HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOA ApprovalCreckside at St. Lucie Homeowners Assoc., Inc. Master Assoc.
SEND APPLICATION, SURVEY. U ATrACiDAEN7S TO: Credtsdc m SL Lyne Homwwwn Amoc, Lee. Maws Awe.
C.O 9p= Cold Fv"y biwt WomL Ori E Naw Have A-- Meboune. FL 32401
' OR MAIL TO: m^OFFICE 43221) 733-3362
owtdt Nam ill\ -Y►► /-� 1 l 7a 1 I y 1 l l 1 1 A► } ,i 1
Mwle4 Adam fCY`r, c* �-yy
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In soowdmce .tth the Dechmma o(C mw ad Reavter m and dbe Aaaoc.tloaY ruin ad NCAMMW taawlLoa MIN emh M to tbY appro.d
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NOW Applvcmkl dkmM mcb.da repos of dw onvoy. denrep or color die (Pim dye .nth NOV mese sad amobw) m be
wttodw.d —pine. Ptae.maq nail be delayed Far --pi— appl.
1. No wank Hill bape modal -ram approval u received Pram the Asu aboa.
2. All wak will bs does aaP6oa017 cane esaamveed and wal be doe m a profmawrAl ramps by a hmmmd convector at
mymlf 1 apms 10 have all welt coapleae W W n h* (12) matttha m npa to to -apply if dm taMot be occomoobod.
3. All week .ill be performed timely and n a mmmw des will mwimiae imaferew a awd mcoavtyiast s to mks raaidetw.
4. 1 m=m all babday ad +rib be rurumble for my std all damapm M antis lom and :or tossed area, whKh may eeeek From
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6. 1 wa esspoeatil IN txgiyity Wilk all s}pi c*k bdsal. some dmf local lens. cadw rep boom and ro"vemtnu in coma doo
wilb die wrk 1-0 ob— awy aecawary psmmooW pwmiu rod gWwvai for Ike wok.
T. Ups em0 SPoe C— P-Imly Ymapmmt Will (carded rhe ARC Apox-o m to Ike hard. A dacuioa by the Amoaatiam my
ado sop m 30 days 1 will be aeeilhd u wtka p whm the appiKmom as edber approved or denied by eke Amommail.
6. AD wmk IaMed teplst lip my udilwfi:d appovd u wb)au to wifiudm by the ARC for compliaaae_ oras sksH
vA— venom eauseeosn M Mrmtipemma wbm the aui$atlae m co=eime for =Wa. WPB`
Fmm appliowam - if these s M ameamt a Vow hot dad there is a fewer ®wiled a the eme mm4 the hommwaa wJl have to at tba r
CW— uke tp the Isar for dry wtk that mmi b be dme in *a em egm.L
AO buMODW— s tae teapmdhk far fDH&WMp Ibc L3s6waum of Cavamma dad Remecvam almg with the pndcba of ttit Aaaocr6m dad any other
Dowd Md rtdm a rubs
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This Appliceam is bweby: ()o Apprwedcontingent l )
DoW 2110/2020
COMMOLIMPAMOm W ApK&vWRm m far Dtmd:
Contingent approval: 6 fttan vinyl fence with 4 ft picket tan vinyl on back. 10 ft setback
-" Fes....+ ..f L...........
Duro AW. -W from Owmr
b4aikd b Adm: MuLd to Ower
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