HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approval, TriBuilt_Smooth_HT44 IL IL y LN1R.1 IM/4 II.rN�r K NuM qpmgpmr y11 1. imwbmi & 01 bmv- wed" ON A ;-%Q to cc Ar d 3 u JI, ■P11LL.L FA■ ■W ■ I 0 " u rt Now come-offv" Asia sots n. r `14 -mm oft soft Mtn lift, " slim,' __NOW' _ - poft 40 No Scanned by Tap,Scanner IN L. Uct OWIVINVAII pqp" 'PrWLK-1 M.&nufipMmr N-"tl J-4-a[erials Grioup, LLCi P!!qto E PO am, it -Mod" NJ 07070 (%S 0 0 ) 5 1 6m I IS devid. ru lz OUftw'j—wwCO- m riD -tvkld Ruiz Authc%&&J� d,av id . ru izO- tribul cc m "L -1110 esemtao" N,v ld Ru lz T e-cn f) ica h-� If! L � ir C mn t Aw I L J i fit I A 0144-P L Olk It wwh Add" reW Pho neiT ma Il 11 250 Route 17 Nonqh affm Eis� KU the!#ord , NO 0 70 7 3 ZOLIL) 842 -*244.9 idavid.ruU*tribul,],tmt,erlaisgrolup.,IICOrn MY Q Ell - p ual Assu, ra ti�F I Uld" ip OW R A d PI ne j I trnail� Wdloress- /P o Owr rM 44 lob. JL 0 Florida Ervineer or Architect Name, who developed the Robeft Nlemilmen, Eva.WalbQn Flo,rids License QuaLlpty sura, EnVtY QuaIrty Assuranm CwLract Expiratton Date Vafidated 13Y CerUfllc-�ate of Independence Referen"CilMd Star III r1rd and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Caftif ied By Sections from ;the Cocie PE-- S9 166 UL 07118/20201. John W. Knezcvich, P- E - v Validation C�heckl�st - Hardcopy Received 2 a OMPON, MIT "I'll I ll I * m moliliffate-) 1wil"Awliwate =, nAm rd ASTMD1970 ASTM C; I S S FM 4474, FRSA.fTRI Apiril 21012 (04-12) „UL 11 697 'Year, 2015 2005 2011 2012 zoic Scanned by TapScanner TRDE.'RI,NITY EXTERIOR RESEARCH R O"IGN, LLG Cenfflcote a/Autnorlrarion #95'3 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT#13 OXFORDs OCA78 (203) 262-9245. IL JM&._ J6UMN I dL 6L71 I Bc:lx 70 Rutherford, NJ 017070 (Mm) 51&148S F 6OUo& R6 Date of Issuance: 10,/25/,2012 Revision 6,: 09/25/2017 This Evailluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 andthe applicable rules and regulations,goverrung the use of carestn.rrtiQn materials in the State of Ffarida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Ni"ernineq, P.E, for uae of the product under the Florida Building Cade and fioriiThe produas described herein have been evaluated for compliance with t sections noted herein. da FiuifdinQ Cade. dential Volume. _,ie Edition (20171) Florida BuRding Code DesaurrroMs TW*101LT Roof UnderlarMMO9OSJ. LABELING: Label -Ing shall be in accordance With the requ-irpr-fi� nt'j chi• Accr���t heirein- C dQuality Assurance Agency noted CoPmNuEoConnP�uwcF: This Evaluation Reportilis valid unuI such it i m e as [he named P rod uct(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of thp. Lode [fi,it relate to the pmductchange. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreemt_nr to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E, if the JAUUt tt changes or the referenced QudiityAsslarance dti ocumentaon changes. TrIrutyiERO requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVEeMe: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Tri RTIS�W nity I ERA Evaluated" may he displayed i n advertising literature% If' any portion of the Evaluation Report Is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INTY SPECON: U pr,-) ; i re quest, a copy of th,is entire E valuation Report shall be provided to. the user by the manufacturer or i[s d"istributors and shall be mailable for inspection at the j ob site at the request of the Building Official. This Fvaiiation Report consists of pages I through 61 Prepared by: 9 1. Robert J.M. Meminen, P.E. ,R" Req I's tra6w. PVo. 59166,, Flori P. F an fAIPVW iLI- i s& an i N Y I P D d.oftt ham,r�or dies i� ir�tend to,acquire or will It auir�r a financial Interest inn any ������� rr��� actu��� or trITI'M -A. AM it 1. �rWWLV � � � `� � �r�ed. ���d �r F.�,f�r�.f�II�� �� ��1� ��JI�'M��'17j� fi��11��#U�If1� Of �YS�fI�]I��3$ PfC1ductsft evaluates. �� �, , I-Ig,�F. � �... r� 0 . �f� rrcr# hav� ra�1r ��+�if ar_���r�r � fp ���c �1 int���t �r� �r� cor�parry �mar�mfact�urin�, or distributing p rad�,,rts for 1�h�irJh 1 riMot�o�n r�are beinz issued.. r�rWrr. �..�. d mat ��, r r IilI :�u:r�•r a finandaiil Inter�estIn any other nr�tity �nv��afi��d In t�� approval prociless, of t�� �f Thi -114i Im, ftither Tri nhy I E R, D na r R obe rt N i e m i ne nr P. 1. are, ir, a ny iy, the De, sign,er of Record for any ..Movir +r is EvakiaR"OMOrr � versions there --of, s#vr+as u�d for p�Jr�r�ittsr,,�, r desr'gn guidance, unless retained oedr"Wy for that pAvcWn �V_ �__ - - - I Scanned by TapScanner i's 2. 0 U. J. SCOPE: Pro-liduct tegoryl- kk Ub�--Q_ te,,go,,ry. R Oofing " Undeday Ment � ERD Compliance S,tatiernelnts, TRI -BUILT Roof Underlapments, as produced by TRI -BUILT IiAihrWs Group, LLC. have demonstrated compliance with the followin¢ sec of the 6"� Edition (203.71 Florida �u��fliCode throuph testing If1 accof'da6'Iice with the following Standards. Colmpl-iance is s C on, d i tio n, s of Use Is et firth he- rein . ubject to the Ir I i ions III0 stallat-lon Requ'rements and' Um'tafi Secflon Property Standard Year ' ISDA.3. Y Wind Re3fsttn[e FM 4474 2011 15D4.3.1 Wind Uplift UL 1$97 2012 15�4.fi Accelerated Weathering ASTM G1551 2D05 1507.4.6 15p7.1.1, 1507.2F,19.2tPhys[al Properties ASTM t)19'70 2011s, X07.3.3 Physkal Properbes FRWRI April 2012 (04.&1211 2412 REFERENCES. En,,tipj Exam In atlnft Refere nce p�tg E RD (TST6049j Ph ywca I Properties SQ 54-0- 02 - 13 - 1 02/19/2013 ERC'' �TST5049) P hysica I Properties S405". 11. 13 11/19/201.3 E RD JS T 6049) Mysical I Properties S4054&,03,14 03/26/2-014 E R D RMST6049j physical Properties 54487Q.04.14.2 p4/02/2Q14 ERD (TST6U9) physilical Properties 51487Q.p4.14-3 04/0 2/10 1d E R D (TST6049) physical Frnpcrties S448 -7Q.04.14-1 0410/2014 ERS (75T6p49j Physika 1 Prop,•rtiriN 5448 70. 04. 14.4 U4/10/2014 ER,D (TST6049) Physical Propport'.es S43530 -0214-1-R1 015/14/2014 c RD (TSTG049) Physics) Properties 543530. 45. 1 4 05/28/20'] a E R, D f TST6049) Physlca,l Properties 510540.1Q.1410/31/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physlki,-,31 Properties 5C76A5,l4l02,. IS 02 I13/ 2 0 1 5 E liR D!(_T5,T 6049) Accelerated weathering SCS520.04.15 05/27/2015 SRO (TST60491 Wind Resistance SC 1 4.04S,. 0, 51, - 17- R 1 O6/07/20i7 UL, LLC (OuA96,25) duality Control M uftiplie-UsUn, gR 1681a12/iD/2015 UL, LL[. {QJUA9625) Quality Control Service, Confi at ion Exp. 07/ 1$/ 2 029 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION& a.3 Fri-Built Sa ni d R SA Inrok U nde r1a'Ye nt is aself-adhering, glass -mat reinrtorced, Sand-surfaced, 5 95 modified bitumen roof �nderlayment� with a 36- mth sheet width; meets ASTM D1 97p. d.2 Tri-Bu'l"Iit 5/A NT TU Uniderlayment is aself-adhering, non -woven polyester falar'I"ic surfa[!d, SS5 modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM 011970and FRSA/TRI Apr'l 2012. 44.3 Tri -Built Smooth HT 5/A 11�iwor see IM n roul Un ts ASTM "4"ik - dOLN"Opir LJM-ffATMUS: AIL 16 dL LaA irH 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Tn'nity I ERD nor Robert Memlinen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which tL_his Eva luation Report, car previous vers" ont thereof, isjwas used for ,permitting or design guidance unless retained spetiticalky for that purpa�se. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not For use in F B C H VH Z I unsdictiuns. JIlt Part of this E 5 3 'Fi re, Cl a s si fi c a t 1c, n i Is D ireCtor ��r �ir� r��i��,� �f �+hGS product. 11 Ck*"lfft&1r valuaUan Report: refer to, current Approved Roofling Materials EDITION12[017) FBC N'0,1411-FNHZ EVAIIA11ON TIR I - B UILT Roof Undk"rU- ynwts (NO SI&PUBS il��71111741 Jill! Rev's 6x* 09/25/2017 PASr 2 of 6 Scanned by TapScanner a 0 ' :: gip, ��� ■:, ��w _ � yr �,�i ■ � I ii �■' � ., II _ � '� _ � � �_ � ' '�' y■ � T '� _ � � :. � � � _- > ` '°� � � ��' ` i AINIP (111 16, i7i k; IF" WXT4h ir NO ■P -Ed._ - _ 2A IN n dr r S S.W1 IY� _mw: -WIll JdIft 'Fwm-On TAem is loris LIM TOAU, 0 ,f und the - E - to u -se of fo �I , 701 QqU a F jo pi - _ 3 FAJLIA 1119111" /1 HT TU U OM AN I Ij Ail 46 6d, IL -appoea to: law wTM In 'TV - -twl D42 s . Itl �� 41r AS s STM i ' �! .:�JL .6l TRIIr -be PW or Southern Yenow Wlide w, r ec ee 7*"W �..� ,.-BULT M- ow is not 3 n.,K4 I l e rA MWOMT G"Irm _r -4 50110 board d ecin ng t h Al. __r__ IIII J_ r, rc�_l il . ;I the se lIOSB I ' _ _ .1 ,- _ f ®16 SQ DW -40 T4-� San d -R SA 5hi1�! U���_firllment, Trfiwsuilt 5/A h T 7E.,' '.: nderlaY+nent a Tri-Bwit Sriao�th HT S1c mW a WE p -be- r R njT* CUF4XK 41 co f Boa rd ML .-ed -red roo t,. 'Elbaft, r ano Ify a: p ., ■ - VtAmKfwd pef - - e.. - of th4e prepaired mof,_manufai _ uI - bon Im r_ I mll 1112. nim p A Fff TU�UWsha'N beqe,r %9011p�ft. Ir-sluialtion v7 -1 "16 L I I il r. i 1 66 svUems wIIN) Ar E _ _- _ S y w..r . Qw d"1 . I ■ _ injCI %r" FM r"74 .r _IL Ar E r t � _ ■� N<J -mliva mil • 7-1, 1 -1, L .j, 1M�1�R �IM� SA %boollIM�R, MMM M 111��11Mt �+w.w±� n ►i1 � A ►••#�1�MR �I,� 1rt a .}+ai1�A tam 1y� 1 of N AR. 7t I JL.M�tt •f�R1�t wril� nod Moot* 1.III-b'W� -1X ' 1114 Mw tales .M1� 1* +►1t4%1+w1 .. ,�,, �.`t�,. �lMEJ i1l�1l1�tt �.�+ -.4� ��! i�it�A+�i 1M �A1 %jA Ht TV • .= 1�/'t111 "I ► aillrc'� L bo Mt ' ASM t�i1� pt. lw IV -p IlL N L f 4b 1. 16 r 9ff— V I ikjLiL.JL— #L 41 L L 1116 JIM I III, Jr. = - . r .,z 11 4 -1 " "L� Ilk M IL A k, Am L. jL L qL 06 IL L IML AL L 0 1 p 9 L 1. % t T-111 m 96 IIL 1p Jk,� ME= "IL NL -MONO L M W I f 11, Mln, 1�/!?ie� �twwood �• � ,• ,• ..t ��n�tih to atgtar;t� df AwM+t�lt►� ►�w�y 1�Kt�dMCt�on. �Owtlon� /�tl'M M� r R � cnC1 f � � R � ; • � IMi Il ilkIL �4 A r a IL 9v 46 I I Mon. AMIIIII IL VOLZ ev 'I win" t koI took laww"J"Ilw % N I utim.11% % Ibmn a j�h IV o M_ dlL MA&L. IMIR AN, shtsath" tI shall L 7;N L % IIIIJIL _JOsh L"[-% [-%. 4. JIM h! kil LV Mgn, I L p� r �lS�1J qr X-Sil IL L LT k f�- _ ' � IMS �t��� 1L)r.LlkhaN I ��.ti���i % lit) cfN111UPP It OF119 $tit, 411%% AmM Ak, Pwle-kt leAlillif"JIB IJ1111111L toll mkz.lts\fl%!t,o0 ot ion, Sop�rt� SpPramotfi►siuknIrti -JJG tit G .��i.�, hr.i ����h iti.+ti. �r p� af�d iM► AiZ I�h� � Hti� }� 1.�4+• and h �is� 1� �, p,t. rovrx In hr twtor of the sh"t, pWNy 1��c�d i1tS%AMi 1lI k I I L 114k I I *vine nt, R^wMfld. 4 A Tot _jMtM'Lj "M k 11-1 TWOWNI. WWII Scanned by TapScanner 0 I a ,_ _1 -phi R p V , ,� iS4.012 For moech4i - r ie, - s - Lw or &,lie ALA bd #n" AprW AML Owl W, CorIN A ■ I� 0 "-_-W.ftthC Z _oi, 12(()4, WE= ALAL deu"gn dw A kff u,,, t Nj w+i L - I k Wd aft MI" i M Lao dordame .it y. ::. ... CO e&sL up pr"' . F B C _ - _ " - 1P. in p h I , - / :3qualMed o es' -ro f e s. s al to Prt 9=,Ft densAy de*', e Fen o 6 Sheer0 A w RM 7 bfies marked wi* h an a,YkS& w '111111mr-1jr- M W ftmdwd Pw &ml*n 2. 2 f FMY �..,*mmy �- jrM, ;q S.*, 16) for ZO 53 Exm r T, ool in -4,- -"e - Swod :S A, 5-n a Y-04Dse +4 900% -A - Wgc _M- 3&4a -W after iL - �prl0 l 1� 1 2�,-�-- 04 S s� - �,A*wml'r ME I dP shafii7 q ry or OX 0 C L 4d lu M, r oo f slob I es, th e me'r d"tf M Q46d n L in d trect deck *,; I e a ss,em ,r-- 7t3 - �. u r battens dunrg ing of f _ �� d thebe s f r,ti*MSW M7 6 120- riM, Vr V il,U Ti TRP•BU i LT R ,a x. 1714 v Sio,ipe MwqwM6C@*02W=7 Plf1# M� rl MwqwM6C@*02W=7 Plf1# i IR u 9r - L 16 jbi. � f dilill I 111A I "L 0.,m I'L - it, 6.3.2 6.3.3 T 11 ILI 116 JL IL L � ill" il A& L jr r, 17 UY i It L!1. ill IL 1 - 1 7 r - 9F a -41 P' A m me "n r -mm L9F iw% -L A !Ll' AT `m:.11ill 7m While pnm'ng is optional, Materials LLC L• L 1 'te d!C!t �1h! �Iri IOdF COW isnot slate.: 'or i n st a lij t ni m. tfiin 24 hc+Lr� Appy�I�let % :�!!i back d1R �7t 3 R of release film. to - r,%^ , out or t o the su- bstra tea nd u I 1.1!i kL) -11 �he ir 10 1144 1 In Adhere ittv e, "in qrf w1E -K-V'"C ON" �''riin I 1he e I v% x L,, L mil 1% "&A lk UPLJW r 9 �k embrane U t 9 I to I 1 0 b ir-ono mi o r 9 11�ti IL Pod % I L 16'- VV.A't Hodzw, lot sela m 5 0 i1mium '34reL -P ('Jilill' -qwx"' be 6 tj f 1A achesaind stapse- riled n ot I ems t t-,� � � � w 71t1bUllT MiterlalsGroup, LLC requ i re m el&n - L XPO Sk, ro IAllflfl s1opegs above 8.1211, TRi-BUILT MiMHbb C�foup, ILC baCR Jlr.]ib6 otier4ap artiv at the top of the sheet at 12 -inch o,x. Cut, underl.wmem Into 4, tv 6 toot lengths thillepiper a C".For Valleys a-na Ridges. tlr S��l�lt 116 owrr valivey or lidgl. OFip! and press shot into pla[e,, workinK fmm the Cpfttlr Of th! ►Nqr ft�! lel each diirection. Far valleys, apply the sheet st#.1m,"`ft2 at the lowestit pornit and work upward. THS A fill; r] -11 Iy�SLAon1w).6% R rence, Itlnid!to FRSACTRi Aplil 2012 (04-12) IN 11 instl'11CtioQa ff'i noted A imis %i i -ii InftillsttvnManual and iahlclM6L.---Aw� f+ert�in ts*w UW I on S i t e r 1i rn:tdo to S��ion &4 h"lliletn fai winld resAsumv li�nitAtionx tmt For foam -on tile applicab i fal{ outside t h- o'If FRS1\jTRI AZOI: (04-12). TNe shall be loaders and staged Fn a manner thxt prcvenzs sok�Jtppfte amVor dom to the U ail ITable 2 hommAnd I-RllttTn&r%1wmt. S"m Materials Group,, LLC pH0lith sta��. (3, Ll li L 0 1 N G PERMITREQUIREMEIV'R: I Id 1 n Official 110f11NP-- H.]1v11-1g Jt II I I ioln in ordr- t to'+� requIred by the 0u or AW Li j pgllrlY ewluaM the 1rtsN�iiiOH thf4z product. MANCI! ACTU RING PIANTS: S- 9'. Q0AL11`* AS L I X N m cellior(�) i i s. u 1. im m 0L Ffft*rt tJ r v so or, c -A I* sign, t I Jill( I NO 0 � I V M t 1,A T !ON KI r0K I I fit' 14 0 N 11 4 Vill I I IVA L, JAVAIM �R1 �IIICT ��%4,� li,ti I �'� i�� lvMMww A�w� ASIM,l�1).Qt Scanned by A- a Scanner I