HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementl COUIVl'oY��r�>�; ri t MINI u n PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED FEB 99 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be the n . Sub -contractor for Mum,tiomwottta0nrerirwk* byt (Type of Trade) . (Pnmary Convector) For the project located at 5 y s 1 LU o at. 13 it - -1 q0 - g711j -OW - (Project Stivet Add es or Prnn — — .,l as It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation. with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of SL Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r Cb IGSA• u11 e') A6MHMO C1WIM"tF tie. PRINI'NAME COUNTY CERTEFICATION NUM ER SLIe of ll%rida, Caao(y� The tarepolol lmrnamml wu Aped t r,"m LLU30 day of AnUAf 20A6y_ William Bryan mst who h penoully W owo---_or hu plodaced o u Id�eudn"ll -- Sl�rtu c STAMP SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA Pool Name olNrtary Path! SHED EYA. SEPUWFDA WCOMMIGSIONOGG252074 z' EXP1RES:Jars1mY26,202•J .��• p.,!y.••'' aorldsd ThN%*""k L &MYAen Revised 11/1612016 st) CfOR SIGNATURE A 1 U nn n I CO l�+IGT10N NUMBER i SYfe of Florida, CoaP'ry of �S'C• WGE I TDe fargohq lutraMat waa Abed bd," M Ih4, day or nuca- + %, byG e Q r..t'rticlx,.11< f who 11 Denoeally Iioowo ✓or hu Deodoed a _ u IdenttamUm ta.ofNahry Pihtle STAINP Sl RICHAROOOUGLASJOHNSON Nola ry PuEllc - Slale alFlorida Comns J CG 0rar71 ! My Comm. EaPires Mar 20. 2021 i , Wee W.0,a _Notary Asm t i 1 , PERMIT p ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �ISIAMfni aRA TJs pft_ tSt-j J 0(ZAw Z(7W(CQS.TNt (Company Nagaegndividual Name) the �(Uy�nh� N) Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) RECEIVED L�T. FEB 19 2020 Lucie County, permitting have agreed to be Adafns tunas of Not6rwest Fla A Itra (Pnma C.Contractor) For the project located at 5 ( L O at l3 I ( _ +-I � _ 0CI _ _ (Project Street Add ss or Property Tax ID N) OCOO I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. CON i,vs L a UK SI ONATURE (Qualifier) Marna Hwft ct NN%leat Rodda, Ntc. PRIfJT NAME COUNTY 1eK 11u'ICATI0NN NUNlFIEErR� Stile of Florida, Couoly The foregoing inslry mcnl was signed before on, (his 3D day of __Iwqcnrl qo, William Bryan Adams Who is personally known ___�r has produced a es id cnfificatioo. 0 STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPUL VEDA Pnol Name of Notary Publie :'''Fa;••,. SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA �'q¢ MY COMMISSION p GG 262074 {g EXPIRES: January 25,2023 Revised II/1h20 ''':•?'i n... Bdndbd Thru Notary Public UrdawIbm S U&CONTRAPr, RSIGNATURE (Qual fie,) f PRDYT NAME aq V5to CoUAERI GfCATION NUMBER sure of Florida, Couoly or t3T.k...aCIe The fomiloiog loslrumenr was sigacd before me (his y of Ctl .zo7bby eylj� V-Vn j m�tngZ who is personally known ✓ ar bat produced a as identification. 1 a u.T`�aMA-. Q1J [f(�L AnJ.eJ STAMP Signature o(Nolary Publsc Pnol NNsx.e f DcY-wlos t7ohnac�T ame of Notary p,r6lic r '��•*`- •' RICHARD OOuGtAS JOHNSON Notary Putlic-Slate of Florida • X` '..........' Commission C GO 061021 My Comm. Expires Mar 20.2021 BrnbeO wougn NatioW Nolarylssn. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division_ COON �1 �4 BUILDING PERMIT I SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 19 2020 ST. Lucie County, permitting have agreed to be (Company NameAndividual Name) I the K/-Ac. Sub-contractorfor Jdama Monesct Nortlnrest FlaeA r- (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _� Ll 5 1 1 JA 0 0 S } (Project Street Address or Property - 100- 001cl- 000-1 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams ttotnmol tosar.nt RYldu, b e, PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTB'7CATION B 99 State ofFloddy Caunryo i11 The foregoing Instrument was signed before use ebb3iday of ja n zoIq by William Bryan A atns wholspersonaltyhnowo ors hasprodueeda u Idntl➢ a . Lf�—� D STAMP Signature of Notary Po We SHELLEYA SEPUINEDA PrlelNameofNourl rrw SHELLEYASEPULVFDA 'y MYCOMMISSION #GG2E2074 EXPIRES; January 25, 2023 E..M1•• Oondedlbm NotaryPutae Ondnwdlars Revised 11/16/1016 ��� SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qoaaaer) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTMI TCA ON NUMBER Slate of Florida, C000y or S T. Lye to The foregoing Imtrumeal was signed before me this 31day of , ) Q n .w�19 bbyyRianea %;VQ Personally isPersonally lmowo V ar has produced as Ideotl➢nano. STAMP Si]gntureof``Notd Pab FIG�aRcs �lO.x.,s3 �O�MSoN Print NameorNate bile `�µ�i•y(-,,. RICHARD DOUGIAS JOHNSON Ag N01ery PabBc-St!eolFlmida Cpnnussion l GG 084021 +.••Wa,.: My Comm. Expires Mar20,2021 araawmyh Na�NonryAmx PERMIT p IEEE:: PE.ANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ]Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVE-6 • i BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 19 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting �Z-150—— (Company Name'Individual Name) have agreed to be the 2 Ir"-L (Type of trade) For the project located at. 95 Sub -contractor for ManlyHanesa#NorUraatFbtidq tlla (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ID r!) oo-iq-ooO- I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to thIt is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. e CONTRACTOR blUNATURE (Qualifier) Mane Homo$ of Nattlwest noddo, isr- PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County a(y.}fd The foregoing inslrurnent was signed before ox, this 3b Jr y J�r day of ro2,P by William William Bryan Adams, who is personally known ✓ Or has produced a as identification. Signolure of Notary public — STAMP SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Prior Name of No �'!"•''Y.t;... SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GO 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 ,.•,rP%°`,�' Bonded ThruNo " Public UMerxtXers Revised 11 16 2016 o SUB-CONTRAC RSIC � 3 A• RE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME 1'.>' c COUNT CERTIFICATIONN NU BEA State or Flarida, County of 37 tC1 e The foregoing inslrumenl was signed before me this day of ntlGC lo,br�iaVl�YYlGlovaP who is Personally known ✓or has produced a as Identification- g rN tary.Pubhc U—`(%STAMP RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHHSOP. NOVI Public -Slate of Florida C0mmission#GGC84a21 MICM Expires Mar 20.2021 F::1ea WagN Naiaiol Neox, n