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NIOTICE OF CQMMENCE-AAENT Peet No. i ax folio =la, -D OU a "'7 State of Florida. County of st. Lucia n �Ij coC� � j�'-! $ 6����is 1 ��fi�► 5'GAG C The undemigned hereby gives notica thaL iMPravement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter- 73, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice or" Commencement Lnga€ scrigtEop og Praperr}+: (end sL Aet address if avai€able): Goner al descr€priori uF improvement_ RRRO©F Owner Inf(8t[GrGL@SSeE il^ Naea rMat!li tit Sess -ae roniSar-au,`'t-ai We Iliprove a Q C A j0 Address l Y c 9 -7 3 30 inLere_Lin propeliy: OWNER Name and address of fee simple titleholder (i; different -From Owner listed above): Contractpr,s Name: I i•easure Coast Roofing ContractorAddrass, 1816 WBILThiORE PSLFLMPAd Phone Number. 772-370-9-770 Surety �jtl -applicable, a copy of the payment Mond is at`tacl3ad)- Amount of bond: s Name zinc! address: -hone number: . ne !`lumber: ?arsons Vii'thini the vtate or Iorida designated blr Owner upon L•Jholn notic95 6i Other dGCLniF?Tt51c=! be S=R Ed as provided iJ;; SECC {?) (all., Florida Statutes: NMme: p"One Number' Add resE: En addition to himself or herself, Owmer designates Lienor's NDUCe as Provided in Section 7=3.1() (b), Florida statutea. Phone number 01 person or entit}, designated 'by owner: to rECEIVE a C0011 [ rn-TDa CS, iM E Q0#�ro bp�cx Z A W n 1 G7AMMto EqA OR09 n� Brno-1 ^�{M i� N X M o 7C 0 0 oA m n n K C z n O c Expiration dat= of notice of commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the Completion of construction and final payment ConLtBC Or, bu-- will be 1 year I rom the date of recording unless a different erent date is specified) WARNINC7 TQ pt,•c+NER: ANY PAYUIEN i 5 MADE BY THE OWNER Af i ER THE EXPIRATION OF T HE NOTICE OF CONINIENCEMeENT ARE CON5IDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTI ER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STAT U ES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR 1iviPRQVEiviEPl i S T O YOUR PROPERTY. la 1NO ICE OF COMMENCERPEN T M? S BE RECORDED AND P©5itD ON ; HE!o13 Sri E BEFORE , HE i-IRST iNSPECTi IOi=i. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAM F!Nr;P]CING, CpC%!SULi VVI H YOUR LENDER ORAN A i I ORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOT ICE OF CO1vIivlENICEMEN T. Under penaity of perjury, I declare that I have read the -Foregoing notice of commencement and thatthe t e facs stated therein are true io thF 6es; Ci my I<nawledge and ief. � �i ��11N11111lIl1/�,� MA (signature of Owner okLghee, or Owner's or Lessee's Authorised Q;,icer/Director/Partner/[\lanag-r ���'�� M2a o. p��L;% IZ (Signatory`s T rle/Once) .AR V, m, Pu13iIC The foregoing instrument vva� acknowledges before m8 ,hlsz2— day -f `as � ^--• for _ ��N////ifnllrlfllH1144410�ti`��"\,\ Nam a of)Perso Type of authoritq+ (e.g. officer, trustee) Pas Ly on behalf' of whom instrurnent was executed Personally knollm— or produced Identification { i;natu of Notary Public State of 1=iarsda} (Print, Tupe, or stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Type of Identification produced