HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvalsCertified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL16546 R11 Equiv 20170809 - FBC - DASMA 108 equiv.pdf FL16546 Rll Equiv 20170809 - FBC - DASMA 115 eagivpdf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/18/2018 Date Validated 02/13/2019 Date Pending FBC Approval 02/13/2019 Date Approved 04/16/2019 Date Revised 04/10/2020 Summary of Products Go to Page 0 0 0 Page 1/ 4 � d1 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 16546.1 Ol W5-16-HY PAN -2F153/6: 73, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) 1500, 75, 76, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 42B, WINDCODE@ WS Garage Door 48, 48B, 55, 4F, 4RST, 6RST, 4RSF, 6RSF, GDSS, GDSSV, GRSS, GRSSV, ARSS,ARSSV,EDSS,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16546 R11 II 101922-A-Revl5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-32 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Solid doors (no glazing) or doors with optional impact- FL16546 RSl AE CBPC 131211-A pdf resistant glazing are impact -resistant (large missile impact). Created by Independent Third Party: No 16546.2 02 W5-16-HY PAN -2F153/6: 73, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) 1500, 75, 76, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 42B, WINDCODE@ WS Garage Door 48, 48B, 55, 4F, 4RST, 6RST, 4RSF, 6RSF, GDSS, GDSSV, GRSS, GRSSV, ARSS,ARSSV,EDSS,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16546 R11 II 101922-B-Revl S.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-32 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets FL16546 RI1 AE CBPC 131211-A.pdf the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT Created by Independent Third Party: No meet the impact resistant requirement for wlndborne debris regions. 16546.3 03 W8-16 PAN -2F443: GD4S, GR4S, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Double- ED4S, AR4S Car (9'2" to 16'2" wide) WINDCODE® W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Utes Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16546 RIl II 104791-RevOS.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other._MbfX Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors (no glazing) or doors�lt ih optional impact -resistant glazing are FL16546 Rll AE CBPC 131211-A.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: No impact -resistant (large 'ssile impact). If -6546.4 04 6-16 PAN -2F153: 73, 1500, 75, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'2" wide) 190, 4A, 94, 42, 42B, 48, 48B, 55, 4RST)6RST, 4RSF, 6RSF, GDSS, 955V, GRSS, GRSSV, ARSS, WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Lites ARSSV,EDSS,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16546 R11 II 104710-A-Rev03.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors (no FL16546 R11 AE CBPC 131211-A pdf standard glazing) are impact -resistant (large missile impact). Created by Independent Third Party: No SCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I WTopirs I submit Surcharge I stats & Facts I Publications Contact Us I aCIS Site Map I Links I ♦Search d., bPr a � Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Aopilcatlon Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL16546-Rll Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason, OH 45040 (513)770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer I Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Scott Hamilton Evaluation Report ANSI/DASMA 108 Florida License PE -63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Gary Pfuehler 2002 di Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards FL16546 Rll COI Certification of Independence of Validation Entity_ Gary Pfuehler 2016-02-19 pdf FL16546 R11 COI Statement on Independence of Evaluation Entity_ ScottHamilton 2016-02-19.pdf Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 N e llnn �y�^ pfN �uoo� y$`ol TT n o 0 ) ryUD ANONJv mP / r' '�4`0000li o I V r fi P T l) VV L� , n (�Jv I CZCrrO p�nDT y'Z (j1Z ONCD N j'mvN O J: �yt�`i � �\Lai r +1 A 'a'3� {) 14k n o FAiz� <_6 w r^ "j" IA 9 1oQwmu oa TT :. �1 Dm Ev MAX. SEGTION HT. 91" {-- — MAX. DOOR HEIGHT ) ryUD ANONJv mP / '�4`0000li o I V r fi P T l) VV L� , n (�Jv I CZCrrO p�nDT y'Z (j1Z ONCD m O J: � �\Lai r +1 {) 14k n J •J li:;g4 w IA TT :. w v n .P _hey N.P It A o � n A aa4� 1, u 0 J y o MAX. SEGTION HT. 91" {-- — MAX. DOOR HEIGHT ) ryUD W� 9A mP / I V r P T l) VV L� , n (�Jv I CZCrrO p�nDT y'Z (j1Z ONCD O J: �\Lai - 0 •s"�3� m��— w„.4�O O`GAA n g P<m 5 OOiI _m yvol x bio wN^I In CD1 � I 04.>�•Iz A (11 pp1D� oKFiinm x n Y F 2 VSA O nF ymou x P V�' 11 A T'�Di 9F y C (> O I/� OT7(j tYll O m0 0 ? C) I 0 ) ryUD W� 9A mP / I V r P T l) VV L� , n (�Jv I CZCrrO p�nDT y'Z (j1Z ONCD O J: 0 ? C) I 0 U F'-yn�iA y mo�uinm0 ( 0 x()mN�4'1 2 x 3 /Dr I-�IV\i - S In I y pr ow q2 IM A 3 v v �n 13s r � !Am o� Oinc ni �4C� _I O VNN➢i. Zoo � r axil U x()mN�4'1 2 3 /Dr I-�IV\i U P, CA 1V uo I- I ?oxo AI�OO II II P Le II IV. Ito �� pb o o N AQ I.iZ N�ua, ;)i5ul V'V C.O If)Y rN m� jl} O a 6 Ayr 'i 3 LL Nln I> w lJ f C. N w y OPCNING Hf IGIR - DOOR HEIGHT - Hi dints Z' yl ooy}'a oOVmi TNN^ K 'w' q', Rte` w" t; 9 z u v co C7 III ENING HEIGHT - DOOR HF.1"T m c> U < I w "i r�m�a Iya jjnY lu r mss i %vin ' izN1 U =mT� I� co C7 III ENING HEIGHT - DOOR HF.1"T m c> U December 11, 2013 (revised 12/17/18) Evaluation Report for Clopay Building Products Company Sectional Garage Doors, W5 through W8 I have evaluated the wind load door designs as shown on the drawings listed below, I have reviewed the test reports, which were generated by accredited laboratories as required by the relevant Florida Administrative Rule, the engineering rational analysis, and the product drawings. The test reports are listed below. Assembly testing was conducted by American Test Lab North Carolina and CBPC-ATC. Component testing was conducted by HETI and ETC. For the doors listed in Tables 1 through 8, Static Pressure Tests were conducted in accordance with TAS 202-1994, ASTM -E330-2002 and ANSI/DASMA 108-2005/2012. Missile Impact and Cyclic Pressure 'rests were conducted in accordance with TAS 201- 1994 and TAS 203-1994 and ASTM E1886-2005 and ASTM E1996-2009 and ANSI/DASMA 115-2005/2012. The pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results of these tests or results obtained through engineering rational analysis based on actual tests. I have concluded that the sectional garage door designs listed below in Tables 1 through 7 are in compliance with these High Velocity Hurricane Zone test requirements of the Florida Building Code and therefore are qualified as Impact -resistant assemblies (large missile Impact). �,�_ -- - - max. oor size 16'0 x 16 +32/32 PSF (design load) max. door size 1612" x 1610"; +36/-42 PSF (design load) v05, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +46/-52 PSF (design v04, max. door size 9'0" x 16'0"; +50/-58 PsF (design ReY01, max, door size 18'0" x 16`0"'; +25/-25 PSF (design 101922-A-ReV15, max. door size 16'0" x 16'0"; +3Z/ -3Z PSF (aesi 104710-A-RevO3, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +36/-42 PSF (deli TABLE 4• Dxawings_fQr_doors with_Manufactur_iavP�odI1r1 Cade (^MPC) PANSP-2F153: 104818-A-Rev01, max. oor size 16'2" x 16'0"; +32/-37 PSF (design load) TABLE &• Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) PANSP5i� 104818-A-Rev01, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +32/-37 PSF (design load) TABLE & Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPCa_GSIE-1A171: 104814-A-Revoo, max. door size 9'0" x 16'0"; +36/-44 PsF (design load) �'�,�JbE 7• Drawings for doors with ManufacturingmPr._od�sS Code (MPCLPAN-2F446: 105109�A=Rev00, max. doer size 18'0" x 16'0"; +25J�25 PSF (design load) PAGE 1 of 6 FILE: CUC_1.31211-A.7 EVALUATION REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING Pf1000C15 COMPANY SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS, WS — W8 max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +46/ 52 PSF (design load) max. door size 9'0" x 16'0"; +50/-58 PSF (design load) For the doors in Tables 9 through 18, Static Pressure Tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM -E330-2002 and ANSI/DASMA 108-2005/2012. The pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results of these tests or results obtained through engineering rational analysis based on actual tests. I have concluded that the sectional garage door designs listed below in Tables 8 through 13 are in compliance with these test requirements of the Florida Building Code. -Rev15, max. door size 16'0" x 1 '0 a32/-32 PSP (design loo B-13max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +36/-42 PSF (design load) TAB- —t E 10' Draw(ngs for doors with Manufaeturi0g Produet Code (MPC PAN`2r143: 105101-Rev00, may, door size 20'0" x 16'0"; +30/-32 PSP (sign load) -13-Rev15, max, door size 16'0" x 16'0"; +32/-32 PSF (design -8-Rev03, max, door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +36/-42 PSF (design TABLE 12• Drawings faoors 1^1i r d_thl M-rn,fai•furina Product Code (MPC) PANSP-2F153: 104818-B-Rev01, max. door size 1612" x 1610"; +32/-37 PSF (design load) TABLE 12• Drawingsfor doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) PAN _$Y -2F156: 104818-B-Rev01, max, door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +32/-37 PSF (design load) TABLE 14• Drawin sfgy jo9s.with ManUf _c wring Pl�_dAict Coe (MPC) DSIE-1A171: 104814-B-Rev00, max. size 910" x 16'0"; +36/-44 PSF (design load) Dl mmax, door size 18'0 x 16'0"; +25/-'25 PSF (design , max. door size 16'0" x 16'0"; +25/-2S PSP (design TABLE 16: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) PAN -21`446: 105109-B-Rev01, max. door size 18'0" x 16'0"; +25/-25 PSF (design load) TABLE 17• Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) W=]82 10511Hev01, max. door size 18'0" x 8, +32/-36 PSF Cdesign load) TABLE 18 Drawmos CtrLdoors with _ anufactur�0g_PCodS4ck Code (,MPCLPAN-21`441: 105430�RevpO, max, door size 16 0' xx 16 0"; +2S/ -2S PSF (design load) Tes_t_RepAds__ The following test reports are based on testing conducted by American Test Lab at their North Carolina Facility: 0213.01-13 (4/29/13), 0813.01-12 (10/9/12), 1206.01-12 (1/23/13), 0117-01-13R (3/18/13), 0220.01-13 (4/29/13), 0312,0113 (5/1/13), 0102.0113 (2/20/13). These reports document compliance with the TAS testing standards and are signed and sealed by David Johnson, FL PE 61915. PAGE 2 of 6 FILE: CBPC_131211-AJ EVALUATION RCPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS, w5 ^ w8 . The following test reports are based on testing conducted by CBPC-ATC at their Mason testing facility (accredited by ANAB/L-A-B for ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108 testing): CBPC-ATC 13-009 (6/25/13), 13-010 (6/25/13), 1.3-013 (4/29/13), 16-004 (4/4/16), 16-007 (5/16/16) CBPC-ATC 18041 (9/25/18). Product Descr1ptign for doors with MPC PAN -2F153: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min. 25 ga. (0,019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum section height Is 21". These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Molded), Optional Impact -Resistant Glazing is a one-piece injection -molded front frame and glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 84A, 94, 98, 73, 75, 1500, 190, 4RST, 4F, 4RSF, 6RST, 6RSF, 48, 48B, 42, 42B, 55, 55S, GD5S, GD5SV, GRSS, GR5SV, AR5S, ARSSV, ED5S, ED5SV. Not all models may be shown on given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC PAN -2F143: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan doors with min. 24 ga. (0,022") outer skins. The steel skin is at least G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 21", The sections may have EPS foam insulation inserted Into the pan cavity. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 84A, 94, 4F, 4RST, 4RSF, 48, 48B. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Product Descriotlon � with_K_l?A_N�- . 443:, These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan doors with min. 24 ga. (0.022") outer skins. The steel skin is at least G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24 The sections may have EPS foam insulation inserted into the pan cavity. These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Aluminum), Optional Impact - Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: G4S, GS4, GD4S, GR4S, G4SV, GS4V, GD4SV, GR4SV, E4S, ED4S, E4SV, ED4SV, MR4S, SS4, AR4S, MR4SV, SS4V, AR4SV. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing, Product De _I; ptionor oars_wlth MpC_�6N These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min. 25 ga. (0.019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653, Sections may have 1-5/16" insulation captured in the cavity of the pan section. The maximum section height is 21 The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 76, 75L, 2RST, 76V. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC PANSP-2F153: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min. 25 ga. (0.019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653. Sections may have 1-5/16" Insulation captured In the cavity of the pan section. The maximum section height is 21 These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing in either the top section or the next -to -the -top section. Optional Impact -Resistant Glazing Is a one-piece injection -molded front frame and glazing, The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 73SP, 15SP, GD5SSP, GD5SPV. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing, PAGE 3 of 6 FILE: CBPC_i31211-A.7 EVALUATION REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS, WS ^ wA Product Description for doors with MPC PANSP-2F156: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan sections with min, 25 ga. (0.019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DDS per ASTM A653, Sections may have 1-5/16" insulation captured in the cavity of the pan section. The maximum section height is 21". These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing in either the top section or the next -to -the -tap section. Optional Impact -Resistant Glazing is a one-piece Injection -molded front frame and glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 76SP, 76VSP. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. �ect_De. cri tion for doors withJ�G ��X.P�9.1,Z1µ These doors consist of 1-3/8" double -skin insulated sections with an EPS core laminated to both skins. Both inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0.016") G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 21". The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 2050, 4050, 2051, 4051, 2053, 4053, 62, 62G, 62LG, 6130, 65, 65G, 6131, 64, 64G, 6133, 135, SDP38, 136, SFL38, 134, SRP38, Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Produ�� ripti9nfor_dgars with MPC DSIV -1F471• These doors consist of 2" double -skin insulated sections with polyurethane insulation foamed in place between both skins. Both Inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0.016") G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact - Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: GD2SU, GR2SU, GD2LU, GR2LU, AR2SU, ARKU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202, HDPC20, 7202, 8202, MFC68CU, 9205, HDPR20, MFR68U, 7205, 8205. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Product DescElptIgn fq' doors with MPC DSIE-1F471: These doors consist of 2" double -skin insulated sections with an EPS core laminated to both skins. Both inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0.016") G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact -Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: GD2SP, GR2SP, GD21.P, GR2LP, AR2SP, AR21_P, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, MFR68, 6205, SFR68. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC SP�F449; These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan doors with min. 24 ga. (0.022") outer skins. The steel skin Is at least G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". The sections may have decorative overlays. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: GHnn, GHRnn, GHRvnn, SPnn, SPVnn, SMnn where "nn" represents the configuration of the overlays. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. PAGE 4 OF 6 FILE: CBPC_131211=A.7 EVALUATION RF,PORT FOR CLOPAY BUILUING PRODUMS CUMPANY SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS, Wb - W8 Product Description for doors with MPC W-1899: These doors consist of 1-9/16" wood door sections with hemlock rails and stiles and decorative cladding and overlays. The maximum section height is 28". These doors may have optional Glazing. Optional Glazing is not impact resistant. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: RHxx, where "xx" represents the configuration of the cladding and overlays. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Product Description for doors with MPC PAN -2F446: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan doors with min. 24 ga. (0.022") outer skins. The steel skin is at least G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". The sections may have EPS foam insulation inserted into the pan cavity. These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact - Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: G4L, GL4, GD4L, GR4L, G4LV, GL4V, GD4LV, GR4LV, E4L, EM, E4LV, ED4LV, MR4L, SL4, AR4L, MR4LV, SL4V, AR4LV. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. product Description for doos�y��th MPC PAN -2F441: These doors consist of 2" thick steel pan doors with min. 24 ga, (0.02211) outer skins, The steel skin is at least G40 per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". The sections may have EPS foam Insulation inserted into the pan cavity. These doors may have optional Impact -Resistant Glazing (Aluminum), Optional Impact - Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing. The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: 4F4, GD4S, ISMS, GD4SV, GR4SV, ED4S, ED4SV, AMS, AR4SV, GD41L, GR4L, GD4LV, GR4LV, ED4L, ED4LV, AR41L, AR41_V. Not all models may be shown on a given drawing. Impact Resistant cJa21ngr(_M_Q,1d9d)1 The optional impact resistant glazing is an_injection-molded polycarbonate front frame and glazing (GE LEXAN SLX2432T) that Is an approved CI. plastic in accordance with testing required by the Code. Approval based on review of the fallowing tests: HETI-06-AO02 ASTM G155; HETI-06-T566 ASTM D638 (before); HETI-06-T634 ASTM D638 (after); ETC -06-1024-17496,0 ASTM D2843, ASTM D635, ASTM D1929. Impact Resistant Glazing (Aluminu 2)_ The optional Impact resistant glazing Is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing that Is an approved C1 plastic in accordance with testing required by the Code. Approved polycarbonate materials are 5abic IP Lexan 9034 (versions also approved: MR10, 9030, 90318, 90316, 90317, 90311, 90314, 90355) and gayer Makrolon GP (versions also approved: SL, AR, 15). Approval based on review of NOA 13-0717,01 (Sabic IP, exp, 7/17/18) and NOA 12-0605,05 (Bayer, exp. 8/27/17). Limitations: The drawing(s) cited above are an explicit part of this evaluation report. The text of this report does not attempt to address all design details and relies on the illustrations and text of these drawings as well, PAGE 5 or 6 FILE: CBPC_131211•A.7 EVALUATION REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY 5ECnONAL GARAGE DOORS, Wb n W6 Jambs, lintels, sills or other structural elements required to prepare openings are not covered. The design of the supporting structural elements shall be the responsibility of the professional of record for the building or structure and in accordance with current building codes for the loads listed on the drawing(s) referenced above. Installation requirements per the relevant Florida Administrative Rule, including attachments, are detailed on the drawing(s) listed above. Installation must be In accordance with manufacturer's installation Instructions and must be as shown on the drawing(s) listed above. The manufacturer's licensed design professional listed on the drawing(s) has reviewed the attachment details and Installation requirements. Signature: Scott Hamilton, P. E. Florida P. E. No. 632£36 `%s 0.. i , I -I.... E N 8"" it No 2 6 r!' ATE O rrr0. <OR,OP�`�,, 141811111111*0 PAGe 6 or 6 Pa.e: CBPC_131211-A.7