HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appMEE APPEICABEE IMFU RnUal I BE CUMIPEE I ED FOR HPPdC-A I IMM 10 6E wir%Er1 ED Date:t I ZaI ZD Permit Number: Building Permi-E Application Planning and Development aervices auilu-ing and i-ou-e neguration Division c -30-u virginia Avenue, Tort Pierce rr 3Kyaz y^ Phone: (172) HBL'177a Fax: Commercial Rcaidential I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: address: 105 k -5L Ci legal Desc,lption: 14yer. 5 LO* kz- rrapert, I i.7, 1[);;: YA 1 1� - "J 1`1- UU3'1 — 000 J ?S Lot No. ,iiia rl,.ri M.rm.: tor5 f,1)Ea6-\ Ave Block No. Protect Marne: GW YEA U kk VILD --- _ -�eipacRs Front 5 -r -R: K'5RT viae: let �-idC: E DE I AILED DESCRIPTIUN OF WORK: Replace AC, exacr change aat with �S tan, ! Li SEER, �r KW AC unit C014S I RUC I JUN INFURMAI ION: AdclaierizJmer Ta be ocrturrmcd emi cr FIVAC L_1 G., I.Mlz Elertrie ❑ Plerrloing (vial Jy. Ft eT Cern3Trec0vr1: EIGa3 Pipi;ne ESprirlRler, Cos. of ConSLrucdon: 5 515'Q() Y• LJ �,Fiutters ❑ G,nerator S Ft.j of First Floor: Utilities: L_1Sewer 11ePLic ❑ Windows/Doors Roof Roof pitrh Building neighs: OWnER%LESSEE: CONTRAC I OR: Ivame�iv tiQ n .rne: Dennis ZaceK Company: ARS American Resinemiai Services r,ddress: L30005 Rwy I Address:_ 16S r665Lch Ave City: ec�� L)C[f- State: zip Code: 34 - Z Fax: City: Vere de -ail Mate; t -C PRone IQe. '5G I - S_I 7 ` 9.13 i zip Code: 32960 Fax: Phone No.- iL�- 1p1Q� �— E -Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-IClai� (}� 1 t l 5 OW, C).; J • UL)M from she owner listell aoove) date or Count, Cicen,e: CRIC1Z4W5;J Ir value oT construction is >LSuu or more, a RKURRED Rutiee er Ce RIRleneeRlent is reywirea. uPP[�E10 I AE CU. M I Kull- Li � [IER� [Rw iICF�Ri�R I IUIQ: FROM OtairaMER/tNG1111EER: X Mot Applicable MOR 1 GAGE CURIPAMY: Mot Appdca6ie Name; Name: address: Address: City: zitaie: City: ztaie: Zip: Phone: cip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City• City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certiry that no worn or installation Ras commenceia prior to the issuance OT a permit. 5t. Cade Count makes no representation that is grarrt;ng a y,ermit will authorize thepermit holder to build the subject structure wRicR is in conflict with any appl;cadie Rome Owners Association rules, Q,laws or and co.enantz that ma, re-tri�t er pruMiBit zoom structure. Please consult with your Rome V,wners Associadon and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the grankins of %his re -quested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approves plans, tMe Flori0a Quilling CoOes and at. t:ucie County Amendments. i lie Tollowing ouilding permit applications are exempt Trom undergoing a fuii concerrenc, re..ie-: room attditions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, sisns, screen rooms and accessor9 uses to another non-residentia° use WARNING TO OWNER: Tour failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for :rm,. ovements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the;obsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recurdinK your Notice of Commencement. s Signature of C er/ t:essee/Agent RuIde. STATE OF FLORIDA C00111 T OF sttu.i. lite Torsving cRnv7.14sel]15etere me this -Mday oT Jl/l G [ I c'u (l+ oy Denni= Z..eek (flame .,f p,r;v i ac (Signature of NotM Public- State of Piori Personally Known - OR Proauced Identification Type of Identification Produced Commission Slate or Picintla - Aocary Fudlic My Commission Expires May 30, 2023 KLYr.ed 0i/15/10 STATE OF FLORIDA i:.uOl111 r OF situ.. The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tnis ,W Say or Zd -TU by Deni: Zoeek (IQaTc aT per3v. �cRrrv-le8ging ) ere vt Nvtary Pu5lic- Statc vT Personally Known x_ OR Produced identification I ,pe of Identir'cotian P'adeeei9 CvmmisJon No. nntClssa CHATEAUNEUF Commission h Z7; ;5;-t0 r78 @ly Z:on-,r!�issivn Expim=191.., 30 . RtviEwS FROM c011111 16 )UPERvI�OI1 P[mmzo vEtatiAIIOM SEH iORiCE MAIQGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REvIEW REVIEW REVIEW DAZE COPMPEP_ i E 11911 IACS -:, Oetdeer Omit Bp.na Name : CARRIER vetdeer Unit Madel Nem5cw (Cvnaanua. or Single P..k.ec) : 5UZPD036***3*** Re len : Ali (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, YL, GA, HI, 0. IL, IA, iN, K5, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, Mi, MN, MO, MS, MT., NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM. NV. NY, OH, OK, UR, PA, RI, zC. 3D, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, Vvv, Will. WY. U.S. Territories) Regio„ Note : Cantr..: air conditioners nt.nef.ctama prior to Jr..aary 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beyinninv July 1, 2016 central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement.. I Re m.nefactercr of this CARRIER prvdect is responsible for the rating of this system comb- nation. Rated as fotows In accordance with uie latest e'ultion or ANSUAHRI 210rz40 whit Addenda 1 and 2, Performance RatinT. oT Onita,, Air-Con5rtloning 3 Air -Source Heat Pump Equ'pment anis aebieet te, patina Qeoamcy by ARRI-„ po..aomd, independent, third patty 6.11ing: Cool;ng Capacity [A2) - 5;ingle or FlIgR stage (95F), blah: 35000 SE=ER: 14.00 EER (PCz ) - Single or High Stage (W) : 11,50 'IAatm-' Mod.: S: -= ..e :hone :h z m --I Co,.iacau..n program Parddpam is wrrontiy producing AND sef ing or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not ;et being �p--duced "Roductim. St_pped' Model Stataa orb th.oe that an AHRI Certifioat a.. Program P.rddparr, is r.o I..ng.r pr000ci..g ee 7 ii s1L!I a.I i..a yr vrrorino rar sale .a.rn a -npg -a v acwm ans u v rrn m nate an rr vOmnlar wo-rBle. i ne new vuoissneg rwinu is sn n alon with he DISCLAIMER -MR. uvea twi en„vmv tilu prvuocysr lisreo on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and n7 reopenalbiht; fur, the predoettal 111 -ted on this Certlfi.at.. AHRI e;;pk;--Iy d6cloima JI liabilly for damages of any Rina arising vaz or Me use yr pc,rvrma.,c. vT t..e produetis), or th r unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings a!e valid onl; fw Rrod•L- end eenfigeratl.ne Il --ted In tho directory a. �nn.an.ial..�tvey..rg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This C.rtlfic..a .ria prop.ic.ary p.voti= v. nnRl...—.is Certincate shall only be used for individual, personal and s }i confidential _eferenee im r, edea Thu wentents J thle Certifleat. m..T net, In -;;h.lu up in pa, t, be rbpToduwd; copied; diuzemin.ma: ..cared into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the ese: s indl7ide-11, p.rsenal and ce..flde ai.l , et.,cn.a. ..In-ce :etaoana, eW Ino, vc11117;plOn7C •CnIpIGn.I4R & REFRIGERATION INSTRUTE The Infw,motl.n for the model eit.d an thin be vadfied at ;..Tr..nr.aIF—ury—g, 0vill vn ':Lr I I ccrwi—w* Unlit we rnaKr Irrl and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on -hi_h the eepufleate -.a Lased, 7;hl.h Is Ilst.d abiv.. aria .flu oerdT—..o -o,. :'ntcll Is Ilswo at Bu -num right 0 ' '.'-"` - W2020IF;conditioning, Pleating, and Refriaeratlon Institute j CERTIFICATE NO.: 132228833449316591 wzulzuzu Property Card MiUhelle Franklin, VFA -- Saint LM;1e LJUnty Property Appraiser -- All rig% ruberved. Ownership Eva Pauhno 105 Beach A: E Pert St Lucie, FL 34952 Eegal Descripc:orl RIVER P -RK ---..aa 3- --L,15 Z07 i2 EMAP 3-2257 AOR 3821-24767 Current Values J .�t/Mu Kat Val�c: 3134,80U Assessed Value; $91,989 E-Urflpt:o-3: 350,000 Taxable Vatue: 541,989 { Properq 4axes are subsjeCL <o change upon cfianbe of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. e • Th. sale of a pr..pe.-ry will prompt .h< ccmuv,.l of ali exempti� :o, �s:■ _m= :t wap_, _ed :pee:al classifications. 1 »noa to.- tn:a p :vel: SLC T= Collvalor'. Off ve Download TR[m for this parcel: Downloau PDF lozaIAreas Finished/Under tsir (3r): 1.092 U:v..z; alcvtonA A.cr (6r): I,y50 Land Size (acres): 0.19 Lana Size (sr): 8,250 t%11 inLormation is oeiievea to oe correct at tnis time, out is suoject to cna.6e a. -.a :v r.-e-iava ::t[Io;;t h iopyrignt a0/0 s -..-.t Lw.v Le!l..tT r.-erertT A} y:»:mac-. All a6nt„ Property Identification Site naaress: 105 BEACH ATE Ya.�GI 10: 341 y -i 15-OOsy-Ow-s account if: 42108 Map 1U: 34�22S use �Ype: 0100 RS4 Count City. -'County- S..:a: Lae:. Coee.y Ownership Eva Pauhno 105 Beach A: E Pert St Lucie, FL 34952 Eegal Descripc:orl RIVER P -RK ---..aa 3- --L,15 Z07 i2 EMAP 3-2257 AOR 3821-24767 Current Values J .�t/Mu Kat Val�c: 3134,80U Assessed Value; $91,989 E-Urflpt:o-3: 350,000 Taxable Vatue: 541,989 { Properq 4axes are subsjeCL <o change upon cfianbe of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. e • Th. sale of a pr..pe.-ry will prompt .h< ccmuv,.l of ali exempti� :o, �s:■ _m= :t wap_, _ed :pee:al classifications. 1 »noa to.- tn:a p :vel: SLC T= Collvalor'. Off ve Download TR[m for this parcel: Downloau PDF lozaIAreas Finished/Under tsir (3r): 1.092 U:v..z; alcvtonA A.cr (6r): I,y50 Land Size (acres): 0.19 Lana Size (sr): 8,250 t%11 inLormation is oeiievea to oe correct at tnis time, out is suoject to cna.6e a. -.a :v r.-e-iava ::t[Io;;t h iopyrignt a0/0 s -..-.t Lw.v Le!l..tT r.-erertT A} y:»:mac-. All a6nt„