HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT -- SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4707948 OR BOOK 4419 PAGE 2845, Recorded 05/14/2020 01:04:04 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT I AsCOMNI,ETEDwriraeCONMUCtIONVALUEExCEEDS$2.+60.06OR '" N HMMG 4R AIR COtWDITIONINA REPMA OR REPLACEMEW ERCEEM 57,500.60 QBmI It #: State of Florida, C111141 of Indian River, S CJ 113, Florida Statutes, the fGHOYvin info The undersigned hereby gives notice that im r g mlation is provided in this Notice cf Commencement ement wi[f be made to certain real r 7 . Legal description of the Property P open• and in accordance with Chapter X7`1+ e rat. q ty (and complete streetOddress if avalloble) 2• General deSCCiption Of improvement:p1 A *'3 c� 1=oeolvP� 3• &owner -information or 32 Lessee information (if the Lessee contracted for tits irriproverraent}: a. Name: '�i lb Ql n (Lc r� a.rt � b. Address: ZyC i C. interest in property:` (cotnpll'fe city name) d- Name &complete address Of fee simple titleholder fitdifferent from Owner listed above}. (stAieJ (zip code) 4- Contractor: a. Name: EDIFICIUM CONSTRUCT' ION LL.0 b. Address: 1215 CR57tnry. , „� (street add, --V - C. Phone number: 772643.45!3 (corrapletecityname) S. Surety Company (ifapplicabte, a co (state) (zip code) a• Mame & camplete street address of the payment bond is attached). b• Phone number: 6. Lender/Mo rtgage Company: Bond amount: a- Name & complete street address: b. Lenders phone number: 7. Persons Within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices ar aiher documents Sertinn Z1-3 3(1) (a)7., Florida Statutes: a_ Name & complete street address: rna} be served as provided by b. Phone number: 8- In additinn to himself or herself; _ Fax number: —�—�� a Owner designates to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as prOvlded in Section 7�.3, ;{ j(b}, Florida Statutes. b. Phcne number: g- Expiration date of not[ce of commencem Bnt: fibs expiration dote will Be Z year .from the dote of remNing unless a daffererlt date 15 specifedj- ANY PAYA+IENTS MADE BY AN OWNER AFTER THE E3(PIRAnpA{ pFTHE NOTICE DF COMMENCENVlENI-ARE CON5f4ERtD IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CFIAPTiER 7 WARNING FO OWNER; FEFORE" TATUTF'I ANpC,pyYRESUlTINYOURpAYI BEFORE . HE FIAsrlNSP ION, IFYDU I NG TYUICEFOA IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, M"DTOOBTAIht FINANCING. CONSULT [OMhIENCEMENT MUST 33,PART LOOT HE T.'?�,3.3, wITF3 vODA ! ENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMM£ BE RECORDED AND "CING WORR OR RECORDFNBYD ON THE 1O6 Sa' VOURN4TICEOf ;aagnnr;ere Swr.. fOwnerarCessee, arOer'sorlessee'sAutharized Ul cerJClrPctarfPar----- annger} The fnregaing instrument was acknowledged before me this _f5rgnetoay s 7itieJt7�Ce) day of 2fl_r By (printed name of person 5i8ningabovej As-- �Q4� ltya2 of authors e. a cert trtlshp attains In nct For _ tY 9� ff" Y f J (nonce of pa,-tyvrt behalf of Pr.'Iam instrurnprlt was executed) OPCI-50nally l(nown OR KPI-duced identification Type of fdentificatien Produced'S Y3106 NotarySeal Notary SFgnatu rj -------- Notary Printed Name REKD ao sta c�oi.loradaias5;cn vti 3k2T8t14r2023