HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAEL APPLICraaEE IIVPO RIVa i SE UrJMlPEEi ED FOR APPEit7ti IOro r 0 RE NCCEP i ED Dates: Permit Number: 4�- a Building Permit ApplicalLion rlanning and aeveloument Services Building and Cole negurotion aivislon zap virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 3Wyaz Phone: (772) s+62-i»a Rax: (/ rz) w62-iiia Cul IIr E daI Rea0-'Mual PERMIT APPLICATIuN FuR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at thz end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Hddress: $col �rt?_ns or- YOL "escitr �:k '51111-15 _ legal Desc, iption: lU6o - C-1.6den Pore PrvperTru7,IU n: 1 ObUZ0U 5J 021(-:3 Lot No.____- Cnoideh 5 or Block No, Fro;ee[ M.mge: t�1.11C�v�x -3y)b by,, -- aetaacRs Front B.eR: Risfit -,Iiav: Celt Sia..: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out witri .S1 ton, 114 I1Z,0cER, Ib KW AC unit CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Addilium;J -pr to arme e.. e,- t ispermit - check all apply: _ RVAi Gas ianR [:]G.3 Pip;n-g _ Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors Elettri� ❑ Pimroi,., 7bPrimizi,3 Generator Roof L� Rovt pitch i otGk �y. rt vT r-Crs3tri,CtiOn: 5 Ft. of First Floor: Cos. of Construction: 500 O Milides:11 sewer 11 aeptic Building Reigns: OWNER/LESSEE: C;ONTRAC:TOR: Dame(; CAAM-X_L_bLQ- S1nbo[C naTe: Dennis racer, Company: QRS hmerican Resiuentia services mddress: z8vU 05 Mwy .i Address: C-[OkdC=r Yo+ndS %-j City: Fp{--k- p[erc&- ata Le: yip Cotle: 3y�L�� Fax: City: vera tae .alt �t�ie: FC PPiene Ida. -7II L- 1140 - (.0" 4--s - zip Code: 32960 Fax: _ E-Flail: Prone No.- 17C�- -7clq' ootO Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-ICIaiI4 mP i [ 15 (1RoLt J , UuIry t from tMe owner lissea aAovel JtGte ar CaantT EieeR3e: CMC1249753 It value OT construction is az7UO or more, a RECoKDEl7 IVvtiae vT Evrrimericement h i:eyairea. 5UPPLEIMEM I AE CON51 RuC I /UIQ UER LAW 11VURIGIA I IUM DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORt GAGE COMPANY: x Not Appli4abllz Name: Name: Atl aress: Address: City: State: Cit,: State: tip: PRone: 41p: PRone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: = Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: =Not Applicable Name: Dame: Add cess: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: PhonE: I e-rt:r, tli,.t me aork or FiQ, coRlmencca prior to the i„uanec of a permit. St. gucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize theyermit holder to build the subject structure -niers .3 in conflict ,,;ith ori, ? plir-Bir- HoRec U-ncr3 A3ci 3vation M1.3, 5,1a-, or acid ce:enant'a RlvG that y rtrlct or prvhTl6it 3t rh structure. Please consult wit your Flome owners Association ane review your aaeea Por any restrictions wRicR may apply. in consideration of the granting of this reyueste'u permit, I'uo ilereuy agree trtat f will, in aii respects, perform the worR in accordance witR the appro-etl pians, the Florida Saileing CoUes ant! za. facie Count, Amem0mentz. Ific Tollo: -rig 60aing perrmit arc e;Zcr„ pt trvm er,0er6oirig . tell aoncerr�Re, rc:ie Y: room aa3itivn3, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, wails, signs, screen rooms an0 accessory uses to another non-residential use vvmiiNIMO i G VvvRFR: Your failure to Recortl a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for impruvcments to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite Me -lore Me first inspection. If you intent] to otatain financing, consult witR lender or an attorney oeiorc commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. _ signature o'er/ lessee/Agent STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF me -1 - The forgoing inst, ument was acknowledged before me tni, -LL a., oT lUILiU : Law—o7 11—nis �aceR (Name of person acknowledging 13ignature of Notary Puoiic- ztate or Personall, Kno-n x OK P.oilecei9laentiTir.ti-on ype of Identification Produce[i Commission tv I &CHfs9UNEUF State of Florida - Notary Public Commission # GG 340178 Revised 07/15/ 5i6natare of Co„tra r/license Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -; Eu.;. f he forgoing instrument was acRnowleeged Before me tni,-A,l aw,vTLUZ&5” Bennis —CER (Name of person acknowledgi„g ) of Notar9 Public- State of Personally Known ^ OR ProUuceO iuentirication Type of Identification Produced Commission Mo. '-L`'t MELISSA CHATEAUNEUF - Nota Public — - - - - Cnmmi�sie.... GG ;540 i r 33 k gay Car: f. 7 ion Expifes Aloy 30 REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW UATL COMPLETE INITIALS U, I-Vty Prup-rtr Identification lanylhle Personal Property hard Parcel ID: 1003293 Menuncadon rp: Snook, Catherine 706020050815 Account states: Open Covation: i863 GOCDEN Ponds Dr r -0I11175 DR City: Saint Lucie County Business Name: Snook, 3`Fa'4� Catherine Business type: f 015 - GoMen DBA: )nooR, Czal'Irrine Ponds Contact: State Code: 814190 - Mobile Ro.„w Aua�Mrnents Ownzrship Current. Values Snook, Catherine Maritet value: 1863 Golden $1,249.00 Ponds Dr Exemption Value: Fort Pierre, FC $-I,zz[-y.00 3`Fa'4� IaxaQre value: $0.00 rceturn Recei:ea: Not Yet Receive0 Penalty: None Downloaa TRIM PDF i Exemptium Grant Exemption Exemption Exemption rear Cove Description value 2008 TPPX Tangible Fersonai $ I,«a.uuu Proper-iy Exemption Asset Gruap and Value Asset Value MR Carport $145.00 Asset value MH CentralAC $320.00 4.OT lanylble Personal Property Cara Asset Value MH Florida $115161)(7 RoomR value ANaet Value MH ,vain rrea $Q.ul] Asset value MH Patio $26.00 Cover mssel value MH Shades $30.00 Apoct Value MA 131il Rm $ I IZ.Ou Asses value TotalAppraisedValue $1,249.00