HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAll APPEICABEE IMFO I lOw BE CUMIPEE I ED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 5/13/2020 Permit Ivum5er: Building Permit Application Planning and Developmenr Services auhuing ana roue negularion Division Z117i7 V..g,.,iQ14�c..vcr k-rrF,.—vu K J41d2 PRone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial RE3MEMtial A PERMITTYPE: ;'PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: AMIress: "10125 Ocean Dr Lot 524 Jensen Beach, FI 34957 Property Tax ID ;F: 45-1-1'502-0056-000-9 Site Plan Name: 10725 S Ocean Dr Lot 524 Project Name: Rosalie Bryson DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Exact AC changeout, no duct work, 2.5 Lon_ 14 seer, 10 Rvv Carrier Unit CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: ,&Mlechanical _ Gas i ank _ Gas Pi,..inb _ SRutters _ Electric _ Plumbins _ Sprinklers _ Generator Total Sq. Ft of Construction: _ Cost of Construction: 5 6,500 :3�q. Ft. or First Fioor: Utilities: _Sewer _septic Lot No. 17 Block Mo. N _ Windows/Doors Roof Pitch Building Pleight: OWNERAESSEE: CON I RACTOR: Name Rosalie F 6ryson Name:Dennis Zacek Address: 10725 S Ocean Dr Lot 524 Company:ARS City: aensen ReacR Mate: _ AWIF�- 3:;esu0 US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34957 Fax: City: Vero Beach Mate: FI rnone Iqo. t11L1 [[5-,s1,sz Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: Phone Mo 11 /LJ 1y4-1205 Fill in Tee si.—.ple Title Holder on next pare ( if different E -Mail mgillis@ars.com from the Owner listed above) Mate or County [icense CMC -1«9r53 It :.lac vT cvn3tracction is �Z500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencemen. is required. If value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECUREMY Novice of Commencement is requirell. SUPPLEMEI11I R[ Culgs t ROC I ling [IElq ILAw MFORMAi I ION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Mot Applicable Name: Mame: Address: Addrz4u. City: State: City: SLeLe: Lip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE ,-.*ilTlPEE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Apf licablc BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Dame: Addre55: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Lip: Ph—.ne: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is Hereby mace to obtain a permit to no tRe -orR a,.a ir,,tallatian as inaicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance oL a permit. za. Eueic Coanr rn,.Rc3 no repre3cntatio�i tRat is granting a permit will authorize the ermiL holder to build the subject structure which is in coniflict QJ1 any applicable R�rne O-ner3 A33aelo lvtn rale.., Fyla.,�3 or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Rome Owners Association ana review your Decd Tor .My rc;irietio.,, �, Micn may apply. jn consideration oL tRe granting or this requesteu permit, I t90 Mcrcby us, re 0.t I ..ill, in all respects, perform the work iri accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and 3L. fucie County Amenuments. The following builQing permit applications are exempt pro... anae.soing .. Tell eencarrency rcv;e:..: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anp accessory uses to ..MvtMer non-raziacntial ase -vvARRiNG 10 OnNER: TOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY Rr-SOCi In ■vuR PPLYINC n14E OUR IMPKO•ENENTS 10 rOaR PROPERtT. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POS i ED vN i nit w6 —SITE BEFU—KE r HE FIRS i INSPEC i ION. It TUU IN I EmB 10 OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER On mR u i i ORNE r BEFORE RECORDImC r OuR NO i IEE OF [OIRIt1ERt E111>ttr i Zignotar- aT O.nc. tractor as Asent for Owner Signature Contra c33ec/Cv, of /license Molder STATE OF FLORIDA at i A i E OF FECRIDA COUNTY OF .,, Eac a county COUNTY OF St Lacy. �' Lwt, I Fie tvl'6oi, s instrument was acknowledsed before me The forgoing instrument was acRnowlebgeu Before me tPiis 13 Bay or Ma-, 24� by this,s _ �Vy y z'u_ by Dam.lu Z—mk ae..nis -3—R Name of person making sLaLemenL. Name of person making statement. OR Produced Identification x Personally Known OR Produced Identification x I ype or laentirication . I ype vT lee.-.tiricativn Producetl Ariver M-nse t Protluceta Driver Licen•.e - i at re o nlota.—, a6 - 5t�tc ar Florida) (-Signature of Motary Public- 3t oy- FlorMa I Commission Mo. oc�o -- 101 [IssACHATEAUNEOF Commission No. cG3#17� MELISSACraItn�iQEUF Siete ov Florlaa - N.ta.y Public Oo+nln' utaty oT Florida - IgUMry Puolic Com 13 G 340178 My omrnkeion Expi c laoy 30, 2023 my wmmiss: —Epp res May ai►, fta RtvlEvv--) FROM PLANS VEGETATION COVIII i CR REVIEW REVIEW REvlEw REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED nt!V. 41 /1 IV Pliohelle FranRlin, GFA -- Saint Lucie Cuunty Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Ownership .Zosalie F Bryson jTRI 10725 S Occnn DR Lot 524 Bwaeh, FL 34957 Cegal Description HOLIDAY OUT -T ST LUC-L - SEC B BLK N LOT 17 AND EQUAL PRO - RATA INTEREST IN COMMVN ELEMENTS (OR 211-867; 3592-2816) Current values Just/Market Value: Property Idendfication Site AtIs vz;�: 10725 S OCEAN DR 524 Parcel ID: 4511-502-0056-000-9 Account Tv 123563 map 1D: 45 1113 use ,ype: ;100 Ler;* .b: H-z;teh 1A. City/County: Saini Lucie County Ownership .Zosalie F Bryson jTRI 10725 S Occnn DR Lot 524 Bwaeh, FL 34957 Cegal Description HOLIDAY OUT -T ST LUC-L - SEC B BLK N LOT 17 AND EQUAL PRO - RATA INTEREST IN COMMVN ELEMENTS (OR 211-867; 3592-2816) Current values Just/Market Value: 5148,200 A-::==wZI v-lae: 388,061 Exemptions: 575,500 iaxaoic value: x12,561 1 otaI Areas Property taxes are subject to cRange upon rinisl1eMrn0err.ir (5r): 885 change of ownership. I`'irvsa JKc.chcd Arca (SF): 917 • P=A t=zrs -o not a .-Ali-blc p.-ojcetio.-. of f iturc taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the remo-al of =II �an'u Size tacresl: 0.04 �a�mp.io-,a,-a3-3necn. �«ps, ,.nu special classifications. L -..B b.« (NI-): 1,854 saxes for tnis parcel: SLC Ta : CeII ate. -'c OI"lae Vaw :lead 1 KIM to, this parol: Dvwrload PDF All into..ua.ioii is believed to be correct at this tune, but is subject to change an'u is provilidl without any warranty. Copynght 2020 Saint iucie County rroperty Appraiser An rignts reserves.