HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Planssqu HIV-= ON1100-A -1V10d.Jl v •o•o 9J9q O 3 „8b ze asJansueJ7 „frl 5tt pug zuoo sjeq Stt (Z) 41im I 5uiloo,) —III IIII—I i— ® LL alajouo0 P„ BI x m„bl IIII=IIII IIII=IIII I- IIII-IIII- I I -I I LU _ 114III _ IIII=I IIII=III_ = tu co �IIII� :'::.� W Ilij paleaii aliwial paloedwoo ugalo nano uaanbsin 11w 9 uo WMM OI/Oltt 9x„ 9 No 4sawjagi,) 41101 ggls alaJouoo „ s6wuado zg 6umods ase 9 dd vIb iV pua uaPgia 9 Jo,{ salon veld uoilepuno,) aas po m palou aslmia4lo ssalun „g}, paaoxa zou 11e4s 6ul�eds XL a S (19oIdlii1) 'zJan J9q Stt (I) Ilao PallU pea zg pug azaiouoo 411m 11aD 111:4 delJano „0£ /m -van jeq Stt •85ZB—LBZ ZLL aw peo o1 aaj4 laaj aseald suoilsan ue an94 nofi d1 •suol 941 uo um04s si ze4m jo nail ui zoafoid si41 joy} 6ullooj Iooidlij 941 si si43 ajou asoald 'ujaouoo 6QW zi LI o f C)cIl'- "I"-'�r S�i ��n�J :ttS3WN3d 1N3Wd0-IaAaC 3NNJ.RI ZEOOOO-JV V# O Z-Z I-£ E9Z6-LSZ (ZLL] XVj 9Bz9-L9z (FLL) *ENOHd9191 966VE VORAOId 1FJVFUS'3flN9nV-LnN0000 Ll.b srauiviI T syjvjjq�I o.�4o0°�. 'V 'd "V 'I 'V 'N30VHE3 ''3 N300"N9 -T aaa o'� BRAD EN & BRADEN, A. I. A., R. A. 9Irchdedy & 91annem 417 COCONUT AVENUE, STUART, FLORIDA 34996 TELEPHONE: (772) 267-B256 FAX (772) 2B7-B2B3 #AAC-000032 WYNNE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT U: ADDRESS: To whom It mag concern, Please note this Is the typical footing for this project In lieu of what Is shown on the plans. If you have any questions please feel free to call me 112=28I-8258. 45 bar cont. In Jan AIA ien AIA PA Grade ® M Ill It W 0 n m 0 M ® r ,q >o .e0 Curb height Verify based on foundation plan — 3-12-20 US bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell FIII cell with concrete and (1) tt5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed Wood 48" unless otherwise noted Base see foundation plan notes for / spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with flbermesh OR 6"xV 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Vlsqueen over / clean compacted termite treated fill 0 TYFCIAL GARA 14"w x 18"d Concrete footing with (2) tt5 bars cont. and U5 transverse bars at 48" O.C. E FOOTIN DETAIL nts BBraden & Braden, AIA, PA AL Xk Y"e6 #AAC000032 417 Coconut Ave. Stuart; FL 34996 •(772) 287-8258 St. Lucie County Building Dept. Wynne Development Date: ',��'a •��� Address: Permit #: To whom it mag concern. This detail applies to the insulation in the ends of the vaulted ceilings. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 112-281-8258 R-19 Sinc I Da Braden AIA Braden it Braden AIA PA Trusses at 24" o.c. ie shop drawings bg others ceding transition ded using metal studs erifg exact configuration :es elllnc transltlOn InUlatlO W 11-7 ®ate LL :3 �2 W® W V CO W0 cc 0 U R-30 Batts —19 batts Drywall ceding see typical section nts