HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementthe L lec r r " (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT r ec. ;r t `- =n have agreed to be " rtdual Name) Sub -contractor for t-t.J t/ n n t Dcye_ &Z-1 i "Wft4 Contractor) . (Project Sheet Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAC\TOpRSIGNATOn (Qualifier) COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County aI la t.0 _,Ue, Tie foregoing lustrumentwa9 signed before me thisW* day of who is personally knownor bus produced a asidentilicatioo. �"',+, 4 t t� i'C L STAMP Signature 6fNotaryPobHe PrlutName ofNamry Public . �Notep Pitpkca191ea1 Ptodda Ketri Budka • < a1Ul Commisalop Fp fi78543 Revised 11116016 ort Expires oa12512d2p J� O. RACTOR-6IGNAT foiaMul ` .. PRINT NAME 01 F" COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of�iyLiQ, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_ day of who is personally known AL —or has produced a aasss i(yde1st`i ication. S oa,,pppp d® STAMP �ag ofaryPnblie Print Name ofNeary Public M;J .CU6BED6Efon#Gp0�p7gctgber21,202D�yFaaiaaura�eaoosaslofa aRD j��i`Peu� Aqng Pim6nslsn§ Plombing sirvim, Ing, . ����:.. ��b=6s��2•far. �rr�r��.9�a��1®��r�r�S rot, o loot I@igw a3 NOW Wl@wynnp age": t$1At46f$'i9e6'N9Al� N$�1��$ .. 9'.§SrB!'B$?�A$�1A69@fNtBA68YAfifi1.'RlAFk�e}h�}'N� '��.kb_• � .a�, . ate..- L_:Fi,�i c.� �� s��s�,�a�l�irA@Rt,�rdss ®de�sF�rPa�. . F$@�NFB9fFY@tR3q' . . �Idol2.o7K`i /�`NN /e7F}S�F�J , r�+^d DOROTHY.ANN SASKIN i t ae NfY COMMISSION#GG030145 ' WIRES:OctobAf2,2020 i1/16/&if6 , Ft'p., Bonded ThmNdta rMMUndeWlem IMP AtNfsaf�79Fi9a,b,'@NAtg'sf : �6l�� , ^B.k@fAF6@�A��A,sfFRRiRRf0YN561&NBAii7@r@P@.AA£1R117— Of "bolt Wdlum 6Yd9i3$&ftoAAl13ft99R'9�NFp,3spFedRr�a ..�—r ABIA41e4�FA�9A� •• PFtRtKiw 9t`iiAFNFy$'8 1—m PERMI7� ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce Division $T7IYJmG PERMIT SUB -CON TRACTOR AGREE11MNT L the HVAC Sub-contraetorfor Wynne Development Corn. ('type of Trade) \ Ofinary Contractor) For the project ldcated at '(Project street Tax ID W) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above Inentibned•. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised puisuantto the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTAACrORS ATURE(Quanfier} Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 $288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBE-1 COUNTY',CERTIPICATYON NUMBER State ofBlorlda, Coanty.of .LvC.2 - statlof T'Iprida. Canes of7'r �V L�'� / I fit. Ttieforegainginstrnmbnewas s�nedEefdtemewie�O�yaY ' • TLr/•oregoiugiastromenrwas aigoedbeforematLis�"�'\dayof who 4 personalty lmowp_ or Las prodaccda who is pcmmay lmom ✓r has prodmda as identiticatiam s Raal, STAMP' 'gpature ofNota J abbe / DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG ONUS Revised 11l16=i6 m idaotifieatioa. - �7 g/�� / STAMP StnatureorNoU*Pabl' ,, o Ro7K y f� W BA e,,,V Print Name of NatatyPablie 00ROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 ; pa EXPIRES:October2,2020 ,e,q•• Bonded Thor NotaryPubHcUndem&m L66-d 3000/3000d VL0-1 999L8L83LL dAo0 Sujpjin8 euuAM -woad 96:Z6 96e-60-Z6 m ig 604 wor #ow, otlu ., x mo 0**fflP0�bdadvfsedpursuanf*ft 6A.M. . d Q-94". IsrAww:l eir Ok�M,;, DOkOTHYANNBA8KIN DOR IYANNIA81 MY COMMISSION #GG 030145 OT' )=M ONOGGO IN F IFIIES MyCc 30145 Wk,=2,2020 -X% MIS S°odcdEXPIRES: tob,,,2 2020 2410 p r%0 YPWIOU