HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO'MUST-BSCONlPlETEO FORAPPLICAT[ON Ta BE ACCEPTED.. Perm _ rtNirmEser��o..� son •�•.. RECEIVEa. Bu:_tdirt r-ermit Appl�catton Plonnrng and Qevelogmenrsenrrces MAY 14 2020 Burlding and Code Regulatrorr Dlvrsron 23001rrrgrrfraAvenue,FortP�erceFL34982 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Phone:(772j:462 1553, Fax (772)_462=1rs. Commercla:l .... ----- Residential x- PEP,M'[T AP.PLITION FOR Other° Address: 25�ORDA;WAY Legal[)escription SECTION 26..'TOW1VSHIP 35s;F ANGE 40aw 41t1701-00Property TaxI Lbt'No . SPANISH L faKES ONE -SrtePlan Name; _ - Biock W. ..- Pro�e.ct=Name:, ..:Setbacks Ff6nBack :qQ" Right-Side:',13�?'" L'eft Srde i36"' ,, - IEDQSCRfi a O' WORKIRI s - 25�OPSI 4"THICKNESS`= ?HEPRIM. DOES [OOT BUTT;UP TO THE',:.MOBILE HOME rR moria vvorK to be, a rtorme un, ert ►s permR -c ec a app y - - r ❑HVAC Gas Tank Ga$.Prprng ;_S.utte_m Q WindowsJDoors Electtie [JF rh:Wh Sprinklers"< a Generator Roof " EJ ,:Total Sq',Ft.of'Gons€ri dion: 840 ;:S .,F,t- fFrst Floor: Cost of.Construction. 1,764-Q0 lJtrlifies sewer' SWvnmffi_�TISR HOME epti Burldirig Height' r. _NdmeWYf NE BUILDING CORPORATION. Name: MATTHEW LYLE WYNIVE -- P Y 8000'SOUTH_,U : WYHWY 1 SUITE402' VWNNE DEVELQPMENT CORF?ORAT1CiN Address .,.. FORT ST,LUCIE Fk Crty '" � .' _ . _ . . . .State'_, Address 8000 SOUTH US:1-iWY.'1-:SLt1;fE:402 , Zrp Code 34952 FaX (7 )878-7656 Cry; PORT;ST.LUGIE: E Mail: _ .. __. .__ .__ Phone No. (772)878 5513 Fifi,in!fee.s'imple Ttle:'Holder on next.page;'O different E Mail:.. from the Owner Irsted above);- Stateor County License 8898 Ifvalue of construetiOn is$2500'or md_,;6;RpcORDED-NOtice ofCommencement:rs requered'. �- - — - IMAN' will DESfGNER ENGINEE[t� x _.-_ Npf AppttpbI . .. _ .. —_ r , . , ORTGAGE=COMPANY.= X____tVotAppi M ,Name. tVame, -. Address State Zlp= P.'horve _ ;FEE SIMPLETtTLE N0_LQER = Not Appttcatte ;B'ONDtNG COMPANY.: Nat applicable Address; ,Address: = Cr Zlp:. Phone: Zip'_ PPlone t:c„ert,�'y,thatnoworkgriGis�alfatlon has�comrPerrced gnoroklie�ssuanceof'a.perr►i,�; , St Luce Conn, makes no;represerttat on that,sigranting:a percn,x�u,ll,authorize the perm,t'balder"ta build the subject structus e ih,ch s,n conict with arty applicable Home Owners Assotnat,on rules;bylaws or'andtcov"enants that.may estrict.or prohib,t suckl Y, Y structure.Please consult w,th opt Home.dwners 4ssocia#,bn aric rev,ew, urdeed for.any.,.resth-ctions.whrchmay:applT In,consdeSat,on.:ofthe; ' gran#mg-af�#his regnested permit,C�:do�erebY agree:that[will,rn alt respectsY perform�tfie".work ; 'naccotdance�withthe dpproved:plans t6e.06nd6BAt4ding CodBsantl,St,Luce Eagot.,' endments; The follow, g b4ild,ng_permct appficat►ons are exempt from under`go,ng a'fu[I tonciif rency rewew room additions,. :accessory structures,swimming;,pools,fences;walls,s,gns,screertwroomsavd accessory usestd another van`=resident}al use WARNING TO:OWNEli Yonrfarlure t9 Record a Notice ofCommencertent may tesutt in your paying tvwce or improvemerxtskto your prop_ A,l4 trce df Co mmencernent,.must_be recorded and posted on the jobsite: Before the first ittspectrarx 1€you intend to obtain finer crng,consult.;wrth„lehder or=.an.attorney b6f6re commencin :-wo.rkor-recordiii ,. .our Notice:of"eorn encern nt . .” _ - .� 7, o - ®- `� PSignature.-of'Qwnee/Agent Lessee 51gnattire"of Corttractor/1 cense Holder,.: STATE OF FLOMbA .;STATE OF FlORIt):% ; COUNTY OF s=, ; . COUNTY OFs_ _ The forgoinginstrument was acknowledged before me- "The forgoing instrumentwast acknowledged before=me th,sdayof" �4` 20�?by, thEsdaygf_ YYf:4=�1 _x20fgj4Y r _. ... f�ATMEWLYLE 1 tNATTtiEVYLYLEtIVYPIt (Name of persanacknouriedging {Name of person acknowiedg,ngy) tr (5ignatLre of"Plo Riiblic.:Sfafe:af Florida l _• ' (Scgnature of"NotaDl?_Film State of'Flocitla .Personalty Known, x (�R Produced Ident�ficatiort�- s Personally Knowh X__ OR;P�oduced•Ident<fitattor _ Type ofadentificatian Produce-d _ Type of'Ident,fcat,ort -roduced Gommisston „ �� Gomm,s5ron No,- ' " . OORt3 N BASKIN N '" �t MYCOhfMSSiON#GGK63D145 Iz I-s �F MYC041 SStONgGG}36t"45 EXPIRES Qgtobea,,�2620 ReCVjk_ 1�7f r eEsq; 8M4edlliNNo�ryPubrkr�1i162tttziiecs tees _ REVtE1NS FRON{T Z. NfNG SUPERVISOR :PLANTS. VEGETATION SEA`Tt1RTCE MLiNGROVE LOUN(TER REVIEW REUIEIN� ;t2EVIEIN= gEV1EW REUIEIN' REVIEW GOMPL'ETE•. ;'1NMAU5<