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Building permit app
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMrCETEv FOR nPPCICAtraim 10 BE ACCEPTED Date: 0154310 Planning and uevetopmenr zervices Building anti rove neguradon viv.:o.. ZJM Virginia Avenue, rorr Ke. v rt, .Kyrrz Phone: (ric) Fax: t772) 462-1578 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Buildiuig Permit Application Commercial Re,identicil A PROPOSED IMPROvEMENT LuLATIOM _ Kddres5:'fJ4 Place ElRe Dr Fort Pierce, A 34951 1312-5v3-uti M -00-a Proparty Tax ID B: _ _ l.ot No. 54 Site Plan Name: Block No. PrOject Name: EI7an vvilRes Al.RIIEEV DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Exact AC CRangeout, no duct ..,,rk 11� Y1 (Replacing permit 15-tc=u-iiup, please void expired permit) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION- Additional worx io 0e perrorme0 under this permit– che76k all that apply: (ICIecRanlcal _,,,, Gas Tank _ Gas Piping Shutters _ wintlowsTDoors Electric _ Plumbinr, _ Sprinklers _ Generator HOOT Pitch i otaI by. rt ut Construction: a&q. Ft. or First Floor: Cost of ConstruCtion: $ r, 145 Utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Reight: I OWNER/LESSEE: I WNTRACTOR: Name Brian Wilkes Address: i 1a Rose En City. Matamooras State: _ Zip Code: 18336 Fax: Phone Ao.t54o) 807-1738 E -Mail: Fill in fee simple P Itle Flolaer On next pas. -1 IT different from i le UWner listed pbovef Name: Dennis Zacek Company -.ARS American ReslGentlal Services ,ddress:ca'u0 us Rwr -r Cit,: Vero Beach Stale:FI Zip Code: 34trovv Fax: _ Pnvne Ao(r rc) 794-7205 E -Mail MGillis@am.com State or County 0censeCM41c49r0s li :Qlaa of instruction Is SZS00 or more, a Rc ORQEQ Aoike of Commencement Is requires. it :alae of HVAC Is $7,500 or more, a RECURDEa MtRice of wmmencemenz is regelr�a. SWLEIGIEN IAL ILUM51 RUCII IVIS CILN CAW INFORMATION: DESIGNS ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE OMIPAIQT: _ Not Applicable Name: Name• Address: Nddress: City: Stale' City: State: Zip: Phune c,ip: Phone: FEE a111IPEE t I e LE HOLDER: _ Nut Appikable BONDING COMPANY: Mot Applicable Name: Dame: ADDress: Aadres.: City: City: Zip: Phone: cip: Phony: - OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is liereBy ns�& to ootain a permit to do the work and installation as Inuicaten. I eertiry tR.t no work or installation has commenced prior to t11e Issuance or a permit. St. Lucie County mages no representation tliat Is 6rarnting a ermit will a thorize the ermit holder to bulla the suajeet struRure wni..Fi is In conflict with any a placable Rome Uwners Association rules, �ylaw� or and�:eriants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please �o_3alt wit 'your Home Owners Association and review your aeea ror any restrletianz ..digit m -r apply. In consideration or me arpntin6 of tris. requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perrorm me woi:R In w,cordance with the approved plans, the Florida BullBing Coaes anB it. Cuelu Geanty Arnenilments. The following building permit applications are c -L- 1pt Tr -m anaergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, -cce!!om ► structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and oete.ze: yy e,e3 to anotger non-residential use "WARNING TO vnnER: 'FOUR FMLURE ra RECORD a► NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESUEs IN YWR Pj%vjNC TM►ICE FOR ]IMPROVEMENTS TO Yw-an PROrcRTT. A M i XE Or C0111MENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POa s w DR s RE jOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST IINSPEC. a m IF ■ fru E rMO e 0 UBTAm r=mvLMU__ CONSULT I ffN .00K M149 Das An As sORAET BEFORE RECOROING YOUR NOTIICE OF COMMME signature of Owner/ tessee/tontrartor Pa Vggent for Owner i Signature of Contracto icense Molder STm P E UP FOURIum f COUNTY OFs1 Lucia county I rig rorgoing irlAra,,,ent was acknowled ed before me this ? day or M" &d by 61rtuln Mame of person maRing si:atem-mr. P-raonally Known OR Produced identification ype or laemincation Produceeerer,e M fill . r (Mar -Aare of Commission Nc REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE i CUIVIFEErED ev. � ar Fbrlda .116 My GOrrrnilsa W E*W May 30, ,,zji FRONT i-Olai11119 zOPEKA.011 COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -. ,!---.7 .7 Re forgoing instrument wa3 ..eRnomcabea betore me this u day of may cta�1 By oa,co. zaaa Name of person making Statement. Personally Known UK Proauc.a laerriifit:.,tion x Type of Identification Proaooedo uow_ (!ianatu .o _ Commiss ofsFlorid ry �UBlrBt�f�.�� If MY Wffl! _ I:xPkn 197, 30,M 0, M3 PIX19b VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE REvIEw REvlew REvIEw REVIEW it ■ams unial 1 o Certificate of Product Ratings ARM Certified Reference Mum5er : 9 r ouz+y5 Date : v�v6-/_020 Meaal 5tataz; : Prodaatian stopped FkMKI 1 ype : lzC0-A-11713 5oriozi : PERFOKMARCE 16 AC Outdoor Unit Granu Mame: CARRIEri vuto-oor Onit Mloael IQumaep (Canaenuar up 5:nyle P.vR.ya) : z4ACC650A'030" Indoor Unit Model Nem5ar (Evaporator and/or Air Handier): rVy� M!!ir'uoE Region : All jRR, P%E, AR, A4, CA, w, C 1, 04, DE, F[, ISA, I91, ID, I[, IA, 11a, K5, Rr, EA, AIA, MD, RIE, All, AIN. MU, M5, M I, RC, NQ, ME. MR. RJ, RAI, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, Px, RI, �C, SD, I M. 1 A. O r, VA, v 1, vvA, vvv, vvl, vv1, U.5, r erritories f Re-ion Mote: %entral air conditioners manuracturea riep to Jana-- 2015 - - g p l , ...� ahyl6le to Be6e in.,t.11gd in all regions until Jane 30, 2016. Beuinning July 1, 2v13 central air conliltioners can only Ile instalie'a in region(s) tor whicfl tRey meet the regional enleieney MMeira.,,erit. r Me manwacturer or tMls CARRIER proauet in rvvp�mui51a Tor tR. r-tin9 at thin 7.r3tenl vorm6ln.lion. Rateu as orlows in accoruance with tfle latest etlirion 01 AICSIrAFIRI z10Pz4u With Addenda 1 .nd 2, PeFfvRrM.nva Rating of Unita,r Air-Cerldilianin9 & Air-soumv Re.t Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy Dy RI1RI-sponsore'a, lnaepenaent, third party testing: Cooling Capaci,—y Zszl - single or rligR stage rquf,), l3tud : sa000 SEER: I3.0 EER (Az) - sinsle or Ri-yh �itnya (95F) : 13.50 T"A.ti-e" Madel States .v.:hone ;ha; an -RRI vd'tiin ailon rr.gr.m Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for save; OR nr plledelc that ore beilig marketed but ape ,+et yet being produced."Prodaetlen Stepped' M..del S; zna .r. ;Hasa mar .,, -,;RI eartitication Program Participant is no longer producing BU i ,s stlf selling or offering for safe. Rutin that aru aroompanied bv WAS indicatc an invu int re-rale. The raw ooblishud ral.inV is shoo. along wit rhjAnLvir_gtie, WAS ralin DISCLAIMER AHRI dues net o.A.F_- the preda.r(s) li .ed _n ,his var riaca;e ano mages no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibillt; futi the prodecttel Ilot.d on thin Certlfi.ate. AHRI e..pr�=Iy dls.1alms .II II.biliy for domagaa os any R6na arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on thie Certifi,.te. Certl&d relingn ore :olid only for rn.dcls.nd aonfis.,.Jorr lisee In Rv .iraatory.z www. aflrldirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are propri.tap} p. _duets .f AHRI. Thin Certlfie,.to zh..11 only be Wised for individa.i, parse,,./ .na .onnoentlal reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In : h.l..p f� part, bs rsppedeeed; ..pied; dis-22tod, cn.ar.d Into . �mpaaer a-.raa.sc; or.tflerwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the ■==K_ iadl-ldrla, - pereenol -Rd—fldcntial refcranw. ,aIN-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION IR3 ME The Information 7vr iiia moacl oiteu on t„ s. certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, click on •V.pif,- C.ptlfi._to' link ,, n+wkc hFc hcrtcr'" and ante. th. AHRI Certified Referent. Number ana tflo a.te .n rrnlcn tee certificate was Issued. which Is listed . b—., -Rd the C.rtlfiwte No., -hleh Is listed at bo morn rlgha. ©AZOIAWConflidaRIRg, Re-Ling, and Refrigeration Institute LFER i IFitem E Ata.: 132332419786536837 Michelle Frnklin, LFA -- Saint Eade County Property Apprdi5er -- All rights reserved. P. %t,erty Identification Site address: ra.-evt 11J. Account #: tviap ia: coning. - Ownership B.. -:on W.Ikcs 113 Re,. LN Matatnoras, PA 18336-2054 Legal Description PORTOFINO SHORES-PHASr THREE- (PB 4340) LOT 54(OR 3772-.i5) i urrent values Just/market vawe: $201.200 A;. Vzzezl Vwlwe' 5201,200 Exemptions. s0 taxaate V -tee: s201,200 Property taxes are suB;ect to chance upon change of ownerslfip. • P-zt t«;;cs rrc not a . clh blc prvj«z6n ..r fu.o. a taxes. • The sale of a property 7:11 p. pt of =II .T-n:puvns, ns3vssa.ent caps, and special classifications. ,axes cor dtis parcel: sLC T.: Coll.eto;'a Offs« Vo :a.ivuil 1KIM loi ih- P..icel: Downloa-u PAF 5734 Place Lake DR 1312 503-0010-010-8 155069 13 12N 0100 PI :.-.=d Cry Spin: Laces Canny i Dtal Areas runisneMVnuerAir (5r): 2.4.`5 Grv33 SxutOlvd Arca (JN): 3,489 Land size kacresl: 0.21 L:.na (sr): 10,454 All Information is believed to be correct at tRis tune, out is su5ject to 4z-.-.r'8a:.a iu Y.- :ded -nhont a. -.r :D Copyrignt w,cv Saint Luc -.c %ee-tT r.-,vrt,- Arpa..�e.-. Au .-ignL , re. r vd.