HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit AppALL APPLICmBEE IAPO 1710ai QE COMPE!i!D rvn mPr5Uti lVry e O 6! wCCEPi E0 Date: 5/61 ZQ Permit Number: Building Permit Applica-flon Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation nivision 2300 rirginia Rvenue, Tort Tierce rt 34:nz Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 ci-'Mr ler%iai Re�,iaential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrov, at thu end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address:_.._ � E Echo Vst\� C,,('tpC.t tit _ _ Eesu-i De,cr;ption: yk;3ULN L ozz-)�� t'Y�.c�y[, 1 — 1►OT l LL( rropeRy ia- 113;;: 1-5LZ- SOU ' 0130-1700 - G LOL No. � .jiie Plan Dame: Block No. Project Mame: Kptrev% WJ te-denM EsEC .3etRacxs Pront 6acR: DETAI[tD DEsCRIPTIuN OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change ant with Rignt Lan, lett- S;ae: 5EeR,1 V KW AC unit Lu-N5TRUulUN INFuRMAIIUN: Additional work toe e orme en er t B pvrmit - e ec a apr y: RV/Ac Gas E anK ❑G;-.; P:pins _ Shutters Windows/Doors Electric 0 Plumbing 11�,rl.,Rlei:� 1:1 Generator Roof Roof pitch notal >q. Ft or Construction: Cost of Construction: y Lf o o _ 5 Ft. of First Floor: ULilides:Sewer Elaeptic 6uhuingneigRt: OWNER/LE55EE: CONTRACTOR: Dame KCvi A Hee,e..3:5 `1U ) O Ipame; DenniszaceR Company: mrNS mmerican mesftntia, Services City: [ S Slate: IF 11 Zip Code: C) Pax: mddress: 4300 05 Rwy -1 City: ecru svuvm State: FL Zip Code: 32960 Fax: Phone No.`I 7c�' I `-1 - E-Makwt l 16 U -Y S c Pnone Ido. - 55 c -171 -ii: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) I zit..te or Com.tr Cicirme: CMC1249753 a varve of construction is >z3uu or more, a K1t9-VKUtU Nall" of t vn7nt�nceRtent i; Pegairea. SuPPEMEN I AL CONSTRUCrIUM [CEN mw rlvFviRwi Ium DESIGNER/ ENGINEER: ____ Nut ANNlicablc Mame: Address: City: State: cip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: Addrers: City: Zip: Phone: Not Applicable MOR I GAGE COmrANY: " Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: cip: PRone: BONDING COMPANY: Dame: mddress: City: Zip: Phone: I CCrtlfy tnot r,v ..yrx yr IR.t.ikitiom flan CvR oo.mcca pr;Vr to trio i35M.-mc vT a NcrIT11t, Not Applicable 3t. tucie Count]( makes no representation than is granting a permit will authorize theTg7ermit holder to builu' the su0ject structure WFUCR1 13 In Cvnfid -1tn ar,r applic0ic Romr 07—cm A33VC15tivri rpt@3, ByI ar.3 yr nRa Cv:eri.nt3 tR.t rm.y rcat,ict or Nrvriiait secR structure. Please consult witri your Fume Owners association anti review your Seen Tor any restrictions wMicll may apply. in consideration of the granting of this reuuesteu permit, I uo nereby agree tflat I will, in all respects, perform tfle worK in accortiance -itM the appro:eti plant, the Fiop:tia beiMing Coties a-0 zit. [ecie CoZnt, AR7a„arrier1t... I Fie tulle .IRs 6e4dlRg perrmit applicGtion3 arc c7cmpt tro Rr eRBCrg&.r, a Tell eoReCrrCRCy rC.ic W: ry7Rt paaltivn�, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms ano accessory uses to another non-residential ..se vvttnRlMn 10 vvvNER: Your failure to Recora a Notice oT Commencement may result in your paying twice Tor improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the joWte before the first inspection. If you intent! to obtain financing, consult witR lender or an atto, hey before commencing work or recording vuur NOtice of Commencement. _, atu�re or ClOvderl Eessee/agentI Signatureo Contra r/License Holder 5 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ureupe STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF "7=U4.. The fo Ding instrument was acknolledged before me I r Re for Ding instrument was acknowleNee before me tni� 8 ., of ll�(Jl� �Oor tni; a., yr �� 6y �.�� Bennis Z—ON Ce, -.nig -=R (Name of person acknowledging) (Name of person acknowleds'Rs j !Signature of Notary Public- State or Florida (signature of Notary Public- State of PI ri j Pcr.onail, K..o-n x OR Protinee8 fflvmtificatioR Personally Known ^ OR Protluceti Identirication ype of Identification Produced Type of Identification Produced Commission M I CHfsW►UNEUF Commission No.acl state or Flon0a - Notary Public rMELItitiACRAi EmI5MI!UF'O-MR1hWOM9 GG 34131713 - IQorrs Public My t,pmrnission Expires May30, zvza om 4 GG 34u i ra Revised 07/15/20 ewres May 30 REvIEwS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COOMIER REvIEvv REvIEvv KEviEvv REvlEvv REvIEvv REvlEvv DATE COivIPEE I E INITIALS Certificate of Product Ratinas AFIRI Certinetl Retoranoo Member: T 0 mz01 Dat-: 05-0b--z02U Wilal 5t.ta.: AJiva AHRI Type: RCU-R-CI9 series : PERr7jR141AM%E 11 AC c-5 I AGE uetdcmr Unit Brand Name: CARRIER Owuoor Cnit Mouel MumMr jCon'uenser or ainyle Pacitaye) : zwra eryllA"ua �" Intloor 'unit 141otlel Mumoer (Evaporator antlror Air Rantllep) : FG4�;MB006E Rcyia„ : All (AK, AC, AR, AL, CA, CO, CT, 017, DE, FE, GA, Rl, ID, 1L, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MI 1, Mr, Me, RE, MPI, MP, Mia, Mv, Mr, GR, VK, OR, PA, RI, 517, 5Q, I M. I,&, O 1, VA, v I, VVA, vvv, vol, vvT, 0.5. TuMtorlo3) Rey6n N. to : C.ntral a„ conditioners manufactured prior to Janua. yy 1, 2015 are eliyi0le to Ile instaileu in all regions until lune 3v, w in. Beginning 3uly i, zOi6 cepltpal ,.Ip ventlitienere mm enl, Be inutallea in rey;en(u) top which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of this CARRIER product is responsiwle for ure rating or MIs system comRination. Rated as follon3 in rico rdance w;lh the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 2101240 with Addenda r anG z, PelTormance Rating oi vniwry Air-Contlitioning :, Air-50urce neat Pump Equipment anti sel!;ect to rath% a"- pa, 6, AHRI-uperizarM, imd.pep18erlt, tnipa party teztiny: Coolinz! U.p..ity (Az) - 5inyle ar Rijii Stag. (95F), 6tah : 45000 SEER: r7= EER (Az) - 5ingle or Rigg 5tage (a5F) : i 3.0u 7"A.ti-e" Model Status rift theca thal an AHRI Certifi—tion P�ogr�.m P-diti ip..nt in flapm_tly predecing AND zalling er offering far Sala: OR mer- models ,hay ore being marketed but are not yet being produced.713roduction StoppecP Mmel Status are those that an AHRI C�rtifl—Herr Progmm P.rber,,ont i= no Iengep ppodeeing BUT in ct ll selling or offering for sale. Ra1ir as chat are acrflm[aan'ed by Y1AS ndica'e an irvzslu taro re -rate The r.cw Oubl ,hod ralinrt -sat u-ov(i aloe with [he nr'evious (i.e. WA51 relina. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the prodset(o) 11 -ted .n thin Certifl.rit. and m.k.a n. pe,.ftrestatlen„ - rib ,tie- or gaur,.ntGwv -Z to, Fnd .wsmcs no respcneiblli-.y fop, the product(s) Il sled on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind apishig.=t of the e- =p p.rf. m.se-- of the ppedert(u), wr the nna0 i111.0.6uu altcrat,un ar u.ta listed on this Certiflcate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the dir.u'ury.. �R..hrldir.�;v:y.vrg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ,.,is verlincate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and . ovnflde.nnial reference parposes. The contan� of tRis eeni Ovate may nvt, in WlIvla ar In pan, Oa reproduced; Copied; disseminated; ■,� estep.d into.. ermpeter d -tab..-.: up.thumlzu atlll7ed, In -my form or m..encr or by -my noun„ e7cept for the axr'z Inal7ioe.1, AL personal and confidential refe.enee. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFIC- 10H & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE Th, Inferm,.tlon for lh. model cited .n this —rdflu-m con be :arifl.d .. www.ahridlree..ry.org, clic? on ..ri.y e.ridrlc.m' IinR i,e n7jnr hre Rer[er'- awd ent., the AHRI Certified R■f.p.n.. Nsmbep rind the dote os -hieh th. eertifl.al.:aa I„s.d, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right. 'vP/_rjAnh-z,onQldoning, Rearing, anti Reirlgeration Institute GERTIFIGATE No.: 132331504225191560 Michelle Franklin= CFA -- Saint Lade County Proper y Appraiser -- All rights reservea. PruperLy Iden4ficadan s:tv Aaarc,,: Parcel ,v Aecvlt7-.t iF: Map ID: Use Type: Loi iiur�: City'County. Ownership Karen M Wiedemeier 5403 Echo Pines Cir E F.,r, P:crt:c, FL 34951 Legal Description HvLIDAY PINES S D -PHASE I- LOT 129 (MAP 14;07S) (OR 1031-177 3740-2272) Current Values justimarKet value: X291,100 Asscsscd Valttc: Exemptions. $51.000 3156,56 PropertJ taxes are subject to chance upon change of ownersRip. • P -W iaacs arc nvt a rcliahlc pa-ojeciion of future taxes. • The _..le of = prbpe.-ty -ell p.-empt the kme--I of -11 exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. Iwo vs Ior tri.';; T,W�cel: JLC Tu,, Cv16-.ars Oif:cc Download TRIM for this parcel: Downloa'u PDF 5403 E ECHO PINE) CIR 1312-500 0130-000-6 4278 14 0'.'S 0100 RS -4 Coen Saint Lucie County Total Areas r: as11vaiu..ac.'A:-(Nr): Gross Sketched Area (SF): Lana Sire (ocft-): Lai -.d Siz. (SF): 556 5,746 0.42 18,J93 nit information is ue[ieve'u to ue correct at tRls tone, out is suoject to cnange and :s pro -.16d -ltiiont -., v Copyrignt wzu Saint Lucie Con.-.ty r-vrvr17 Arr ».aer. all gnt., .-c3c .ca.