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As Builts Engineering
121�516N COMUANM ( Assumptions used) I, Juri5dictlom 5t, Lucie Cour*q 2, Florida Puildinq Code 2011( 6th) Edition with N/ A 5upplement5 and A5CF 1-10 3, Puddinq Pe5ign is; Enclosed; X PartialIq Enclosed; Open Puildinq; _ 4. Cask Categorq;J _Y_JI JII JV 41 Exposure Category _P X C J7 5, be5ign Wind Velocitii: 160 MPH (3 Sec, qust) X517 J t Fn Width of Fnd qz-( 0,00256) KZKZrKnV2 (L6/ F1,2) KZ -0.85; Kzr-1,0; Kn-0,85 Basic Wind Pressure: 41,35 p5f 6. Mean goof Height; 13_0 Poof Pitch: 4/ 12 Parapet N/ A ft, 1. Components & Claddlnq 17e5ign Pressure Used; See Window & Poor Schedule 8. 17e5ign Loads ( P5F) ; Floor/ Poad N/ A Floor/ Live N/ A, Poof/ 17ead 25 , Roof/ Live 25 Palcon4. bock_, neck , Stairs_, Fence_ I?adinc_PLF 9, Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes No ( If No, attach explanation) 10. Corrtinucu5 Load Path provided? Yes _YNo- 101 if No, attach explanation 11 Po5ign 5oll Bearing Pressure, N/ A P5F Soil Porinq Pequired_Yes X No( Pa5ed upon section 1803,2 exception) Fxl5tlnq 51kylight ( 4) To Cie Pemoved Fxi5tinq Truss System � 2x4 Horizontal Prate With H2. 5A At tach Cro55lnq To Span Minimum of 3 Trusses Pegord Last Modified Truss ` kx P`S #%%IX SYSM 0000 5ecure Plqwood To Members With Two 2) 16P Nails at 12" O.0 0000• SSxS 0000% 71 . .SA` L`tt.0 0000# NWxN 0000# •" xx SS %Y.%% SSSx 'F 'F#0N .... -.- xSSS 0'b%Y. SSSS 0#0## R.• . 0%0## . . xtt %###� tt.x 0000% - NMStt #0IX%% flxMi #%00% SSxi: %#Y.% SSSS` 0000# SSSS Y.##% /03 T , .1. 11, • • .1 .. 'V... Fxl Inq 36' x15tlnci F tsrior L d verhan earinq all �xlsilnq I.ai�out In_I� 4 Wind lore55ure5 ( P5F) for 4' x8' 5kul Iclht Field; 48,6 / -53 ,2oo?"o �,37 5kylicght Replacement For Katherine MacKenzie -smith 2500 Isola Bella Drive Fort Pierce,-Floroa 'g' l t 20 Vertical Brace With ( 4) 1617 Nally On Top And bottom Must Install Prior To Any Modification Fxl5tinq Truss Proposed Layout 4 ,�i 5f 8 '''CR Plgwood To Fx15tinq Trusses With Two( 2) 16P Nails Per Truss 'J.� Truss lietad NT5 THI5 POCUMFNT 15 PP,OPP,IFfAPY, FOP, U5F PY CUFNT ANP PF516NATF1712FCIPIFNT5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PI AN5 PY JAVIFP CI5NFP,05, P,F, MU5T HAVE 51 A& WITH RUN& 516NATUP.F, Katherine MacKenzie -smith 2500 Isola Pella 17rive Fort Pierce, Florida 54981 CONVACTOP,; Bruce Walker Services 5kgligh-t Feplacemerrt Flan P: 2020-008 1 P: 01/ 28120 1 C,01 / C,01 5903 I, LLC #10844 c772-5192679 � 2x4 Horizontal Prate With H2. 5A At tach Cro55lnq To Span Minimum of 3 Trusses Pegord Last Modified Truss ` Must Install Prior To Ary Modification, 5ecure Plqwood To Members With Two 2) 16P Nails at 12" O.0 'J.� Truss lietad NT5 THI5 POCUMFNT 15 PP,OPP,IFfAPY, FOP, U5F PY CUFNT ANP PF516NATF1712FCIPIFNT5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PI AN5 PY JAVIFP CI5NFP,05, P,F, MU5T HAVE 51 A& WITH RUN& 516NATUP.F, Katherine MacKenzie -smith 2500 Isola Pella 17rive Fort Pierce, Florida 54981 CONVACTOP,; Bruce Walker Services 5kgligh-t Feplacemerrt Flan P: 2020-008 1 P: 01/ 28120 1 C,01 / C,01 5903 I, LLC #10844 c772-5192679