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AHRI Certified Reference Num'uer : 5474za7 Date : 12-17-zv1y MOW -latus: Active
Series COMFORT 14 Av
Outdoor Unit Brand Name: CARRIER
Outdoor Un;t Model Number !Condenser or Single PaeRage, : 24ACC430A'O3O'
I. -dour Unit Model Number (Evaporator and/or Air Hand' r) : F44v11t030L
Region Southeast and North tAL, AR, CC, CE, FL, GA, HI KY, ER, RID. 111I3, NC, vK, 5v, TR, IA. vA, ^K, w, LT, 10, i[,
IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, Pit, RIN, MO, MT, ND, NE. RR, RJ, NY, UH, OR, PA, RI, 50, 01, VT, WA, WV, wt, lily, U.S.
Region Note - ventral air conditioners manuractured prior to aanuary 1, 015 are eligible to be installed In all renie..z.
until June 30, 2015. Beginning Jely 1, 2016 ventral air eo.A.'tionere oat.. only 6a inat.11ed in reyiv.,(3) to,
..Kfii the, meet tFia l�yloRal officio. -ser raquiroment.
"{a r
rhe manura%turer or 1111s CARRIER pru—uuct Is responsible for the rating or tltls
Rales as ronows In accoraance witn the Iatv,.t aaitl.lt of AN511AHRI z101Y40 ;lin Addenda 1 and 2, Poifurmance Rating of Unitary
Air -C uffaitioni..e & Air-Svurve Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating atxUramyy by RRRI-sponsoreu. In'uepen'oent, thlM party testing:
Cooling Uap.elty (A2) - Singly o. Riih St.go (95F), bluh : 28200
SEER: 14.00 a 6r t ;sY*ilia is xk°t' ��"aP �s r
rf ti F t TM t tt F�
EEK (Az) -Single or High 5t.& (95F) :12.00 s s a y`� 5 �5•rt t ~s.*� r
1 ",,...iso' model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Partlapant is currently producing AND selling yr off■ ;.,s fur gal.; OR nen models th..1 ole being
marketed but a.. not yv< being prodeced.'Prodauron S:oppeo' mcael 3r..as.,o [nose �ili.t.n „RRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still
sellin or offerin for sale.
—��-- -- - 101cale an I. - ate .ry nr ■. new oe� o no a enn ono o Dne4ralJa [iiet., 51 nsna.
AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes ..• Fpnu:uatatiuee, -..neat/ r o� gas...ateaz as to, and .zzamas no r.apvnslvwB y for,
the prudoc.(s) II=.d on this Ce..is a.e...RRI e„ prossly 033 1.lms all II00116q For daFF,ages of any kind ar;sang out of the use or performance of the product(sl. o. this
unauthorized alteration of dot. liotud _rr thlo Certifleale. Certified .-ting, are -1d only for modulo and configorm,ons lls.a In r.,.
alruc y.1 W W W.aMrIUIF..tory.org.
.His eertiacam an. i� conten.a are prupd.Fary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal sed
euaflduetl.l Fvfvrdaev parpe,ea Th. contents of thio C.rOficow may rim. in whole or in part, Do reproaa..eu; wpi.o; dieserninated;
entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any fo.m Or rrralrlrur =r b, an,- means, e..eept fur the user'.1.41-Ado.l, PM
pm3on.1 and conflo.nd : r.�ervn e. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING,
The info,,-m«:fon for .he nrovel IZVO on ZR13 uraaeatb con 4u scrr,.0 or www.aMriuirectory.org. click on 'verlfy Certificate' link u. a__l;, life bcu.!W-
and enter the AHRI Certified Ref.rnn Number and the date on .hleh the e.rtlfl.ote -.s 173aed,
:.1111,111 is 11s:.a o0wo, and Allo Cortlncate No., which Is listed at bottom rightLL
92019Air-Condition Ing, Heating, and Refriseradon Institute . CERTIFICATE- NO.: 132210601817192160