HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement1— PERMIT# — TISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Builaling & Code Comppimee Division RUILQING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT / ec %'i t c .4 t✓ have agreed to be ( pany Natne/Indivtdual Name) the C_ &C-r, r , z / Sub -contractor for (A.) z� ,� n s Dee, e- /u/✓/ ew� %/Co s/-9 (Type of Trade) 2 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. WNTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) VWAAM ���ze COUNTY CERTIFfCATIONNUAMPR State of Florida, County of 25a1. a _(.Q,, Tie foregoing instrumentwa9signed before me this ,l�' day of who is personally known,Kor has produced a asidentification. STAMP S�ignatare fNotaryPa6iie ���L 1 E 6 Gtlj K l� PrmtName of Notary Public _,,yyrr�ywt��NbteNPuhkc9(o19o4Plodda is,I'1` Kent Budka , u�''7766��""'' ,, My Commldstoh F6 �e543 Revised]UI62016 '4p,p� Explresa512512020 M4R!AfCTORS1I (Qualifier) Ya�✓f` cn a V.$'jtiGhs PmTNAME . COUNTY CERTWKWKION NUMBER State of Florida, County of r�i�\Q. The foregoinginstrumentwas signed before me this2 dayof _ �--C'kj• .zu��y �.OWV'ZV� ��`7c�vb� who ht personally lmown-V--or tins produced a ,was hleatificatiob. A .Qtf�80 STAMP `Siganatu're-rafNolary Pablie ` PrmtName afNotary Ppbac MR:] .Ct19BEDI36on#GQ(122p7gtober21,20201oyFe§14uurrneaeo0�98SMf9 I ,sffiWIT.# IBM PATO For aw- projot 10a 5ve� � 4CL� S ago" a��9F+�A�&g'i6vewn Fk��ka,9easGa_ a.6FlQSA1�.991F4R� .. . oON�YA BASKIN +:4 MYC6MMISSION#GG030145' EXVIRES:October2,2020 , F3a�Ssa911/F,ot" P,F.F BondedThNNdterykbitcUndst4tm' ., 9O MUM UMMATION §fa#esF�lOieF��aaiFaF�S;.6FA6�A .,i�:��r�e��;bzsF�a�Rro�ssF�gFaramR���� d�FsF VY719d9�B159A9ildvkR9ri®Yk9S8P06tAWR9a" . �,.�-- flSi6ieAl1lf�fi9A. •, ' Rhonda LOOM :. . atF$kiRBA �Bt&Pj'�RD .._ 4. [f/91. iImS' A7�f�s9Mt�l9A1�7�,. PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &. Code. Compliance Division g1)1GDTNG PERMIT SUIR-MNTRACTOR AGREEWNT o'f S the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corv. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor)' For the project located It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie'Coumy will be advised pursuantto• the filing of a Chano of Sub-contmotor notice. CONTRACTORS 'A-Vm(Qua fier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTnWATION MJMFA COUNTY CERTWCATrON NUMER State afFlorida, Coanty.af I.VC \'Q Stattiof Florida. Coouty of �y G�� TLefoYtgoinginefrmutntwassitmedheforemet6i9 dsyoY The'#orcQaiaEiustromentwassigpedbeforomefhis�•C1dayY�of .20yw�aa��,�e�?.e ^-eb� .:iiy�CicZ.�eewc� weo is personally known./or has pcodaud a whole pmonellylmn ✓rhasprodtteeds a6 idancafian. r STAMP' Sigodwe of No J ubiic ., MY COMMISSION # GG 0.30145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 BondedThio Notary Publk UndmIdt" Revised 11/164016 s9 idmtiGeatiea y/� nL (/tNV✓t fJC_ STAMP SigaatureofN0taV1'ab1 DO Ro'Tw y %�mAl Jp AgirJ Print Name ofNonrryPublre , ,..•.' Pdy!d•., DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG030146 i po`,r EXPIRES: October2,2020 ''.:�ocs�,.• Bonded Theo Notary PubllcUMemttem.. . L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd XO-1 899L8L8ZLL d.Ioo suip[in8 ouuAM -woad 9L=ZL 8Lc 60-Z6 NiAt . tuo Oip. : de Ank 11rion, . . . . . . . . . . Alk The ![WttAOb M$K6 Im sr*14'd adlit1 -14 j DOROTHVANN BASKIN M, P& ""let WCOMMISSIO Al*� 111% N 9 GG 030145 Dow: �LANI*l A LN Ki oft�qaSondeA 8 'SKI K CL a i.: MYCOMMIS '1014 0 a -j-= EXPIRES: Ottober2,2020 0 GI 1145 '•Th 3 03 L—F 3 atober2 0 rdAotpXPub0�Qr4W*m 0 �COK, FXPIRES.'DotoberZ2020 JPubjIaU U 7hn; lYPubkUqdewMm