HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPUCABLE,,INFO MUST SE:COMPLETEE FOR.APPUCATION.TO gt-ACCEPTED DateWar is '� �. '� Perm Number _ RECEIVED }vG . - }$ Building Permit Application ta�rrarg and Aevetr��ment services; MAY 14 2020 , BurldrrtgandCocfeRegulntrbnt? ST. Lucie County, Permitting ;�23,QD�rgrnra�venrre FortPrer`ceFL34982 „P ON9(7722462 3553 kosldent al P ERMlTAl'PTtF(3Rrx, MGM Mp I ME Address: Cegat De'scnptian � �.�` 9! ►SI �, t= _ P,roperty,'TaxJ0,4 X414 60�<g T01-09 / = 5ite.t'!an[Varner a�PP11SH lf=�S,91alE: Biock Na,: - Vroject;me:,,,_.. Setbacks . FrontS `10' k: X44! 'BacW l ght5ide _.. _ t eftStde ' rTliuFf, VV,Ill, Mill'I'll 1111 M MC3BIL iH�?At E FO. ' [ itiara wor" to P ej a armee �IH1/AG„ _�as,Tank �Gas_Pping Shutters :Windows/E7oors E3Electcic Q Plumbing; �SRnriklers ;Gdnecator n Roof i TgtaLSq;;Ft of'Construction.;935 ° S Ftbf First.Floors Cost,ofGonstruc ion r$x9,965f�0 UtFtttie5 Sewer QSeptic Bttwtd�ng Height' dame W1fNNE ltll.!?1NG Cti�PORA'[i4N:... Ntame MATThlEW LYLE WYNNE 800t1, 9UTH(!S HVA' 1 S !lTE402' NNE DEVEL{?PMEIyT CORPOR,4TfON Address:; _ Company._ .. _. . _ tY Pt31�T ST.LtiCIE, .State FL. Address 8 O SOUTH US"MINY 1 ASUITE4{12; :Zip Code 34952 Tax,-`,(772)378-7656. City P..ORTtST LUCIE State FL, Phone Ivo (�2}'` 73-55#,3 Zip Code,34952:. __ FaX.(77 ,),878-765& E M,atf; ... - II[tnfeesimpleTltieHotcter:ort.aext:page,(,,if"differen# E.Mail from:-the Owner listed:above) State or County Ucense, �` Jf mlue:of construcUgn is$2500 or."m'ore a.RECOROED Nance of Commencement a regctirecf" tY wk- C�ESTGIYER(ENGIIQtER X_INpt Applieab1eY MClRTGAG COIWPAN! x-Nab Applicable . Name: Address = - addre �1 Stag � �arty _- Std s An; Phoney? RE SIMPLE TITLEMOLDER ,°Not Ap .lieable BONDINGtdMPANY: it"_Not Applicable Name Address" Address,, Crty Qt1? Zip. - Phone: ..P,µ [certifythat no urork or Enstallaftarr has commenced prior to thersswaRcewof a.:permtt:; St Luae:Coun%pakes,no representafian'thatis:ganting a permr well authorne the permit holder to"6u�td'the subject strucEure,:, which is"tri con°fircE bvrtfs a`nyapplteable Hdme Qwners AssoaaUontrufes,tiytaws orand covenant .tisat may'restrrtt<ar p`rofirbit'such structure,Pfease coruu(t with ydtriorrre�lwners lkssotidon_andrevrew.your deed far anr.riMetians which may apply.. ; [ncomide-rattan ofthe grenting.of this:requested;permrt,l da hereby agree that!will, a in i!_respects,perfgrm the_Mork_t. in accorrlancewiththe'approvee!plans,the Florida Buiidn'gCociesandSt tuC�eCountyAmeridments: Thefo!lowing bv�lctmg pe,"rmitappltcationsar'.aop 'tfrorn and r ping A., -'0 aincurkeni c review :raom-addrt6ns, accessory-,structuress�ncimmrrrg;p'ools,:,fertces,wails,signs;=screen ooms apd accessory usesto,a ether non resld n ia!use WARNING TCF>OWNE.R Yoyr failure to Reo�c!a Nglace a�f`Commencement may=resultin yourpayEngWtwue far improvements to your property A Not►ce:of Commencement must be recorded,olid posted on the jobsPte Cefore the first ms;ection•_If au.trtend t obtain finarP cin� A gf:consu[tx.wtth•(ender or.an attorney before `.comrnencin �r+vork�or recardin ,'.our:Notice of.Commencemerit:, k _ Si attire of.Owner :.=- gn f/agent/Lessee, S�gnatute,oft;Qrtitracto/Lrcense'Ho(der 5, ATE OF FLOilt IDA, SSTATE.OP FLORIDA- :<COCINTY OF ;iur : CCiLINTY OF-sr rhe _ TFre forgoing instrument was acknowledged before-me `rheforgoing rnstrument.was acknowledged befbe me this. day.of" this' da af,:. f4 20 _ R -- nnaxs-riiiw uhEbvYc;ii,� ,_,_ - �narn-iFvrLY�w , (Name of person acknowledging ,jName�ofpgrson acknowledgrng) t (Signature of Ndta uEilirc State,of Florida) (Signature of Nita dliiic State of Florida j; Pers:ynally tCnown QR,P,r„oduced'Identification Rersonally Knouun x-_ QR Produced Identification Type of fdentiiication Produced __._ - Type of[dei7tRficatton Prdduced _ _-. Commission No: }� ^DORCIIOE�I BAiSRiK ;t0himission.No: �P DOROTHY AN til YXOMMISS(�N30t45 (y�'(COMMISS(ON#G�03o�45 = �: Octo5er_ 2020. -- on. r BO+tidCdThruNeta�'PuM+C,Ilf3deiWnlEfS; - �tra f O frXRIRES October 2 20 Ttev�sed 071IS/ FtV1EVfrS FRONT ZC}NIi�G SUPER UISOR PLARS VEG'ETATPQN SEA1'UItTLE MANGROVE” G©LINTER. ftEVlEtN ;REVIEW iiEV1EUU° REVRi IEv1f : JL REVIEW' 'DATE- Cf3MPLETE, ; NI77AlS _ . :