexc「刑場ぐ` (P訊ente(I l in the 1   訓l(( modeIs) ・ M旧OP-OCeゝゝO「 〔Oi-し{0=ec川e手IOS( `y←le捕ows O†〕e「at(0∩ぐれwn 〔O mI〔圧o iow40s咋 ・  Bし両-in dI ̄∂周囲n fo「 con(1ens部e 「¶∂ndj÷e用e凧 面p∂C〔 I’e与IS〔an〔, 「USt ∂I「〔=ad函)「〇〇年a廟∩帥 .  Qu-C(e=han COnVen(!Ona用Cat PUmpe '   NEWSma" M旧OPI。(eSSOrCo帥OIw事h L⊂D DIS函y ・  坤)-OUしiockこ}b)e c〇時○車anp自ら P「OteCte(j a∫;alrl上∪" an(l weaし「le同時 Call be easlly prog鳩m「Tled 1〇回eVe向 〇両e時子-OIn tam匹両呂V聞「 S謙=「呂S .  r)l緋al rc)ntrn申anf‘1 w冊24 rhn「柾m「 油圧ext c座Pねy p「○∨ほes e拒y・〔0イ銅〔j menu optlOnS and u… StatUS 。  Ab凧yto co冊Ie「=O m〇三t PX沌「n証 COn汀0】ie子S 〇  日y加d 「∪白C小Of「紺)Iしa=問囲e dgdら hea章eI When訓「 eX廿a b○○`( 0「h鍾=S 「leeC】ed Roted ln aCCOrCねnce v両h AHRI stancj訓“C= 1 60. ◎(〔㈲ GETTHE Mの翻すOUT OFYOUR P鵠鱒‡.牒霞鮒縄鶴INVES丁MENT! ● High performance titanium heat exchanger伸fe”fed 777e仰OL研h 7.孤7775and 773功 ● Mjc「oprocessor contro=ed defrost cycle訓ows operatjon down to mid to low 40s OF ● Lockable,佃P-Out COnt「OI pane巾rotected against sun and weather . Bu冊n drain pan fo「condensate management ・ lmpact resistant, 「uSt and fade proof cabinet . Quieterthan conventionaI heat pumps 榔聖上。。 ㊥㊥聞 Location: 申し>用\高上言、申>申出卜高二>Clearances CLEARANCES Proper air circuiation i§ required for the heat pllmP tO OPerate e冊ciently. Åvoid placing ob.iects nea「 or On tOP Ofthe heat p川11P. This inclしIdes sh「ubbe「y and lawn乱lmitu「e. These objecIS W紺also hinde「 maintenance access. Avoid storing chemical containers =ear the heat pump. The chemicals can cause equipment damage. Overhead Clearancc HeatWave SuperQuiet㊥“ and TropiCa!O (Top View) 固 B 6I 11 F 【 ACK nch鎧 5cml 、、 RON丁 3feel 91cmI 園 \■ヽ 再観 丁ropiCaI⑩ T90 Home }〉 Products )〉 †「opiC訓もT90 園図回 Ge川Ie mOSt OUしOr yOU甲○○川e細ng lnVeStment! ・  Hig申〕e血用圃「(.証しa「間m h節しeX⊂雨n新手 (Pa〔en(eC】  ( 1n 〔he a「「Cl mocjeI与) ・ M~C一一0卑OCeゝSOr COnし〇時(同〇五〇質(y再訓nw~ OPe正負IOn dow吊O m-〔∥o iow 40s十 ・  B両日∩面相∩囲n tO「 〔0∩〔」e∩与dle自「∂「df曽I「e出 I叫)aCし)’eS(S〔∂時子USしd両手dde単○○「「a廟∩函 .  Qu-ele「 t ヽan COnVentIOna川Cat PUmPS '  r\陀W S「11紺Ml件OPi ̄0( eSSOiてO回O上M画しCD D-S函y .  F車-OUし, iockabie co佃O車anc‘=s P「〇℃e(ted ∂8訓nSはU1「紺C) vJe刺子IeI訓Id C訓「 be easIiy p「og「調川lCdしo Pie>e!「し 0しheは「-○m tamp飾ngW自白seしt-∩8S .  nl鮎a圧nn(rn巾anal wirh 24 rhnra「TP「 fu帖ex〔 〔汗eplay p「ovides easy・博-read menしI Op〔「OnS and u… St武US e Ab凧yしo c〇回e(l (O mOSt eX噂∩封 CO用I(川e「S 。 十時間両面oI「a同)I(細江l両(e d 8dS hea〔eI’whe「「 ∂「l eX仕と=)○○S( 〇月「〇三)=与 「leぐdぐd R8tCCi ln aCCO「d∂nCe Wlth ∧HRI standarc1 1 160. 亀嵩盤等雷雷