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Certificate of Product Ratings
mMRI Certhlet] Rererenee MumSer : r4a'W5 Date : 05-1Z-ZUZ0 Modal Statuo : A. t;ae
ARRI i,po : Sr -A
Series: R41 Um mC SPR
Oult]oor unit Brant] Mame : CARRIER
Dataoar Unit Moaal Num5ar (Conaanser or Single Package) : u0ZPCW.z-5U**
Reuion : rill k'RR, r,E, mR, ,,-, L-A, %v, _ 1, VC, DE, FE, GA, RI, 10, IE, IA, IM, R5, ICT, CA, RIA, RID, RIE, MI, WIN, MO, 1915,
M I. NU, ND, NE, NR, NJ, RM, NV, NY, OR, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, PA, a 1, v7i, v 1. vVM' vvv, VVI, VVT, CI -5 -
Region Mote: Central air cont]itioners manuracturea prior to janea.-, 1, 410 .,rt] eliyi5lu to Be inztallaa in all rayivn.
antil June 30, 2016. Begin„inu July 1, 2016 central air conuitioners can onry De installeO in regiontsp Tor
which Mey meet me regional emciency regeirrri,ant.
1 ne manufacturer oT uris CmKRIER prot]uct is respepiziDlo for Via r -tiny at th;;i zyzto- commination.
Rateu as follows in accorance wire rife latest e'aition or AM5ItmFIRI n'Uiz3U -itn Aa5ama- T u_a z, P.Rarrn-sea Rutins of Anita, -y
Air-L:anaitlaniny Sc Air-5naroa Root Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy Dy rT-Rl-spunsore'a, inUepent]eni, AM party testing:
Cooling Capacity (A2; - Single or Riyh atage tooR1, Dtuh : 41w0
31!1!R: MzU
EER (Az) - Sinal= or RiaR Stays (95F) : 11.50
Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is eepp■nd; prods=img AND -calling or effak..g for gala; OR nom rnodela the; are being
m.rkmad bot are at yvr Ming prooacea'I',,,,,action Stoppff Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is nu lunger produe ..g BUT is dill
�'41iplg or offeping to. M.
R,atino5 that are aeecmnan;0 by WAS ind ate ar° nvGluntary re -rate. The new puplirhyd raiina isyiawn alana wi'.h the orevrous a u. WA5) rat nQ
„RRI aoes not cn.urse tele productisT listed on this Certiflcate and makes no representations, wa-.anti us _F g■aperrtee., .=to, and ow.en9co no responsibility fur,
the prodac;(s) li ;ed on ;his Cartiflcaiv. -1Rl enprtssly uisclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of th= ppudectt-4, up the
enaethe.i--ed alteration of dot.. 11 --ted en thh Ccrtifl—;o. C.rt led rotin63 are :ollu only To, moacls no cunligurations listed in the
directory at www.ahrldipectop,-..pg,
Thla Ceptifleole .end its aenteats un. propria;eery pradmm of AHRI. This Certtsc-.;c sflall only be used ror individual, personal and
confidential reference purpose=. The _.stents of thin Curtifleoto m,.y not, In :hal- or In pan, ba roprodu.uo; copied; alssemina;aa;
entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any feppe up prrapinep up b; ons a ee, �-._pt for the a-zcr'a Individaul,
personol Drip conioen.ial rv.orence. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING,
The information for the model cited on this certificate can be -.rifled et---.ahpidtreotery..pg. Aiek on 'Verify CurAfl. ;e” link „r r1TaRv ;,n. nrrrrr'
anu unto iso .,RRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued,
which is Il�rod _bo-., and tRc Crrtiucu;c Ro., wn,,M Is Ilstcu at bottom rig„ t.
02020AIr-Conditlonins, Heatlns, and Refrigeradon Insdt.ute VER I IFIUAI t AV.: 132337582375034523