HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMITfk ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVE1,0PN ENT SERVICES `` ' Building & Code Compliance Division 13MDING PERMIT SIIB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT rt Control oT S the HVAC Sub-conbUtorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status..regarding our participation with the above inentibned,. project, the Building and Code Reg"on Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursumtto'the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SfQQTUU(Qua fier)• Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 $288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUtiffiliB COUNTY C=TWCATIONN NUbWER smteorFteriaa,Coumty.oe !� StaijofFlorida.Couatyof7'c�yG�'� f The fbregoiaginstradeeirtwesftacdbefrirnmetbikkYof The{ftwiaeiustromentwsxatp odbefore methtsw•V\dayof e—kO . .20^�YCI �`e �.?`Ct'�''Q b . .20/��y e�"e, Zs 2.A.w22e'wt4� woo 4 personauy [mown V or bes produced a who is persomlly lmowa ✓r has produced a os fdeatlacafiaa. ' 10.QA,04 ate, 4904,L STAMP• pntore of NocarLYUWC DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 0.30145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Bonded Thp Notary PublicUndeiwdters Revised 11/1612016 as ldlatifiletiO4 //f) r /✓WY 1 STAWiR Signature of NotaryPnM' Do Ro- H y AVAI BAe.,,V print Name of Notery Poblie z +��!ys; DOROTHYANNBASKIN MYCOMMISSION#GG030145 +;e EXPIRES: October2,2020 Banded Thor Notary PublkWdemrfkvs •. L66-d Z000/Z000d VL0-1 999L9L9ZLL da00 suipiine auuAM -Woad 9L:ZL 9Lt-60-ZL lm Folhd pnO b; 43 � b>�x tsc hex. Wy:nn@, Dmc!®pmgng .00JI tb@Uldlogg Ad Ood@Nepl on VJvjgpn of Ot-. WWI Qmy wUJW M%aWpmaamo 4W id%s0k WO. �e�AdgaR�lF�r➢' � . Mli�b! 4x��� �Yj niiB 610tgAIDF*6R9aIgRP �BP3FBR?ta$SA.4:baiaBAE9l,9.4flIbRPUFRFISF>�f NP - � J9#9�PdA7AR 3'tlA@WA F 9�d'R{7,wgs R.4P�V69#�Nefi4R. ' x .. Oi'i3;a4A' Ilr l2o'71� '�yNiu t�iY}S�(A) �F�a�e$ra�Ae'RP .�R7RF4'� . DOROTlY.ANNBASKIPI '�'• s2 MYGOMMISSI,ON#OOB30,145 EXPIRES:Oetobar2.2020 v11/!6l&910 :gyf„q' BondedThruNdtaryPutikUndexoters 1mly ,•B#F(Ai4.g9Tats�A,4kRW.eRt3YR,54lj'iRB�P1/BPRP&.IR& tkW�Asy sF ��.r—,:fir �9(�1#ba9dl�ni erhst�s,�aF3sael�vlkagrrag�ai�spFRAese±�Rc _..... �Si6iSR#I,+RF#9A. MA Rhonda ►i9REiE'@NA49F�9tdry� Ixe .._ l the (Type For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPNgEENT SERVICES Building & Code Comp&nee Division BUILDING PERMTr SUB -CONTRACTOR ' AGREEMENT c -T A Name) have agreed to be / Sub -contractor for e%,e , i/� (Prima r Colltractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the - filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOSAil(I TUBE(Q®rd`er)_ . PRiNTNAM �-�����1� C <R COUNTY CERTIFiCATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County oY sl Lu _i,q,� f� The foregoinginstromentwat signed before me tb—day of Who is personally known—Kor has produced a as identification. STAMP Siggna�Notarypublic ke, 6 ttr>!G PrintName ofNotary Mile RACTORSIGNAT (Quardier) . . PRINTNAME D- 9 G//-/� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER SRteof Florida, County off]..1.\ PLC. (,t Av,�\ The foregoing inslrnmentwas signed before me tbJ day of who Is personally hnowak—jor has produced a aside`otifi^cation.,Q 51� STAMP \ tary Pubblia ` PnntName ofNetary Public �,'Kert�IBudjc�a�le� 3LAt11fAR.CU6BEGGE v MyCommisstotlFFa7a543 =�' �;;Camm(gsttin#GQpZZp76 Revisedlll16QU16orndp Expltas05�!`+f�2a i1�F21�e IR19 , taDnC3iiis�ry : tra�?met..o'r.:`.: ,... pt urivrpc�, �e:•�i�l.�tY�13t�b:` ����lru�i��i�rr �#�fi. k��i� �`��t3i�,adv�s�dparsr�it'(irr oft ��'kc�foregaiP�inSh+!nlebi.�a5sig0.4d:4;�FAra!P10�15�� -q�� ;, ;' 5%�aiS.P.t�oA.ei(9�Al9ti9Ri�:Rfi6as�Qr4�(�ilCctli�:�... �....::_,......,• 4rA L4TY � A7Gf!`i 10bF 178 ' i4,18Tedt�foAd9i'�Qtieht"!8: ... .G/G' f 7 :#b, aca sa�+�aenc+ ga aetore ar+ru \ _��eb.irx��cac� `Ma\ie�a #vIt'a'i�Q'et�ition8'Itk�lciiSWa ✓F�"atjiYiCililcLd;A:. ��• T '�- .. . � .—. .: 'S.Q�Ai�k: �niyf �OfO �!y e654LiVYP o.Yt oYhl f:.lQnrN dN6mko4AT8toiy:LhihL'c '"'I�n¢A"amr<�Y�b(sry.7fu11Niz•.• . 'jw';;fSi16h31idYr:_.•• Sf•i'•°� sF_ SmM0Ye4D:ThOROTHYANNASKIN COMMG XIRSOePtoberlrnP,v4�DOROTNYAN BASKIN MY COMMISSION 0 GO 030145 II "EX0IRES:Ootober2,2D20 `P4U.;gEZ uNMryl