HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAl L APPI ICAE I E IN FCI MUST BE COMPLETED FCIR ARR L ICPITICIN TO BR 110CEPTED Date: ilerrnit Mire er: Building Rem it Application Alain nimgl acid Dutiielapniant 9erriass 8 u ling) a i c I Ca ( Is A e g i ilatin n DA ii:i ion JM Virg inia Avnnun, Fc r Pia,iica F[ 149W III ane: (77]) 497-1553 Fa)i: (772) 492-7578 (lorrlrrleticial Residentia PIRMIT APPLICATION FOR: Tki Select from dllopbox, click annow at the end (If line Addr49!i : Legal Deiari t•on: -kc) - 11ropertylaxlD11: �" 1"C0 Site Plan Narne: Pnojec Ilarne: ,S (M - Sett aci s Ironi Baak: Rig1 l gide: left Side. I at No. - 0 loci No. ,QnaI %A orK torra rms a unasr 1 nc9 peamn — a i *1 Tf Gag Tin C Gas F ining Elac nia ElPlurot ing C 9Rniol leas Total Sq. Rt o'I Conitructia n : Cost o I Conai ruatia n: $ LA q OO,� MV111, un ers IN indovis, IDa a rs Generator � 1 viol LRoof pitch S 11. of Fint Rloor: _ Utilitiei:Semler 11 Sept iii P a rn e` Aciclre tr.3 g or i ei1}l: Slate: Zip Ca cls: U 1a: PIone No. , R -Mail: list in 14 siniIN Til Ie Holder on nix page ( if cliffs rent 9rom l he Clwnen Iista ( I above) Building Hei€fl: Name: S. Compan)1: �' C Elcldreess�s: 5 aity: 1 f I S1 al e: 3ipCacle: ZZ�3a Rafe: F I one No. — —S 1-N a lair 6 " F. I nA Slate or Count y I !can se. If value of ■a natnut ion is $2900 a r more, a R B CCIRDED Nol iee of Coni rneuaeni ant is required. ME DIISIGPI IRiIIINGIN EER: Narna: Plddrle!l!: Cil y: Zi p: H t a na : FEE SIMPLE TITI I HCII DIR: Name: /Iddnes9: alit} l: Zip: Phone: _ Nol Applicable S1a'1a: Nol Applicable MORT{IACI8 COMIPINY: Name: Alddiv 1l : Ciiy: ]in: Phana: SON 001 CI COMPANY: Name: Add re!l s City: Zin : Phone : I a,irtiN tl atna work orinstallatian his aorrminced 11riorlo11 a issuance of permit. Nol Appliaa t le Slate: _Nol Pip nlicable St. main Counttyy real es a s yell rase ntatia r that is Ira Ming a pe rmit will a utl a rite the pn rm it holder to build tl a subje cl struc tire ti-it is inaonfliclvultl amiapplioatle, lameOwnersAssociationrules,I)llawsarandaavenantstlatmay rostricor11ratilituict strucure.Please(1onsultvilth11aurHome Ouiner9Assoaiatianandreviewyour deo dfaranil reitrictionivitsat mayapllly. In aonside ratio r a f tt a ®ran ting a f this m e wasted pe rmit, I do t erel )I agree tt a t I will, in all re ip ec s, perform the wa rl in aceordan Ie with tt a approNied plans, the Rlarida Building Cocles and 9t. I ui ie (louat) AnlaniImeets. The following buildinal hermit applications a re esaempt fro rr undergoing a full aonuirranq re)iieur roa m additians, aacessorystruaturns, 9uiimminal peals, fences, vialls, signs, 9areen rooms a nd aawssorl uses toanotl or roa-residential u.ae 'A ARPI IN G TO OM N ER: Your 'lail a to Reaord a Not ice of (I ( m me ince me int may nesull in you in pa}ling lwiae ilor impliavements'la yoLinprone .ANotice c Commencement rnus1 to neaanded d posted on tt ejob:liIa beilorethe >9irslin:ln(IaIian.i auinIendIoobtainfinanain@,consull Ail nanallcnney11lora aammenciuewerkwr nevourNoliceolCornrnenaamanl. Siguatureal�r LaAe,ICoatractarasA31entfar Owner 19i®natiirwtfdofitracor,lliaense Holder STATI CIF 11 CCIUNTY OF T1 farloinp instrument wasaaknowledllell t1fare me this -f dayaf 2I}l All (Pla me/of peraa n � cl nov4edgft ) �ljlna til c Ie rsanally Kne IlY1e of Identif Qa m m issio [ W- State of 11orida 'I TATE CIILCI CCIL NTY CI 7t afar€loin g initrum en t wa a as k a a wle dile d l i fora m e d is --/— (12,1 0f 21 aL1:,1 1j 11 q (Na me afOrson aakaawNdginjn-1 / Piii Iia-:Itate of Rlorlda ) Id�ati t`a n Rersona Ii)l Knave a I Producnd Identilia tion �a II8t39ti 9 eaf Iilentifi tion Iracluae ss2 �3 101 g KATHRYN III 91:IIBiIRG i Qonirnitsian N llaG5 3�aij Ste %um lam;; l xPues �1G e�1 Fber11019 Re vi d07/35,1�014 RIVIFA3 RRCINT TONING 9Hill ORVISCIF IIJPI'I VBGBTATIOPI IHATUB TLI NANGROVI COUNTII RIVIIW REVIEW REVIEW RIVIIW RRVIEW REVIIW DAM OOMPI ETI INITIALS