HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit applicationAll APPLICAME INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATiOM TO BE ACCEPTED Date: .5/17/2020 Permit Number. Building Permit Appllcafo®n Planning and DevelopmentServices Building and Code Regulation Division 2.3GO Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34952 Phone_ (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address 236 Rmmini nr Fort Pi - Legal Description: Coral Cove Beach Commercial Residential X Property Tax 113#: 1425-701-0044-000-0 Lot No. 4 Site Plan Name: Block No. 3 Project Name: Setbacks Front Sack: flight Side: Left Side: Mechanical ^ Gas Tank ^ Gas Piping —Shutters Windows/Doors Electric X PIumbing _Sprinklers Generator ^Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sy. Ft_ of First Floor: Cost of Construction; $ 1100-00 utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Height - F a q Name Richard Virain _ Dame: Daniel Fekete Address: 236 Rimini Dr Company: Precise Plumbing City. Fort Pierce state: El address: 1514 Black Bear Ct Zip Code: 34949 Fax: City: AnnnA _State: -El Phone No. 352-302-1816 zip Cade: _ 32712 Pax: E -Mail: Phone No352-196-0154 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E -Mail from the owner listed 2hove) State or Gounty License dd 42 646 if value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. _x � I � "N."InESISMEP MORTGAGE COMPANY: __�. NotAppiicable GQi llr illntApp[icable Name- S�reaf#bntractar/licEiseHaider Names STATE € F FLORlQA courawa Indian River Address- The fargainginstrument was acknowledged heForeme Address; t Ts__ Z day ufll/l ay , zu_20 by city_ State: Ciy_ state.-- tate.zip; zip.-Phone PemanallvKnoim� X , OR Produced Identi€iEatian Zip: � Phone: Type ofldentiticE on FEE STII PLEYffEE HDIrD[EtR; Not Appticab[e BONDING COMPANY NotApplicable Name: ` My Commi lon GG 256115 raa 081D812a22 Name: Corn iissi �" (5 Address: PLANS VEGErAMON I SEATURTLE MANGROVE Address: REVIEW REVII w RMEW REVIEW zip—, PbCln� gip: {chane: RECEIVED I�i�fE� +CQNiIGr[�I�A!•!-!#��t # : Appltcazeorr �s nervy E,�EdUC ►u �..wau a Ircaa,i�c .. uu �.... wK...._,.,............._..__--- ---------- I certiytha nu,warkoric.,jnIlation hascammenced priortG he issuance ntapermit. StLucia Cou niakesna€epresenia3onthatisgrantigapermitwiflauthorizethe er,it€ulderinbW(dThaSgI}ects4UctuM aolvFurd�ayaetsraPlYtsuc h rmitwt anypoemeOwneEESAs0c,stiudm�glease ycaHamJ rules, yoen yAY In consideration cffthe granting afthis requested parEnit, I da hereby agreeihatl mall in all respad:s, peribrm the work in samrdanreieri h1hfe approved plans, the Florida Ruikfireg Cadesand St. Eude Cnur:ty Amendment& The fbUowing buil dingpwriltappincations are exempt from undergoinga fail ConcurrencVreview: room additions, accessoryst uresrsustimmingpa[�ls, fences,�neal(s,signs,sc f nroomsa>:daccessory usestoanother non -reside n al use: WAMING TO OWNM, yaur-feilure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resort in your payirlgtwicefor improvements to your proper A Notice of Commencement most be recorded and posted on the johste beforethefist tect'lon. if you intend to obtain financing, cflnsu#twig [ender or an atlorneybefare commencing work or recnrdingVour Notice of Commencement. 5gnattzr Liznrrxerf rPzcee� licraCix3ras�iget�f+Jrfluuner S�reaf#bntractar/licEiseHaider STATE OF FLOI DA COU OF Indian Riv r STATE € F FLORlQA courawa Indian River The#orgainginWumentwasac[mowledgedbefore me The fargainginstrument was acknowledged heForeme this-jd f uF_ M a T '76 -Lo Liy t Ts__ Z day ufll/l ay , zu_20 by Daniel Fekete Daniel Fekete Name ofper-gun n.zakiags=emart. Name of parson makings atement. Pemanally Dawn X ©RProduced ideniiiication PemanallvKnoim� X , OR Produced Identi€iEatian Type ofldenocation Type ofldentiticE on proxlucad Prado (Sgna �*rl'dEjf;alda # fla r } Pamela Dyer-l-lape My icalan GG 25611 ` My Commi lon GG 256115 raa 081D812a22 iamfrEiS ea EerA6f2822 X Corn iissi �" (5 RENEWS FROUr ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGErAMON I SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVII w RMEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE C€)MPIE'ED re-v—.am: 17