HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMfrdl ISSUE DATE WoDk I �be PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be the �� Sub -contractor for a° (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at SUN M)YOM0 a Q I311- I D o - Dols- 0(;'0 -,3 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID A) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St_ Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r- [U IGNA' us I w) A LgSIGNATUMI (QuaUfkr) ' 1 Afti,llan„afN«amestFlaidalha PRIM NAME 1.1 I Gk1� nIL rkLuy IYA INE LJ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM 6R� 99 9 CO r— r1ERRTMCI TIUN NUMBER i State of lorlda, County Stateof Florida, Coaotyof ST WGE i i The foreaala f lortrsxoml sraa algal 6ebre ou this II W11-- day of The Po I ' Kt^ta[ tutrameal wn algal befarc ne aMs day of 2omib, William Bryanimsi �IjQn__uUl 0&hy &COrae R C..u_ 'r shhcnl< who 1,n peaully aaowo _arhu prodoela wb*IAP saltyYaowo ✓arbuprcdueda L Ideoifflu u Ideoaantioo. STAMP /LOIMd.O�I'l STAMP *Slt.. r Netary Pahllt Sigaatara ofNatary Pahae i SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA Pi;Gt�r 1 Llcar.tac �ohv cry n Print Name of Notary Pablis Prlu Nacre of Notary Poh .••.•...•.,, SHEUEYA.SEPIIWEDA 0; MyCOMMISSION 9GO252070 :�+ I EXpIRES:J1wIay 25, 2023 ;;b.•°"pO4, RICHARD DOUGIAS JOHNSON / "•`�• NGI rY Public - Stale ofFlPida T' ° °• atrMadrMtNotetY RDFe INdenssrera CGmm:sswn f GG 084621 1 Bruised 11Y16016 MYCwm. Erpues Mar20.202, i (••••••••,•. 9uweE Wuryt Nrlipyl NaurygW PERMIT# (Company ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Name) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT IN SdWI.C" 5 -ZNC. have agreed to be the IP) ( I"I NT Sub -contractor for (Type oI Trade) For the project located at r ran ogu Allamy}'tgnes d NsxBnsedt PiOrWe.41e (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) DO- MIS- DOD- 3 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ....N a rsnu un SIGNATURE (Qualifier) AdananWftaNdt4nveatStIlli ,hlc. PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION h I YI IER Stele of Florid,, County The roregoiog instrument was signed before me Ibis day or Jane IoX by William Bryan Adams who is personally known __'or bas produced a, identi0calioa. he O STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPUI_VEDA Prml Name of Notary Publ¢ :'""''°t;�•., SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA -�• MY COMMISSION#GG 262014 ".; EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 ".....' eNded TbNNolary Pubnc UnderAnim Revised 11/16/20 SUB-CONTRAI?r SIGNATURE (Qual rice) 1 ,.1w S.h.if THIN NAME aq(o 'Up COUNTY LEHI LFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florid., C.uoty of ST.WGQ The Mrcgolog loslrument was signed before me chi, 110d.y of `\JQnL��lry JID'&by P'1�4/'✓Itrl C;✓YsC✓sez who is personally 4.wo ✓ or has produced. as(1iid�seoliricalion. ,q ^ .I(� /l QCIstJ $7A M1iP aiggoalure of Notary Pubba I`(CYyjy-C) Qc Aglc.3 To V, C/1 Priol Name. f Nola iy Plabhc R LAS JOHNSONtale al FlOddaGG 08f#21s M MU20.2021iogNaWryksn. PERMIT k ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Code ComplianceDivision COUNT„Y »'S,:1% BUILDING iSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Liter/� have agreed to be (Company U..Udividual Name) the Y{VRC— Sub -contractor for Adams Homes o(NortnWestFlorida. bA (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 06lP0 H MJ YCAn O 0 V 1 13) 1 - IDo- QVI5- DDD-3 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adana Hares of NoMrest Flodda, Inn. PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTEFICATtON B State of Florida, County o� SA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of �� AIACL � m19 by William Bryan A lams ��, who is personally known or has produced a as Ldeotifi '^ � Signature of Notary Public STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Prior Name of Notaq `M+%J�;. SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION 9 GG 262074 .'r EXPIRES:January 25,2023 Pp%h°•' Bonded Thor Nahry Pudto Urdermten! Revised 11/1612016 C14K_egy, a7 COUNTY CERTffICATI N BER State of Florida, County of I L CIQ The foregoing instrument was signed before me (his I u day of Janua 202hy Wrr4 2 Mv,•lYysf •� who is personally known Ar has produced a as identification. LLJ 9 STAMP Siature of Notary Public —{ ` tCIL:.11Rd �d�niad VOFuldu Print Name of Notary Phblic .=...... "•.. :. �s RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Nolary Pubfic-Slate of Honda _ A,�1,t Cmiss,on A GO 094821 ;ur• ""� a" *h''a. F;,' 61y Conm EcPuesiJar20.2021 9orcea LYaugh Wtionalxoursasm. 4y the PERMIT # (Type of trade) For the project located at ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Nance) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Mant�Hof>esatNoMwatFkfW0.Ata (Prim?ry Contractor) �_v- J�IXVM OVI I3II- `oo- 0075 000 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division Of St. filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adana Hanes of Natttwest FWW*. 6sF PRINT NgME COUNTY CERTIFICATI(O�)NUME�nER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument was signed before me this '' ^^ a�,,�'''' I W day of -QP 20", by William Bryan dams, who is personally known V pr has produced a as identification. s ignaf areof Nota�P.blic�— STAMP SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Print Name of No """°�''• SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSIONAt GG 262074 ' •a` EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 otary PuHIc UMerwdlers Revised 11 16 2016 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ' o i SUR-CONTRAC R Slums RE (Qualifier) 3n..TY�l clo"c� PRINT NAME I 11 0` 5 COUNTY CERTIFIICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Cfiunry of T_L�l{CI L5 r The foregoing instrument was signed before me this I lL day of Jrtnucir 20u, by5ri4vi `S IylGl0n 4 who is per—sonallllyr known _✓or has produced a as identilicatioo. It,ua6Ma�l �yc Sg t eof Notary Pubbc STAMP RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHb50f. NoUrY Publ¢-Stale of Florida Commission It GG 084821 My Cam Expires Mar 20.2021 F''.!•A Muall Ne Iblul N16) Assn