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wr7 htsoft" Load Short Form Job: FBckoryDdve Residence 9 Entire House Data: January28, 2020 RECEIVED BY JoshPulmn WebREPS, LLC Plan: Hickory Drive Rasidenc FEB 11 ?090 1892 Corrrrerce henue,Uero Beech, FL 32960 Phone: 800.810.3280 Fac888-971 999 Emit: se1es(8vs1crepshvacmm a , LUCItl Project• • For. Joseph Gianna,Habitat forHumanity Ft Pierce, FL Htg Clg Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Design TD (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces Daily range - M Inside humidity (%) 30 50 Moisture difference(grfib) 1 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Goodman Trade Heat Strip Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual airflow Airflowfactor Static pressure Space thermostat 10D EFF 8.0 kW 27297 Btuh 27 OF 920 tdrn 0.054 cfm/Btuh 0.60 in H2O Infiltration CA0054709 Simplified Semi -tight COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Goodman Mfg. Trade GOODMAN Cond GSX160301F Coil ASPT30C14A AHRI ref 200825240. Efficiency 13.0 EER, Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual airflow Airflowfactor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 16 SEER 20424 Btuh 7176 Btuh 27600 Btuh 920 cflri 0.049 cfrnBtuh 0.60 in H2O 0.75 ROOM NAME Area (fly Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) HtgAVF (cfm) CIgAVF (c(m) Bed2 197 3664 2700 197 133 dst2 21 0 0 0 0 Bath 2 117 1289 1399 69 69 Bed 191 3015 2643 162 130. dst3 18 0 0 0 0 Kit Din LR 497 4832 8670 260 427 pnty 21 0 0 0 0 Bed 1 175 2292 2100 123 103, clst 1 18 0 0 0 0 Bath 1 R9 2032 1157 1 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsofC 2020Jan-2912:15:56 _,.......,., F89h4SUI�Unhersel T01919.0.09 RSU18998 /M.A ,..etPo,HU—MniyPS "dwryodwResi°enm"p Cale-" FrontDuorfacac E File, COPY page Entire House 1335 17124 16670 920 920 Other equip loads 0 1707 Equip. @ 1.00 RSM 20377 Latent cooling 6921 TOTALS 1335 1719d 07900 nnn nnn •� �r� ri - JLV ULu Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Wrlghtsoft' 2020-Jan-2912:15:58 ., ...�.,,.,, RighFSuite®Universa1201g 19.0.09 RSU16998 Paget ...attor FWmaniryPSLNd*ryDdw Residemm�tp Celc-MJ8 Front Domfaces:E Project Summary Job: Mckory Drive Rasldence wrightsofte Data: January28,2020 Entire House By. Josh Putman WebREPS, LLC Plan: Hickory Dive Rasidanc 1892 CommrteAenue,WmBeach, FL 32960 Phone:800-810-3280 17ac888-971-2999 Email: sales@mbmpshvammftb:v ."bmpsWholeoele.com License; GG054709 Pro*ect Information For. Joseph Gtanna,Habitat for Humanity Ft. Pierce, FL Notes: Hickory Drive Residence Ft Pierce Florida Design• • Weather. Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside rib 42 OF Outside rib 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TO 15 OF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 13853 Btuh Structure 13274 Btuh Ducts Central vent (0 dn) 3272 Stuh 0 Btuh Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) 5396 0 - Btuh Btuh e) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 1707 Btuh Equpmentload 17124 Btuh Use manufacturer's data Ratetswingg Infiltration multiplier Equipment sensible load 1.00 20377 Btuh Method Construction quality Simplified Semi -tight Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Fireplaces 0 Structure 5389 Btuh Duds 1531 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Area(ft� HeatingCoolingg (none) 1335 1335 Equipment latent load 6921 Btuh Volume (fl) 10678 10678 Airchangesmour 0.31 0.16 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 27298 Btuh Equiv.AVF (elm) 55 28 Req. total capacity at 0.74 SHR 2.3 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Goodman Make Goodman Mfg. Trade Heat Strip Trade GOODMAN Model AHRI ref Cond GSX160301F Coil ASPT30C14A Efficiency 100 EFF AHRI ref 200825240 Efidenoy 13.0 EER,16 SEER Heating input Heating output 8.0 kW 27297 Btuh Sensible000ling Latent000ling 20424 7176 Btuh Btuh Temperature rise 27 OF Total cooling 27600 Btuh Actual airflow 920cfin Actual airflow 920 c6n Airflowfactor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0.049 cfmBtuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.75 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -+� wr ghtAofC 2020,lan-2912:15M wAhtsmle6Unhersa12019 19.0.09 RSU18998 Page 1 Ad&..al(o1FWmanIyP8LY8d<orynriee Residemmnp Catc=MU8 Front Dowfeces:E Job M Hickory Drive Residence Perfomred by Josh Putman for. Joseph Gianna R. Peke, FL Sheet 1 WebREPS, LLC 1892 Crmerce Pvenue Vero Beach, R-32960 Phone: 8008103280 Fax: 888-971-2999 im ..mbrepswhoesae.com sales@webrepshvac.com Scale:1 : 69 Paget RV*&it&UrtesA2M9 19DMRSU16M 20204 2912%13 -PW'Hkk3yOrh aReid3cen p wri htsoft" Duct System Summary Job: Mckoryorhermsldonce A Entire House Data: January28, 2020 By. Josh Putrnan WebREPS, LLC Plan: MckoryOdve Residanc 1892 ComrecrceAmnue,Vero Beach, R. 32960 Phone: 800819-3280 F=888-971.2999 Emeil:sales@mbmpshvacmmNbb:r .mbmpmyfiolewlem Limnse:=54709 Project• • For. Joseph Gianna, Habitat I& Humanity Ft. Pierce, FL External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / return available pressure Lowestfriclion rate Actual airflow Total effective length (TEL) Heating 0.60 in H2O 0.24 In H2O 0.36 in H2O 0.198/0.162 in H2O 0.074 in/100ft 920 ofln Cf:YI Supply Branch Detail Table Cooling 0.60 in H2O 0.24 in H2O 0.36 in H2O 0.198 / 0.162 in H2O 0.074 in/100ft 920 cfrn Name Design (Btuh) Htg (Cfm) Clg (cfm) Design I FIR Diam (In) H x W (In) Duct Me# Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Balh1 h 2032, 169 .57 0.081 6.0 Ox0" -VIFx .18.2 225.0 st2 Bath h 1289 69 69 0.078 5.0 Ox'O VIFx 24.6 230.0 st4 Bed h 2292 123 103 0.082 6.0 Ox0 VIFx 17.1 225.0 st2 Bede h 3664 197 133 0.075 8.0 Ox0 VIFx 32.7 230.0 st4 " Bed h 3015 162 130 0.074 7.0 Ox0 VIFx 32.8 235.0 st4 101 on LR c 2168 65 107 0.088 60 10 VIFx 20.5 205.0 st3 xlt Din UR-A c 2168 65 107 0.087 6:0 Ox0 VIFx 18.0 210.0 st3 wtanLR-B c 2168 65 107 0.084 6.0 OxO VIFx 25.7 210.0 st3 xitDin LR.0 c 2168 65 107 0:089 6..0 Ox0 VIFx 13.2 210.0 1 st3 Supply Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam HxW Duct Name Type (Cfm) (Cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st1 PeakAVF 920 920 0.074 613 15.0 12 x 18 ReclFbg st2 PeakAVF 232 161 0.081 666 8.6 0 x 0 VinlFlx st1 st4 PeakAVF 428 332 0.074 545 12.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx st3 st3 PeakAVF 688 759 0.074 710 14.0 0 x 0 VMIFlx st1 wAghtsoft` R9ht5dlte®Vnlversal 20f919.0.09 RSU16998 2020Jan-2912:15:58 Page 1 ...etfor HumeniryPSLWrkoryDdva Resldemmmp hU Celc=e FrontDoorfaceaE Return Branch Detail Table Grille Htg Cig TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (cfm) (cfm) (ft) FR. (Tpm) (n) (in) Opening (in) Mal Trunk rb3 Ox0 232 161 112.3 0.144 526 9.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt1 rb4 0x 0 329 496 94.7 0.171 632 12.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt1 rb1 Ox 0 197 133 205.7 0.079 564 8.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt2 rb2 Ox0 162 130 219.6 0.074 606 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt2 Return Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cim) FR 00m) (in) (in) Material Trunk rt1 PeakAVF 920 920 0.074 409 15.0 18 x 18 RectFbg rt2 PeakAVF 359 263 0.074 457 12.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx rt1 wrightsoft- 2020-Jan-2912:15:56 ......• ...�..,., RghFSuita®UniW=1201919A.09 RSU16998 Page ..attor FWmenllyPSLU9dcoryDdve Resldencemp Cale -MA FmntD=faw%r