HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMIPEE 1 ED FOR IAPPEICA 1019 10 BE ACCEPTED Date: � i Lf 160 kwpgmj c,ONTRACTuR: Name O'(-'d'Clh 19arrne:Dennis Zacek A00ress: c{V. ZAA k i)lu N. Address:2800 US HWY 1 V L 0 RT D A .....t Services ts.,id:..g and Code Regularion Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Torr Fierce FL Phone: (/ tz) z;15z-1J73 Fax: (/ //-j z;6L-1]/zi PERIVII I I YPE: Permit Rumner: Buildhig Purmit Application Commercial Re3iftmtial X I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: --1 Address: I Z-7 QUUEr iS K-cj rot -t PterCEI p 1 34 4 q{ Property Tax ID #: V1 ('-1 161 O 19W:�) Lot No. L site Plan Mame: X7"-5 VA BIoCR no. I `t Project Name: ,�UN8nLZC,Q [ rl�ah I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Enact AC changeout, no duct work, 3 ton, t seer, [ Rvv 5+oma,l Y=r,uaKw -to [CONSTRUCTION INFORMATIuN: Additional work to be performed under this permit- check all that apply: Mechanical -Gas i ank Gas Pipirs _ Shutters Windows/Doors _ Fiectric _ Plerrnbin6 _ Sprinklers _ Generator Root PitcR Total Sq. Ft of Construction: aq. Ft. or First Floor: C031 or Construction: g OO Utilities: _ sewer _ peptic 6eildi-5 Hei6ht: OWNERAESSEE: c,ONTRACTuR: Name O'(-'d'Clh 19arrne:Dennis Zacek A00ress: c{V. ZAA k Company:r.RS City:- �t�t�: �`( Address:2800 US HWY 1 Zip Code: t -/-7j0-'> Fax: City. vero Seacn State: FI Phone Igo. SlK��- 5 5U`'( �j _ Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: PRone Ido {772) 794-7205 Fill in Fee simple i We Rolder on next pare i if different E -Mail mgi,lis�—w-ars.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License CMC1249753 IT value oT aon3traction I. $zsoo or more. a RECORDED NQaice of Commencement is requires. IT slue of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECURVED Notice or Commencement is re -sired. SUPPLEMENTAL X41951 RUL II IUN EIE19 ww IRFURMA I ION: DESIGNER/ ENGINEER: _ NUL Applicable MOR g7omGE LC:RaIPwMY: Nut Applicable Narrle: Namm: AddrC»' Address: City: State: City: State: cip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMIPCE i I i CE ROEDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPAN 1: Mot AppliLable Name: Dame: Address':'- ddress:city: Addre5,: City: Ci.y: Zip: Phone: zip:. I'Mone: DwNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is Ilereb, rn..ae to o5tai„ a pe, mit to do the work and installation as ineicaten. I ecrtify tFiat no work or ins.alladon has commences prior to the issuance of a permit. at. Eucie amounty maRe., „o reprcsentotio., that is grandris a permit will authorize Me permit Iloltler to Uuilil the �e6;ert ,tructure which is in conflrct wild any applicable RUM. U-ricr3 A,3ociation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or proniRit ,erR struc.ure. Please consult with your Rome Owners ►assoei,.tion .ana your deed for any res.riCLions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this reque,tea perrnit, I ao Fiereby arree that I will, in all respects, perform the worn in aaeaM--Ree -itR tRe approved plans, .he Florida Building Colles anti x. Lucie Count, Amenllrncntr. The following building permit applications aFe e;;ernpt rrorm en8ergoing a full concurrency review: room aetlitions, accessor9 struc.ures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, sercen Peom9 an8 oueessor-y uses to ano.her non-residential use "nAKNINC 10 OnNtR: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NO.iiCir Or COMMENCEMENT MAT KESOEI IN YOUR PAYING vvlCE AOR IIIIPRvyEMtNc5 10 YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COmmENCEIIIENi IIIOSa BE RECOKDED AND POSTED ON EIIE .jVB SRE BEFORE IRE FIRS INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO 081.4I111111 rINANCING- CuMbULI W■�■• v •ffC VR 44" A1. a VKI\C7 Dr-rUKt 1KIMUKu1rU4 TUUK NUIILL OF [UMMENCEMc101111. -&�M-� swk 1 u—&tk�" 3&jx 3ignatar'e yr O-ne,/ C ee/Contractor as Agent for Owner zignature or Contracto i�en,e Flvlaer STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF �-Ltuuieyounty COUNTY OF S;LuLi■ voenty I Fie f—going instrument was acknowledged before me I I Ile - ins in t, a ... ent ao3 acknowledged before me this llu, or _J 20 by this May or __ _ jAzCi ( tClW by Denni- Z—R Dennie Zawk Name of person making statement, rV pnc yr per3on rm.Ring.tatement. Per,erl.-Il, Icno.,,n OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR P,otlecca 18entirscation x iype or laentirioution Type of Identification Pro0ucetl Driver License Produced eri mr J -nee (:4nat r .,rIQota� yy Peblic- Stat of Florida) A Okr Q of I9ota� r Public- 5 of Florida ) Commission ivo. --,71 MELISSA %xim, r-AUNEUF Commission Ido. ov �.o„a MELISSA CHATEAui!EuF Mwd f Florida - Notary Imixie Comm1111�119 GG 440178 Waco oT Florida - Notary Pualo h Commission 9 GG 3Yu1 f rink y , Cornmi— E..r s �y 30. zvza REvIEvv� FRO R pmmz' VE13EINIIDI turn rL 000imiER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REviEvv REvIEvv REVIEW DATE RECEIVED COMPLETED JJA iV ` w ; • Installation Work Order Est. Completion Cate _g-31- ( k t /'!!] 53-/-5100 Cerporaty Ceuta ... c 2800 U3 Highway 1, vero Be=, FG 32960 relations Arnencen Res dential Services of Florid_ I_.- i -F-n , tk CMC 1249753, CAC045878, CFC 142$2153 (866) 803-0879 CUSTOMER Awe Coy EMAIL r a�}}�TT. e.,m oQ. j] X13 rG G CITY/STATE,21 ort p: W y^15 { 1 rlo.v[ R1oR c[[[ RIoR[ WORK PHONE YOUR HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN OPTIONOPTION 2 OPTION SIZE JT�n TYPE IZETYPE' TEFFlClEYj(--A"4' 51=d s3 � c YPe l r\ `+ F Flt IENCY cef C/ Cl41CIdRCY �7� JTo $ _iii F� `----.._$$-fso $ SUBTOTAL $ 6133 531irvIAL rte ! 0146�p SUBTOTAL 33ti MON IHLT ESI.* $ T.. 4 M�,N.HLi EST.• $ U135TOMER I II IALS IALS 03 CUSTOMER INITIALS W rr-nty: Part: __. aLTo� W..rr y: Pa.. , Labar Warran y: �� Parts _�. iwp�er �Re.t F3ieRa avr �=pra:uur _--_Re..; Ex..ha.g Compressor Heat Exchange Refrigerant recoveMM aiz 3ispose3 of as required by law. wmplete clean up including use of floor: -wale to pretevt your herwe mid removal of existing equipment nil wodt completed a dome in --eerD._.ee with mi --ting aMa- i -.d permitz, - required. SPECIFICS OF 3ELEUiw7jPTIvN: 01 02 OS IN W.-th.rpr-f to co-mr•.ac' ;o Eic.e;ing ❑ ironic Air qeWer SUBTOTAL $ Disconnect Electrical- 510 n © dia Filter -- ALifet'w a Egerpivbnt 31-b (WNe.; Plywood Doak 0 PC $ O50und Isolation Pads 14 Reconnect Crain Line ❑ DV LI Ligeia Tit. C:ondar-, `- tO Uailing S. --r Ki, G Humi i r,., Jtart Kit 5 i o.. (Pan & Float) 3 � ; - p Duh -:di r TOTAL IINROrigero.a LL Dryor_ ® M --n D .;rl 5..6ty 5-tch 1Kl Ve;door Uni; Pad 1KRelriger-rit Mpe MJ Seal New wnnections aw4cer-mmft ❑ Nv- dR3 R..onnoo; ® S,.ppe z 11,7;�u Equipmen; 9 Ductw=rk wnneetierre ❑ CASH ❑ CREUK# ri Suppl, Menem q 14,6p..nsion V.�Ivo M Ne- 4P Rawa-rivet E4 Electrical Wiring 0 C;REDrr CMD (C{51 4#a) T ctat - rypeY WRetum Plenum S.r Homo Sewioe Plan — V ❑ Ne- Q ReeeRReet 1 Term (364 a- o) t'nP _ APPRC7vAL OUR GUARANTEES ba U6mifon Geara.,;aQ M F.,me Prcawu don Guarantee FINAP-JU CG* W24 -Hour Service Guarantee 100% Unconditienai Mersey -Back Go—t- 'Payment options a=cable -th .moved credit • I,. I ovknemledgv th..t my right tv e....oel h...-. beon ewplwined to me veally and in n. ging, —d viiihout waiving ray right to cancel, I authorize perform—. w of ;he vr.,rk abiou; ., all .rm. a.d aondhions set forth on the reverse s0e hereof, plus any taxes upon completion. Buyer's Right w Cancel: Inds la a Rome selh-amuon sola, and I you do not walR u; pods or sauces, you may us -1 thi= agnemozi by providing written mWao to taller in person, uT telegram, or By mail. This niiuce most iopleate wat you do oak want we eoods or sarlriias anp must be delivered or pEftrked bel.= rehfolght of thin &-mlessa day after you .1pn this ap. •.merit. If you carical this sgroeme;I4 the salter may a.m. M, all or part of any easy flown payment. see me reverse side he for ..0 "pl;-."odoT of thd: ripbt. �J • Matin To UNw: (s lid UR,=:Iars MR Improvement contract le bhr& (b. You - eaWN to a copy of tha>t[ te wiffi he time you sign. Keep p to PW you l;F RM (e. This.-. impmintmeal contract may =We a MMM or dumitlse croute a IRR on -r Instantly that enld Be wremsoaaa w R you de oat pay. ll;m you andeffiaa III provisions d the contract b11H you sipn ^e. 8 �� / CU R GNATURE DATE .,n7r[�2Rfi,-:� ce�TVli:n slvla,..�n[ DATE DATE e :r ; e —nc n ne,; ienl® ..ices [.!•e..... rigllla t Ris com5mation qualities t-r - Feavrbl Eric.-iii Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 3 r, LV 19. Geffificate of Product Ratings AHRI C�rtifiud Rufcrence Number: 7942207 Date: 9/1/2016 Product: Split System: Air-Cooley Conaensing Unit, Coil wlsFl Slower Outtloor unit Mo'ael NumQer: rva toaoA;j-t Indoor Unit Model Number: RH1T3617STAN Rlanuracturer: RAEERI aAEEa LvRIPAn T, INC. Trade/Brand name: RHEEM; RUUD Region: All ILAR. A[_ AR_ AG, CA, CU_ C I. DC_ DE, FL, GA. AI, ID, IC, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, Mi, RIA, 111110, 1111b: m i. AC, NO, NE, NH; NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Nose: Centrai air conaitionera m-neT-azaraa Prior to Janua.; 1, 2015, are eligible to be ;rlstalled in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016, central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet trie regional ernciency requirement, aeries na... a: Manuracturer responsiaie for the razing oT tnis -yutam crams..-ti... is RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/24U-4ft for unitary Air-Conshloning anti Airmource Heat Pump Equipment an'a su8jeM to verification of rating accuracy 0, ARRI-apanaorea, iidependent, third parry testing: Looiing Capaciry (Siel1): .35400 EER Rating (Cooling): 13.00 -EER Rating (Coelin9): 16.00 IEER Rating (Cooling): ' RA,:; felleved by an-zalrisk (') indiea:e a MonZry rme.a er p�2009q pURliwROG Gula. Crile§a Gocvmpa,l� wi�� a Wno whim inaiwtes an involuntary aerate DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(sp listed on this Certificate rod m:ke: eo rape=aetatlee--, --.-restive er ga.ranteva -a to, and u=enrea n. reaponAbilLy far, :ho pr.ao..ysi limuc on this trersrraat. ,.MRI expressly a,ad.Inns all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the 11n-MhepI;Wd on of data 11--td on thio Certlfbrte. Co. tified retinas ax :-lid only fey mvaels no cvnngm..avns lista Ir, :Re alrectory at—w.anrldlteotory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS -is eartla. at an.. its,..,ments ate proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal _ed eanfideeUM mferenee pe.peaea. The e.nterr= of :his Certlfie :e fir-y rrvr, in wwlc .r in part, � reprwecev; wple..; aissami...reu, entered Into a computer database: or otherwise utilized, in an,- form or m-seep =r b, ar, a-sept fvp the a _r' o IndlAdezi, peraenal -nv rc.c—nce. ...R—aRr.MuNING, HEATING. ..ER T IFICATE VERIFICATION & REPRIGER..-.R rR--E The infermatian f.r :he rn.del cited on t is aortill—io mn , e oriaea a: www.aRrl.I—. .ry..rg, elieR on 'd.rby Certlfleate' link p nldk- Id- beli-r and enter the AHRI Certified Referee,. Nqmbo. _nd the date ve -hivh the eertlfieate --� i..-aed, ;;icR Is Hate- .w.c. aria tee aertiuca.e ..o.. wHICR is listed at bottom right 02014 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Insdtute CERTIFICATE NO.: 13117204512112on75 This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy ANNE?& Efficiency Tax Creair when placeaa in service SCERTIFIEEr or Between Poo -i t, 4005 anti Dec s -i, z0i6. Certificate of Product Ratings mRR1 CeRiTIen Reverence IQumler: fgzFif74 Date: 9/1/2016 Protlwief: split 5,atam: Air -Coolie Condensing Unit; Coil with Blower Outtlaor 0rlit M.del Number: RA1660AJ1 Indoor Unit Moael RumQer: III I Qv'aFa IHR Manufacturer: RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. I raaerBrantl name: RREEM: R0013 Region: All (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, KT, CRI Mm. MCI, me, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NR, Ru, RM, RV, Rr, OR, UR, vR, rA_ Ri. 51. aD, 1 R, IAA 01, vA, v 1. vvA. vvv. vvl, vvT, 0.a. Iterritories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 4013, are eligiBle to Be Installed in all regions until aune 30, c0 Io. Beginning July ,, A016, central air comaitiorlara can only 13e lnstallea In regionts) roe 7.fi:al'i ti'la, maat tela regional efficient, requirement. Series name: Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is RHEEM SAES CvmPMN T, IRC. Rarelf as rollows In accoMance witn AF1RI atanual0a A-IDIZ40-ZODU To.- Unitary Air-Conditionin- and Air -Source Phot Pump EMulpment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, Independent, third party testing. Cooling Capacity (13tuh): 58000 EEIm Raring (Cooling: 13.00 SEER Rating (Cooling): 16.00 PEER Rarina (Coolinyy ' Radngs rvEowvv By an asterisR (•) indicate a voluntary rerale of preMousty published data, unless aeeomliaried =th a WAS. -hicq 'idiLaldv as inal■etaq rerete i 013cr,.I1HER AHRI devc net.nd.rae :he produv.(a) Ihtd .n ,him Certlflcam -ria maRes nv rvprosenwcivns, aarrami- or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibilky for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI e._pwssly dl-l_in,= _II II_billry f_: d-reagvo of an; kind arieing eat of thu ew er p.rferrnanee of :h. prodo�(s). or ,Ry o„aot"urizvo alceracivn vY gaze lista .,n chis CerUacate, Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the direct=r; et--.ahrldl:.ct.r;.=re, TERMS -FIE C0..1l17luft This Certifl=-tv and Its vnt.ets _r.'r.,dvta.,' products v} AHRI. Thlz Ce. titivate shall only be used far indiade,.l, personal aria AM, -n„a.naal r.T.re..ce purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not. In whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; dlssemlrr:t=d; .ntered Into a w -peter d --.-b-=; or �herwi- e:IILGo, In any form or manrvr or By any mans, e,cep: tvr elle user's inai.iooal, personal and Confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION *REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www._hddlF----t.r,-._rg, ulluk ■- °V=rlf, C.itifl._t■' link ,r a�ak� lie f�erer and .ntr lh. AHRI CeRiflva 1110vren— Rurnoer aria Me gat on wRicR cffv cvrVir-ate was issued, which Is listed above, and the Certlfl-to No., -hl=h I_ IL -ted at bettwm fight c0iw ^w-conaidoning, Rearing, anti ReTrigerarlon IRsdrera CERTIFICATE No.: 131172044523479082 Michelle Franklin; Lr -LA -- Saint Lucie uzurity Pmpurty Apprai3ar -- All riuntu Muerved. Properry Itiendricadon 5:« Address. rarcei w: Map lu: U.,e l"l,o: Zoning: [.:t"C.v= .t'. Ovvnership 1--== Ce -:da . (LF EST) 429 Danna 1o.11= DR S..hcnecmdy, NY 12303 Legal De3crlpdon QUEENS COVE -UNIT 1- BLK 19 LOT L(OR 3247-83; 4136408) Curren Valucb Just/Market Value: $552.900 assessed value: 1;652,900 1✓Tc pttoas: au iaxaele vajue: ,5652,900 Properly taxes are suDjecz iLo change upon change of ownership. • P__t t��e7 =F ..e[ � .pliable peejz�tio : of fet�rti t e:. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all e��e:ptiee , _.w, 3mc.-.: caps, a, -.d sp—I«I c633ific3dU..3. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectors vff:.e Ue-..le-ZI 1 KIM Ie.- In::; N..-Ccl: Do W Rload PDF 127 QUEENS RD 1414-701-0193-Ov17-5 7599 14-14S 01130 RS -4 Count 5a:et Le.:. Ceetlty Total Areas t;r.isHcd/Urider Air (SF): 4,119 Gross SKetciiea Area (3r): 6,+55 L..r1a Size 0.27 .and Size tarp: 11,953 All bclivTcd io be cvrrcd al this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. CoNyright 2020 Saint Lucie County rroperty appraiser. RLI rights reserves.