HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance (Company Name!Individual Nanse) the (Type of rode) For the project located at A5Oq BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for AdaRgHanesdNaUnvestFlolfda Ma (Primary Contractor) ronfj MCI. or Property Tax ID q) I I- ADD - 0138-C)OO-3 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Menu Hoam of NorUlweert mold . ysG PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION Jsp f &NUMB/E�R Stale of Florida, County p(`j,}r* The foregoing instrument warms fiigrrd�before me this :�J Janua `t day of ,:o2o6/y Willryan dams who is personally known ✓ Or has produced a _ — asidenliricahan. Signature or Notary Public STAMP SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Print Name of No SHELLEYA. SEPtz ULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 EXPIRES: January 2.5, 2023 Dondied Thai No" Public UMerwtflers Revised 11 16 2016 0 SUB-CONTRAC RSIC '—� 3 A• RE (Qualifier) PRrNT NgME � � Y'�-�•l s'�+-s C` �-LC_ I Z J o 5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER S41eof Florida,Counlyof rus-LGLS The foregaing'inslru menl was signed before me this JIJ day of noo--Y .20Lgby�lQl)-j. G10 a who it personally known ✓or has produced a at iden Nfica lion. S g 1 r Notary Publse xSTAMP RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSOP. Nola? Public -Slate OFFlo,ida Cammiss M 4 GG OBdOtI My Comm ExPes Mar 20, 2021 t'+'V eio+9a Wio+al NvbryNsn PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECETVSD FEB 19 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be the Ian (Tvx of Trade) Sub -contractor for M=HatlabfNaeneetlFbckbr- (Pnmary Contractor) For the project located at SGCG n•e f?�Ivcl or Property Tax ID 1311- -70p- 0138-OW-3 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. Mum Halls at NaWamest Flouda I%e PRINr'NAME COUNTY CER OER Slate or Florida, county ry The k`%ob dgodbekre meals 30 day nr pn p( ro I'll William Bryart Ac�ms, who U personally Ynowe_or hu produced u IdmaOua Sltmto. ofMo,7 PaNle 9TANW SHELLEYA SEPUWEDA Print Name orNomry Poblle 'p' tAR e•. SHEl1EYA.SEPULVEDA ,l MY COMMISSION 0 GO 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 20Yd R,.,ry,/ 1saMM tlw Rotary Poh0olNdaatlW Revised 1 V16Ft016 FOR `•SUB CrORsIGNAlUB6(QYatlikr) �rUIck 1 nIL CO ITTha-Y t-xKr "r1ON NUMBER State or FloHd,, Cooaly er.T. U-A CAe erosqusnrlutrumeatwn alteed bekre as thh day or jnnua 10-20byC,: r e 2 G ickcFx�1< who is peraaeally known Zor bu prodoeed a_ as Ideodamnoa Q_�Di. ,, l C.U.nn'v� STAMP arpnamra orNomry Pab0 P,;Gyrr l Tlr� on.l �ohvLe Prls Name orNomry Pob 1, N'CHAaD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Peptic - Stale of Flonda '_ ;�••'_' CwnssoorGG084821 MYComm. ExPres Mar 20. 2021 -•dma<ewvyn Nmpyl Napryki7 J PERMIT.# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® Building & Code Compliance Division t BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 19 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting �eJSOMtnI I—%iZt_'L.J 5 pfr.nttjrnl� � l�ZAW S (Company Nartle/Individual Name) �Jt -�NG have agreed t6be the e� LA tMhI �/� Sub -contractor for (Type of Iradc) T Adana Hanes d tlaMnae�Fiald=1(sc (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9505 Win, S+0 ne- C7 1 I'J6 q Q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I o I _�oO ^ vl'3 C�� ('M _ 1 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Oiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO R SIGNATURE(Qua lifer) AAamt Honxtd Noi a Paid%bit PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTD•'ICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County /r�v The roregoiog Lnslrvmenl was signed before me [his � ��o day or .39OUC"20�2§1y William Bryan Adams who is personally know. ---,r pas produced a es idennfica Ko.. O STAMP r c SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Pri.l Name or Notary publ,c :'�+R''4t;•., SHELLEY& SEPULVEDA � Jtp MY COMMISSION#GG 26: 7d F.: EXPIRES: January 25, 202a ...9"`..... Bonded Thru Notary P%"cUndmMlare Revised 11116y20 SU?&CONY A SIGNATURE (Coal firr) PADs'T NAMEFv[ ag c� COUNTY CERTffICAT10N NUA(a ER stateorri.ride,C.uoryor 3rt,cxe The r. rego log I.srrumcot was signed berorc me Ihls � day or o1ntJCxC Fr�Q nr S'22+'I\e.rh;n s�im£rnCL who is ,cracoally known ✓ or has produced a .3 iiideera,�nrseario.. AA" C6 A r�"J STANJP Sig.alure or Notary Puhhc I\i C. rd Qecgtco L7o hnsc/1 Pnot Nam..[Nomry Fbblic RM RD DouGLAS JOHNSON Puhlic-slalealFl0lidammission 0 GG 084821mm: Expires Mar 20. 2021Mao ANsfoa Nola 8 7Assn J PERMIT # ISSUE DATE COUNTY, 4.:1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 19 2020 ST. Lucie County, have agreed to be the M/113tc-- Sub -contractor for Ad&=Homes otNottbwestFlotida,lna (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 8905 W6Lf-VMnt Q>Ivd • 1-M -100- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams Heroes of NwItmest Florida. bla PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICAT4;Z Stale of Florida, County is The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 3-0 day of )cAt%LMq 2o'0by William Bryan ams M Yt who is persooelly known e-110'r has produced a as ideotiri �-��•� STAMP Signature of Notary Public SHELLEYA. SEPUIVEDA Print Name of Notarl :M' •�• SHELLEYASEPULVEDA ' r 'F`•A MY COMMISSION # GO 262074 •a EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 .•''•`.°� �y°�• Bonded mN NOW Nblie Un lerxdtors Revised 11/16/2016 C061062(,7al COUNTY CERTIFICATI N BER State of Florida, County of I L Cie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this tqb day of ,ir/'ss�_2dr,SQby &J rr4 %-thvs•�t (ris0.h who is personally known Zor has produced a as Identification. 9- M L STAMP Sigilature of Notary FFulblic -is11R �dawlal �O:sulwr Print Name of Notary Phblie •+.�rh: RICHARD OOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Pubfc-Slateal Florida •. Commission g GG 084821 'N V""4 H;' .,,.For,` 4 My Comm. Expires Ma, 20,2021 aWed hMh Naive Noury Ater.