HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DMsion BUMDINGI?M MIT SULO-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT Comfort Control Services have agreed to be (Company NamanumVIdual Name) the Meddeat Sub-contractorfor Raw Builder.,LLC (Type of Trade) _ (PdmaryConaactor) Forthe project located at It is understood that, ifthere Is any change of status regarding our parfleipaQon with the above mentioned projeof, the Building and Code Regulation Divisien of St. Lucie County will be'advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of Subcontractor notice. Glenn A Davis II 6'UA-GONTRACrOAa[C.NA1T1aZ (Qaetmer) Wayne Zimmerman PMNrNAME CeQ Vr, 1228 COUNMCERTIFLCATION NUMMR COUNTY CPoTJKCATLONMMER State ofFrnHda, County or Mariln SleleorFlarida, Couagor St,LUole Thelsregofnglaslrsuneatweaatgned 6eforame W[s �dayoJ _ lI,Mu zaN ado .by -DAW who Lspwonallyimown orhasproduceda aatdeaQflwdca. VAMP `Slgoetar prNotary Faulle Prlat Name al Na tary Puhna 1Fasvua RIIONDASROWE ��""•� CommisslonilGG104656 E%pltea Map49,2021 Aov[ud lln6fl0I6 `i �Q o §a92a6 OFFl•0� aradeLtlweuEo FRoby Te!roregaJoglnetrumWtwasetgaed hhejforer^ne IW6 "Vdeyar 1�167-t3 ,! �/VYI Y/V6�i Gb//L✓NfC6�/✓/I� - L — i 'ySTAMP U �/0 LCJ/vG ssytros4• Notary Puhac Stale of F7ofida Kimla J Simone c p My Commission FF 901331 ��as,,,os' FxPlms 05Naf2020 PERMIT At ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM9 rNT Hypoluuo Plumbing Plumbing, Inc have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub-contraclor for . Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) (PrimaryContraacctor) , r/7, f For the project located at � 1�211�"A114 �C� (Prcjeet Strccl Address or%Propert�y ax ID 9) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucic County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C 4A rOlt sIGNATUR&Qu.I.fl,,) Glen Davis, II PRINT NA\IE CBC 1261228 CoWn'Y CERT'ISTCATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of oir,V tiA The foregoing lmirumentw2ssigned before me this ZG dayof Il�,f)rlrL' h . zq'� by Gd v_:,,, A-+ 1�4..f 7S JJ• whoispersanally1mmus ''/or has produced as ldemrRcallon./'// tr ,. . J�anlcl. lam; b-Ot -E_J STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB.CONTRACrOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ronnie Burkhalter PRINT N,UIE 21272 St Lucie County CFC057974 State of Florida COt:\7Y CF,RTIFIC ,rION NIIMBER Smle of Vlnrlda, C'oumy of Palm Beach 'I he foregologlntlrumesawas signed before me this /a%daYof y u IP?;by Ronnie. Burkhalter ,shu Bprrsanully1mo a or has produced m Ideen(nttlaaraallan. STAPIP Signature of Solnry• Puhlie Dolores A Price Print Name of Notary Public wF. •"'�iw;�,� OOLORESA.PRICE R4owASF.OWE.,�656 fa ':�`= commission #FF943625 '• 9 GG 10465.�1 ;yExpires Febntary, 19, 2020 Reriar111r14/_'Olb • <f, $" 6>tCul nn,L%renevwrm ®a331a�s - •� . apircS i4ay 19, 2021 w.iss '' ,.: s>11Fc,EuagelNolarySankas PERMIT# ISSUE DA1E PLANNING & DP VELOPMENT 891MCBS Building & Code Compliance Division nVILDINGPERMIT SMCONTMCTOR AGREEMENT Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc __ have agreed to be the Me6hanlcallHVAC Sub-contractorfor RenarBUlldefs,LLC (TypeofTrade) ) (Prlmsry Cooheaor) For the project iocated at L%C ! I �_K g (Project Street Address orPrpPdr Tw #)� It is understood that, if there is ally ohange.of statjrs regarding qurP49ipstionvlilhthe above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division otSt. Luoia County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Chango of -Sub -Contactor noblee. Apli'm 6. CONFIWCPMRStGNAT'O.tm...q Glenn A Davis II Paw. timm CSG 12 1 2$ COONIYCER77M(tATlONfYOhID&R . smteoeekarrae,Coumror Martin. The foregoinglulmmeatmaslsoedh¢(Drama WLs10 dayoe MA('V" .20Shy 1 nY-Atl A—DAC15:7 who[silmoeaay lmdwnL-orhas produced¢ geld Au Qeenam ` �'y VAW Slgatom NoleryPumle RmlNamedlNolnryPuh9e RHONDAS ROWS Commissiopi W04655 ' ExPir6s May 19, 2021 MiSei It/162016 N��r6n ".eo Bonded TlWBoEgetNolerySeNlce9 80", ONIRXCI OR&WATUR.3 (QuI Ner) Doddld 1A qfl Oagon PJONr , CO➢N'CYCXR=CW()NNMM -. 6bate6rPhitim,Cdury or FdrgBeaa, 'thr(osegeWglgstrurdofNesa�ee bamme lhti,_Eayaf wtwlr J21 l y G-abr,(O l FAn1amom Noretyruhad OLLYOURIEL It PuhNc-Stale of Florlda _ Commisslon # FF 926942 My Oomm. En91re6 Jan 31,2D20 BWedthM*N2Ilon9NoIuy0.ssn. PERMIT# I I ISSUE We PLANNING & DEVE L6DPMNT SIRVIC1S Buil dlug & Code Complighce Didsl®n RUILDIK PERMIT SOD -CONTRACTOR AGRUMEMT Cardinal Roofing & elding, Co„ Ino have agreed to ba the ROOM q Sub•contracter for Rendr Builders, LLC (Type of Tillie) (primary oakactor) For the project located at_ � G, -T =� (Jl� F-P �rroJeMSheetAddressorproperty aRID#) , ft is understood that; 4fthere is any change gf statpsrl plagg ourpaMicipadon wiifi tho above mentioned pmjeet, the RuIA9 and CA& Rogi latien Divislon o8t. Yuma �quntywill he advlaed pursuant to the Sling ofa Change of Subgoutraetor notwo. eoNTteACT alri '(Q see.0 �oR'9[cNA Deer Glenn A Davis It Brad Hogan PRIMNAW PRR4TNAPW 0501261228 9072 COUNTXCRRTRRCATI ER .0cwON'NUmPER alit# 6fM01149, QUOty of 5l-y-111 SMtearMoiidp,Caonryof SL LUCie Th¢ ferego3ag fas0umaat wu elgaed eBr01'6 me th[aI'l, day or JfirW,20„17, , Le� JIr FCt 11�1V.� wh¢ ra pemnolly lmawe Jor hu pf¢dacara e aadOaa¢a. srAmF gn ara6rxofaryPaUn¢ Trintrivas¢FNa/ory Public ,eMal,# RHONDUROWE a CommleslorlOO10400e Revlaed lUl6r7016 Exp1meMsyf0,R02l �eueFwa° aonaeamrve,Feelwreyeawa, PrrdtNeme oiNolaar pe¢nc gpy.Y PUp� RHONDAa ROWE Commission#GG104696 C M ,� o> EXplms MAY 4E, 2021. p�OFF4� Deaded Thm 00901 NOW0' 8Ofl1445